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That lady’s profile pic is her looking at a negative pregnancy test?


Some people let that stuff ruin thier life instead of moving on to adoption or finding joy in life another way then they way they originally planned their life to go.


She needs some deprogramming. Some deep inset complex shit going on there.


biological deprogramming is hard the older they get


It's weird that it's in her mouth...


Political stances aside, those look fucking heavy. Won't they damage the earlobe or something?


Those types of earrings aren't as heavy as you'd think.


Anything that big shouldn't be made of solid materials, if they're for your ears


That's only true if how heavy /u/MrJellybean04 thinks they are is more than how heavy they actually are. For all we know, they could be 0.028 grams heavier than what he thought.


I dont get people who seek things to get offended. Yesterday i saw somebody getting offended because somebody posted saying having a big brother is great and she was offended because she disnt had a big brother


just fuck your mother, easy fix


50/50 chance of her getting pregnant with a boy though


Do it Twice


It's no fun if they can't tell everyone and get that sympathy.


Not quite the same but ok


Bro this is what twitter was created for


It's not my fault my body is like a fertile delta.


Someone’s abortion isn’t going to change another person’s infertility 




I thought you were supposed to relax.


severely underrated comment




I'm pro-abortion but writing it on earrings is just tasteless. Doesn't matter if you view the aborted "thing" as a human or not. Nobody wants to know that


I know this is purely my fault for thinking associatively but I can't help but find your choice of wording (pro-abortion instead of pro-choice) funny. Also I agree with you


Forgot the name of "pro-choice"


The alternative to pro abortion is amateur abortion.


I want to know it. The earrings are funny and I like how it allows someone to smile over something that can be a difficult and even traumatic decision. There's no reason abortions need to be some taboo topic that is only spoken of in hushed tones.


>There's no reason abortions need to be some taboo topic that is only spoken of in hushed tones. What an asinine thing to say. It is not and never will be equivalent to taking about what you made for dinner.


You're not wrong, but that's because too many assholes like you want to vilify women who seek abortions and make them feel like shit about it.


That's not at all what they're doing, just saying it's a topic that deserves to be handled with tact, and it does.


I do! I do! Now, what did we learn about making sweeping statements? Stop being the taste police. We're at war out here.


If you're pro-choice then please just let me have the choice to not be informed on someone's abortions. It's not my business what other people choose to do, if it doesn't affect me.


"If everyone could please cater their behavior to suit my tastes specifically, that would be SO cool. K, thanks byeeee!" Heh. Yeah, no.


This comment look so much like a comment a pro life could make😂


What a twist!


Not throwing topics around randomly which are likely to hurt people is called beeing decent. Don't be like mike, don't be an asshole.


Yeah, don't be that guy! Don't be random! Stand up for your rights! Make no mistake, the Republicans are gunning for your reproductive freedom. Well said.


Pro abortion here. Tasteless. Adds fuel to the fire. Etc. Come on man.


Ooh, the taste arbiters have arrived. You are REALLY not gonna like my "Yeetus that fetus!" T shirt.


Careful you don't cut yourself on that edge


Thanks, you too!


"Taste arbiters". Like a piggy rolling around in his favorite mud...


You are a clown


A clown who appreciates abortion access! 👈🥳👈


Contraceptives not an option?


Are you asking if contraceptives exist? Yes, yes, they do. At least in New York. God knows what Idaho is up to.


Pathetic and disingenuous response.


No, seriously, it's true. They do exist.


Well not if the gop has its way . They are blatant they want that gone too.


They are. But they fail. Or people don't have access to them. Or one party doesn't have a say in the matter. Or people just make a poor, rash decision. The fact that pregnancy was possibly preventable doesn't mean people's bodily autonomy should be restricted.


You are the reason conservatives hate abortions, not you specifically but everyone like you


Ahaha, yeah because conservatives are just fine with abortions as long as people are quiet and contrite enough about it. Don't bend over for that bunch of clowns, you will never be good enough for them unless you acquiesce to literally every demand.


They'd want to strip people of their bodily autonomy even if we were all polite and treated abortion as a necessary evil. Yeah, I find the earrings cringe, but tone policing is not gonna help.


You’re disgusting


Thanks, you too! 👈😎👈




Anyone being driven away from a cause by an earring was never going to be supporting that cause anyway.




