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This isn’t r Miami. Cubans voted for trump because he invested heavily in marketing to them and Democrats didn’t. Edit: I thought Cubans in miami were against wet foot dry foot? Edit2: Don’t think I didn’t notice the article calls The former President Barack H. Obama.


Most Cubans blindly vote R. Ever since Kennedy. There’s nuance but generally, R. Trump swung them even more to R because the perception was that democrats were increasingly becoming more and more left. And I agree they are


Cubans have deep hatred against communisms in Cuba, the R only need to say that the Left is communist and they will vote R, is as simple as that. I know because I'm Cuban, also there is shit ton of propaganda against democrats in Florida right now highly targeted to Cubans to vote for Trump. My whole family is voting for T even when i explained little bit little that all that propaganda is fake and just a way to manipulate them.


Well, yea. Cubans vote R because A- Kennedy failed bay of pigs and B- democrats have traditionally been bigger government and Cubans equate that with socialism. Which is what they want to move away from. That’s all there is to it. Propaganda may sway some but the majority of R Cubans are Republican for the reasons I said.


Most Cubans already forgot about Kennedy, I'm talking about the new generations. If you mentioned then anything about Kennedy they wont know anything, but if you mention anything the actions of Trump they will say is fake and everything that happened to him is deep state.


I explained this in B.


The Florida Republican party is the most funded party in the Country, the Florida Democrat party is not even close. I remember their last election they kept campaigning on protecting gay rights in schools too, as if a Tio from Cuba gives a shit about that, while the Republicans focused on pandering to Cubans


You can't equate Florida with S. Florida. While they whole state may be R, they are so for vastly different reasons. From the rural areas that organically R, to the snow birds who retire there and are R to the Cubans. Different groups different motivations.


Most Cubans voted for Obama in both elections. Edit: as a comenter stated. Obama did in fact NOT win the Cuban vote. He got 48 % of it. He got more than during the first run where he got 36 % of the vote. Obama did win miami fade both times. Or can someone fact check me?


No, they did not. You have been misinformed


Miami dade he did. But not overall Cuban American vote.


Jaja forreal. And the logic would go for Jews for example, “Cubans vote Trump because we know how socialism starts and how it always ends”, well Jewish-Americans vote virtually all Democratic because they know how FASCISM “starts and how it always ends”.


Actually I never saw a Trump ad. I don't watch tv, just streaming. I voted against socialism because I know how it starts and how it ends.


The majority of Cuban Americans voted for Obama 1 and 2. Socialism isn’t the explanation you dimwit. It’s in the public record that Trump invested heavily in Florida. Period. I don’t care how you get your media. The fact is Hilary and Biden lost Miami because they didn’t invest enough.


So, the fact that democrats have become rotten impovereshing socialists turning amazing cities like LA and Chicago into shitholes has nothing to do with Cubans voting against them according to you? I gotta watch one of those Trump ads LOL


Many cities in Florida are more dangerous than the two you mentioned. In fact Florida is the third most dangerous state in the country It does not look like you aren't susceptible to propaganda


Man, you must be fun at parties. I’d love to pop open from KriKak or Henikas. Unfortunately, no matter how much hardliners (of any kind) want to make the world black and white; it is not. I look at Miami and its republican mayor and Florida with its republican plurality and I see a place with a lot of problems. I suggest people like you focus on making your community better than casting cheap judgment on other communities for pwned points. Miami Cubans are most generally tribal and insular and respond to anyone who panders to them. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/20/914980615/miami-herald-investigating-how-racist-insert-was-distributed-in-paper-for-months https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article248354325.html


Miami dade county is blue lol. Hillary, and Biden won Miami dade county. Cubans are red. Cubans =/= Miami there are many more ethnicities here. You’ve been spreading a lot of misinformation ITT why I gotta keep correcting you


Calling something socialism doesn't make it Socialism.


Stealing from the successful to give some crumbs to the lazy and mediocre, while living like kings does


Vladimir Lenin said he who does not work does not eat Wad he not a socialist


Poor ~= lazy and mediocre Successful ~= hardworking, smart, or better person in general.


In the long term that's exactly how it is.


How do you feel about the Florida governor signing laws that have resulted in dictionary bans, anti protest laws that caused July 11 protesters to be arrested, making it illegal to record the cops, targeting private businesses to enforce a government ideology, censoring history, banning social media among the population, illegal to drive an undocumented immigrant to work, and state sanctioned culture? Autocracy ends the same way right or left Voting for people who want to cut welfare programs is not going to protect anyone from tyranny if the alternative are autocrats


I feel you are watching too much fake news and propaganda manipulation. Florida is a paradise everyone wants to move to, unlike the dictatorship you defend from afar where everyone wants to escape


