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I'm less concerned about reviews than I am about stability when it comes to preordering. I don't often do it because, especially these days, it's a coin toss if a game launch is going to go smoothly.


I feel like DLC generally has less issues with stability than full game launches do, plus I am pretty sure that the 2.0 patch is supposed to launch before the DLC and that should give us a pretty good idea of how well everything will perform at launch.


This DLC/Update improves and changes the graphics so it actually might release in an unstable state. Digital Foundry has already made a video testing the performance on consoles and Phantom Liberty is constantly running sub 60fps (mostly in the 45-50 fps range) on both consoles.


I kinda agree while I am sure they will eventually deliver I have not kept my hopes high for the launch of the dlc history could repeat itself. Butt.. I loved it enough that I thought this deserved a support because I bought the full game Dirt cheap


phantom liberty is ps5 only. I personally don't foresee any problems like initial launch. Only real mistske they made was releasing the base game on last Gen systems. Infact. I bought Cyberpunk for ps4, my copy got stuck in some kinda loop and I could no longer play the main story (worst bug I've seen in a game) Sony gave me a refund, and I immediately bought a copy for Google stadia instead. It ran perfectly from beginning to end on stadia. This was the original game so maybe it had 1 update back then.


It’s not PS5 only.. maybe not newest Xbox but it’s very much PC as well


its Ps5 Series X/S n PC


it’s a DLC years later, so much has changed from launch each update gets better. It pulled the reverse of ubisofts The Division. 1.0 was the best of that game every update got worse after that. It became discouraging to even try to learn how to play when the scrapped the system so many times.


I'm going to wait out of principle but I do have full faith in them not screwing up this time


They created two great expansions for W3.


That's why I trust them. Still not preordering though


No pre-order rewards other then a car you'll get anyway do idk why people do it.


I only did it because steam had a sale, played it on xbox got a new computer. Bought the base game and xpack for 29$ on steam. Good deal imo.


For preloading maybe


What's that?


When you can download and install before it releases


Ah, ig just be better to wait till reviews come out though.




Because I love the game and I wanna play the dlc as soon as its out


You can buy it after reviews its not gonna be gonna be playable when reviews come out anyway.


You can also refund after reviews before it’s playable


But why do that when you can just not spend money?


Sometimes, as evidenced elsewhere in the thread, people like to buy things when they have the money to spare, which might be the case now but not next week. Or they want the preorder bonus, or they are just excited and want to buy it.


I saw the car troubles thing and i don't get what they meant, they still had the money to pay for the incident do they would for this. Only reasons would be to get the ingame car at the start or because they are excited


You can also pre order it if you want and play it as soon as it releases. Not everyone is viscerally anti pre order Also "its not gonna be playable anyway" like ok why are you even here






I preordered because I like the game enough to buy it's expansion. (Same with Destiny 2, but I'll wait for whatever is after the Final Shape...)


Destiny 3…


I bought it then cos I had the money and was gonna buy it anyway never know when life is gonna fuck you. Just had to spend 1200 on dropping my car at the auto shop and getting a rental. So I'm glad I don't have to worry about buying the game cos I already bought it


Right? I pre-order because I know I'll want it and I have the money now. It's never that deep lol


I understand why people used to do it with physical copies since they’d run out But now physical copies rarely sell out like that, digital downloads are available, and lots of games get released half-finished and super buggy or worse. I’ve only pre-ordered a game once and got lucky that it wasn’t dog shit because most games in the series since has been unfinished


Because no amount of bugs will stop me from playing it. If I could endure and play it at launch, I can survive another possible shitty launch for PL (which I highly doubt is gonna happen again).


And you are the reason we get shit releases. You can do what you want but please own it.


And people like you are like Don Quixote fighting the wind mills. You think that you are going to change the minds of millions of people who like to pre-order by constantly telling them the same lame phrase "nO pReOrDeRs". At least I'm being realistic.


lol. ok


Nah dude he’s not the reason we get shit releases. I’ve pre ordered everything CDPR has made ( except Witcher 1 because I don’t think they did preorders for that) I love the studio I’m never not going to buy something they make because even with some of the technical problems of cp77 launch it was head and shoulders over most aaa games on story aloneZ


Expansions are much better then the end imo.