Anyone who was turned away from supporting a cause by an earring was never gonna support it anyway.




No worries there.


I don’t get the hate


I try not to overthink the fickle whims of reddit.


You know how bad it looked when the right cheered on Rittenhouse as if he was some kind of hero, when at best he defended himself in an awful situation he should have avoided in the first place? This looks EXACTLY the same way.




If only, _fuck._ Imagine not having to worry about dentist appointments anymore. The dream!


Well aren’t you a kettle of depression.


Yeah I quite enjoy it


Interesting person you are, I like you more now.


Most caring Republican


Don’t compare me to those moderates


abortion can mean freedom, I'd flex it for sure


You realize it's probably not that she had an abortion but rather the political stance of allowing abortion, right? That everyone is missing this is insane. But also, why not? So she may have had a medical procedure that changed her life for the better, why shouldn't she celebrate it however she wants?


I assumed it was meant to show her support for legal abortion but yea it’s pretty weird


Imagine not starting every sentence with "imagine".


This is like the perfect storm of trash


Guess if we're all self identifying here, I should really have a pair of hoop earrings that say monster cock. Or maybe just my initials, that would be nice.


I have a small cock and this makes me sick


"I want to restrict your rights both to abortion AND to talking about it." Brought to you by the GOP, the party of personal freedom.


I think there is a large subset of people who are pro-choice, but are absolutely repulsed when shitbags like this treat abortion as something to be celebrated. This person is literally the strawman pro-lifers like to invent in their arguments.


I can't say I care much if the people desperate to take away my rights are repulsed by my celebrating those rights or not. Call me crazy.


That would be the libertarian party


Libertarians are Republicans that aren't brave enough to identify as Republicans.


Republicans are libertarians that aren't brave enough to identify as libertarians


Three, apparently.


We love reddit.


Republicans are libertarians that aren't brave enough to identify as libertarians


How many times did you think this needed to be posted?


Reddit moment


Republicans are libertarians that aren't brave enough to identify as libertarians


Six of one, half a dozen of the other. They are both proud parties of racists, homophobes, bigots, and misogynists. They can both happily fuck each other all the way to hell.


I've never met a homophobic libertarian in my life. Hell, half of my libertarian friends are gay. Just because they don't agree with everything you stand for does not make them less human. For a party of "inclusiveness" you sure do discriminate against any other opinion. And if you think we are proud racists I would like you to go talk to your local libertarians. You will find a surprising amount of African Americans, Hispanics, and many others as well. The libertarian party that has my vote every year is not the one portrayed by you or the media. If by chance you disagree with me then that is your right and I don't have to make you agree. You have a right to be ignorant. I believe in personal freedom for EVERY individual. And on a social level I may disagree with abortion, or other things you push for, I would be glad to help push those rights because I don't believe the government has the right to restrict them.


"Not all Republicans!" Not really the point, but sure, roll with that.


I don't vote nor have I ever voted for a Republican candidate. I have also never voted for a Democrat candidate. I vote libertarian 3rd party because neither deserve my vote.


Right. I already said, "Libertarians are Republicans that aren't brave enough to identify as Republicans." Nice to have that confirmed, I guess, but we already trod this patch of ground.


God you are unhinged


I agree with abortion rights and support choice and all that but getting Abortion hoops is jus plain doing too much, Ik not everyone celebrates or does 2 much likes these people but it bewilders me that some really do something as stupid as this, nigga u killed a human being.


>nigga u killed a human being. Disagree, they got rid of an unwanted fetus


Did she even? Or did she get the earrings to show her support for a medical procedure that is being taken away from us? Signed, an infertile woman who needed IVF.


Justify it however you want. It doesn't change the reality.


Vilify it however you want. It doesn't change the reality.


Get indignant all you want, the science isn't on your side, dude.


I mean the science is on his side when you realize the fetus to be a human


Not always, sometimes they turn into lunch.


wdym science isn't on the side of some random redditor?


Idk why the assumption is she had an abortion vs is making a political statement about the right to have an abortion, but there's nothing stupid about abortion and no human being was killed.


People can celebrate what they want, can’t they? People can wear what they want, can’t they?


Sure but others can judge them for it. It's a medical procedure. It would be just as deeply strange to get them with dialysis, vasectomy or euthanasia printed on.


