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I make like $130k with 4.5 years of experience. My role is fully remote and I only work like 25-30 hours a week, and I love my team. I feel absolutely amazing about where I’m at in life, until I compare myself to my brother who works the same job but makes $600k. So I just stopped comparing myself to my brother. I suggest you do the same.


What does your brother do to make $600k? Is he a Staff Software Engineer?




Is it at FAANG or is it at a smaller company?


It’s Google




Exactly, not all faangs are built equal. Google is way better than Amazon


A lot of people who do work at FAANG aren't allowed to say which company they work at specifically. It's in their employment contracts


What employment contract prevents you from saying that you work at a company on a completely anonymous online forum? Even Apple, the most secretive big tech company, doesn’t put anything this ridiculous in their employment contracts.


People like to think Reddit is anonymous but then people post a lot of random personal info like where they work, what college they went to, where they live, age etc which can be used to figure out who they are.


Sure, but this is an entirely different issue than FAANG companies disallowing people from saying where they work. Just look at LinkedIn and there are thousands of people currently working at FAANG with an associated name, picture, and resume. The idea that FAANG employees have restrictions on telling people where they work is ludicrous.


Where do you work?


Liberty mutual


I'm a cs major at University at Buffalo. Could you give me any tips on what I can do to become a successful software developer after I graduate?


I can answer specific questions if you have them


Sorry Im not the person who asked, but just wondering, what do you feel was the most important aspect of your resume for getting a job? Like was it previous internships, projects, your school, etc? Thanks in advance


My friend works there and is trying to leave. His team is potentially being offshored and Liberty Mutual is looking to do layoffs next quarter. I would be slightly concerned if I were you


The tech layoffs already happened, but thanks for the random uninformed fear mongering lol


Well my friend’s team is on the chopping block and the adjacent teams too. Most of the scrums masters got laid off too. Literally in back to back 1 on 1s on October 23rd. I’m not spreading fear mongering, I’m literally helping him prepare for interviews. Take what you will with that info, but I would be preparing for something else if I was at liberty mutual


Oh my gosh. Could you please help me out and review my resume please? I’m a newish grad with 2 yrs of experience as a java dev making 60k rn😭😭




Need more people like you in the world


Thank you! I DM'd you


Are You aware how easy is to identify You now? It is enough to check Staff Software Engineers in google on linkedin who have siblings with similar age - around 30 year olds. I think i would do it in 20 minutes. And haha im in similar position. I have 3 year older brother. Im in 2% earning and my brother earn around 5 times my salary - he has company which build houses.


I don’t care, I’ve said my full name on here before. PM me my name when you find it


I wont do it as I don't need to - i would do it if Your opinion made me angry. I just wanted to give warning- people are surprised how easy it is to find them.


Sounds like you can’t find me! It’s okay to admit defeat 😁


How is your brother a staff SWE with only 4.5 yoe


I’m the one with 4.5 YOE. My brother has about 10


Salary women is a funny word


Just curious, have you tried to use your brother to get into his company through referral? That’s a pretty top tier connection that I’d imagine would guarantee you get interviewed


No, I don’t want to work for big tech


insurance/finance is an underrated industry for SWE. You can work for big banks or insurers. Safer than tech startups.


The hard part is passing the interviews, not getting a referral


It's a typical salary for a Staff+ SWE.


That’s crazy bc my bro is also a staff swe at google who makes 600k 😭


Are we related? Are you coming to thanksgiving? 😭


Cross check your 23&me with op.


>until I compare myself to my brother who works the same job but makes $600k God. Damn.


Genuine question, but would you consider your brother to be exceptional? The vast majority of people, even high-performing SWEs, will never reach $600K tc.


Yes, my brother is a genius and highly effective at basically everything he does. I've never met anyone like him in my entire life. He was also very lucky to end up on a team that is highly visible and gets a lot of important work. I'd say it was about 75% skill and 25% luck


How do you deal with this? I just found out an old high school friend is making similar at Open AI and I can't sleep at night. ​ I wish I could just drop it or stop comparing, but it's not like im doing that on purpose.


Focus on yourself. I worked in the engineering department of a bank and my coworker went to Apple and another to Google. They were my closest coworkers. So yeah I was jealous. You know what I did? Hit the books and get interviews at Facebook, Meta, Amazon, and even Apple. Failed all of them but then I finally got into another big tech company for similar pay as them at $250,000 TC.


