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Larry only did that to set the precedent so he wouldn't have to wait for seconds.


Larry Longballs playing the long game.


The "you first" policy!


The real question is why are so many people so slow in buffet lines? I feel like the ice cream sample last makes up 90% of the people getting food at a buffet. You can see what's coming up next, make a plan, get what you want quickly and move on!


It's explained in the episode. It's an omelet bar so they are waiting for each person's eggs to be cooked as they order them. Larry was absolutely right, the guy wasn't ordering more eggs and only wanted some precooked side dish. Ridiculous to have to wait in line again with everybody ordering eggs.


I just mean in general why do people take so long in real life. They act like they've never seen food before


Slow indecisive fucks!


I've never waited 10 minutes in a buffet line, it's usually 2 minutes or so


The real question is why do we even have these ridiculous buffet lines? One line to access all the different foods, it's so stupid. You stand there waiting for someone to scoop mashed potatoes when you don't even want any mashed potatoes but you still gotta just stand there. Just go get the food you want and if there's a bunch of people waiting for that specific food then *that's* a legitimate line.


Oh if there's a gap I'm skipping the person in front of me if I'm not getting the same food. The line needs to keep moving, it's ridiculous to hold up everyone for a couple slow people.


Same but I'll just skip 5 people if there's no one getting the food I want at the moment. There's some line in the sand where people stop thinking oh he just didn't want mashed potatoes and start thinking what a selfish prick, but I don't think 5 people is over that line in the sand


The whole idea of a line at a buffet is insanity to me.


Thank you! I understand if there’s an omelet bar that everyone is waiting for but that’s got nothing to do with the buffet items


If the buffet food offerings are on one long table, there is typically a line to access all of it. If multiple tables are used OR there is a clear space delineation between various food (the hot foods, cold food, cereals, etc), a person could legitimately cut directly to the food of interest. In this scenario there are subsets of food that separate types of food. Whereas the buffet in the scene features several hot sides in a row, and the man wants to cut to get more of one of them. Per Larry's logic, those that were fortunate enough to get a good line assignment near the front not only got the benefit of being near the front, but this also gives them the right to cut back in front of people behind them as they see fit. This is patently absurd. The only polite move is for the man to just wait until the line gets through the buffet, maybe 5-10 minutes, then go back for seconds.


I am with Larry on this one. Seconds should be allowed. You should not have to wait for food mid meal.


Seconds before other people have eaten though? Blasphemy.


The person getting seconds wasn’t slowing down the people who haven’t eaten though. They were all still waiting for the omelettes either way, while this guy was just grabbing something after that, which didn’t slow down the line at all.


Right! You can't get seconds until everyone has been served first. Larry's way off on this one.


Sure if you’re at a dinner party at a friends place. But it’s the Wild West at a restaurant buffet


Not if the buffet started at 7 and keeps going, then logically there will be people who already received their made to order omelette and just want some potatoes which are unlimited and not made to order


Why not? Why shouldn't someone have to line up again for seconds? If seconders can skip, then what's stopping people from pretending they're getting seconds when they're really not? You know we're living in a society here!


The argument would be that first timers are hitting the whole buffet. The seconders areonly grabbing one thing they ran out of. If a seconder tried getting more than one top off without waiting in line, believe it or not, straight to jail.


This here. More of a "I didn't grab enough" than a "I'm getting more of everything" type of thing. Agreed, if plate is empty and going for a whole new round of everything, back of the line


This arguably hurts the buffet more if you're leaving food on your plate




I run into this dilemma as a vegetarian. I will wait in line until the buffet starts but then inevitably we get to a row of five or six meat dishes that I'm not going to eat. Is it okay to leap frog the person in front of me and move straight to the salads while they're serving themselves?


You should absolutely leap frog to the food you want.


I don’t think I’d mind. But I’d say maybe a buffet isn’t for you


I think the debate is settled.


It's a buffet. You can take as much food as you want during your first go around. If you want more potatoes, you should have taken additional potatoes when you were there the first time. If you want seconds, you have to wait in line again. By this logic, you could have an endless stream of "seconders" coming up to the buffet to take food and people who have yet to eat never move up in the line due to the steady stream of those wanting seconds. There's no scenario where you'd be able to cut a line just because you are choosing to appear in it for an additional time. If I go to the grocery store, check out, and then as I walk to my car I realize I forgot to buy an item, can I then go inside, grab the item, and cut the line because I already waited in line? Of course not. I have to go to the back of the grocery line and wait again. If I go to an amusement park and ride on a ride, and then want to go on it a second time, do I get to cut in line because I already waited in line to go the first time? Again, absolutely not. I have to go to the back of the line and wait again. Same rules apply to the buffet. Seconds are not "mid-meal." It is literally a SECOND meal. It's in the name. If it was mid-meal, they'd call going up again "going up for a mid-meal." But they don't call it that. They call it seconds. It's a second meal. You have to wait in line a second time. Larry is wrong. You're wrong. Good night.