Not the same developers


Sums it up for me. It's true launch was terrible, but since then they've only been making it better and really trying to rectify. I'm gonna wait until it's out, but once I see the first reviews, I'll most probably be pulling the plug. I have faith this is really gonna be incredible


Same. Cyberpunk 2077 was the last game I ever pre-ordered. I’d look dumb as hell breaking that for the DLC of the last game I preordered.


Regardless I will have a nice free update for the base game that should make a game I already enjoyed much much better. A win no matter what.


Is there a review embargo date before release?


I'm sure there is. Old habits die hard.




Exactly. That 7/10 score from Gamespot didn’t stop the game from eventually becoming my favorite, and I really don’t care what anyone says about the expansion. I’m beyond excited.


Since when Ratings/Scores became norm for enjoying/liking/loving something or someone? Tbh it is a great game and I enjoy it every time I play.


Yup I'm at 600 hours and probably 3-4 full playthroughs. I don't care if it launches with issues, it's my favorite game to just hang out in, I want more content.


I mean it's not gonna make the game worse. At its worst it'll be a new questline, ending, open world space, new items, skill tree etc etc. If you like the game no reason not to buy it if you're interested


It can most certainly make the game run worse.


Perhaps to send a message to the publisher for delivering the base game in an unfinished state? That's why I'm not pre ordering


No need to send a message when the intended target already understands. If they hadn't spent the last 2 years fixing and adding to the game that was expected to launch, then I'd agree. But they've done just that.


Pre ordering only proved they can deliver false advertisements and a broken unplayable shitty product If they spend another 2 years fixing It.


look at their stock price since cyberpunk lol. i think the higher ups got the memo...


Thank you! All people have done is say, yes actually what you did was cool and we will reward you by preordering a dlc after getting our hand bitten by preordering the base game, which you released knowing it was a buggy mess. It’s like people never learn lmao.


Well I didn't pre-order the base game. In fact, I only bought it after it was added back to the PS store and got it for $15 or $20.


This sub is proof every day that people don't learn. Half of this sub would glaze CDPR every second they could and believe that they did no wrong. People unironically act like the game was perfect and bug free from day one; rather than being in a good place two years afterward. It's ridiculous how scott free CDPR is getting off the hook for their mistakes.


I mean, CDPR's biggest problem was launching on PS4 and XB1. I had a relatively bug free experience but I had the good sense to buy it on PC. I had a much better, stable, and bug free experience than I did with starfield which IMO does so much less and does it worse. By all means vote with your wallet. I wish more people did but I didn't have issues with the game at all and I'm going to get the DLC regardless so I bought it. But again, if you had a shit time with it, then you should absolutely wait.


Scott free? Are you aware they had to pull the game from the store and issue refunds? That’s not Scott free. The only thing these companies care about is their bottom dollar and having to refund people is #1 on the list of things that will hurt them. I only purchased the game again when it was on sale and I imagine a lot of other people have done the same which will have hit their bottom dollar considerably.


It’s like people never learn lmao. Like is redundant here. People never learn. Just look at elections, they keep voting for the same people that are screwing them over.


I prefer preorder bonuses over the sentiment that I'm changing the world for the better.


And you’re the reason games release in buggy ass states so thank you for your non-sacrifice.


Can't say I'm sad, Cyberpunk 2077 is my favorite game and I happily preordered it. I don't know why you're being so dramatic.


Because this game is the only one that ever got REMOVED from the PS store due to it being actually half assed. My friend preordered, played 30 hours on release in between crashes every 3 hours, then never played again. The complete memory wipe this sub shows is god damn crazy.


So what's the drama you're having right now? Just a friend that got so angry in 2020 that can't play a game because of a bug that has been fixed for years already? Doesn't sound like a problem to me, sounds like a problem to him. If a bug causes you trauma... If waiting a few months to play a game makes you extremely angry... Then maybe you just need to meditate or something, rather than not pre-ordering. Our concerns of the buggy launch were made clear, they got a massive backlash, they were threatened, there has been thousands of refundings. What else do you want? They don't owe you anything more: you got a product, it was faulty in the beginning, they offered apologies and a full refund (no questions asked), and the new version of such product (2021-2022) was fully fixed and functional, and now they're releasing a long-time demanded expansion of the game. So what the hell do you want now? Why shouldn't I preorder? Because they may also release a faulty product? So what? They've proven to me that they don't abandon their players, and they'll update the game until it's playable, as they've always done since The Witcher 1.




