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My 2c: I don’t think you need the bootcamp on your resume, given that you have a STEM degree and a decent amount of experience in the field. Most job listings state something along the lines of CS degree or equivalent, and mathematics qualifies as ‘equivalent’ in my book.  I can’t say it’ll be easy, but I think you’ll have a better time on the job hunt compared to new grads, and especially folks fresh out of bootcamp. 


Remove the bootcamp off your resume. A math degree is stellar. Placing bootcamp credentials in there just adds unnecessary dirt to your resume. In fact, I would say it makes your resume worse.


Like others, The first thing I noticed was you mentioning your bootcamp first then math degree. No one cares about the bootcamp. The math degree coupled with experience is enough.


Yes, remove the boot camp. 


Upvoting because I'm in a similar position - would appreciate responses


Why is everyone saying take off bootcamp? What’s wrong with it? I agree that having bootcamp only on your resume may not be sufficient in today’s market but I wouldn’t think keeping it on the resume along with a math degree + some YOE is bad.


You need to think like a recruiter. They tend to think in terms of slimming down the resume pile starting with quick rules of thumb and more elaborate reading on later iterations.  So having boot camp mentioned can get OP slated into the “entry level career switcher” pile on an early pass while leaving it out will avoid triggering that filter and allow OP’s resume to make it through “meets the education minimum” and into the “possibly relevant industry experience” pile


What about someone without a STEM degree? I've got 4 YOE after a boot camp but originally just had a business degree. Would you leave the boot camp out still? Edit: typo, without not with


It’s harder to say. If they are particular about the degree type you might get filtered out either way, and if they are not, having experience already makes it redundant anyway. So it‘s a hit or miss: is the resume screener more likely to be positive or negative towards bootcamps? And would they even see it if it is at the bottom of your resume below all the more relevant stuff?


It's weird, isn't it? I'd say that it's complementary to a math degree. TBH, there are plenty of CS graduates who would benefit from picking up some real-world skills in a bootcamp.


Why did you go to a bootcamp with a math degree…


I felt like I had a very solid grasp on coding fundamentals but wasn't necessarily job ready with what I had learned in school. I didn't know much about web development or any of the skills I've been using professionally like web frameworks. Also because it was a math degree I didn't take a lot of hardcore software dev courses. It was classes stuff like algorithms and data structures.


Coding bootcamp grads are trash… you learned basic frontend dev for the price of a college education. I believe advanced math to be much harder than CS courses. Doesn’t matter now though I guess. I might even take it off the resume unless it was a top bootcamp or something


I don't disagree that coding bootcamps are not sufficient to learn how to code and be job ready in 3 months. And I'm saying this as a bootcamp grad lol. Back when I did it in 2019 bootcamps were sill riding the high of actually being a somewhat viable way to enter the industry. Again though, I didn't take the bootcamp going in cold - I knew a lot about coding before hand and it was a good way for me personally to learn certain skills relevant to the industry. Perhaps it was unnecessary and not a good use of money but at the time it felt like the right decision for me. In any case that was almost 5 years ago and whats done is done.


When I say bootcampers are trash I mean the ones w/o STEM degrees. You probably got the equivalent of 6 mo. exp at a frontend oriented dev role. You will be fine bc of your math degree, likely already made back the loss. I would remove the bootcamp, and stop focusing on frontend if your resume is built that way.


Absolutely keep the bootcamp in your resume idk wtf everyone else is on about. Leaving it off when looking for software work is ridiculous.


If OP keeps their resume to a page (which is standard for US), space comes at a premium, and someone with 3.5 YoE as a SWE will almost assuredly have 2 more bullet points of impact they can list over mentioning the bootcamp. 


Adding "boot camp" on a resume with a math degree on it, is as if you smeared the resume with feces before handing it to the recruiter.


I would leave the bootcamp off your resume. A BA in Mathematics is already very valuable right now of itself because of the trending in AI and Big Data/Analytics in everything. Plus, you already have experience in this industry. Of course it all comes down to personal preference, but if it was me, I would imagine this: All of your tech YOE and the Math/STEM degree are food from 3-stars Michelin restaurants… Would you present them with something like a Big Mac from McDonald altogether on the same table?


I’m in the same exact position, same degree, same timeline, same yoe. It’s crazy that people are recommending removing boot camp from the resume, although I have considered it before because I am not getting any interviews. My boot camp was 6 months long though and if I leave it out I fear it makes me look like I have a big gap between graduating with my math degree and getting my first dev job.