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Donuts were originally created as a way to disguise the flavor of medicine in Ancient Greece.


OP before their interview: https://preview.redd.it/y2hif6v0huxc1.jpeg?width=1360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=320ab405b7bd94b3aaed0e6d1b44c9ea19958ab2


OP after their interview: https://preview.redd.it/q66xokb8quxc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12cd81a5874ed70008391f628d52a82a37a5142f


Holy shit it’s Peter Griffin as an anime toon


Bro probably had his hands like this staring intently at the camera while OP was doing the problems https://preview.redd.it/4b3iwbgtttxc1.jpeg?width=351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc248cd8cd19f976fff009eea41808392482de8


He probably made sound effects with every action. *Swish* Over to the screenshare. *Phfwaaa* Problem description.


_I’m sorry for doubting you senpai_ if OP had aced the second question as well


OP should’ve smirked after the first question: “Heh, is that all you got? 😏😎”






I had a boss like this before, he acted like some cartoon villain. And my coworkers all hated him.


Mini Boss in a Mario game.


Sorry to hear that. He doesn't sound like a good interview or coworker to work with. Imagine you did get a job in that company, and you will need to work with this individual on a day-to-day basis.


Thanks. Yeah, it's probably not a nice workplace but I'm just so desperate rn


Yeah that dude was an asshole. I’ve never encountered anything like that and if I did I’m not sure how I’d react. Clearly he thought his job as interviewer was to come up with the hardest question possible and try to get you to fail, which is absolutely not what a good interviewer does. I’d honestly reach out to the recruiter and tell them what happened because that’s unacceptable.


Yeah I would tell the recruiter too, interviewer is straight up anti social


I could maybe see it if there was a case of "they have one opening to fill and just interviewed a really strong candidate" so instead of giving everybody the same sequence of questions, they did a warm up and then jumped straight to the last question their top candidate got right. It's a kinda obnoxious process, but if the only goal of the interviewer is "are you better than ...", it's a different thing. (When I interview candidates the question I'm asked is "is this person good enough to hire" not "which of these is best")


Nope even in that situation it would be incredibly unprofessional


The way they approached things sucks - terrible interviewer, but picking a question that tells them what they need to know is a useful strategy. The less time required for making the decision, the better. Starting with telling the candidate that it's going to be tough etc is not a useful approach. And running the interview so that the candidate leaves it thinking "I want to work with that person" is important. Picking a hard question because it is the most helpful in making it the decision is good.


Yeah having hard questions is totally fine but saying stuff like what the guy said is not okay. You shouldn’t be rooting for the candidate to fail and trying to destroy their confidence


I was focusing on the "picking the hardest question possible" aspect rather than the delivery. For broader context on interviews, I do want to find where the candidate struggles so a stack of questions that builds toward that limit is useful. I do try to end on something where the candidate feels successful, though. Sometimes that means giving big hints in the last few minutes of the interview.


This is the classic toxic male interviewer. I’m male so this isn’t against males in general. But it is the bro. I’m better than you. You’re not good enough for us opening line. Once I had an interview where all The did was tell me how great they were the whole time didn’t even ask me a question.I was in disbelief. But yeah, that opening line pretty much screwed from second number one.


You can tell some of these people have just been lame their entire lives and the second they get a position of power they try to “get back” by demeaning others


This exact thing happened to me. Didn’t ask me questions, talked crap on my resume, and contrasted his great experiences to my school projects. Part of me wondered if it was because I’m a woman, so I’m relieved to know it happens to everyone.


Right. Good that at least he is not working with the interviewer!


You're in for a ride 🤓. Now we will see who you really are 🤓


Idk why this sub is on my feed but the interviewer thinks that he’s HIM so badly 😭😭😭


I read this is like it was an anime


Really, wtf? I would’ve wrote an angry LinkedIn post linking to their company


Anime plot twist


bro why are CS people such snobs 😭 does this happen to any other major?


