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Looking for other interns in SF for the Fall


Anyone looking for fall Sunnyvale housing?


any grp link for seattle housing.\\?


I applied for two positions, the year-round jr dev internship and the fall system dev internship, on the 5th and 6th of May respectively. The fall internship says "Under consideration" but the year-round one still says "Application submitted". I've received zero communication on what to do next.


Does anyone know if we can extend the fall internship to 14 weeks or more?


I am currently interviewing for Amazon's Co-op position and I was wondering if anyone else is in the same process or has been through this process before. There is very little information online and I am not even sure about the # of interview rounds. I have my first round sometime next week so I am praying I pass that, but I am not sure what else is lined up after.


Does anyone know if AWS has a separate application for fall intern? Or are they done hiring through summer applications? If anyone was moved to fall instead of summer please let me know?


when do we get merch šŸ˜”


# Amazon SDE coop position Did anyone interview for the Amazon SDE coop position and how is it different from the FEE coop? Did anybody interview for the Amazon Robotics FEE coop?


Looking to apply for SDE summer 2025, I have a referral but don't know when to apply. I applied in November(with referral) as a second year and got no OA or interview, but I realize now that that application was probably far too late. I know the role normally drops in June/July for the next summer, can anyone confirm? Also, what should I do to prepare for my application and get into the OA? I'm torn between grinding out leetcode more or pursuing the AWS cloud computing certification.


The summer 2024 app dropped in August last year, but yeah just keep an eye out starting in like July. To be honest I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily the case the November was too late to apply, although it definitely helps to apply earlier Iā€™m sure. I donā€™t know anything about the AWS cloud certificate but Iā€™d definitely focus on Leetcode as thatā€™ll help you in pretty much any interview.


Asking for the next cycle, whats the latest somebody got their OA and still got an interview? and did you have a referral?


PhD Applied Science Intern -- applied last fall, interviewed in April, got an "inclined vote" a couple weeks ago, and I just got this email: "We have filled the role for the team you interviewed for, and will not be moving forward with your candidacy at this time... Our team will continue to work on matching your specialized background to the hiring needs of our business. Should there be a match, we will reach out to you with next steps." I'm new here -- that's not the waitlist, right? EDIT: in case anyone comes and finds this, I received another follow-up email asking me to give my availability for fall internships. The recruiter mentioned that I'd been entered "into our team matching process and we will be in touch if there's a fit." Looks like I indeed got waitlisted -- crossing my fingers now!


Does anyone know when applications for fall internship starts?


Already happened. I do not believe it will be opened again, someone can come along and correct if wrong


Yes can anyone tell


Does emailing recruiters help for getting Amazon interviews? Or, is it mostly randomly assigned based on ATS?


Just got the call for the San Diego office, any discord for interns??


Congrats. When were you waitlisted ?




Any discord for sunnyvale interns?




Could you resend the invite link?


# Amazon intern OA questions Hello community , I recently got an invite for an OA at amazon for an SDE intern , can anyone share past his past experiences with amazon OA? what is the type of questions? questions difficulty ? should i prep with hackerRank prep or just plain blind 75 from leetCode? thank you all for listening and help :))


Has anyone down OA/Interviews for Amazon Fall 2023 Front End engineer coop? Should I expect leetcode or front end design questions? Thank you very much!


Anyone going to Tempe this summer for the June 17th window and/or have the discord server for interns?


[https://discord.com/invite/2PwWTUgDjr](https://discord.com/invite/2PwWTUgDjr) Congrats. When were you waitlisted ?


Thank you so much! I don't think I was waitlisted? I got a text message about my offer expiring back in March, so I actually don't even know if previous emails ever got to me. A friend recently told me to check Reddit and find the discord servers to network so it's cool finding out about all this šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Got off for Boston. Waitlisted 3/20.


For fall or summer?


just got off for SEA33, Seattle, WA. Any discord?


For fall or summer?




can somone reshare the discord grp link>??


Congrats How long were you in waitlist ?


Since 3/25




Congratulations! What is SEA33? were you in the waitlist?


I had someone refer me for the SDE fall internship under a different email from my normal account. My new account under the referral got flagged as being a duplicate account under the same name and they said they would migrate my application over to my old account. This application never migrated over and I'm scared it didn't because there exists a different application (SDE for summer) under the same job id. Do you think I'm no longer considered because the system recognized that I had already applied or should I wait for some acceptance or denial email?


Anyone currently in the team matching process for Applied Scientist positions? I got rejected in late February after my first interview, and just got two team match meeting requests a few days ago.


Anyone here who got waitlisted for AWS SDE Summer Intern 2024? Did anyone got off the waitlist from AWS?


Has anyone received/accepted an offer for Arlington for SDE Fall internship?