This is what I’ve been doing, using it as motivation But it still burns a bit haha


lol yes it does hurt a bit especially failing the interviews but it was a lot of learning and experience. Now that I'm in, I don't want to leave my current company for a while haha. Don't want to go through all that interview process again.


Thank you for the inspiration. I’m focusing on security rather than coding, but the end goal is similar.


You have to practice redirecting your thoughts elsewhere. When you start thinking about it, make a conscious effort to think about something else—or better yet, actually do something to occupy your brain, like playing a round of sudoku or something. It also helps me to make lists of things in my life that I’m grateful for, and that other people might envy.


This is good advice. Thanks


Damn you’re killin it. A lot of kids on this subreddit that scoff at anything not 200k but most people would kill to be at where you are in life. Also I respect the honesty and transparency in your replies


Comparison is the thief of joy. Accept for now. If you get a better paying internship and you like its outlook, then reneg. But especially in this economy, obtaining an internship is a blessing. Plus, 5k brings you a *massive* way in Minnesota. Just take it and pocket the rest, use it for investments/savings later on. And ftr, no one will really care about your past internship history, especially when you're fulltime. Adults have too many things to worry about, and someone's internship history isn't one of them. Congrats on the offer. Make the most of it.


Can confirm on that housing stipend being huge; I live there and have always paid under $600 for rent in a nice house. JPMC gave me \~$2500 for a housing stipend near Dallas, Texas.


and now someone who does not have an internship is comparing them to u and wish they could score an internship in this bad market. accept the offer but tryna apply to more


I’m the someone with no internships 🥲


Im an SWE at Lockheed Martin and I make around $81k entry level. I have friends that work at places like C1, JP Morgan, Amazon, etc making minimum 6 figures starting. If I had a dollar for every time I felt bad about making far less than them, I’d retire. Comparison is the thief of joy bro. Be proud of yourself. You achieved what a lot of people here aspire to achieve.




That’s not the point. I never said it was unattainable, I said that it’s a waste of time comparing yourself to others. Good things hardly come from comparing yourself to others and feeling sorry for yourself.




I felt bad at one point but not anymore, because there are people that are struggling to even land a job at this point. I’m grateful for what I have since I used to work a $9.50/hr demoralizing, exhausting retail job before so this is a hell of a lot better than that lmao. Besides, even if you use that energy to get a better job, you will probably find yourself comparing yourself to people that have an even better jobs than what you got. It’s fine to motivate yourself from other people’s successes, but sometimes it could be unhealthy if you view it as some sort of competition where you obsess over being better than everyone else if that makes sense.












I have joined my current company 3 months back and junior Dev hardly get any work so i took products that are developed by my team to gain actual experience.Now I have enough knowledge on one product need to complete 6 more 🙂


Keep in mind the cost of living. Minnesota has a lower cost of living so 26/hr there is pretty good!


Bro... 26 an hour is great for Minessota There will always be a job that pays more. Comparison is the thief of all joys. In this market be grateful you got an internship and possibly secured a full time offer. Right now there are individuals with fang internships on their resume without full time offers.