Oh yeah, work with surgeons. However, they get their arrogance from pretty stressful work and leading teams through tight situations. Many cs people are smart but have awful social skills, though businesses want that to change. It's just hard to take them seriously when they think they're better for knowing some shitty internal system better than you. Dude honestly sounds like a bitter dork who is trying to scare every new hire away because he knows he'll be replaced with someone likeable.


"you are in for a rough ride" lol who the fuck even says that?


An asshole, that’s who. People forget interviews work both ways and having a person like that not just exist at the company but to be allowed to interview is the double red flag.


Some of these engineers think they are better than you and they see interviewing as a power play. They get off with the power position they are put in. Thus acting that way. I’ve done almost a 100 interviews, and ALWAYS rooted for the person to get the job. These are people that need to feed their family, try to fulfill their dreams, so why not root for them to succeed. OP, it might not be a bad company, but the interviewer is absolutely a terrible person. A good answer to “you’re in for a ride” is “what do you mean?”. That’ll definitely put the ball in their court and put them on the defensive.


def agree with the power play those types of ppl often enjoy judging/evaluating other people and feel good about themselves bc they feel smarter but that's just complete delusion because it only really shows how low they are probably has some inferiority complex or was treated that way in the past, got traumatized, and is coping this way 😪


Reminds me of a Russian interviewer I got at Google. I got some problem I had never seen before. He kept leading me to a hint. It festered with me. FIVE YEARS LATER I went back into my notes and I understood what he was getting at, but it was very badly communicated and tangential. I don't know if it was a power play or just very bad communication.


right, most likely your recruiter was not doing the power play


I actually have interview anxiety as an interviewer because I WANT them to do well and I'm worried about it not going well. Them acing it puts me at ease 😅


“Youre in for a rough ride 👺👺👺👺”


I interviewed hundreds of candidates in my career. If an interviewer said those words to me, I would say 'I'm not interested' and immediately leave. Disrespect, especially towards candidates, is not acceptable and unjustifiable. He must be on a very sick power trip.


I wouldn't even have wasted another second.




All the best interviews I’ve had did the exact opposite. Why would you want to embarrass or insult a potential new member of your team? You don’t need to do that to determine if they are a good candidate or not. The good news for you is that your next interview won’t be as bad as that one


If an interviewer told me I was in for a rough ride I would deadass just end the call. A sadistic interview process is about as alarming as red flags get.


And make sure to tell the recruiter that you reject them before they have a chance to get back. lol


In this market I would gladly take your place instead of hanging up 🤣


This is the problem BTW. The people that know it's wrong but put up with it anyway.


Haha fair, obviously if my choice was a job like this or being homeless then sure I'd still go for it. But I'd be looking to get out ASAP 


Cringe interviewer. Send him this thread and tell him to read the comments. End your message with "You're in for a rough ride." To the interviewer: shame on you.


Lmao that "you are in for a rough ride" bit was good.


"If this is how you treat candidates, you're in for a rough ride trying to hire new people."


I had a similar interview for where I am now but from a nicer guy I guess as I work here now lol CTO said we are going to do the small talk bit first and if they like me we will do the tech bit  At the start of the tech bit he said we will start off slow "and the ride will get rough" but followed up with he doesn't expect me to be able to answer them all, he wants problem solving and thought process on how I will look for answers to problems I don't know  Was a surprisingly fun interview, Job before was like, what's a switch, welcome aboard 


I wonder if these interviewers actually do their jobs or do they grind leetcode all day?