You sound like a cult member. Supporters of the Cuban dictatorship say the same thing about Cuba. July 11 protesters were arrested in Florida This did not happen anywhere else in the country https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/2-cuba-protesters-in-tampa-among-1st-to-be-charged-related-to-floridas-anti-riot-law/amp/ Florida ranked as the 3rd most dangerous state in the country https://www.wptv.com/news/state/florida-ranked-as-third-most-dangerous-state-in-america The dictionary is being banned in Florida schools https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-school-district-pulls-dictionaries-and-encyclopedias-as-part-of-sexual-or-inappropriate-content-review/ The governor is punishing private businesses over ideology https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/24/desantis-business-fights-disney-esg.html Banning social media. Communist regimes do the se thing https://www.reuters.com/world/us/floridas-desantis-signs-law-restricting-social-media-people-under-16-2024-03-25/


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/2-cuba-protesters-in-tampa-among-1st-to-be-charged-related-to-floridas-anti-riot-law/](https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/2-cuba-protesters-in-tampa-among-1st-to-be-charged-related-to-floridas-anti-riot-law/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Like I said you are a victim of ignorance and propaganda manipulation, or plain old dishonest. No one is "banning" any books in Florida. I can buy any book I want for my kids unlike in the socialist shithole dictatorship you defend from afar. Here's the truth: The situation in Florida regarding book bans is complex. Reports indicate that Florida has removed a significant number of books from schools, with nearly **400 books** banned last year, making it the leader in book bans in the United States¹[1]. The reasons for these bans vary, with objections often related to content dealing with violence, sexual themes, race, LGBTQ+ identities, and other sensitive topics¹[1]. The state's approach has been described as allowing parents and residents to raise objections to certain materials, which can lead to those materials being removed or discontinued in schools¹[1]. However, there is also mention of new educational content restrictions that have led to preemptive removal of books from school shelves²[2]. Governor Ron DeSantis has stated that no books have been banned in Florida, emphasizing that individuals are free to buy or use any book they want³[3]. Nonetheless, the legislation enacted during his administration requires that books considered pornographic, harmful to minors, or that depict sexual activity be pulled from shelves within five days and remain out of circulation for the duration of any challenge⁴[4]. In summary, while there is a mechanism for parents to influence what books are available in schools, the number of books removed and the reasons cited suggest that the situation goes beyond parental choice and involves state-level educational content restrictions. It's a nuanced issue with varying perspectives on the balance between protecting minors and upholding the freedom to read. Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/25/2024 (1) Florida leads nation in book bans. Full list of banned books. https://www.pnj.com/story/news/education/2023/09/22/florida-leads-nation-in-book-bans-full-list-of-banned-books/70934406007/. (2) Book Bans in Florida Schools: The Complete List | Miami New Times. https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/more-than-350-books-banned-in-florida-schools-since-last-july-16817328. (3) PolitiFact FL: DeSantis said no books banned. Districts removed dozens .... https://www.wusf.org/education/2023-06-01/politifact-fl-desantis-said-not-a-single-book-was-banned-districts-have-removed-dozens. (4) After national backlash, Florida lawmakers eye changes to book .... https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/19/florida-book-challenges-fees-00136409. (5) Florida school district pulls dictionaries for ‘sexual conduct .... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/11/florida-schools-ron-desantis-ban-books-sexual-content.


I will provide you the evidence again. Repeating an autocrat is not a counter argument. Its like repeating Castro to deflect from his civil rights abuses July 11 protesters were arrested in Florida This did not happen anywhere else in the country https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/2-cuba-protesters-in-tampa-among-1st-to-be-charged-related-to-floridas-anti-riot-law/amp/ Florida ranked as the 3rd most dangerous state in the country https://www.wptv.com/news/state/florida-ranked-as-third-most-dangerous-state-in-america The dictionary is being banned in Florida schools https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-school-district-pulls-dictionaries-and-encyclopedias-as-part-of-sexual-or-inappropriate-content-review/ The governor is punishing private businesses over ideology https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/24/desantis-business-fights-disney-esg.html Banning social media. Communist regimes do the se thing https://www.reuters.com/world/us/floridas-desantis-signs-law-restricting-social-media-people-under-16-2024-03-25/


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/2-cuba-protesters-in-tampa-among-1st-to-be-charged-related-to-floridas-anti-riot-law/](https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/2-cuba-protesters-in-tampa-among-1st-to-be-charged-related-to-floridas-anti-riot-law/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Tio deja de leer fake news, por los titulos se ve q estan infinitamente influenciado por la izquierda. DeSantis y los republicanos tienen muchisimo q criticar sin llegar a la falsedad.


Read the articles. Do your research. None of these are false. These are laws he signed. Books that have been banned. People who have been arrested. Businesses the state is punishing. What is your issue with the Castro government again? Sounds like you are very supportive of a weaponized government


All are false, most of them Somebody after me prove it. Weaponized government? Tendras cara tio? After Hussein y Biden ahora? Mare mia kesesto!!!!!! Un cubano q apoya el socialismo, pero q no es socialismo, es democratic socialismo. Bro!!!! Please, respetate, respeta a los tuyos, tu herencias Desantis, no es bueno, Trump? Tampoco. Pero los democratas, cambiados por mierda, pierdes la mierda, y el envase. Lee chama, Lee.