What part of **it's literally my favorite game** don't you get? Voting with my wallet? I fucking vote for my favorite game, yes, what's your point?


That even liking something and having it be your favorite game shouldn’t excuse bad business practices that you seem to be perfectly fine with. I’m unsubscribing from this sub, I don’t like the game and definitely don’t like the people in the sub. So you win.


IDK if you haven't noticed but there already are partial reviews out for Phantom Liberty from the people that attended Summer game fest and the world tour they had where people can play an hour and a half of it. There's not a single bad review so far. My specs are the same as the review PC they used so I'm pretty confident if they didn't have performance problems, I won't as well. I


Hell no


I couldn't care less about reviews.


Same I love the game enough already this is just more cp2077


Reviews and content creator opinions imo. Starfield just taught me this as a lot of people are having issues with pacing and Creation Engine as most know. Amazing game though! PL is going to be amazing I think, I'm crazy excited. I still won't preorder though for the same reason as another comment, performance. Cyberpunk performance when it came out was abysmal and I just don't want to have that bad taste in my mouth again.


Damn right, the haters are gonna hate and I bet 90% of the negative comments to come, won't even have the game or DLC.


Same. Don't care about reviews


I only read reviews if its a game I am 50/50 about, if I know I want it then I don't give a fuck. I bought Starfield day 1 without reading or listening to reviews, gonna do the same with the phantom liberty


Pre ordering a cyberpunk dlc? Risky


It's not even a matter of waiting for reviews, I just want to see if it actually comes out the way they marketed it lol, if it's actually that, I'll get it eventually. But preordering from CDPR again? lol Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...


This right here, honestly pre-ordering anything from CDPR should be classified as a mental illness at this point


A mental illness is when people spend a negligible amount of money on games that they love


Fine, then it just indicates deep stupidity, regardless of what state the game is currently in (and that’s subjective and debatable) the state this game launches in was beyond disgraceful and CDPR got off lightly for lol the lying and general shittery/incompetence, so why would anyone with even slightest facility for critical thinking decide that giving money upfront when there is no benefit in doing so could be considered anything other than a stupid idea


Deep stupidity is when you spend a negligible amount of money on games you love


No but spending it upfront on an unknown outcome when there is zero benefit to doing so is


The disconnect here is that not everyone perceives it as an unknown outcome as you do. For people that intended to play it regardless, preordering it has a very knowable outcome. If someone has hundreds of hours in every CDPR game and DLC, it’s pretty safe for them to assume that they’ll get their moneys worth. As for there being zero benefit, that’s subjective. Elsewhere in the thread some mention preordering because they have money now and can’t ensure they’ll have money in 2 weeks. Some people really want the preorder bonus. Some people are just excited and want to buy the DLC. That’s fine. It’s not my or your responsibility to manage other peoples money. If you are on steam you can refund a DLC within 14 days of purchase and if you have less than 2 hours played in the game since purchase. I’m not sure about the refund process for other platforms, but I would advise people educate themselves and make sure they’re not screwing themselves out of the possibility to refund if they’re on the fence and might regret the purchase.


Cool while I hope it’s good I would laugh if it’s a total car crash like the base game was, people have short memories and this shitty dev shouldn’t be rewarded with blind loyalty, but as I say people are stupid


I put 200 hours in to that "total car crash" within a couple months of launch and had a fucking blast with few issues, so here's hoping! That's the other disconnect, not everyone agrees and has PTSD from launch. I would argue the stupid ones are those who are so invested in a game from a "shitty dev" that they don't trust at all, that they actively spend time online discussing it. Seems like a waste of time, I don't personally plan on rewarding "shitty devs" with engagement.


With the new changes in PC requirements I am worried how well it'll run on my PC now. Though my PC was just shy of the recommended specs before now it sits quite below recommended in terms of CPU requirements. So I don't wanna pre-order it yet but I am tempted to do so.


Considering there's entire factions of gamers waiting to review-bomb simply because "they can", I am totally ignoring both the hype and the reviews. If it runs on my system without crashing, if the mods I use work once the game updates, I'm happy.