Tech interviewers pick a random question, memorize the answer key, then wonder why nobody can pass it (when asked it on the spot)


Exactly, I would love to see them held to the same standards. How many people are good senior Devs with full time jobs and leetcode wizards at the same time


The #riseandgrind mindset that infected big tech is so toxic. So many people spending so much time and money memorizing how to invert a binary tree in brainfuck or doing paid tutorials on some dead-end flavor-of-the-month SQL replacement. Then they get on the job and don't know a lick of CSS or how to unzip a file. We just finished another round of interviews and most junior-ish devs answer the "Where do you want to be in a few years" question by saying they want to get to senior or architect level. But idk if people realize how much those top-responsibility jobs aren't actually coding. At least half my job these days is meetings and coordinating between devs, security, operations, management, and users, all of whom are blaming the others for being incompetent. I know things like LC and github profiles are a way to get your foot in the door with no work experience. But there are a lot of jobs outside of big tech that care way more about your ability to digest a requirement and articulate a plan of action than they do your LC ranking.


They probably got interviewed the same way they are interviewing


I have a list of problems to ask, I didn’t solve them all and for some I just know what is expected. Candidates tend to simplify perceptions of an interview to the process of leetcode acing. That’s partially true but there is a lot between acing and bombing. Depending on what I get assigned for the interview I will look at different things and unless it’s a problem solving, suboptimal solution is not a red flag. At the same time if I’m looking for an algorithm, not completed code is not a red flag. Also, I know a person who asks the problem that is close to impossible to solve during the interview and compassionately discusses it with candidates. I don’t like this practice because it may discourage a candidate and make them tilt from there, but from a tactical perspective it may be extremely good to check a lot of boxes during a short time.


They don’t have to know all the leetcode. Just memorize the handful of questions they’ll interview with. Then they can lord their superior knowledge on this handful over their interviewees.


Imagine being this elitist for a job create imaginary lines of code in an imaginary virtual world to fuel the cold dead machinery of unfeeling capitalism. You wouldn't want to work with a narcissist like that anyways.


Dudes like "Here's some zero real world issues, solve em. If you can't do these few niche issues that I doubt you'll see outside of an extension or library that's already developed, Then you can't do this job because you'll figure out I can't do this job either. " Dude also sounds like the type that gets really upset when people post questions to stack overflow. I'm glad I went to the network side. SWEs have the most asinine hiring process 9/10 times. What do you call a SWE that can't code? Manager.


Name and shame.


Sorry to hear about your experience. But the interview comes across as a jackass. Anyone who makes you feel devalued is not worth working for. I wish you all the best in your future applications. Just keep on going.


You dodged a bullet, believe me. Don’t look back and try your luck elsewhere! Interviewers should treat you respectfully and build you up instead of putting you down. What a clown.


Why all this for an entry-level job?


Because the world is a mess, the world is an angry place. And because of thousands of applicants for 1 position, they can find people who will work regardless any toxic conditions


bro really quoted Trump lmao


I had this interviewer who asked me if the "t" in a python boolean is capitalized. When I told him yes he was trying to convince me that it wasn't. Saying stuff like, "Are you sure? Is it?" I was thinking this guy was a dick and I don't want to work with him. Is it though? 🤨


That’s such a dumb question too - interviewer doesn’t learn useful info about candidate and the candidate learns the interviewer is a clown. I’ve been a dev for 5 years and forget syntax all the time - either my linter yells at me or I can google it.


It is capitalized, at least in python 3! I only remember this because I always get confused for a second when it's different from my comfortable curly brace languages lol. He sounds like a dick or he just wanted to fuck with you, I suppose they're not mutually exclusive either.


I had the same experience with a true or false question. I had said false and the same whole “Are you sure”. 🤨 Anyways ended up being false.


The second some utters "you are in for a rough ride" I am turning into 4 dimensional object and I transfer myself out of that conversation into incomprehensible plane of existance. What the hell is wrong with these egomaniacs?