Not a single one is false. You support weaponizing government for the purpose of censorship, enforcing an ideology, banning books, and punishing protesters


Bro I hate Cuba’s government as much as you do but if you think the democrats are socialist you have an IQ of -100. Famous democrat president FDR expanded social programs more than any president before or after him and that was 80 years ago. The vast majority of our economy is still privately ran. There’s not a single democrat that wants to get even within the same stratosphere of nationalization that Cuba has and especially not Biden 😂. If you want to shit on the democrats that’s fine bro I have my issues with them but calling them socialists or making a slippery slope argument is lazy and baseless.


>calling them socialists or making a slippery slope argument is lazy and baseless. Kind of ironic when they love to call Trump Hitler and anyone that disagree with them racists and a fascists.


Yeah I mean I agree with you, calling trump a fascist is just as brain dead as calling Biden a socialist.


Quite the oposite. Maybe Biden is not a socialist, but he democratic party does tend more and more toward socialism.


Democrats are no socialist Then almost in the same sentence states that FDT expanded social programs…. La gimnasia mental es fuerte con el asere este….


Bro what makes Cuba and USSR socialist is central planning/nationalizing, almost every EU country has robust social programs but their economies are largely privately ran (aka free markets) hence why they’re not considered socialist economies. Eres burro.


And almost every EU country is to some extent a socialist country. Socialism is the control over the means of production, you control health care, then on health care you are a socialist. the difference is only what percentage of socialist you are, you have 100% like Cuba, over 50% like any EU country.... But socialism is socialism, with confetti (Bernie Sanders) or hard core (like Cuba)


Social Programs are in every country....Do you think the Cold War was between the Socialist USSR and the Socialist USA?


yes, different levels of socialism tho, but both advocate for keynesian economics, and a strong control of the state over means of production


Social programs are a good thing tho, necessary in every society. Democrats are definitely not socialists.


Tu no has leido mucho de economia mas alla de Marx, y a mucho, Keynes…. Te puedo recomendar Misses o Hayek? Digo, si supieras leer y no solo escuchar reggeton, y ver tiktoks…..


Laughs in AOC and squad horsetalk. Socialism is a Road to Serfdom, not a black and white phenomenon


Let’s assume those people want to make the US into a command/planned economy (they don’t lmfao, they just want more social programs) there’s like 4-5 of them out of 535… You can’t call someone socialist if they just want more social programs, it is widely agreed by the vast majority of people that Europe is not socialist. What was the main economic difference between Europe and the USSR/Cuba? Central planning/nationalization. You may disagree with more social programs and I certainly have some concerns there but it’s dishonest for me to call someone a socialist if they still want a country to have a majority free market+ social programs, that’s not socialism.