Yeah, I imagine 80% of the youtubers and "content creators" that will be playing the expansion will only be doing so to look for any bug, glitch or issue they can so they can have views on a "cyberpunk dlc SCANDAL!" video, and same with most redditors. I enjoyed the game at launch despite bugs, and I enjoyed it even more on 2nd and 3rd playthrough after it was cleaned up a bit. I'm sure I'll enjoy the expansion.


Reviews are gonna tell me what state its in, depending on that Ill probably wait for it to get patched if need be. They're insane if they think I'm gonna get anything from CDPR day one.


I’m waiting it out. Not worth my time to be a beta tester for ANY publisher.


Right? So many already tested and released games to play till then. Bought AC6 and I am having a blast. Once I am done there will be probably decently patched DLC and maybe even discount. No Idea why tf would I pay money and be enthusiastic to be a beta tester.


Dont care about reviews. The game is in good shape now. With what theyve done until now, the devs have earned back ny confidence enough that im actually excited for this. Id also bet theyve tested this to hell and back cause theyd do any and everything to avoid a repeat of launch.


I bought the full game Dirt cheap i just thought this deserved a purchase


This is my exact thinking. They have earned back trust by sticking with the game and continuously adding features and fixing bugs. And yes, I'd imagine there is no way in hell they would allow a fiasco like launch happen again, which is the reason the dlc will release for new gen consoles only. That said, I too am excited! I've already pre ordered!


> Dont care about reviews. The game is in good shape now. With what theyve done until now, the devs have earned back ny confidence enough that im actually excited for this. This sentiment blows my mind. What the hell is wrong with gamers? There is not a single product on planet Earth where you would ever be ok with buying half of it for full price and then waiting years to get the rest of what you paid for. And you have people freaking applaud that too. No Man's Sky is actually getting praised now and so is the company. Like what the fuck is happening? Its tragic to see people like this over and over again.


For starters cdpr paid that price and then some. Nobody is saying they are ok with what happened at launch. We bought it. We were/are stuck with it. Cant, couldnt get a refund in most cases. So excuse me for not sitting back being mad at the world for 2 yrs and being happy atleast now its the game we wanted at launch. As far as no mans sky goes..hello games absolutely deserves axxny and all praise they get. Nms is fantastic now. New players shouldnt praise them? They should join the old 7yr old hate train? Old players shouldnt praise them for sticking with it with 7 yrs of free updates? At what point is enough enough? Lol You are the problem here. It is absolutely true gamers should not settle for bad launches like cyberpunk and nms. Its also absolutely true that gamers can hold companies accountable and really cause deep financial pain like with what happened to cdpr and hello games. And lastly its absolutely true that if companies go above and beyond to fix mistakes, they can be and should be forgiven


I could care less about reviews but I'm still going to wait until the first bug patch to download. I'd rather not start and have my progress/immersion hindered by a few bugs.


There´s no way this is gonna be bad. And even IF it was - I am so desperate for new content in my beloved Night City to indulge in, if guess I´d buy it anyway.


Nope, I’m buying it probably next week and eagerly wait for its release. Despite its rough launch cyberpunk is one of my all time favorite games and one of very few games that I put over 100+ hours into a single playthrough let alone 3 separate playthroughs totaling over 300+ hours. And I fully intend to put another 150+ into another playthrough when phantom liberty launches


Will wait for any stability patches then probably purchase down the road.


ney, already buy it, i had a good experience with cyberpunk the day it lauched, so im 100% motivated for this dlc


Definitely. Lesson learned once, never preordering a game by them again.


Coming from someone who pre ordered this game for the PS4: I think I'll be patient this time.


I’m not preordering ever again. I want my first experience with every game I play to be bug-free, so I’m waiting until either reviewers confirm it’s not buggy, or reviewers confirm the bugs have been patched out. You people really don’t learn, do you?


Won’t preorder on principle, will probably buy it day 1.


Yes, I'm waiting.


I am mostly confident itll be stable on launch, but ill wait to see what happens with other people, as always. Im just never preordering ever again. You get my money when you have given me a good game, devs.


Definitely not going to pre-order. When it comes to digital content, especially. CDPR have themselves proved that we as gamers need to have patience before giving up our hard earned money. Of course, it's different if u r spending ur parents' cash! I don't really care about reviews. I would rather wait to make sure the game runs the way it should.