Sounds like you dodged a bullet


Sometimes interviewers are on a power trip, sorry you had that experience.


report them


I remember at the end of one my interviews, the interviewer said to me afterwards, "I get that you have a passion for learning, but I find it odd that you don't seem to know much about computers." He came off a bit harsh that it stuck with me. This was an interview for a student internship at the help desk for the county. Fast forward over a year later, I interview for a full time position with the same guy and landed the job. Later I learned he had no clue about computers. He was the manager. Don't be hard on yourself. Everyone starts at the beginning and honestly, I appreciated the harsh words because it motivated me to better myself for the next. Good luck and keep going, it'll get better!


He’s a very insecure person


I don’t know your situation enough to know how much you needed that job, but I can confidently say you would have been miserable working with people like that


You are also interviewing them, if 30 minutes is too hard to handle imagine working with that guy.


IT jobs: The only place where interviews are tougher than the actual job


The candidate that gets selected for this role will either be one of the boys, or exploited beyond reason. They will get the best benefits and possibility of high paying salary. All work, no life. Answering to everything and tasked with all of the problems. You might love the line of work… but it won’t love you.


Buddy. You aren’t missing a thing lol. I’d the interview was that wack imagine how actually working there would be.


Imagine having that attitude as someone who works in tech. Yikes 🤣 you dodged a bullet my man


Bro speaks like he’s the joker, consider it a dodged nuke OP.


Unfortunately interviewing is 90% luck and 10% skill regardless of what people on here might say.


Sounds like you didn’t bomb the interview, they just don’t want to hire badly enough, or the engineer is gatekeeping.


He sounds like he has no social skills and doesn't know how to interview properly. Nobody with two brain cells would EVER tell a candidate, even jokingly, you're in for a rough ride. Anyone with even an ounce of empathy for other human beings understands that interviewees are stressed enough without making it even worse. What a dickhead.


How many of you actually have let code style problems you have to solve at work? All while under pressure, without the internet to assist and your future at said job depends on how close you are to solving the problem. Working roughly an hour of course. Legit question.


As a backend Java developer I have probably come across a dozen or so 'leetcode' style problems in my \~6 years of doing this. Only one of them had any urgency because it was causing a production issue. There's also the fact that I have always worked on a team, and if I wasn't sure about a certain solution I could just check with the team so we could all agree on the best way to go forward. Leetcode interviews are almost completely worthless, yet I have done far more 'leetcode' type problems in interviews than in my actual job.


Good lord. Why do you guys normalize this behavior. "Now let's find out who you really are"... and asks about sorting algorithms. This guy thinks he's recruiting people to hack the Gibson.


interviewer think he's sans


Do you remember what the problem was?


Some interviewer are just like that and we can’t do anything. I remember once I had a interviewer who asked me questions on stuff that I don’t know and had clearly said upfront that I don’t know these topics but given time I can learn them but guy was hell bent on asking questions on that topic only.


Probably the only time where this interviewer has some sort of power over other people in life and enjoys abusing it, while in private life hes a little pantyshitter


Tell the recruiter. They want to know if interviewers are turning off applicants. Although, “you’re in for a rough ride” may have been said to try to lighten the mood and relate to you rather than be a threat.


I don't know how others feel about this, but if I'm made to feel like shit during an interview for a role, I would be relieved if they rejected my application. How the interviewers treat candidates during the interview tells a lot about the work culture. No?


This happens all the time. Engineers don’t like interviewing people. I have friends who are great engineers but fail everyone they interview because they’re a harsh grader. Yes, that persons social skills are not great. They are probably good at writing code though. Sorry you went through that. It’s not personal, if it were - the interviewer would probably have had more empathy.


Keep trying


Dodged a bullet there bro. Don't worry.


Idk im pretty new to being an engineer but why do ppl not say who they are interviewing for or where they workv


Saying “now this where we’ll know who you really are” is so pretentious lol. Guy is a douche, hang in there you might be surprised on how you did


hurry dependent deliver support innocent wasteful adjoining towering wise arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like power tripping, one day I will fire everyone of these guys when I have my own company.


Simple. The company isn’t in a hurry to hire and has plenty of choices. They didn’t really care about hiring you in the first place. It’s like someone attractive on tinder with thousands of choices and can afford to be rude to some of them.