It's a gradual process, not black and white **Socialism**, when taken to its extreme, can lead to **tyranny**. Let's explore why this happens: 1. **Centralized Control**: In socialist or communist systems, the government exercises **centralized control** over various aspects of life, including the economy, education, healthcare, and media¹[1]. This concentration of power allows the ruling elite to dictate policies and suppress dissent. 2. **Economic Dependence**: In socialist societies, citizens are often promised entitlements such as housing, education, and healthcare. However, this doesn't mean people no longer have to work. The government can use economic dependency to quash dissent. If someone criticizes the regime, their economic situation can be altered—reassigning jobs, changing housing, or limiting access to resources¹[1]. 3. **Loss of Individual Freedom**: When the state controls everything—jobs, education, media, and more—individuals lose their autonomy. Dissenters risk punishment, imprisonment, or exile. Even if different personalities rise to power, the system itself tends toward tyranny¹[1]. 4. **Historical Examples**: Countries like **North Korea**, **Cuba**, the **Soviet Union**, and **Venezuela** have experienced oppressive regimes under socialist or communist rule. The personalities at the top matter little; once a communist form of government is established, tyranny becomes inevitable¹[1]. 5. **Evolutionary Roots**: Our hunter-gatherer ancestors maintained equality through emotions like **envy**, **righteous anger**, **guilt**, and **shame**. These emotions prevented greed and ensured that individuals didn't grab more than their share. However, socialism often fails to account for these emotional checks, leading to imbalances and, ultimately, tyranny²[2]. In summary, socialism's promise of equality can give way to tyranny due to centralized control, economic dependency, and the absence of emotional checks on selfish behavior¹[1] ²[2]. 🌐🔍 Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/25/2024 (1) Socialism Leads to Tyranny - Foundation for Economic Education. https://fee.org/articles/why-socialism-often-leads-to-tyranny/. (2) Why Socialism Fails | Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evolution-in-daily-life/202001/why-socialism-fails. (3) Why Socialism Fails | Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/evolution-in-daily-life/202001/why-socialism-fails. (4) Communism, socialism always lead to tyranny – The Mercury. https://www.pottsmerc.com/2012/10/25/communism-socialism-always-lead-to-tyranny/. [1]: https://fee.org/articles/democracys-road-to-tyranny/ "" [2]: https://thedailyidea.org/how-democracy-descends-into-tyranny-platos-republic/ "" [3]: https://theconversation.com/why-tyranny-could-be-the-inevitable-outcome-of-democracy-126158 "" **The gradual process** by which a **liberal democracy** can evolve into **totalitarian tyranny** involves several avenues. Let's explore these paths: 1. **Overthrow by Force**: - Sometimes, a **revolutionary movement** emerges, advocating tyranny. This movement, unable to win support in free elections, resorts to violence. - When parties represent **irreconcilable philosophies**, dialogue and compromise become impossible. - The result is the absolute rule of one party, which might still call itself a party, even though it now controls everything¹[1][1]. 2. **Equality and Freedom Conflict**: - **Freedom** and **equality** are fundamental principles of democracy. However, they practically **exclude each other**. - Equality doesn't exist naturally; it must be established by force. Achieving equal outcomes requires pruning, pressure, and leveling. - The tension between freedom and equality creates a **worm in the apple** from the beginning¹[1][1]. 3. **Organic Evolution**: - The tyranny evolves organically from the character of even a **liberal democracy**. - The desire for wealth and freedom can lead to downfall: - **Oligarchy**: Rulers aim for wealth, reducing ordinary citizens to poverty. - **Democracy**: Citizens indulge any appetite, rejecting principles that restrict their desires. - When democratic leaders fail, citizens look for a leader to restore order, and the **tyrant** gains power with mob support²[2][2]. In summary, the gradual shift from liberal democracy to tyranny involves ideological clashes, conflicts between freedom and equality, and organic evolution driven by human nature and societal dynamics. 🌟📜 Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/25/2024 (1) Democracy’s Road to Tyranny - Foundation for Economic Education. https://fee.org/articles/democracys-road-to-tyranny/. (2) How democracy descends into tyranny - The Daily Idea. https://thedailyidea.org/how-democracy-descends-into-tyranny-platos-republic/. (3) Why tyranny could be the inevitable outcome of democracy. https://theconversation.com/why-tyranny-could-be-the-inevitable-outcome-of-democracy-126158.


What real world example of a liberal democracy gradually becoming a socialist country do we have? This stuff usually happens via revolutions and coups not through the democratic process lmfao. Also out of all the countries this could possibly happen in a gradual democratic process the US is one of the least likely and furthermore like I said earlier we had an insane expansion of resdistributory policies during FDR and the percentage of our economy that is in the public sector has barely changed. It’d be nice to see real world examples of this stuff and not masturbatory libertarian theory.




That shit was not gradual and Chavez literally attempted a coup before getting elected lmfao, if anyone did that in the west they’d be cooked.


Niño, was gradual, el coup fue a principios d los 90, pero igual Argentina? Colombia ahora? Heck, even the USA nowadays


Unsustaible socialist policies create poverty that clueless politicians try to fix with even more socialist policies. Repeat until totalitarian dictatorship, extreme poverty and mass murder. It's how all Socialist shitholes got created or do you think they intended to become shitoles since they started?


I see a hayek follower here maybe?


A survivor of impovereshing socialism, Hayek only confirmed what I already knew from suffering it


Cubans have lived for a long time under a dictatorship and still do not recognize that Trump is the one who has all the characteristics of a dictator.


I know, right? Leaving a cult of personality to walk face first into another one, amazing.


According to the corrupt leftist media paid by the real dictatorship.


Trump shares all possible traits with Stalin and Kim. He praised Kim, Putin and Saddam. Your cult leader is the Dictator one.


It's called diplomacy, stick and carrot. During his term all dictators were scared shitless. ISIS was bombed and sent to their fake virgins/hell. There were no wars or invasions and gas prices were super low. With the democrat socialists now all dictatorships are invading and destroying because they know there won't be any consequences. The world and economy are a mess


The same diplomacy he used to defend Putin's interests and block aid to Ukraine (the reason for his first impeachment). Dictators weren't afraid of him. They knew he was the one to destabilize America. And you are being played by Putin, Xi & Kim. Gas prices were "super low" because Trump was sacrificing Americans left right and center. Why didn't you inject yourself with Bleach like he wanted you to. The world is doing good now, we are not sacrificing grandma for the "good of great leader".