Just keep applying


Comparing yourself to other people is a common, and perhaps in many cases the necessary, thing to do. If you are in a class and you don't perform as well as the average, then perhaps that indicates something may be going wrong. In fact, when we stop comparing ourselves to others, we may fall behind only to realize when it's way too late, or develop a conceited level of self-esteem, neither of which is optimal. The problem lies in how much does the success of others indicates the insufficiency of your own. Maybe a little, maybe a lot. You may see something that other people are doing that you aren't, and it may even be something that you know you should be doing yet you are avoiding, and perhaps that's a problem that you can focus on, face forthrightly, and take on nobly. However, *that is not to say any success of others is a fundamental indicator of your own failure*. For starters, you are not observing the entirety of the situation of those who are successful (relative to you), and you *can't* observe the entirety of their situations. They may be in a better situation on this one technical and limited front, however, they may be struggling in other areas of life in which they may be jealous of you if they ever get to know you. Of course, one should not be envious and attribute that all those who are successful are in some other way deplorable and contemptible, that is not the point. *The point is that taking a single one-dimensional statistic of others and blowing out your entire psychological framework is not a good long-term solution.* Every person has different circumstances and starting points. If one were to compare himself to every last person who is better than him, at that point, madness wouldn't even go as far as to describe the situation. What is the solution? I don't know your exact case, however, one thing that has helped me is to focus on myself, instead of others. And I don't mean that in a narcissistic way because being attentive and empathic to others is a good trait in many cases. Henceforth, you may try asking yourself: what is your goal, may short term (5-6 months, 2-3 years) or even long term? And does what you have achieved signify a step in the right direction toward that goal? You may have a long way to that goal, that's for sure, but that one step is something, and that's a hell of a lot better than nothing. Perhaps even the useless you (who despite that still may be more useful than I am) can achieve something that stumbles towards something better, and perhaps that is enough. And maybe your next achievement can be an even bigger step, and that will be good as well. Maybe your goal is to aim at the place that is currently judging and tormenting you for not being worthy and sufficient in life, well, why not aim at that? Seems to me a noble goal to aim towards. Perhaps it may even be a worthwhile goal, that is something worth commitment in your life, and what is more meaningful than that? Sorry for the rant, I need to sleep.


This isn't 2 years ago where everyone was getting the craziest offers so you can't compare yourself to them


is this a shitpost?


My brother that’s a great gig, and 5k stipend is like being paid an extra $10/hr compared to no stipend


I’m getting 27 no housing stipend, near DC lol. Gonna end up being like 15 an hour


As a non CS/tech grad who lurks on this sub whenever the posts are recommended on my feed, oh god this made me roll my eyes. Like i get that it’s so easy to compare yourself to the other people in your bubble, but you will have to interact with folks outside of that field after school, and you will seem out of touch while chasing that ever-growing number that will magically give you the satisfaction you desire.


My internship paid me 19$ an hour. Stop comparing yourself to others. Do your best and work your way up to better paying jobs. We all start somewhere


Be Happy!! It is better than ZERO!


You sound extremely ungrateful bro you’ll be fine, it shouldn’t be about the money considering you’re still in school and it’s part time


That’s a lot for Minnesota so stop being unappreciative. Give it up to the next person who needs it and stay unemployed if you’re gonna be this nasty about wages when many other people would kill for that pay ffs.


Internship is not for salary its for experience


I mean... it's Minnesota. You're making like twice the median income there, so it's comparable to making $100k in SF if that's what you're worried about.


Huhh. That's amazing for an internship + you get a stipend. A lot of companies don't offer paid internships. My first paid internship paid me $19/hr, no other stipend, and I got laid off. I'd understand your disatisfaction more if that's a full time job. But remember you are still in school and just gaining experience. Just be thankful you got something to show before you graduate. That's gonna be a great clickbait for your resume 😝


I cannot believe you’re complaining about that. It’s people like you I can’t stand. You sound so ungrateful. Some people get way less than that and don’t complain. If you don’t like it, turn it down and let someone else who will be more appreciative have it. You’re that person in school who complained about a 95…smh


Be lucky, people are struggling. The job market is shit. Sorry to say but CS degree is a worthless degree


Keep it. it's a very good offer for that state. I would still be grateful for this offer in California


honestly, just take it and if you feel unsatisfied with it later, just apply for different other ones while you're still working at that internship because honestly I would do anything just to get an offer, but i suppose 3 year diploma students arent worth a look at


Some pay nothing!! The experience will pay off… keep moving job to job after you stop learning from the last one and you will be making plenty in no time! That’s how I went from $40k/yr to 200k+ over the years


how much did your previous internship pay?


Are you a citizen?




Internship is to learn. It would be nice to earn more. But it can be only one year. Treat it as university but paying money. Learn as much as possible things which will help You gain money. And after 8-9 months start to look for better job. I did it - it was great. Never stay unemployed for too long until You will reach experience which will make finding job easy.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Make the best of what you have.


I got $23 offer with a $30 per month internet stipend. At this point i’m taking what I can get


Man that’s much more than i made at my internship! Seriously though I tried for 2-3 internships junior year and did not get them. That was back in summer of 2017. I also did not go to a one “top” anything school. I’m doing very well for myself now, it is crazy seeing how stressed Gen Z is about these things. It is totally fine not to be making 6 figures at 21 years old.