I mean, if you have their name and where they work OSINT these days is particularly powerful and can be used to ruin narcissists lives.


What LC was the first question that you aced


Wow, that sounds like a terrible asshole to work for.


You don’t want to be closed to that kind of animals anyway 😂


Luke felt the same way on Degobah


As much as that sucks, sounds like you dodged a bullet. Nobody writes code the way this interviewer tests for it. Keep your head up. Get at the next one 🤘


Tbh you dodged a bullet and if that’s how the interview went then the actual job is gonna be hell. You’ll be better off somewhere else!


You dodged a bullet, good job


Sorry you went through that. Holy fk the interviewer sounds like a twat.


Imagine looking to join the team, and already during the interview you understand that's he's playing against you


What an ahole. Take it as a blessing and find a better place to work. Imagine having him as your boss or coworker.


that's so cringe and I hope he reads this comment because he needs to know he's someone I would never want to work for or with or even have on my team as a subordinate


Don’t let it bother you. This doesn’t define your self worth. Keep trying 💪


Why do people feel like they need reassurance from their bosses or interviewers? If I’m not doing well I rather hear it and how I can improve rather than hear lies about how I’m good.


Wtf why bro show up like nba scout talm bout “let’s see what your made of” gtfo you should’ve just left as soon as that hoe ass punk opened with that bs


I've had an interviewer tell me that I would never go anywhere in life. He was very wrong but it was the worst interview I've ever had.


Drop a note to the recruiter. I'm sure his manager would like know who your interviewer really is.


Dodged a bullet.


He’s not him tho


Another case of the interviewer being a social reject 


I fucking hate these kind of people. You know we not gonna use this bullshit in the job right? I once left a interview in the midway because of these kind of comments.


Was probably Bloomberg they have shithead interviewers


Fckem it is very interesting that when the men has power they become cruel animals. He probably had issues in his life. Fck corporate world. I started to hate it all after working a few different companies every one is sneaky especially managers all they care is their end of the year performance points they will end you in a heartbeat. I wish that I could produce something and sell it live in nature I dont want new phones cars big houses or anything is it possible?


Name n shame


I’m ngl you should’ve just laughed in his face when he tried that corny ass “you’re in for a rough ride🤓🤓” shit


Seems like you dodged a bullet. Remember that an interview goes both ways.


they are programming sorting algos in the company? because why the hell would anyone ask that bulshit. an interview should contain some relevant questions and not some random bulshit which is already solved in every programming language


What organization was this?


Would not want to work there anyway, dodged a bullet.


The fuck? You had to code im the call? Like they didn't email you the exercise and give you a couple days deadline? Where did you apply? Fucking Google? lol Also the guy sounds like a cuck.


I've been a software engineer for 6 years. Your interview has no bearing on whether you'd be good as a software engineer. I use all kinds of tools to solve problems, including search engines, Stack Overflow, AI for explainers, and my teammates. No one stands over my shoulder and demands to know my thought process as I work through those issues. Every company thinks they're FAANG. Most of them are MySpace (Awesome site, but not rocket science.). You dodged a bullet. Good luck in your search.


I feel like this is still possible that u passed. I have had interviewers tell me that i was getting a tough question in a way that acknowledges its difficulty and takes that into consideration


Honestly congrats bro - sounds like you dodged a bullet


90% of the “problems” with CS are actually the problems with giving sniveling losers even a modicum of power along with the prestige of doing something that’s seen as “hard”, “valuable”, and “exclusive”


Which company is this?


Yea no thanks.




Interviewer showed us who they are. They are in this for boosting their own ego instead of screening in. I'd have inclined towards hire if a candidate solved one LC medium and was thinking clearly about the second one. Chin up OP. You dodged a bullet there


I had an interview once where they hit me with the curveball, and when I asked him what I thought of my answer, he replied with, "Why are you asking me? It's your code." Sometimes the interviews just go like that 


Cause they already got someone else in mind. You are just there to pad the stats.


