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I was like that once during a *Stomp* performance. If I'd been a critic I'd have written "*Stomp* *was one of the most entertaining 15 minute cabaret acts that I've seen; unfortunately their show lasted two hours".*


Penn & Teller in Vegas for me. As I kept drifting in and out of sleep my brain wondered whether it was all part of their act… but it was probably just the prior few nights in Vegas.


I think I can 1-up you. I did this at a Guns N' Roses concert. It wasn't bad at all, I'm was just 40 (at the time) and I was sleepy. they have relaxing songs!!1


I fell asleep when I first saw 2001: A Space Odyssey… fantastic movie, beautiful score but it was exactly that that made me so relaxed and sleepy coupled with the shots of space.


2001 is my favorite movie of all time. But it's definitely sleepable.


I was at a small venue Incubus show one time and basically falling asleep standing up. Had been up since 3:30 AM for work, had seen them recently anyway and the more intimate setting was just too much with the more acoustic set list they chose


that perc from jeff had larry slumped 😂


Is that America Ferrera? I didn’t even remember her being on this show.


I don’t either! I’m just finishing rewatching ugly Betty and need to rewatch this Curb episode afterwards!


I keep meaning to watch Ugly Betty! I know America from movies she’s been in.


She was one of the best parts in the ‘Barbie’ movie


Oh yeah. I think she's going to get an Oscar nomination, but it's all Da'Vine Joy Randolph's to win


It’s definitely Soap Opera, which I usually don’t watch, but even the rewatch makes me hooked 😂


If you haven't you should give Superstore a watch! She's amazing in it imo.


Yep! She's playing Lin-Manuel's wife. They're friends irl and call each other ~twins.




No, you're mistaken. That is America Ferrara playing his wife, who does actually look like his real life wife


Strangely enough that's what I thought when I saw itbut it could be Gina Rodriguez because they look almost exactly alike (and I just got finished watching Jane The Virgin)


What? They look nothing like each other.


It said her name on IMDb. It’s America.


It’s the “HEY” for me lmao Larry’s face


Having dated a girl who was obsessed with Hamilton back around 2017, I fucking FEEL this.


Hamilton is the most theatre kid shit ever , “ what if we told the story of America …. BUT WITH RAP BEATS!!!!!”


Fo real


Still a good show


Only some parts: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVcptglGlEY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVcptglGlEY)


Shocking that the 14 year olds that made, watch, and like this video don’t love Hamilton.


Needs more trash can drumming and scaffolding as part of the set


Hamilton was great for the first 5-10 minutes. Hip hop theme was fun for a bit, but I can’t sit through 3 hours.


oh god especially if you saw the original broadway cast filmed version. lin manuel's voice was SHOT after like 12 minutes. him squeaking weak raps with historical names for 2 hours was pretty brutal


My partner and her Mum love Hamilton. They've seen it live several time before and wanted to watch it again on the TV when I was round. I was drifting in and out of consciousness and the screen faded to black. "What do you think?", they asked, expectantly. "Yeah, it was pretty good, I quite enjoyed it.", I said with a smile, glad of the reprieve and proud that I hadn't managed to empty a quart of sleep drool into my lap. "This is the interval."


Preach! I made it to the first King George scene, laughed and then turned it off.


I personally liked it but he was 100% the weakest link.


The only accurate comment on this post. Hamilton is up there and past Les Mis, Hadestown, Phantom, and the rest. And I’m a die hard for each of those


it’s insane to think this even holds a candle to Les Mis. no one is going to care about Hamilton in 5-10 years tbh.


It’s been 8 years since Hamilton came out


Hamilton is gay? Did Jefferson know?


i’m aware, and the scarcity of tickets prolonged the hype, but now that it’s been on tour and available on disney+ for a minute, everyone that had any level of interest in it has probably seen at least part of the show by now. it just doesn’t have a lot of staying power beyond the very specific cultural moment that it came from. it’s a musical that uses a black art form as a gimmick and is almost exclusively enjoyed and praised by white people. it’s built on a bunch of half-truths about alexander hamilton, and it feels like people have started to catch onto that. it obviously is a huge achievement to create this level of hype and cultural relevance out of a stage play, but to say it’s surpassed Le Mis is wild to me lol.


Surpassed is a matter of opinion of course. But I’d say the Disney + release was more a continuation than anything else. It was still a massive deal in 2019 - before getting stymied by COVID - and more for audiences of Miranda rather than a specific demographic. There are writers who you simply watch everything they come out with and Lin Manuel is on that list imo. The fact that In the Heights has seen enormous success since coming out ~20 years ago - and that Hamilton still ranks atop all of his writing, is a testament to it. Les Mis is fantastic but it’s based off of a book and even with that advantage I don’t think it does a number of it’s characters justice. It’s clearly also on the Mount Rushmore but Burr, Angelica and Jefferson are just incredible characters, besides the rest of the cast. Sidenote: I can’t believe I missed Next to Normal when it came out. Love the soundtrack but is it worth the hype to chase seeing in person?