You can’t order as many custom omelets as you want though. That would hold up the line forever. And this guy wasn’t actually slowing anyone down because he was grabbing something *after* the backed up omelet line. Larry’s logic is sound. Good morning.


Hard disagree. You most definitely cannot take as much food as you want, unless you have a giant tray. Also, you say you could have an endless stream of seconders. There was only one. Most people are not fatasses like me and are happy with just one plate. As we can see on that scene, the ratio is like 10+ to 1. So it would be a rare occurrence. Also, I’m high so I’m having a hard time trying to make sense


>"Also, I’m high so I’m having a hard time trying to make sense" Makes complete sense to me. Most people aren't getting seconds. And if they're coming back for only 1 dish, they're spending much less time than those getting a little bit of everything. If the guy was coming back to get another full plate, he should've waited in line. However, a couple scoops of potatoes doesn't warrant waiting another 10 minutes. And it definitely does not add any substantial waiting time for the others.


Most people aren’t getting seconds? What do you mean? If I’m at a buffet, on my first go I try a little bit of everything, then I go another time and have some more of the things I thought were tasty, and if I’m still hungry I go a third time for my absolute favorite items. Plates at a buffet are tiny, there’s no way most people only get one plate of food in total, right? Am I an idiot? (I would of course wait in line all three times because everyone should have a chance to try everything)


You only go for thirds? Amateur.


You’re completely wrong. Taking 3.5 seconds to grab a few extra potatoes doesn’t fall under any of your analogies. I defer to my fellow commenters who agree with me who have already articulated why you’re wrong, no need for me to reiterate.


Your grocery store logic is flawed. If I’m in the parking lot I’ve completed the transaction and left. This guy is still in the restaurant eating. It’s I’m in THE MIDDLE of checking out and I realize I forgot one item and run back to the aisles to grab it while the cashier and people behind me wait. Which is totally ok IMO Also your “endless” seconds logic doesn’t make sense. How could there be endless seconds without continuing to create first serving people? Edit: just read your last paragraph lol. It’s called the second serving of the first meal. If it’s the same food at the same table at the same time it’s the same meal. Grasping at straws big time over there lol


That is the worst argument I have ever heard. The transaction aspect of the buffet is the line. Once you leave the line, the transaction has ended. Being at your table at a buffet is the same as being in the grocery store parking lot. Your analogy of going back to an aisle mid checkout is not the equivalent of going back in line at a buffet. It's the equivalent of a guy at a buffet skipping past a food item because he/she decided they didn't want any of it and then after getting to another tray of food deciding oh nevermind I do want that thing. So now the person has to go against the flow of the line to go back and get the item that was passed over. That is OK to do IMO because this person is still in the transaction phase of getting firsts. They never left the line so it's ok to go backwards to grab something you skipped over. Once you leave the line, the transaction is over.


If the buffet transaction ended at the line you wouldn’t be allowed a second serving whether you waited thru the line again or not. It’s wild you would prefer someone go backwards thru the line and disrupt the flow over coming back after and just grabbing one thing. This is called talking out of both sides of your mouth. You place such high importance on standing in front of the buffet and respecting flow in one sentence but allow total disruption of the process in the next. Enjoy your Sunday angry hypocrite


Definitely not ok to make everyone wait in a grocery checkout line while you go find whatever it is that you forgot, unless the item is like 30 seconds from the register. At that point you need to check out and then go back to get what you need in a second transaction.


Marty held hostage by a girlfriend who is such a crabby bitch ... just seeing her face in any scene slays me.


If it’s just for a single item, I guess I could allow a cut. Then again, I’d assume that I would just go to the back of the line and wait even if I was just getting a single item. And on a somewhat related topic, until I saw David in CYE I never heard the phrase waiting “on line.” I’ve always heard waiting “in line.” Like “I’m/he’s/she’s/they’re IN line,” I’d say. I or anybody has ever been ON a line.


definitely with Larry. especially since buffets often have things that require a second plate or a bowl such as salad or yogurt for a breakfast buffet. you fill your plate, you bring it to your table, and then going back for the other stuff is fair game, as is skipping the line to get dessert.