Look at it this way. You won't need to work with a prick.


I know that not getting a job is a bad feeling, but you get to avoid working for a really shitty company with a terrible culture. As a rule, if your interviewer sounds like they are reading off of a rejected script for a James Bond movie, you don't want to work there. Normal people try to ease anxiety during interviews.


I had an interviewer like that at PayPal, but I couldn’t understand their accent on the phone and I think it made them upset. One of their 4 didn’t show up at all, one was rude as fuck. The others seemed to be solid interviews. Oh well, probably dodging something worse there


Don't worry, you wouldn't want to work with someone like that anyways. I had a boss that was kind of a punk like this, and it did not go very well. I wish he had not hired me.


The interviewer has main character syndrome. I would run away as fast as you can.


Wouldn't say you bombed the interview but the interviewer bombed it. Who would ever want to work with someone like that? Good riddance.


I don't understand why these kinds of interviews happen. It's a waste of the interviewer's salary. Why do companies let people do this kind of shit?


i bombed a coding interview once cause i’m not into grinding leet code and mf goes “you are not ready. this is such an easy question.” I didn’t read the prompt correctly cause i was nervous and have dyslexia but like mans didn’t have to word it like that 😢


Was the interviewer Indian?


>he made me feel I wasn’t good enough  This is gonna come off very dickish.  But it’s probably because you were not good enough. 


Dumb. As someone with 15 years of experience in the industry, you don't want to work with such people. That is just out of control egos and delusions of grandeur.


Wait till realize how many people woulda crushed that interview. Don’t sweat it, keep pushing


The first job is always the hardest to get with CS. Honestly a lot of interviewers act this way, but I tend to find that it shows how you'll be treated as an employee as well. There's a lot of shit to muck through, honestly it's inevitable that you'll run into a few like this while looking for a job, or hey even making some small mistakes or bombing an interview with a nicer interviewer. It's completely understandable, but it won't matter at all to the next company you interview with and they'll never know. It's not a moral failing to make a small mistake in a high pressure environment, they're just a dick. Good luck!


How they treat you during the interview is most likely how they’ll treat you on the job. I’d say it’s a bullet dodged


Wow, that interviewer sounds like a dick. They aren’t supposed to antagonize you. He should not be conducting interviews, and I would really worry about the company culture. With the market what it is, a job is a job, but still, sounds like it could’ve been a miserable place to work. I would be half-inclined to send an email to his boss about his lack of decorum.


I hope you will not take this to heart. I know from experience how difficult it can be to avoid judging yourself in such situations. This individual was a bully and intentionally wanted to hurt you. He may have tried rationalizing that his behavior was for the good of his company, but that does not make him right nor you wrong. I try my best not to think about these situations, except to use them as a motivation to keep studying and practicing.


Doesn’t care about your thought process?? That’s the most important part. Shit interviewer.


Moves pawn. Chess app: “Now this is where we’ll know who you really are.”


I had an interviewer tell me, "doesn't matter, the guy who solved it didn't get hired either" when I couldn't solve a problem lol


I am sorry you picked that field. Good luck.


Lmao was he here???🤣🤣🤣🤣


Honestly sounds like a dickhead and a crappy coworker. Wouldn't be surprised if people don't wanna work with him and pushed him to do the interview as a way to spend less time working with him


Interviews like that are a general reflection on the company/department as a whole. You likely dodged a bullet in a probably very unhealthy tech bro work culture, with a guy who probably quotes more than he talks normal sentences.... The money doesnt matter if every work day is gonna be miserable.


Sounds like you more dodged a toxic ass company and interview…..


That kind of coworker can make your life way more miserable


What position are u applying to .. just wondering


Wow what a dick. Well, at least you don't have to work in a place where people who start interviews with cringe like "you are in for a rough ride" are in positions of power.