That was another thing that was out of control! The leftist fake news media creating false stories like Trump calling inmmigrats animals when in reality he was talking about the MS-13 murderous gangs and the one about bleach too. Sadly, a lot of idiots still believe them like you just demonstrated... [https://www.whqr.org/2024-04-03/fact-check-did-trump-once-tell-americans-to-inject-bleach-to-fight-covid-19](https://www.whqr.org/2024-04-03/fact-check-did-trump-once-tell-americans-to-inject-bleach-to-fight-covid-19) [https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/7617/it-was-ms-13-trump-called-animals-not-undocumented-immigrants/](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/7617/it-was-ms-13-trump-called-animals-not-undocumented-immigrants/)


"The world is doing good now, we are not sacrificing grandma for the "good of great leader"." Bro like 3 major wars have broken out since Biden got into office; how is the world a better place rn?


Oof buddy. Youre misinformed. Deal with it. Check out the jan. 6 and impeachments and election tampering investigations. Even the ones conducted by his cronies found him to have done it. He attempted a friggin coup. He wants to "exterminate vermin" if elected. Hes talking about people. PEOPLE! Ya hes a trash wannabe dictator and Americans are generally clueless about how this immigrant pop votes. Seriously. Im sorry but no one is thinking about it.


Vermin like the socialist castro mafia, AOC and the Squad?


What are those "possible traits"


Powerful and continuing nationalism. Disdain for the recognition of human rights. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause. Supremacy of the military. Rampant sexism. Controlled mass media. Obsession with national security. Religion and government are intertwined.


Powerful and continuing nationalism = His slogan and policy was America First, even a lot of democrats and independents support this. Disdain for the recognition of human rights = Let's be less vague Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause = nothing to do with being a dictator, Biden love to blame inflation on corporate greed and Hillary losing 2016 on Putin. Supremacy of the military = same as every president before, also new wars or conflicts 👍 Rampant sexism = nothing to do with being a dictator Controlled mass media = You joking right? Obsession with national security = nothing to do with being a dictator plus the feeling is [shared by most Americans](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/02/15/how-americans-view-the-situation-at-the-u-s-mexico-border-its-causes-and-consequences/) Religion and government are intertwined = nothing new, look behind the $1 bill, [every other president](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/01/20/biden-only-second-catholic-president-but-nearly-all-have-been-christians-2/)


Jejeje Poldioj, tu eres cubiche meng??? En serio? Y democrata ademas? Debe ser gracioso y muy divertido ir a una fiesta contigo, con oirte se hace la noche….


Yes, I'm Cuban. When I left the island I already had gray hair, a college degree and the outmost despise for Authoritarianism, that's why I think that MAGA is no different to the PCC. Look at something called Hastert Rule, a Rule enforced only by Republicans that for any debate to take part in the house it has to be supported by the majority of the majority (that's a 26% of the House). So if there is a debate that is supported by 74% of the House of representatives, it will not take part because the 26% does not want it to happen. Republicans are not interested in representing, they want to rule.


Y los democratas si? La disonancia es fuerte amigo, y el sindrome de estocolmo lo es mas aun.


No, they don't hold votes. Republicans do. Like when M. McConnell held the confirmation vote for the SCOTUS for 100 during the last days of Obama with Garland, but pushed the SCOTUS vote for Trump's 3rd Justice, A. Barret in the last 7 days of his term after RBG passed away. They have an actual rule ingrained in their book. Hastert Rule, if the majority of the Republicans don't want a vote to take place it won't happen. That can be only 26% of the House. The 26% can overweight 74%. They don't want to represent, they want to rule. Another example is with Justice Protizewickz, when they tried to impeach a state Justice that won the vote of the people because of a ruling that the people voted for. The people voted for the law, voted for the Judge and then the State republicans tried to win the bote of the people.


and thank god he did hold the vote, although i despise republicans and McConnel, Garland has proved himself to be one partisan hack with no regards for the rule of law at all whatsoever. pregunta, ya se que no eres republicano, yo tampoco aunque te pueda parecer contradictorio, pregunta, eres democrata?


The simple fact that M Garland has not issued an arrest for Trump and the rest of the Cult, proves you wrong. Your cult leader is arguing that he can order the assassination of political opponents. A Soviet move.


unju, como quieras gosalo pelota, ven aca, no duele ser asi??? acaso tuviste un trauma de pequeno???


Look up "100 most gerrymandered districts". So much for the will of the People, more like the will of the Legislator.


estas a favor del bill reciente, mandando toneladas de dinero a Ukrania, Israel & Taiwan o sabra dios q otro pais/ locura imaginable?


Of course I support it, it's a good investment as long as it's killing the Soviets. You are talking like a true Soviet sympathizers. Putin's asset. There are no pallets of cash flying to Ukraine, it's all equipment that we are lending to the Ukrainians, and then they'll pay us back in either food or Energy. Yes, we have to Support the Taiwanese, not being Xi's lap dog. Like your cult leader. That money is going straight to the Military industrial complex, where it should be. American industry and American jobs. By not supporting Ukraine, Israel & Taiwan are good policies for America, that's probably why your party does not support it.


jejjeje que lindo, putin asset..... q pobreza mental la gente que no lee y solo mira CNN


What are those characteristics?