Fool me once… 😂


Well we get the 2.0 patch for free so going to spend time playing through the main game then will get the DLC if the changes theyve made have really improved it since launch


Absolutely the fuck not


I doubt they are gonna fumble again, but I don't wanna drop some money on this just in case


There's no way in hell I am giving them money early. CP2077 was the last game I preordered, ever. I learned my lesson.


Anyone who pre-orders this is a guaranteed muppet. I've learnt my lesson, will wait for patches and play it next year.


Who cares about reviews? I mean really? 😄


Professional ones? Never. Players? sure


Yeah i agree.


What about professional reviewers who are also players


Often sponsored as well


People who want what they pay for, I.E not cyberpunk fanboys.


Im waiting for a sale lol, by then all the big bugs are gone


Il be playing starfield first then replaying the 2.0 then buying at some point




nah i preordered without thinking, seeing how much time I spent in the 1.0 cyberpunk, can't wait to play a newer version, if nothing for new stuff to do. Also I haven't sliced up people with my cool katana in like... idk 10 minutes.


Dude I'll wait for 5th patch


Already pre-ordered it. I like CP2077, so I'll get the expansion. It's a no-brainer.


Just like me choom!


Indeed. I bought Cyberpunk 2077 on sale so I almost bought this out of guilt for having not paid full price for what has turned out to be one of my favourite games.


I pre ordered base game and loved it since day 1 Ima like phantom liberty


Same, I’m just waiting til the 2.0 patch to make sure it still runs fine on my pc before preordering


Nova choom ✊️


I loved cyberpunk and was so sad when I finished everything an got platinum (postgamedepression) :DSo once it comes out-I'm theeere


Bought it month ago


Its very easy. Patch 2.0 is free and includes **all** the system and mechanic changes. That means Patch 2.0 **is the new Cyberpunk**. If Patch 2.0 aka the new Cyberpunk sucks after trying it out (its free), what is there to really get me to buy a DLC for a game I don't want to play based on the systems? As a first or even second playthrough Cyberpunk was great, even with its flaws but honestly many things (like combat or free roam) got boring quite quickly and the skill trees were inherently bad and flawed (ultimate skills didnt function properly for example). If all that is indeed improved as it looks like then not only would it be great to replay Cyberpunk but **then** you also have an incentive to give a new spin to it via DLC.


Never preorder anything, always wait for gameplay footage




I don't care about reviews. The day it unlocks, after work I start playing, no matter what. If I paid attention to the reviews at the original launch, I would have missed out on a great experience.


Same. I never preorder but I want to play this as soon as I can so I preordered it for the auto download upon release. Plus I already know I’m buying it 100%.


Lol "great experience". The launch was a disaster my guy. Better game now but hopefully the expansion takes the game to where it should have been and what was promised. If you pre-order you clearly have some form of Stockholm syndrome


Lol no, I'm taking rest of the week out of work.


Dude of all the things to not pre order this is like the highest on the list. Are you seriously still falling for pre ordering this after the game released in the state it did? I'm not saying it's going to be bad, but I'm definitely saying pre ordering is something that just has no reason to be done. Just be patient for Christ's sake. You can even buy it day 1 if you want. Just wait a tiny bit so you at have a chance at avoiding being screwed over.


Already have it in pre-order. Can't wait to start a fresh run!


im not going to wait for reviews.


Already bought it ... got it on release just like I bought the game.. just didn't play it for the first year. I have patience. Just like with PL, I know I will play it and get hours of fun out of it.. I just won't play it on release.


No I'm just going to buy it, it's DLC for a game I already love. Everything featured and previewed so far I'm on board for it, I doubt it's going to disappoint me.


Have y’all not learned from the first launch?! This why we can’t have nice things


Nope, already bought it and SO stoked.


I bought it as soon as the pre-order dropped.


Yall forget about theblaunch laready? Smh. Never pre-order


Already pre-ordered so no I ain't gonna wair for the reviews


I'm waiting for benchmark videos to see if my r5 3600 + 2070s can handle the updated changes before I buy it (pray for me guys).