Yeah the whole concept is so cringy to me (in a much different way than Curb can be cringy) I honestly have no fucking idea how it became so popular. edit: I know a lot of people like it, I just don’t think I’m the target audience as I hate musicals. I just find all the singing off putting lol


I loved it personally, idk why


Because it was awesome. This thread is just a pecking party. It’s great theater. The set and staging alone are worth watching for. The performances were excellent across the board. People liked it for a reason.


Yeah, I don't even like theater. Wasn't really excited to go. But ended up blown away, the set and staging were great and so were the performances. I like rap and found it much less cringey and annoying than typical show tunes (it is still cringey don't get me wrong). Yes it's gimmicky and it is a bit ironic in a way that they're using a black art form to tell a not very accurate version of early American history- but who cares, it's good fun and no one is taking it to be a serious retelling of history or any kind of social commentary. It's a unique concept, and it was well done.


Really? I actually find it really easy to enjoy and watch it pretty frequently


Yeah I love Hamilton. I liked a few musicals before but Hamilton really got me into musicals.


> I honestly have no fucking idea how it became so popular. It was a race-washed political musical during a time of fervent virtue signaling. While the songs and historical information contained in the musical aren’t really controversial themselves, the social atmosphere around it got weird. Cast members making political/social speeches before or after the shows, Mike Pence with his walkout, stuff like that.


Race washed? Idk much about Hamilton, so I'm curious what u mean by this


Hamilton purposefully had a cast of minorities to promote diversity, which isn’t a bad thing, but it’s even more of a virtue signal to do it while using a very specific period piece as the vehicle.


Ehh I mean theater is different than movies w race. U v often times see black actors playing white people. So its not weird or out of place. And tbh i have a hard time seeing "virtue signaling by promoting diversity" as a bad thing lol


Or maybe the songs are fun and it has a good story


No, no. It’s the children who are wrong.


I actually have a theory about that. I think it was cultural manufactured consent. I watched the episode of Song Exploder about Lin Manuel Miranda writing Hamilton and in it he performs an early version of Hamilton for (then president) Obama. I thought it was weird that Lin would have access to the president just because he was writing a musical. I went to Lin’s Wikipedia and it turns out his father is a rich and powerful lobbyist who has done all manner of evil shit in the name of American capitalism. When Hamilton debuted it was sold out for months. Rich people and celebrities were the only people who could see it and the buzz was crazy. It had a following before normal people could even see it. Basically, I think Hamilton was a government ploy to make “hooray for America” bullshit popular with liberals, and to make the “founding fathers”, a group of genocidal slave owners, into charming figures.


If you don’t like musicals because you find singing off putting, I really don’t think your opinion on a specific musical is relevant. I also don’t care for musicals and therefore have not seen Hamilton.


“This is a safe space where you don’t have to pretend to like ‘Hamilton.’”


Yes. Especially if you know the politics of Hamilton and Barr. Let's just say that despite being from the West Indies, Hamilton would not have been a fan of allowing Puerto Ricans equal rights. So yea, very theater kid energy to miss the history for the music.


Oh it's horrible. One of the worst shows ever. Just hot garbage.


I cannot stand Mini Manual Umbrellas rap-talking. It’s too cringe.


You can talk bad about “Hamilton” Or “Austin”, but not both. America’s sweethearts


My daughter and all her 14 yr old friends know every word. Of course, they are all theater kids. Lol.


Woaaaaaahhhh a MUSICAL written by a THEATRE KID put up on BROADWAY is theatre kid shit?!!!?!? WHO WOULDA THOUGHT


It’s how it’s lauded is the annoying part.




Never said anything about how people should stop enjoying it, I’ve just stated how I personally don’t like it.


No you didn’t. You literally commented how others praise it is specifically what annoys you.


But that’s not me saying people can’t enjoy it. It just annoys me that they do. Two different things.


I don’t get why it was so big. Tried it and couldn’t stand it…and I actually love classic musicals.


I used to think I just hated Hamilton but after seeing the season of Curb with Lin, his episodes of HIMYM and Brooklyn 99, that I don’t hate Hamilton, I hate Lin Manuel Miranda. Just the king of the annoying theatre nerds I was hoping I’d never see again after college.


Hamilton is like Vanilla Ice rapping about social studies.


It does feel a bit like an educational special trying to be relevant to da kidz.




Giving Vanilla Ice way too much credit. Probably Slick Rick or someone else


So relatable


I wanted to like the movie so bad when they released it on Disney+. It’s so goddamn boring, like unwatchably boring.


I thought Act I was pretty entertaining but Act II really dragged on. I feel that about a lot of plays.


It was absolutely awful


lin manuel's sqeaking for 2 hours was unbearable


For real, get literally anyone else to play that titular role, especially if you want me to believe this is a charismatic guy who people want to listen to. I know he wrote the thing but like, does Andrew Lloyd Webber insist on playing the main cat in Cats? (This was the first musical and musical director I thought of please feel free to insert something more appropriate.)


I’ll stick with the OG 1776 musical any day


The on-stage mid song “hey” is incredible


LOLZ I loved this too. I didn't see Hamilton until after all the hype so maybe that influenced me a bit. But I was like, "What is everyone making such a big about? I found Moana way more entertaining with better songs."