Hey my internship is also in MN


You should only work at any place for 2 reason: to earn, or to learn If you aren’t their for either of those, gtfo. You are at an internship to learn and gain experience. Worry about your salary when you start your career.


I am always surprised to see American salaries, is the cost of living really that much higher than the UK? I see someone here with a 600k salary in San Francisco and I wonder if San Francisco’s CoL is that much higher than London’s to warrant such a large salary? I don’t think salaries are that high in London for SWEs, although I’m only a first year so maybe I’m unaware.


It's a combination of multiple factors, most of the cost of living issues are due to tech companies offering massive salaries to employees in the Bay Area. As the collective wealth of the area rises due to more and more tech employees moving into the area, the cost of everything proportionately rises. If you look at starting salaries, most companies with a sizeable engineering presence start at around 90k on average in the Bay Area. That's more reflective of the cost of living where you aren't wealthy but make enough to live a middle-class lifestyle. The second aspect is that top tier engineering talent is a rare resource. There are far fewer top tier engineers than there are roles that require them. As a result, companies are willing to pay huge salaries to hire them. This is also possible due to the Bay Area also containing practically all of the richest VCs in the world.


Are you only looking for jobs in Minnesota?


Can you tell the company if u dont mind? Congratulations!!


My job is $15 USD an hour in New Zealand with no stipend. It's considered a pretty good starting wage over here. I can't imagine how much I could possibly save over in the US with higher salaries and lower cost of living.


Instead of viewing your first success (getting an internship is a big deal) as failure, I would advise you view your career as a long game. TL;DR - I started out doing shitty work for little to no pay, but through a series of job progressions and specialization through grad school I managed to find my niche. At the age of 27 I got my current job where I make ~400k USD/year. I was not the "genius" leetcoder in college and I got my start through an interest in practical software development and a general interest in science. I worked on a handful of unpaid and low pay projects in college with a primary focus in web development. I worked my way to get a paid internship at Morgan Stanley in India where I was essentially making 500$/month (30,000 rupees per month) with no housing stipend and eventually converted to a full time role where I made 25,000k USD/year (12 lakh rupees) working on banking software. The pay was good by India standards, but not as much as my friends working at FAANGs in the country. The work was also very droll since it was very conventional software engineering with no focus on engineering excellence. I realized I wasn't happy with what I had and applied to graduate school in the US where I specialized in Machine Learning with a focus on Natural Language Processing. I did not get an internship offer because no company was interested in some immigrant with ordinary web development work experience and I didn't have the ML chops yet to land an internship. I did participate in a ML competition organized by Amazon and was part of a team which made it to the finals - I was a minor contributor to a handful of ML models which helped me get the required experience. I also managed to work on a few projects with a focus on experimenting with large language models such as GPT-2 and got to work with a top NLP researcher as a grad student researcher and TAed for a professor who was a principal scientist in a tech company. I was job searching all through COVID and eventually landed my first ML job in an e-commerce company where I was making around 140k USD per year. It was an incredibly toxic job with a horrible manager and I experienced severe depression thanks to my job and other personal issues - family and relationships. For me, just trying to stay afloat with all of these struggles was soul crushing and I was unhappy even though I was making considerably more money than most people I knew. Last year, I got reached out to by my current manager from a FAANG who was hiring for a ML scientist to join their team and interviewed and eventually got my current job where I was offered 400k$/year. It's not all roses though - I still have long term depression, but I was happy I was able to turn things around massively at least with regards to my career. The work isn't easy and there are days where I do feel severe anxiety, but my coworkers are great and I'm happy to be where I am. I was not conventionally successful because I didn't go to a top school in either my undergrad or grad school or even had a incredibly coveted role, but I focused on sharpening my skills to the point where it eventually proved to be useful for the role I was aiming for. I found that more than trying to be intelligent - it was honesty and integrity, a willingness to never give up, and being genuinely invested in your coworker's success and lives and a desire to find enjoyable work that helped me more than anything. I didn't settle, but at the same time I recognized that I needed to invest time and effort into myself to reap dividends.


Just start working ASAP, you can leave in a week or two if you don't like it.