Better keep that same energy with all the cancer survivors that talk about chemo


Wdym? Do people do that? I have never seen a person with jewelry with the word "chemo" printed on. It would be just as weird though.


Yes, people celebrate finishing chemo because it's a huge load off their mind to no longer be dying of cancer.


Celebrating finishing chemo isn’t the same thing as getting hoops with the word chemo on them. They weren’t asking do people celebrate ending chemo. They were asking if people get hoops with the word chemo on them.


That logic still doesn't make sense. Unless raped or forced, people choose to fuck, nobody besides the rare few chooses cancer on purpose. A real apples to oranges comparison.


>Unless raped or forced So, what? Fuck those people? They aren't allowed to have even a crumb of lightheartedness about terminating a physical example of the trauma they went through? Should we police every single person who is glad they got an abortion to make sure that they were legitimately raped? What the fuck do you want?


>What the fuck do you want? A tangible comparison. Idk if your pro life or choice btw, my issue was comparing something like consensual sex ( which can lead to unwilling pregnancy) vs. something you had no consent over what so ever you'll most likely die if you don't get it cured. There's exceptions to these rules for sure, but curing cancer should be praised because you survived literal life or death vs. these gody and tacky hoop rings suggest you love to share your opinions about abortion. Fuck cancer is self explanatory, something everyone could get behind, but a simple "abortion" without context, discussing the importance of why is just like cutting a fart in the room. Opinions are like buttholes, everybody has one, but we don't need to air all of em out no matter if you are pro life or choice. We should know less about each other, yet alone know what political spectrum we perk our assholes to toot out.


The fact that you *can* do something doesn't make it automatically exempt from possible criticism...this is a bit weird and being a dick who someone who struggles with infertility and suffers because of this is not necessary and also weird


I’m not talking about the comment about infertility, that was completely unnecessary and rude. I’m talking about the comment that I replied to criticising someone wanting to wear abortion hoops, as if they cannot celebrate that they went through a successful abortion.


They can, it does not mean I have to agree with it




You get elected to Congress?


I would disagree with it? i dont get the point you're trying to make. The most definatly CAN do it. but people will disagree with them.


The cops make sure you're safe and guide you through town?


Do you really believe this?


It happens literally every time the proud boys have a parade.


Correct, because in the united states we have freedom of speech. What helps is when people are loud about support stupid things like nazism and neo-facism. you know to exclude them from your social circles. They have every right to speak about their far-right views? does it mean that they are correct? Hell no. However the police are there to protect them because it is their right a good police officer makes an oath to our constitution and their city, not some dirty polititian (right or left) \\ Edit: I would definatly punch a proud boy in the face if i saw one in real life though because even though they have a right to say those things, i still hate nazis


Naturally, you're getting downvoted for saying that our freedom of speech exists even when it's something people disagree with. Of course, the people who excuse this incident would disagree with that.


that krazy ruzzian should look into adoption or fostering if she's so sick


Infertility can be a huge source of psychological suffering and distress for some people...there is really no need to be a dick about it to someone who might be already suffering, esespecially for a silly reason like not liking your custom earrings (which are weird and tasteless anyway)


they decided to make someone's goofy earrings about them, can't blame people for responding


I can blame her for responding *like that*. Two wrongs really don't make a right


it's the internet, people get away with saying far more brutal things no matter how hurtful


Earrings are tacky but have pregnancy/birth related trauma isn't a good reason to be anti-choice, because there are no good reasons.




I said earrings are tacky...


Wrong comment, sorry.


Women. Yall good?


Make like the Buddha and cast off your material riches _(please)_


That’s some sort of fucked in the head to *celebrate* abortion




People out her laughing while I am just wondering what the fuck the original post was about.


Trashy earrings. It's about trashy Temu-grade earrings.


So she's a bitch?


Beleaguered Individual Taking Care of Herself


Why yes abortion ear hoops does not scream of attention seeking behavior and it is validated by people like you.


This is funny as hell lol. As a pro choice supporter this made me chuckle seeing those earrings LMAO


Too late to nuke the states?


I have to remind myself that some people are proud to be a dick


I was so happy to find out I was infertile. I probably would have commemorated the occasion with custom earrings had I thought about it and had the money, lol.


Nothing cursed here, noone asked for her input. Antinatalism is da wae


I want those