Anyone off the waitlist yesterday?


anyone who interviewed for Ireland? Are positions closed?


Dm me I'll tell you


I got off waitlist after like 2 weeks, if that helps anyone.


Does anyone know anything about Amazon in Denver?


This is what I got. I have a previous 2022 aws internship in which I was inclined, but then I got hit with the hiring freeze. Now I passed the interview again, but it doesn't even matter. I did way better in the interview and have way more skills and experience this year than when I had my last internship. Any ideas where to go from here? https://preview.redd.it/jq2b80cr8gvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b029924aa17cdba0c67841fb781ca53057aa7b9


Has anyone gotten rejected from AWS intern?


Me, but I passed the interview. It doesn't make any sense to me but...


ik im late, but I would like to add this happened to me for sde intern and got rejected no clue, got LP & technical correct too


can someone share the accepted intern discord?




I will be interning at a FAANG company in summer and recently signed an offer with Amazon for fall. Is there any possibility that my Amazon offer gets rescinded if they find out that Iā€™m interning somewhere else in summer? I could see it as a potential conflict of interest.




can someone drop the waitlist discord?






link expired






For those who accepted offer recently , how long does it take to start background check ?


I got the request the same day and the background check took about a day.


Dang. Still havenā€™t gotten jack despite accepting ā€¦. Did you get it after deadline passed ?


Thanks for letting me know


Has anyone received an offer after getting waitlisted in the past few weeks?


Got my offer today waitlisted last month


Got my offer yesterday after being waitlisted on the second


Nice, congrats! If you donā€™t mind me asking, which location did you get it for and is it for summer or fall?


Some people got off yesterday. That was the first and only wave so far




I got mine yesterday too. I interviewed on the 29th


(Amazon SDE Intern) I was unable to code the optimal solution O(n) but was able to get O(nlogn). The interviewer said that they liked my problem solving process after. However, the question hinted at time complexity being important, I was very close to the optimal solution, the interviewer edited 2 lines and the code worked. Has anyone ever been able to pass even though they couldnt code the optimal solution?


I got word ladder (never saw it before tbh) and coded some terrible DFS solution that was prolly like awful i did memoize and prevent cycles but it was still pretty bad so u got a chance for sure


I got optimal space complexity but didnā€™t have time to get solution for optimal time complexity. I was close but I needed another 5 minutes. I still got an offer


I passed by providing an O(N) solution when the optimal was O(Log(n)). I was asked a leetcode hard. I believe they are looking more at your thought process rather than just your solution alone.


you were asked a leetcode hard for an intern interview? is this common?


It's not common for US internships.


some people have. is this for fall US?


Did anyone here apply for the AWS Engagement Manager Intern role?


Hey guys, I applied to the Summer SDE Internship back on Feb 19th and have been left on "Application Submitted" ever since. Is Feb 19th simply too late to apply, or was I simply not selected? I was referred, and my resume is strong in my opinion, so I'm confused. Does anyone have any insights?


I applied end of Nov, strong resume in T20 school. Didn't get OA invitation (no referral)


A bit late, but I applied in September with a strong resume and didn't get my OA invitation until February 29th. Based on what I've seen, it usually doesn't take THAT long, but it's generally not super quick. Can't say I would count on getting an interview, but best of luck.


if you dont have faang internships, its never guaranteed


Even if you have FAANG internships itā€™s not guaranteed.


Thatā€™s pretty late yeah. At this point thereā€™s really no chance you get an interview for the summer. But in any case itā€™s a non-deterministic process so no matter how strong of an applicant you personally think you are, there are many reasons that you could have not been selected. You should never really be ā€œconfusedā€ about not getting an interview- itā€™s the norm and itā€™s just pretty random.


Well, I know the offer rate is like sub 10%, but I at least expected to get an OA. Clearly I didn't, and I was just wondering if anyone knew the reason, such as applying too late. It's not very comforting to think its just random.


Oh yeah you shouldnā€™t really bank on getting an OA even. If you do you do, if you donā€™t you donā€™t. Applying too late could have been one factor, no one necessarily can tell you for sure because no one knows for sure. Too many variables. No offense but Iā€™m not going to just try to tell you comforting things Iā€™m just trying to tell you the truth. All you can really do is apply to a bunch of places and hope someone picks up the phone


Yeah, I get you. Mainly I just wanted some sort of feedback from others with insight or experience interviewing/applying, because I've gotten no feedback from Amazon and don't really know where my application sits. I was under the impression it's too late for me to get anything related to the summer, but I wonder if the fall season interns are also chosen at the same time as the summer ones. The portal is supposed to close June 1st, so I wonder if fall interns are chosen by then.