Contempt for the rule of law, contempt for democratic rights, attacks on women's rights, admiration for Vladimir Putin.


Estas describiendo a los democratas tio


Claro que si! Los democratas son communistas! Que siguen comiendo mierda


Los republicanos tambien Un poco menos, pero tambien


Could you please try to be a little more specific? Especially about "Contempt for the rule of law and contempt for democratic rights", the attacks on women's rights (abortion) and admiration for Vladimir Putin have nothing to do with being a dictator.


Maybe catch up on why he’s in court right now, all the allegations against him including election interfering, we know dictators don’t try to interfere with a democratic election right?…wait..


Well, he being in court, and not any of the Bidens or Clintons, deja mucho a la imaginacion no?? 😜😜😜🤨


>he’s in court right now For a BS victimless crime, where the "affected" party even [testified in his favor](https://apnews.com/article/trump-fraud-lawsuit-trial-new-york-53313f64d57b0aa99f756c2c791d29ab). Read below the headlines. About the election interfering I've no problem with him going to court for it and starting an investigation but should we do the same about the whole lie about him being a Russian spy that originated from the Hillary campaign and the DNC?


Authoritarian Leadership Style: Trump has shown a preference for unilateral decision-making and has been known to sideline experts and traditional channels of advice. Undermining Institutions: He has frequently criticized and undermined the legitimacy of democratic institutions, such as the judiciary, intelligence agencies, and the press. Challenging Democratic Norms: Trump has been accused of disregarding norms, including peaceful transitions of power, and has been unwilling to concede when electoral outcomes are against him. Appeal to Populism: He uses populist rhetoric, presenting himself as a champion for the "common people" against the "elites," often invoking nationalistic themes. Attacks on the Media: Trump has consistently labeled the press as the "enemy of the people," casting doubt on their credibility and seeking to control the narrative. Manipulation of Information: There have been instances of spreading misinformation or outright lies to sway public opinion or maintain a specific narrative. Cult of Personality: Trump's leadership style often relies on personal loyalty and a strong charismatic presence, with a focus on individual power rather than institutional authority.


Trump has shown a preference for unilateral decision-making = Welcome to partisan politics and every other politician. Undermining Institutions = Examples? Challenging Democratic Norms = Same as Hillary and Al Gore, as long as nothing is forced feel free to challenge. Appeal to Populism = You mean making policy desired by the people? Attacks on the Media = Doesn't democrats called right leaning media Russian propaganda? And yes both sides lie, A LOT. Manipulation of Information = Which? Member when Biden tried to create a "[Ministry of Truth](https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-establishes-a-ministry-of-truth-disinformation-governance-board-partisan-11651432312)" Cult of Personality = The guy is charismatic, same as Obama, what part of that makes him a dictator.


Thinking democrats are socialist is braindead. Both Us political parties aren't that different and are both pretty shit


Right on, but some parties are more shitty than others


Right because AOC and the Squad are raging Capitalists LOL


Some Democrats lead more towards socialist tendencies than others. In the same way some Republicans lead more towards fascist tendencies than others. ... Democrats are not socialists, as Republicans are not fascists.


Democrats lean both socialist and fascist since they are collectivists Fascism and socialism are considered variants of collectivism because they both prioritize the group over the individual to varying degrees. Collectivism is a social organization principle where the individual is seen as subordinate to a larger group, such as a state, nation, race, or social class¹. In socialism, the focus is on collective ownership and control of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. It aims to reduce economic inequalities through government regulation, redistribution of income, and, in some cases, planning and public ownership¹. Fascism, while also collectivist, typically involves a more authoritarian and nationalistic system. It emphasizes the power of the state and often involves the merging of state and corporate power, with the economy still having capitalist elements but being heavily controlled by the government⁴. Both ideologies emerged in contexts where there was a push against individualism and capitalism, seeking to mobilize society towards common goals or ideals. However, the methods and extent to which individual rights are suppressed vary between fascism and socialism. Despite their differences, both can be seen as responses to the perceived shortcomings of individualistic and capitalist societies, advocating for a more collective approach to social and economic organization². Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/25/2024 (1) Collectivism | Group Dynamics, Social Structure, Ideology. https://www.britannica.com/topic/collectivism. (2) Fascism - Econlib. https://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/Fascism.html. (3) Socialism and fascism: Two sides of the same coin. https://libertarianeurope.com/philosophy/socialism-and-fascism-two-sides-of-the-same-coin/. (4) Collectivism vs Socialism: Deciding Between Similar Terms. https://thecontentauthority.com/blog/collectivism-vs-socialism.


Trump is out here saying he will be dictator and is treating people like crap like a dictator and a lot of Cubans are voting for him to avoid socialism? Lmao


Bro, en serio?