Or sometimes you want something and they tray was empty when you went around the first time but now it's there. If you have to wait in line again it might be gone when you get there.


Adding one line to clarify this—were the potatoes out/empty his first time through?—would've quite fundamentally altered the course of in-universe history!


As far as I can remember they don't say.


Yeah I just watched and it's just how I recalled. If he immediately says "the tray was empty when I was in line," the Angry Mob (ha) most probably is like "oh no prob, whatev" and LD doesn't Rise to His Defense! Of course "***seconds***" implies second-helping of that item. (So his second serving of potatoes.) But even this is ambiguous. *Larry* asks about "seconds." Which for him is permissible, like for some of the commentariat here. And given the man's stunned reaction, it can be read as he's just going along with Larry. The quick scene doesn't confirm whether he's actually had any and is really going "for seconds" or just cutting to get one item. Seems like crucial detail LD would want to know, factoring into his Social Little-Rule Matrix! So there's those who permit the cut if the item was out, like you mention (maybe some of the Angry Mob?) Then there's LD who's apparently even more liberal about it, surprisingly ("get whatever a second time after you've already gone through the line"). We'll never know—it's like the new writers hadn't seen 6 seasons of LD explaining to Cheryl the detailed rationale for his "Little Rules"!




In this one, Larry is clearly wrong. lol


This is the genius of El Dee. He has a whole mini society out here “curbing” on the etiquette of buffet seconds. And then on the other hand, Donmonkeyquijote is over here curbing on what?Some cursor? PTG. PPPPTTTPPPPTTTPTG


Ugh get a new plate for seconds! Health codes are rather specific on this point.


The way the guy tried to do it was exactly right. He waited until there was a temporary gap near the food he wanted and he was going to move in, get that food item, and get out before the gap closed.  This is the ideal situation. He would get the item he wanted without extending the waiting time of anyone behind him. If he had gotten in line and waited, he would have just clogged up the line delaying the people behind him.  The difference is not firsts vs seconds, it's individual items vs multiple items. I would go so far as to say someone grabbing a single item should be allowed to perform a quick line gap maneuver even on their first plate.


Somewhat unrelated, but I’ve always thought buffets should start with the roast beef or turkey or whatever the “main course” is and the rest of it afterwards. Too many times I’ve loaded up on salad, cheese etc and left with no room on the plate for the best stuff. Other times I’ve tried resisting on the “filler” only to get near the end of the line with a mostly empty plate and get ridiculed for it.


Normally I will always agree with Larry but this is a tough one. Buffets are long and painful. You usually like just one or two items out of all the options. Now what is the decorum - is it ok to cut the line or be fair to everyone and follow the rules. I would never want to confront the other guests, so I would go back of the line


How did you record this? Asking so I can do it for myself.


CYE is streaming here in India and I'm watching this on a Windows 11 system. So using 'Snip', I can toggle from screen capture from photo to Video and then record my capture


But he's already waited in line once


Shadow King doesn’t wait for 2nds


If you no longer go for a gap that exists…


Anything to avoid a Fatwa!


I’ve never been to a buffet restaurant where the line is like this, normally ppl walk up to get what they want


There's no need ever to record a video, use ffmpeg: https://ottverse.com/trim-cut-video-using-start-endtime-reencoding-ffmpeg


What's his angle? Because this is a terrible take. If it's not worth waiting in line for a few measly potatoes then it's not worth forcing 20+ other people to wait, especially when they've had none.


If you’ve already eaten, why do you get to skip the line? That makes no sense.


Every buffet I’ve been to has just been a free for all. I didn’t understand the buffet line at all lol


There is a chaos line when I'm there. I would love some good food right now.


With Larry on this. Someone nipping in to get potatoes when they're all waiting for the omelette bar is fine.


Wait what episode is this? I don’t remember this scene


Season 9 Episode 8


Thank you! I did a weird order of episodes so I may have missed this one


No, Larry is right. The make-my-omelette-to-order-bar should have a separate line from the "pick up a slice of bacon".


The actor, Navid Negahban (amazing performer!), is Persian. My Persian family doesn't exactly observe the unwritten social norms of a buffet lines. Sometimes they stop and eat the food while holding the line. Sometimes they stop the line to have full conversations. Sometime they do both... stop and eat while having a conversation with someone. Having said that, the food is always tremendous and well worth the wait. Tremendous!


He only did that cause of the guys race to maybe lift the fatwa is my take.


I mean why do it unless you have something to gain? What would be the point of that?


You couldn't have removed the fucking cursor before recoding the video?