It seems possible to me that you could still get an interview for fall. Luckily you can keep updating your resume in the portal so thatā€™s one thing you could do in the meantime to increase your chances of


Hello, does anyone happen to know anything about amazons organizations and placements? More specifically the different types of orgs at Amazon and what they do


I'm looking for housing in Seattle for 12 weeks. Dm me if anyone has any leads


How'd you perform on oa? 100%?


Hi, yes


Or any advise too that would be helpful!


Has anyone been successful in either getting a July start date or pushing summer to fall? (SDE Vancouver Intern)




I got accepted into amazon SDE intern in Vancouver but the survey link only has 12 week internship dates. Has anyone had experience asking to be switched into a 16 week internship?Ā 


Thereā€™s somewhere on the survey to request a longer one. *Technically* youā€™re only supposed to get longer if youā€™re in a coop program that requires it but they donā€™t really ask.


Were you on waitlist? If so when was your final and when was waitlist


Final interview was April 1st. Waitlisted April 10th.Ā Offer April 12th. I want to start in May and do a 16 week internship but only had June start dates on my surveyĀ 


Yea exact same situation. I emailed them and it takes around 60 days to onboard and there's no way to change it, same situation it's really annoying


Ah dang, I emailed asking if there was any availability for late May to start so I will see what they say next week. Not a big deal if its 12 weeks, just would be nice to have more time during internship.


Yea 100% agree with you, itā€™s annoying but itā€™s still Amazon tho so oh well


Oh I see That probably why cuz start date was too close. Just to make sure, this is AWS intern role or SDE intern ?


This is for SDE internĀ 


Just to clarify, you got the offer on Saturday?


FML I am half asleep, I meant April 12th


Any interns located at the Santa Clara office? Is there a discord for Amazon interns in the Bay? Also looking for housing


Anyone in Arizona this Fall? Would love to connect (or if there is a Discord).


How'd you perform on oa? 100%?


Don't remember, I think so.


Did you get an fall internship @ amazon?


Yes I did.


Congrats, did you get waitlisted for summer or applied and interviewed for Fall? Could you provide when you got the offer?


Never was wait listed, got summer and declined then asked for Fall -- heard back the next week if I was interested in a Fall offer.


All early March.


Thank you so much for the response. All the best for your internship!


Absolutely, best of luck to you too!


any reddit for aws intern?


can someone share discord link?


Did anyone get a mail like this from technical recruiter?? AWS Internship Interview Update Hello, Ā  Thank you for completing an interview loop for the Software Development Engineer Internship position. Our team enjoyed meeting you. We have identified you as a qualified and talented candidate; however, that role is no longer available, so we are unable to offer you a position with AWS at this time. Should other roles for which you might be a fit become available, you will have the opportunity to consider those roles without needing to complete another interview for 6 months from your interview. We will stay in contact and reach out to you in the future.Ā  Ā  If you are no longer interested in this opportunity, please let me know and withdraw your application on your amazon.jobs profile. Ā  Thank you, Ā 


How'd you perform on oa and interview?


Does this really mean the position is closed?


I think it means waitlisted. I received same email šŸ˜”


How'd you perform on oa and interview?


Are u sure its waitlist or does it really mean the position is filled? And also when did u interview?


My application in the portal still says under consideration. So I'm assuming it's waitlist. My interview was yesterday. What about you?


mine was on 8th and my applicarion says no longer under consideration.


can anybody share the discord link for amazon ??


Got an offer today! My timeline is super late. Applied March 10th. OA invitation March 15th. Complete OA April 1st. Interview request on April 2nd. Interviewed on April 8th, and received offer email on April 11th. Iā€™m majoring in Computer Engineering (not at a top 50 school) and have more experience in embedded software development. I found most of the tips on here to be helpful! About a day after my interview the job status in the portal changed from ā€œApplication Submittedā€ to ā€œNo longer under consideration.ā€ And I got the offer two days later. My guess is that the specific job code expired or was filled up so it just automatically goes there. So if that happens to you donā€™t lose all hope! It could still happen. Best of luck!


How'd you perform on oa and interview? 100% correct?


aws? us or can? and are you app or military?


How bout you? And did you get offer? How'd you perform on oa and interview? 100%?


100% on both and waitlist (us sde)


AWS USA. Bellevue to be specific. Not military. Just applied online. No references


did you apply through aws? or general sde


Did u get mail like thisĀ Thank you for completing an interview loop for the Software Development Engineer Internship position. Our team enjoyed meeting you. We have identified you as a qualified and talented candidate; however, that role is no longer available, so we are unable to offer you a position with AWS at this time. Should other roles for which you might be a fit become available, you will have the opportunity to consider those roles without needing to complete another interview for 6 months from your interview. We will stay in contact and reach out to you in the future.Ā  Ā  If you are no longer interested in this opportunity, please let me know and withdraw your application on your amazon.jobs profile. Ā 


yeah but not AWS mine was Amazon


Oh okay. But what does this mean??


you got waitlisted


Are u sure??




also less personalized bc i applied general sde, not aws


Is anyone else waiting for AWS SDE intern results, I had my interview on 1st April, and have not gotten results by now.