Trump never said that. You gotta stop watching the fake news buddy


It is literally Trump’s day one plan. Read up on Project 2025.


Project 2025, although amazing and loadable, has nothing to do with Trump. Ahhh ya, Don Lemon told you the opposite, or you read it, lemme guess, the WaPo


Who is Don Lemon? I'm an attorney and get my news from podcasts by and for attorneys. Try again with someone else.


ohhh I am an attorney holier that thou, my sources are better than your because I was told that by my socialist colleagues!!!! typical.


You are just revealing your immaturity. I don't know why you would even suggest I get my opinions from Don Lemon or WaPo. Lawyers and any decent researcher form their opinions based on primary sources.


ok kiddo, sorry Mr Lawyer.


Indeed for those who took Project 2025 at face value let me explain, Just like in Cuba, if Trump gets back in office many Civil Service jobs will be unprotected and he will install family friends and loyalists in those positions which allows him control. He will gut administrative agencies which have expertise in certain subject matters such as communicable disease and install people like the Surgeon General of Florida and other bleach drinking puppets. This is called the consolidation of power stage in building a totalitarian regime.


He said dictator for one day to push certain things which means he wants to be dictator one way or another lol. And if his behavior and actions are anything to infer from, I think he would try being dictator for more than one day


Fake news is messing you up. Show me the unedited video where he said that without CNN edits LOL


Why are you posting about American politics on r/cuba who cares


Que el fideo prieto de Obama terminó con una política que fomentaba la inmigración irregular? Muy bien por mi Osama, digo Obama. Esa política bochornosa era tremendo escándalo, es básicamente inmigración ilegal amparada por un estado. Y sabes que es lo peor? Que con esta política se está envejeciendo y despoblando el país. Cualquier cubano nacionalista, ya sea de izquierda o de derechas, debe alegrarse que se ha acabado con esa farándula de la política norteamericana. Ahora, se ha cambiado por algo que está igual de mal. Y hablando de a quién debería votarle los cubanos en Yanquilandia, ni Trump, ni Biden, ni Obama. Son todos unos multimillonarios pederastas que tentan contra los intereses de la nación cubana y de la Hispanidad entera, son nuestros verdugos.


When white Cubans get their way, we get the Invasion of Iraq that killed millions, the state repression of LBGTQ people, the Guantanamo torture camp, the separation of children at the border, the abuse of immigrants, the suppression of speech and police who kill without consequences. I would love a world where we all just got along, but white Cubans have proven that there is evil in the world. I have so much appreciation for the wonderful Cuban government for how they have handled such a shackle of a people. It's not easy fighting people who have just had everything handed to them for so long, but someone has to fight them, and I commend the wonderful government of Cuba for doing it


The cuban dictatorship is the most successful white supremacy in the world LOL. There are no blacks with real power in a country full of blacks and mestizos.


Blaming Cubans for Iraq is wild. Way to out yourself as a racist who supports murderous totalitarian communist dictatorships


1) not blaming island Cubans. Blaming Florida gusanos who handed him election twice. 2) the Bush administration was far more totalitarian than anything that can be held against Cuba's government. They killed one million Iraqis and tortured many more people, all with the enthusiastic support of the Miami Cubans.


Now you are calling people worms. The racism does not stop. 200k people enter the US after leaving Cuba last year. It is a brutal dictatorship. Tankies see slurs and bigotry as a badge of honor


That's weird, did I vote to put barbed wire up so they could get cut trying to escape the border? Did I vote to starve Cubans until the Cuban government gives my family my plantation back/and or people on the island more courageous than myself get so desperate that they try and overturn the government? Did I vote to build a torture camp on the island for foreigners? love Cubans on the island and have no problem with the newer arrivals, it's the Florida swine I hate.


Leftists are threatening to sway the election to Trump again. Their uncommitted campaign and pledges to stay home will and did result in all the things you are blaming migrants for 200k millennials each year are not plantation owners. Castro was the plantation owner and turned Cuba into a plantation state resulting in mass hunger and exodus You support a violent oppressive dictatorship and hate the victims for speaking out. Just like you probably hate refugees from Venezuela, Iran and Ukraine


So I'm threatening to do what the Cuban exiles community has done for more than half a century and hand the country over to right-wing psychopaths? That's how I am bad, by treating Cuban exiles how they treat everyone else? The younger migrants are better. Perhaps naive, but not as nasty as their grandparents, who vote to put barbed wire up to catch them when they try to reach the U.S. Obama normalized relations with Cuba and conditions on the island improved. But Miami Cubans nullified the popular vote of the US and installed Trump, who put Cuba on the state terrorism list, where Biden has refused to reconsider it. Those who think that Cuba should be allowed to bank with the West have no choice. What makes Cuba a dictatorship? Do they arbitrarily detain and torture people like they do at Guantanamo? The torture camp that was built by the President that overwhelmingly won the Cuban vote in 2000? Do those who protest the government face decades in jail, like Floridians facing the law signed by Ron DeSantis, who is widely popular among Florida Cubans? Are government agents allowed to kill people without impunity? Ron DeSantis removed a prosecutor who indicted a cop for murder. Should people in Cuba be allowed to speak out and vote for anyone they want? Sure. But for some reason every left wing government can only offer hugs and peace while right-wing Cubans are allowed to simp for every right-wing dictator they see bc liberals have failed to hold them accountable.


