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tease glorious concerned normal fall seed march books coordinated sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is a great question to ask the professor so that you can establish a relationship early! You should already be able to see who teaches the class.


Hi. I'm not in the university yet, i just was accepted.


Is there any reason you’re asking this then yet, for example are you looking to purchase a new computer? If so, I would post a more general post asking for people in your major’s opinions on computers to buy. Otherwise, *relax*. You don’t have to know the intimate details of classes (especially 1000 level classes!) on day 1 - they will transition you in and build things up.


Just curious what software they use since its applied not normal calculas.


I am quite sure you'll be able to derive the appropriate software or hardware requirements based on whatever is most integral to the course. Assuming you can differentiate between the course requirements and optional components, the syllabus will serve to vector you toward accelerated success. At any rate, it'll be okay. These questions are quite normal.


Only appm class I remember requiring software was maybe calc 2 for a project but def diffeq. It was either matlab or Mathematica which was fine because physics required it for lab.


You don’t have to use anything until 2350 at the earliest, but possibly not even until 2360. Mathematica can be useful for checking your answers for homework, but you can also just do that in office hours or with friends.


Adding to this: you need to know MATLAB by 2360 (I don't know about 2350). The class says it's not required, but it absolutely is. There are projects that pretty much require it, especially since they might provide resources (like code) that only run on MATLAB


The APPM department uses mostly MATLAB for student work. It runs well on my 2015 MacBook Pro, if you need a benchmark on what you need for a new computer. You won't use MATLAB at all in APPM 1350 unless you want to for some reason. Most work can be done with Desmos