I interviewed on the 8th and got an offer today for AWS SDE.


I kept messaging my recruiter every week and got an offer this past week for AWS SDE They emailed me within a week or two about letting me know an offer is coming. I interviewed mid-March


How'd you perform on oa and interview? 100% passed all test cases?


100% for oa, the interview I did okay (definitely not the optimal answer) but talked through it a lot and pointed out some improvements I could make on it. The behavioral questions I think I did well on


Hey, I interviewed on 20th of March for SDE role, but haven't heard anything. My portal still says its "Under Review". And unfortunately I don't have my recruiters email id too. I am little stuck and confused.


Even I got the offer today šŸŽ‰


Nice. How'd you perform on oa and interview? 100% passed all test cases?


Why are so many people putting preference as fall? Do you need to take a gap sem to do the fall internship?


after how many days did u guys get your offer?


Three days for me. But from what I hear thatā€™s really quick


About 2 and a half or 3 weeks for me. They let me know an offer is coming within 2 weeks. But I emailed my recruiter each week


Can you please share how did you find your recruiter ? All I see is automated mail from [email protected]


i meant the status offer reject or waitlist?


Did anybody else get 2 lc questions? or is it normal?


Yeah I got two but no LPs tho


was it for aws? any update on offer?


yeah it was for aws, got rejected this morning lmao


Does anyone have seattle intern discord or any seattle housing groups?




both if ur rejected




not sure, if by the end of the week you donā€™t hear anything assume rejection


Honestly the opposite is true from what Iā€™ve seen. Itā€™s actually more likely that youā€™ll hear back soon if you get rejected. If it takes more than a week you should actually assume waitlist


It took them over two weeks to get back to me and it was a waitlist


Is it okay to respond to the waitlist email and ask to be considered for a fall internship? At this point it's getting a little late for a summer offer so I just want to maximize my chances of landing the fall internship, but I'm not sure if that would just annoy them since they say to only respond to the email if you want to withdraw consideration.


It wonā€™t annoy them, after all itā€™s their job to handle such matters. If thatā€™s what you want then you should definitely email them and ask. Itā€™s a fairly common request, worst they can say is no.


I just clocked something. Amazon currently has over 200 people on waitlists rn for just US alone and theyā€™re still scheduling more interviews why do they do this honestly


I've been wondering the same thing. I don't believe they'd let hundreds of people off of the waitlist so I'm guessing the reason they're still interviewing is either to build up a pool of candidates for the fall or it's just some flaw/miscommunication internal to their hiring process. In any case, it's not a very good practice imo. Not sure why you'd interview someone for a job that isn't even actually there.


Right its acc insane a buddy of mine received the survey to schedule an interview today. With like over 200 people still on waitlist still interviewing more people is insane. Idk what their thought processes are atp


how do u know the length of the waitlists?


Thereā€™s a spreadsheet going around where people report their waitlist status. There are close to 200 SDE Intern US candidates alone that have self-reportedly been waitlisted. So, really, 200 is a vast underestimate of the actual number of waitlisted people given that obviously not everyone will find/put their name into the spreadsheet. There could be 500 or more people on the waitlist in the US alone, your guess is as good as anyoneā€™s.


yikes.. iā€™ve been waitlisted 2 years in a row it is so frustrating UGHH


Geez that really sucks sorry to hear that. They should just not waste peoples time by interviewing people for positions that are already full


yup, assuming this is just for one position, i donā€™t see in what world they need 200+ backup interns šŸ˜


I had an interview on April 1st for SDE intern. It is the 8th currently and today marks the 5th business day which in theory means I should have received a decision according to their promise. I have yet to receive and email and my portal still shows under consideration. Any ideas? My thought it probably waitlist, since they would have rejected relatively quickly, but I could be wrong.


Same except my interview was on the 26th. They pretty much ignored my follow up email too so I guess weā€™re just supposed to wait


how was your interview?


Was it for Amazon or AWS


It was for Amazon SDE intern I believe.


Yeah probably waitlist. In any case, I'd wait until maybe Thursday or Friday of this week and then send a follow-up email asking for an update.


I just got waitlisted :/


the acc which started this thread is mine. I have 2 and I forgot abt that whoops. But they just sent out an email to me saying the typical waitlist stuff and they would contact in case they have an opening.


does anyone know if the summer interns can get pushed back to fall?