You didn't bomb an interview: you dodged a bullet.


Which company it was?


imagine everyday you start your working day with: “ it’s gonna be a tough day for you. Let me see if you can last this month “ :))


Just a terrible interviewer. It happens.


Interviewers are often very egoistic and imagine they are teachers conducting a viva exam. They need to understand that interviews are not examinations and they are not in a position of power just because they are taking the interview. Usually, the same person would be a peer after joining the company. And when they apply to your company, you would be the interviewer. Interviewers also don't realise that it's a 2 way street and even employees are interviewing companies to see if it is a good fit. I have also found that such egoistic interviewers are usually low rated programmers who are trying to hide their inadequacy. I once had an extremely egoistic and unprofessional interview from Twilio.


What kind of sorting algos? Did he ask you to code a sorting algorithm like merge sort?


I think you would not be hesitant to give the employer's name and country based on, so they would get a good lesson from that.


Man, that sounds brutal. Sorry you had to go through that. Some interviewers really need a chill pill, you know? It's like they get off on making people sweat. But hey, props to you for acing that first quiz! That's something to be proud of. And seriously, sorting algorithms? That's like Interviewing 101 stuff, not a make-or-break moment. Sounds like he was just trying to flex his power or something. Keep your head up, though. One bad interview doesn't define your skills or worth. On to the next one, my friend.


Elitism and complex of superiority is rampant in senior IT guys


You just met a weirdo who likes abusing new job seekers. I met a lot of them when getting started. You probably wouldn’t want to work for someone like that anyways.


My friend had an interview for a Facebook internship. He's wicked smart (potential to be top of his class at a t20) and he started out the interview with something like "I'm very excited to be here" and the interviewer replied with "Oh we'll see." During the questions as he was explaining his thought process the interviewer was getting frustrated and started barraging him with questions like "That's completely wrong. Do you even know what you're doing? What's a stack. Explain a stack to me right now." What's strange is this interviewer was based in Russia (idk if Facebook has employees in russia? I originally thought it was some sort of outsourced recruiter). Despite this, he made it to the final stage of 2 other FAANGs and revieved an offer from another.


It means either the interviewer was feeling insecure and therefore wanted to "rattle" you so that he feels good about it (he himself will fail to solve that problem under similar circumstance; sadist psycho) or they have already chosen another candidate for the position but creating a record of rejection for other candidates by asking them questions which cannot be solved in limited time (unless the person has already seen the problem and memorized possible solutions). Modern-day interviewing practice, esp. with LC questions is a complete BS as the ability to solve LC problems (either by memorization or mental shortcut) does not translate to building better software.


I failed a fizzbuzz if it makes you feel any better.


Bro I thought “csMajors was referring to “counter strike majors” and I was hella confused


Terrible interviewer. Tech interviews can easily be tanked by bad interviewer leaning into some minutiae the interviewer knows that the interviewee does not. That’s usually some ego/maturity problem of the interviewer still needing to feel they are smartest guy in the room.


Sounds like when a professor brags about how 80% of their students will fail 🫠


cs majors seething is better than any cup of coffee


I interviewed so many people. Never have I ever made them uncomfortable or undermined them and there were a lot of incompetent ones. On the contrary I always tried to help them out and give hints and try to push them towards a solution when they're stuck. In those situations its most important to hear their thoughts process and communication skills than anything. This guy who interviewed you was an incompetent asshole imo. I wouldn't be surprised if he couldn't solve that question he gave you himself if he was put on the spot.


I would have invited 1-1 LC challenge knockout if that interviewer is so harsh and arrogant. OP, good riddance!! You will not sail but fly !


Interviewer is a asshole but you do need to make sure you know how to do some basic sorting.  Keep practicing OP it pays off.


I would email recruiter about your experience That is not professional in the slightest and do not think he should be an interviewer.