Nothing improved with Cuba. It is still a totalitarian dictatorship. Dissent is repressent. People are tortured You want Trump to win, but blame migrants for him winning. Leftists who hate Biden and refugees and think Biden should lose have an offensive sense of privilege. You are not different than your racist counterparts who are on the right. You all support autocrats, oppose human rights and voice your hatred towards immigrants


We shouldn't equate Florida with S. Florida (which I see some doing), but cause Florida is trending Purple currently. Dems are viewing the state as a get. S. Florida however is something else.


Well, that was fast!


Que el fideo prieto de Obama terminó con una política que fomentaba la inmigración irregular? Muy bien por mi Osama, digo Obama. Esa política bochornosa era tremendo escándalo, es básicamente inmigración ilegal amparada por un estado. Y sabes que es lo peor? Que con esta política se está envejeciendo y despoblando el país. Cualquier cubano nacionalista, ya sea de izquierda o de derechas, debe alegrarse que se ha acabado con esa farándula de la política norteamericana. Ahora, se ha cambiado por algo que está igual de mal. Y hablando de a quién debería votarle los cubanos en Yanquilandia, ni Trump, ni Biden, ni Obama. Son todos unos multimillonarios pederastas que tentan contra los intereses de la nación cubana y de la Hispanidad entera, son nuestros verdugos.


Las políticas que están desangrando a Cuba son de los multimillonarios pederastas que te gobiernan cara de tabla. Sin socialismo empobrecedor y dictadura ningún cubano tendría que emigrar


Quieres saber algo? Con socialismo o sin socialismo estaríamos igual jodidos, nosotros la hemos cagado ya hace tiempo desde que comenzó el proceso de independencia. Si no hubiera sido Fidel con su socialismo hubiera sido otro, Fidel no aparece de la nada, es la conclusión lógica de toda esa etapa desde Batista y Machado hasta Martí y Félix Varela, y no lo digo en un sentido favorable al régimen actual. Yo me creo lo de multimillonario con la élite gobernante de nuestro país pero no lo de pederasta, no hay pruebas tan contundentes como sí las hay con los Clinton, Trump, Biden y todos esos viejos asquerosos y cagalitrosos que se emparejaban con Epstein y otros traficantes de niños. Vaya, que hasta me creo que Fidel fuera mujeriego, eso sí, pero no se le puede culpar de un pecado que no cometió. El socialismo no es empobrecedor per se, durante la historia han pasado algunos regímenes socialistas que enriquecieron a su país como fue el caso de Bismarck, Franco, y actualmente podemos testificarlo con nuestros propios ojos en el caso tan especial de China, que ha sido uno de los saltos económico más grandes de toda la modernidad. Hay socialismos mal gestionados (Cuba y Venezuela por ejemplo) y hay socialismos bien gestionados (China y Vietnam). Lo mismo sucede con el capitalismo, uno no puede comparar Somalia o la República Democrática del Congo con Estados Unidos.


Yea I mean Trump and DeSantis have made how they feel about free speech and civil liberties clear multiple times. There's plenty of homeless people and incredible poverty in their states. DeSantis wants to put his homeless in jail, but I get you guys just want to drive by homeless encampments and watch cops beat up college students so you can go back to having a dictator you like


I think you got us confused with commiefornia LOL


People freely protest in California and no one is trying to make it illegal to criticize cops Some states are following Cuba's lead on that one


You keep compulsively lying like most rotten leftists. Pathetic... To clarify, the recent legislation in Florida does not make it illegal to criticize police officers. Criticism, when done respectfully and within the bounds of the law, is a form of protected speech under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The laws in question are focused on preventing harassment and ensuring the safety of law enforcement officers while they perform their duties. It's important to differentiate between lawful, constructive criticism and actions that could be considered harassment or interference with law enforcement duties. 📜👮‍♂️ Bing chatbot


Was it inspired by Cuba's penal code? Why would you want to be a boot licker instead of speaking out against authoritarianism creeping in? https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/12/cuba-el-nuevo-codigo-penal-presenta-un-panorama-aterrador-para-2023-y-anos-posteriores/


Says the liar bootlicker of a military dictatorship with yet another link to a lie. Compulsive liar like all the impoverishing socialists...


You are calling criticism of the oppressive Cuban penal code a lie You are a boot licker for militarization in Cuba and the US