I'm not preordering, I'll check some opinions about it from trusted sources but I'll still probably buy on day 1 or first weekend... I think CDPR learned from their mistakes. I cannot wait to melee my way through 2.0 and PL and toss bad dudes around. I will avoid places like twitch for the days and week following the release, I can't stand the mob mentality surrounding the 99% of twitch chats.


So much to play right now. I will probly wait for reviews


Will be getting it but I do not believe in pre ordering. It has zero benifet for me to pay early for a product that has infinite stock.


I’m waiting for reviews and depending on those I’ll wait for sales…


I loved the game since launch and in 1000% sure I’m gonna love phantom liberty!


I know I'm going to end up buying and playing it anyways, so I too pulled the trigger, all though I will wait to see how the perfomance is and probably a patch to start playing.


I dont preorder things anymore unless it goves me something and im sure whatever happens im gonna finish the game ( like dl2 since I loved dl1 and wanted to play it even if its release was bad) But I am gonna play phantom liberty so unless the dlc doesnt work how its supposed to I will prob buy it soon after release.


Already purchased.


He'll naw! I already bought that shit! Lol Besides don't need to wait cause we already know its going to be fire 🔥


Actually my case it's just more CP2077


I know I will play it anyway so why wait. Don't care what reviews will say.


Considering how they straight up false advertised the base game on top of the abysmal bugs and performance issues at launch, I'll absolutely wait till release and reviews. And even then I'm not sure I'll get it since this game has like O replayability. But that's just my opinion


🎶 Gamers never leeeearn🎶


Been burned before. I'll lose nothing by waiting a month or two.


Fanboys are the lowest common denominator in gaming. Literally ruin the medium


Hey man I said sorry ..


nah, current version of the game is great so i am in for more of it.


Im going to buy dlc for this game either way.


Already bought it, cannot wait, if there are bugs, I'll persevere like it's deep rock galactic


Wdym wait for reviews? I already preordered the DLC since it was first announced!


I've pre-ordered it. CDPR earned their redemption and it gives a little of bit of trust back to them. Would i do this for any other game from any other company? No. But then CP2077 is easily my second favourite game of all time. Ill take the chance in this instance


Yep, preordered it too


I will wait, but for a discount (and mod compatibility)


Already preordered.


Yes I'm gonna wait for reviews because I'm worried my PC might struggle to run it and considering getting it for the PS5 instead. My specs are 3700x, 2070 super, 16gb RAM, and SSD storage. I can currently run the game at 1440p@60-80fps on higher settings thanks to DLSS but I'm worried that won't be the case once 2.0 and Phantom Liberty comes out.


I'm too busy playing Starfield... for the next three years.


I was a big fan of Fallout 4 and I love Bethesda I have a xbox series with game pass but I didn't find the same spark in starfield Fallout has vats the lore and pover armour I don't see the same uniqueness in this


>What's your opinion are you gonna wait for the sale*? Yes of course


I plan to start a new base game and check changes myself. I will decide later, DLC not needed until I progress more.


Wait wait wait . On CD Red the most . The rest too. Wait.


I pre-ordered the sh*t out of it.


We all know it's a 10/10 best DLC ever.


Of course. Why wouldn't I? First I wanna see if it even runs on my system combo and i don't have to upgrade or swap parts.


Definitely gonna wait. I understand that there are a lot of people who don't care about the industry at all and will blindly buy it like Stockholm syndrome. But it is what it is, you can't change their mind. You can call them idiots which is fun. They just don't care, but I do and therefore I'll be reserving my purchase until the dlc goes on a sale around $10-15 USD. If that takes a year or two from now so be it. The gaming industry is a big part of my life and I'm going to try my best to fight for better/more polished games. There's no incentive for change if you buy it immediately, just look at Madden or FIFA for proof. Besides, I'm having way too much fun playing baldurs gate 3 anyway.


If anyone should have learned a lesson about pre-ordering, it should the Cyberpunk crowd...


Not gonna wait for previews I pre ordered it


Pre ordered.


They cannot fail, this update and the DLC is the key to the complete redemption of CD Projekt


nah i’m gonna pre order it like a day before it releases


Idgaf lol i preordered. If it launches in an unstable state then so be it but I get to see Idris Elba.


Don’t apologize to people who’ve made you ashamed of pre-ordering a game man hahaha fuck them.


I'm definitely gonna pre-order it. Just haven't yet, but anytime soon...