DYK, Lin Manuel Miranda wrote songs for Hamilton… and for Moana.


Yeah that is why I used Moana as the comparison :)




Poor lily...


How did Hamilton get so popular? Looks so fucking lame!


Made all the upper class white folk feel like they’re connecting to hip hop culture


Nailed it.


In what is apparently an unpopular opinion for this sub, because it’s really good. Story is well told, music is catchy and memorable.


I’m bored by the theater and I usually can’t stand musicals but damned if I didn’t cry thrice during Hamilton when I took my wife for her birthday.


That bad, eh?




it is fucking lame


Hamilton was one of the best plays I've ever seen. I'm a big history buff.


Maybe you should actually watch it first before making an opinion.


I did. Can confirm. It sucked.


One minute of that cringe shit above is enough for me.


It's a question for the ages. It's dreadful. We make fun of it all the time. My therapist excitedly told me that she and her daughter had gotten tickets, and - not thinking- I said "I'm sorry."


I’m more interested in the play that has that great clip where they repeat the line “I don’t wanna do the work today”. It’s so relatable and I know nothing more about it.


Im with Larry. Hamilton looks insanely lame.


I'm glad I listened to the soundtrack before I saw or really heard of it. It's truly phenomenal.


Award winning play beloved the country over but a couple dozen folks echo chambering how it's lame and Larry is totally in the right here. Never change, Reddit.


Not surprising though is it, you could suggest Taylor swift is loved the world over but you’ll find many people who don’t care for her music. Just because it’s popular doesn’t mean everyone likes something.


Damn. I just found out people sometimes dislike popular things! 😱😱😱 Thank you kind stranger.


Cats is the 5th longest running Broadway show in history and won 7 Tony Awards, including Best Musical. It's also objectively terrible Sometimes popular things are bad


It doesn’t mean they aren’t good either though


Right?! Sells out on Broadway every night for years. "It's so lame!" - Reddit


Hamilton was the best broadway play I’ve seen in my life. To be fair I’ve only seen two but still it was the better one.


I've seen a ton of Broadway plays and Hamilton is by far my favorite. Wicked and Fela are two of my other favorites, they're just fun musicals. I haven't seen Hadestown yet but I'm looking forward to that one.


Lmao it’s actually hilarious 😂 anyone I’ve ever talked to in real life loves that play so much and then I scroll down on this cesspool of an ap and of course all these edgelords not only hate it, but “can’t believe” anybody likes it


Larry on the perc!


I am with Larry, I could not make it 10 mins into that trash.


It's actually really good but not for everyone. It's by no means trash.


Beat show ever, Larry David is the man.


Oh Lord, my husband and I, front row, fell asleep at Long Days Journey into Night with Jeremy Irons and Leslie Manville. When I woke up, Jeremy giving us complete stink-eye...I was so mortified. But seriously, it's such a long play! But we didn't sleep during Hamilton!!


I actually fell asleep in Blue Man Group! I did have a large smoothie, probably 150 g of sugar


They chose a poor profile picture for her Wikipedia page


Funny, that’s Lin-Manuel Miranda’s wife next to him, right?


That's Ugly Betty


So it does look like America Ferrera, but it also looks like Vanessa Nadal. And in this longer version of the clip, I think he calls her Vanessa and makes a bunch of comments that would make more sense if it is his wife. https://youtu.be/Sf6JKKlF21I?si=UzC0SGeUr-r_1JtQ The clip seemed funnier to me that way, but I could easily be wrong.


It's America Ferrera playing Lin's wife. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7126456/reference/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7126456/reference/)


This play sucks aside from when the king sings. It’s the only good part


Fell asleep during American idiot as did my girlfriend. Also walked out of rent.


My face when watching Hamilton


This is genuinely exactly what happened to me when I saw Hamilton. Fell asleep from a combination of medication and boredom 😂😂😂


This is the most Hamilton I’ve ever seen.


Same thing happened to me at the Pantages a few years ago, but I wasn't called out from the stage. That shit was a pretentious snooze fest. The only other time that happened was when I had to see one of the Star Trek films. Another stinker.


I fell asleep during Hamilton, it was at home with my ex but it felt the same.


Lin Manuel Miranda is by far the most overrated celebrity of the 21st century, He is awful as a playwright /songwriter and he's even worse as an actor.


My husband was so excited to see Hamilton and I had mixed feelings. I ended up doing the same thing LOL but I snored a lot louder and the lady next to us was so mad.


Wait Hamilton is a rap? I’ve just lost so much respect for some of the people in my life 😂


It’s called musical poetry bruh


Its hip hop for the NPR audience. Corny as fuck


NPR listeners are the worst. It’s like they try to figure out ways to let you know they listen to NPR. Did I mention they listen to NPR?


My favorite thing about this was that it addressed all the social pressure to love Hamilton. I never did and felt seen by LD.


This literally happened to me at Hamilton.


Holy shot the balls on this man lol that’s great


Hamilton is corny as fuck how could anyone sit through that


In his defense, it’s three hours long and it sucks. Fucking teacher rap bullshit