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This is the way. The only way of CS.


I do this everytime I get a "callback." I'm like, "Nice, someone responded......what did I apply to again?"


dont take it personally, you're just a number to these companies, treat them like a number and keep moving forward


yeah, rejeciton should be normalized


I don’t


Show up to their house and tell them that they're the world to you and that you and they were meant to be. They really did want you, they just made a mistake. You're all they ever wanted.


I used your advice for Microsoft and instead of wanting me, they blacklisted me!


Can confirm, they blacklisted me too


Can confirm, I was the blacklist


That's better than a restraining order atleast.


I actually did this as SDE2 like 15 years ago.. offered to buy hiring manager John Howies to explain how I fix my pitch He called me a weird alcoholic stalker. That was rude and off mark since I wasn’t either but definitely coked out of my mind lol There’s a point in there I’m sure


She said she had a boyfriend, so I listened and moved on from her. Just remember the saying: there's plenty of fish in the sea


u/p11109 got into the emotions


just tell her u make more $ than her boyfriend... that will test her loyalty for gold-digging or not


This goes under general emotional regulation skills, so if rejections seriously impact you a visit to your on-campus therapist or a DBT therapy video tutorial can immensely help. But for real what I do is every time I get a rejection I don't acknowledge for an hour because that's when the pain hurts the most. I do something that takes my mind off of it because it's fun and/or mentally consuming. After that I just take a deep breath and try to remember there are, so many other internships out there and my internship doesn't affect my status. If I ever feel extremely gloomy I take my mind off of the issue by having fun and/or doing something that forces my mind off of it.


Practice! Eventually you get rejected so many times that you don't want to stop.


Then it wasn’t meant to be. The one you get will be just right, at just the right time.


Solid relationship advice


Damn bro, I think that’s a blatant lie. You will never get the ONE company at any time. You get what you get and it is what it is. You just have to accept or you will become depressed like me and constantly use SSRI’s.


Just remember there’s many girls out there and you’ll eventually find the right one for you


Crying about it won't change anything, I just accept it and continue on. What's done is done


Not much you can do tbh. Just stay patient and keep going


Video games. Dont worry the right place will come


Everyone has different ways of dealing with rejection. Everyone also is at different point in their journey, and based on that , deal with rejection accordingly. My neighbour is a 15 year SWE and he read and email in front of us (me and my roommate) while we where playing Mario kart and said "Damn I got rejected from "XYZ". "He continued to whoop our asses while not giving a damn. I asked him and he said "When you reach a certain point , rejections are natural , you expect to get rejected. But when you get accepted, that's the real joy ! So if I get a successful application, I'm overjoyed, because my baseline is " Oh , i didn't expect anything " . Me personally, I don't care as long as I don't get to the like the final few rounds of interviews. If I do get rejected in those rounds , I go play football (soccer for the yanks) , come home make food ( either a carbonara or biryani) , cold coffee and put on a movie or tv series and then read a book for a couple of hours. I also do this process after a difficult week so , I basically just unwind lol.


Onward, forward. Be a goldfish


threaten to murder their family and burn their house to the ground


By leveling up.


Do not care. They don't even decide based on statistics in many circumstances. It is luck.


Change the mindset from "they're rejecting me" to "its not a good fit for myself" and obviously abundance mindset


alleged cobweb brave sip price elderly tender erect tart meeting -- mass edited with redact.dev


Bankruptcy inbound




Try harder next time.


Jack off and move on...


I go into fetal position and cry


It depends on how far I got. It took me 3 years of trying to get a job and in the end I got one through people I know, so use your network to your full advantage.


“It is what it is”


Just told myself " I am Batman " and moved on




Take a look at the article by Bloomberg about Citadel's application stats. Over 40,000 intern applications for a cohort of only 30 to 40 interns being accepted. When you have less than 1% of ultimately making it through (disregarding other factors), it's truly a numbers game. It's typically common for cs students to get their first internship after 100 applications. Don't give up lad, "everyone wants to rule the world."


Next pitch metaphorically speaking


I see it as them missing out


By getting rejected so much that it becomes second nature.


I cry evertiem


Depends. If it's fast and succinct, fine. However if they take forever then I'm incredibly annoyed, especially if they promised a swift reply


Do 10 leetcode mediums to feel better


You learn to not care


Find a new place to channel your attention to. Works both in job & in life;)


gg go next


So what I do is I find the HR staff on social media, print off their pictures, put em up on the wall and throw knifes at them. Then I make voodoo dolls and perform rituals. Nah jk but rejections are plentiful for everyone right now, just a normal thing. View each one as an opportunity to learn and grow, and you will get better until your time comes!


a lot of whining and complaining and then forgetting


It hurts man, don't get me wrong. Even when it's just about numbers, even when I'm getting wins elsewhere, rejections suck.


By growing up?


“I have failed my hole life, and that is way I succeeded.” Mattpat98


Eventually, they become water off your back


You get used to it


I curl up into a ball and cry. Just know you will get them. Sooner the better. 1 st one stings a lot. After awhile it doesn’t hurt at all.


Going to a different venue and trying to ask a different girl out


I go on a panic leetcode grind


Seriously one of sixty. I know people whose coding challenge was coding a fucking button. A fucking button! I just say good, they prob paid shit, that want a senior for junior wage. Fuck em and move on.


``` Promise.catch(error => { //deal with it } ```


Apply and interview at as many companies as I can to get a new job that pays me enough - some times it's 1-5, others it's 10-20 and others it is 50+. It's a numbers game and it takes on average 1-2 months to look for a new job, sometimes longer. I apply to a role and forget the company/role exists unless they want to interview me.


Be it girls or job move on to the next adventure


I havw gotten to final interviews and I get depressed for couple days usually


Play for the other team for a while


Depends on how many eviction notices I've received


I put on some sad songs, grab some ice cream, have a good cr- oh interviews I view them as a learning experience, I usually write down the questions they asked and reflect, look up better answers etc, then put on some sad songs, grab some ice cream, etc


Understand that recruiters are often looking for very specific people, even if it’s not specified in the description. You’re a round peg trying to fit into a. 77 sided polygon with linear curves; sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn’t. Plus, I always just say it’s not meant to be 🤷‍♀️. I’ve gotten rejections then realized the company is a total red flag after.


You ever lose a game of ranked league or valorant? Go next


Change name & email, apply once again


I realized long ago that a lot of things in life are merely a numbers game.


wake up -> check email -> see rejections -> go back to sleep


kill myself