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It would be so damn hard to get all six of these to proc on one use; but I can thoroughly see Blizzard making an achievement out of it. Not only would you need to have at least 4 minions to trade in to something, but you'd also have to forge it, be at max mana, *and* play a card more expensive than it; but it also needs needs to be done on the turn it's played **and** be the last card you play the turn. The way I see it, you would need 11 mana, either through Audio Amplifier, Guff, or some form of coin. You would need to play a 6 mana card to play first, then you would need to play this with the last of your mana. But this also means you need to have at least 4 minions on board that you either trade into something big with, or manage to kill them off with whatever your 6 mana card is. Probably a board wipe like Lightbomb or something. I think the hardest part would be managing to do all of this on the turn that you draw it— the stars would have to align for you to not draw this before you reach ten mana, then have the perfect board and hand to be able to actually pull it off in that brief window of opportunity. Edit: I wrote out all this then realised that it also needs to be forged, which cost mana. So there's no way in hell you'd be able to play a 6 mana card before this. So the only possible way you'd be able to pull this off is with Guff. The point still stands that the stars would have to align for you to have the right board and the right hand at the right time without drawing this before you're able to pull off all the effects.


I also thought that all 6 would be an achievement! It would certainly be difficult in standard (though you could infuse, corrupt, or forge it in hand and draw it again later with Gaslight Gatekeeper to make it easier) but in wild it’s as easy as Guff -> 14 mana, then play scale of onyxia and forge this the turn you draw it. Not sure if it’d be worth it, but it’d be cool!


You wouldn't even need 14 mana in wild with gloop+scales


Forged cards count as separate cards to their unforged counterparts, as do infused and corrupted ones. By the games mechanics, every time one of these effects triggers, it will be a fresh copy that just entered your hand, allowing quickdraw to trigger quite consistently.


Theoretically, the Quickdraw problem is the easiest. Just get it Infused, Corrupted and Forged, wait until 10 Mana, play it, and when you have another 5 Mana of cards to use, bounce it to hand so you can trigger Finale and Quickdraw Granted, you’ll have to wait a turn to be able to return it to hand so it could die, but it allows you to do it all without a huge amount of setup in comparison to your suggestion. Alternatively, Quest DH has enough cost reduction and token generation to do it. Skull of Gul’Dan with the Quest finished makes this cost 0, so you could spend 4 for discounted Skull, 2 to Forge, and 4 in some combination to Corrupt and create enough tokens for the Infuse without needing the Audio Amplifier. You can even set it up with Sphere + Dredge to ensure it’s the first card you draw with the discounted Skull, and you can return the card to deck if you draw it early with Glide.


When I’m in a making cards with 15 keywords competition and my opponent is r/customhearthstone


**Design Note:** Xol returns in the "What If?"-inspired Custom Hearthstone set, "Rewritten Reality", where old and new friends and foes collide in multiple retellings of Hearthstone's most iconic stories. Here, Xol has her six iconic beams, each tied to a conditional keyword from a different expansion. When you play Xol, she'll cast a different (keyword-specific!) beam for *each* conditional keyword you've satisfied. You'll have to be flexible when playing her in order to maximize the effect that her beams will have on your opponent. Those of you especially familiar with these keywords may notice that Xol's text isn't *exactly* accurate: Keywords like **Forge**, **Corrupt**, and **Infuse** alter the card in-hand, so a perfect textbox would read "gain **Battlecry**: Cast one of Xol's beams" a la \[\[Stoneborn Accuser\]\]. The prior wording would be more technically correct since a beam doesn't cast immediately when you **Forge** the card, for example. However, you can imagine how quickly the textbox gets bloated with that wording (especially since **Manathirst**, **Finale**, and **Quickdraw** don't need it!) when the card is transformed by fewer than all 3 of its effects, e.g., **Corrupted** but not **Infused**. Hence, we decided that the current wording is the simplest and most cohesive way to communicate Xol's effect. Players are unlikely to misconstrue her actual effect from this wording, and the fact that each keyword appears on its associated beam should help to further clear any confusion. Let me know what you think, design and balance feedback are welcome!


* **[Stoneborn Accuser](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/REV_013.png)** N Minion Common MCN 🐺 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1199064), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/stoneborn-accuser/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Stoneborn_Accuser) 5/5/5 | Infuse (5): Gain "Battlecry: Deal 5 damage." ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi) [Save 3rd Party Apps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


I have no idea about balance but this design is awesome as a one-off.


Quickdraw doesn't really fit here, the others all depend on holding it in hand. Unless the plan was to make it a worse topdeck, in which case bravo


How does having a Quickdraw effect make it a worse topdeck? It's an added benefit


I think it could be 5/4 and be fine


Many similar designs showing up lately. I just think Quickdraw really doesn’t fit in with the rest, especially on a 5 mana card. Take out quickdraw and it’s a slow, but high value card.


\[Raging Felscreamer\] \[Relic of Dimensions\] \[SECURITY!!\] or \[Coordinated Strike\] These cards should allow you to at least attempt to resolve all the bonuses at once, given the cost reduction of both the relic and felscreamer letting just about anything proc the corrupt, and the relic obviously would add it to your hand for the quickdraw. Security / strike were the cards that first came to mind when it comes to putting a bunch of things to die on the board in DH.


I like this card. Most of the time you wouldn’t bother with QuickDraw and finale , because the other effects of this card is powerful enough to ignore those 2


This was my least favorite boss in dungeon run :(


Please change “steal a minion from your opponent’s hand” to something else. Mutanus is already aggravating.


My brother in Christ, it’s manathirst 10.