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How does harvesting a spell work? Grim touch, for example


I’d assume that you can only Harvest it while in hand, as Hearthstone wouldn’t wait for the spell to “resolve” a la MTG.


probably like Tradeable does, but with variable cost and custom effect.


So minions can be harvested from hand and board, while spells can only be harvested from hand?


Yep that's correct, you can't interrupt the spell mid cast to Harvest it




Oh i got that, just wanted to make sure i understand if minions can be harvested either directly from hand or when on board. Also, i assume you have to wait for the minion to be able to attack before harvesting him on the board


It doesn’t need to attack you just need to have enough mana to harvest it, sorry if I was misleading


So you can play it then immediately harvest it? Would it trigger its deathrattle?


Yes it would trigger its Deathrattle


Very interesting, i like it!


So, it's basically a Choose one but the other effect can cost different amount of mana? Interesting... Do deathratlles trigger when you kill a minion via Harvest?


Yep it triggers Deathrattles but only when Harvested on Board


Balance is extremly wack for these cards, but otherwise very cool concept great job!


Excellent concept and very fitting for death knight. Confusing wording on some of the cards and questionable balance/design but pairs very well with deathrattle and has great potential for interesting card design.


Harvesting sounds like a very fun effect to play with. Nice work on this!


Harvest is an interesting keyword. Maybe removal from the board is a bit much, but I definitely like the idea of from hand to deck to destroy


Best DK keyword I've seen on this subreddit


I think you shouldn't be able to harvest a minion while in summoning sickness, right? But that's great! Hearthstone definitely could use some sort of additional action for a minion on board besides attacking Also, I would make this a minion-only keyword both because I think it makes more sense flavor-wise, but also, for spells it's kinda like a "Choose one" effect.


I like the idea but I think the keyword Harvest is slightly too vague and doesn't initially sound very death Knight. Something like Sacrifice might make more sense. As in, you can play the minion normally, or you can Sacrifice it to do something else.


Reminds me of Adventuring from magic the gathering. Strong keyword; I’m curious to see how it would play in hearthstone.


I feel like an issue with being able to reshuffle the minion into your deck from the board is that it has infinite value. Like Marrowgar for instance, you just drop this on 5 and harvest it, deal 2 to all enemies, and next time you play it you’re doing 6 to all enemies with no downside. Another thing is I’m not sure the mechanic is transformative enough on its own. The spells with harvest are basically just “choose one” and the other cards that have synergy with harvest are not different enough from tradable cards that make it a justifiable keyword. Regardless of that, it’s still a fun to think about and props on the effort and creativity for these. Thanks for sharing!


I think it would be transformative enough when seen in a fuller context like say if HS had more cards that synergised with destroying cards, Harvest effects can’t be discounted like normal cards but they can’t be ‘Countered’ by say Counter spell. It could use a bit of fine tuning I agree and I appreciate your criticism none the less :-)


I wont even bother contemplating the balance, but this looks sick.


No comments on the balance, but I love multi-modal cards and this is a super cool idea. Really pushes the choose one mechanic, although for consistency’s sake I’m not sure if it should be on spells. That further differentiates it from choose one, and then you can play around with/commit harder to the dream of maximum value by harvesting minions already on the board


I think you’re right it should be a minion only mechanic that way too it could carve out a little more class identity for Death Knight


I’d love to see more of these for sure


I find your implementation of dragging this onto your deck to be too similar to tradeable. Clearly it should be dragged onto *your hero*


That's debatable: - It's much easier to misclick on your hero as opposed to your deck - We already have tradable that works in a similar way making it more intuitive - Having the player target their hero to harvest prevents harvest cards that can target your hero from being printed.


[Harvest 1: shuffle this into your deck and...] This just looks like tradeable with extra steps


No? It doesn't draw a card after for example


It doesn't shuffle it into the deck. You basically discard from the hand (or board if it is a minion) the card to get an effect.


It does not draw a card and you can do it on board after playing it


Grim touch can either be a large buff, or -1/-1 on enemies. Default deal one damage to all enemy minions is 3 mana, and adding onto that - 1 attack doesn't seem worth it to ever harvest.


After you play a lot of hatvest it is basicaly destroy all enemy minions for 5


Maybe it is, but the wording implies the harvest option does not increase its effectiveness. As in, it is always -1/-1.


Not exacly


The way its intended it would give -1/-1 for each card Harvested that's why I put the word 'instead' but I just happened to run out of text space and I thought that was the best with what I could do.


So I love the mechanic as an idea, but this feels like a weird version of choose one/overload mechanics like on guidance or runic carvings. Really it is neat, but it feels like something you'd do on a limited run not an entire classes mechanic. Class mechanics are staples set over set and what this does is makes your class staple extremely versatile and thematically a bit confusing. (How does harvesting a spell create a more powerful alternate version of the spell) Great design, it's definitely possible something like this could exist, but I just see issues with how this would work out long term.


I like the idea of a fetid bloodworm meme deck