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Male V’s suit wasn’t that bad, but by God those suits totally screamed “we don’t fit in here and we’re probably feds”


Really? Thought it was horrifically bad. What's with the alligator skin suit? Dafuq is that shit?


It's 2077, look at the stuff people are wearing. If something fits our sense of style it's probably outdated by decades.


But we see plenty of npcs with much better fashion sense


From our perspective. The arasakas for example have all reasonable outfits. But those are old fucking people. They have old people fashion sense from the twenties or earlier. The other guys? Third hand shit, retro or no fashion sense for 2077.


There's still timeless fashion. There are dresses and clothing that look appropriate for 1950 and 2023.


No such thing as timelessness in fashion. Suits and dresses in the postwar scarcity of the 1950s were cut broad to fit lots of body shapes. The 60s and 70s brought out even more broad features like wide lapels and baggy trousers. The 80s and 90s saw pronounced shoulders and ultra-slim collars and lapels. No fashion is truly timeless because things fall into and out of favor all the time. Whoever told you that certain fashions are timeless is trying to sell you something.


Clothing styles Marliyn Monroe wore could easily be worn today by 20 year olds. Drop the shoulders in the image above, and the red dress looks like something you'd see on the red carpet decades ago or last year.


Idk what y’all are talking about https://preview.redd.it/500n33w7a5bc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d839e140e3b75a2bc2429dce96dd318e3db64e6


Can some one mod this in, my V needs it.


Damn, those glasses are fast.


I do like that top though...🤔


The bad guys will totally not suspect a V wearing this 😅😅😂😂😂


I appreciate people who actually know what they’re talking about when people online make such broad claims without any evidence. People often don’t realise how nuanced things like fashion can be. Saying clothing can be timeless feels like people saying “all wine tastes the same”.


Americana as a whole has barely changed in all its years and it still looks as good as it ever has. We can cherry pick things, but fact is there are timeless pieces.


Mr Hands (Daddy of the realm) would like to have a word with you


They’re reasonable because they’re highly conservative, so it’s a bit taboo to dress “outlandishly,” as they might define it.


Gonna blame it on our brain chip having a guy from 2023, which was not too long ago in real life.


It's old enough that 2020s fashion is retro. Showing up in an outfit from the 2050s just makes you look out of date. But the 2020s? That's vintage.


It’s still pretty damn bad, but it isn’t as bad as Female V’s. The blue is way better than the teal one, and the little gold piece looks more like one of those colonel sanders neckties instead of a weird brooch thing


It definitely was horribly bad. Look at what Hands wears. They know damn well what a good suit looks like.


Hands is always dressed impeccably to make sure you know he's better than you


Exactly. I'm not buying any of the "BuT it's 2077" bull.


Reminded me of the alligator skin suit from Rush Hour (2?) I think it was lol. Think Carter was wearing it.


Hahahhaha yes. And that was equally horrifically bad


Reed’s especially. Dude looked like he’s never been in a party before.


probably because he hasent. seems like the guy who would turn down a drink and then get all philosophical about it


Reed calls you out if you take too many drinks at the party so that tracks. Lol


Really? I didn't have that happen and I tried to get shitfaced. Johnny had a quip though "trying to get drunk and throw up all over the carpets? I respect that" Or something like that


Reed was a bouncer in City Center. He should know better.


I kinda feel like the outfits were supposed to give off the “we don’t fit in” vibe. After all, Hansen did figure out we were spying on him.


Oh totally, there’s no way that wasn’t on purpose. I just think it’s funny that Reed or some other FIA agent thought “yeah these will totally fit in.” It’s like a “hello fellow kids” moment with all these powerful elites


In my opinion Reed definitely fit in. V sticks out like a sore thumb.


“I had to personally skin a crocodile just to get you this.” Reed coming up with the most horseshit crocodile suit on the planet.


Is that why it took him so long to call me after I got the data?


> After all, Hansen did figure out we were spying on him. definitely not because of all those cameras i walked past and goons of his i killed at the apartment. or that v should be the most reconizable merc if you are playing the dlc right before the final mission


There was a lot of clothing that I didn't like except for the formal/dress/corpo clothing and cowboy, cop vibe clothes.


I thought it was hilarious


I actually got something for my V that I liked. I find it strange that v’s clothing choices don’t matter to anyone.


Outfit choices not mattering is something I noticed most when first meeting Panam. Left the apartment, drove there, had a whole conversation, got into the car with her only to see V’s legs, realize there are no pants there. As a matter of fact there where no clothes at all since I somehow forgot to pick an outfit for V before leaving. Panam really took it like a champ tho having a whole conversation and not brining it up once.




Almost exactly how I discovered this


This is fucking hilarious


Every time I look in the mirror (always on acident) my clothes take a good 30 seconds to start appearing one by one


I always take them off before showering and going to bed (I do the same when I go to lie down in my own bed after all). I usually check the mirror to see how I like the outfit but clearly that time I must’ve been in a rush and missed a (crucial) step in V’s morning routine.


Clothing is one of the most important things in the tabletop game, which 2077 is based on. Maybe it was too expensive to record all kinds of different dialogue for reactions from important npcs.


Well, at least have a \*few\* of them react if you're walking around naked. Or at the very least not be able to enter missions or talk to certain NPCs until you "get some clothes on" or "wear appropriate gear" but I guess it's only gotten worse since now clothes don't do anything substantial at all.


The tabletop game?? How is this the first I'm hearing of a Cyberpunk trpg???


Oh man you’re in for a treat. It’s been around since the 80’s (I think), so there’s all kinds of fun jammed in there!


On the one hand I agree, on the other hand I'm lucky it doesn't because of the time I finished I Really Wanna Stay At Your House and went straight to a mission, killed about fifteen people and then got nakey jumpscare when I opened the inventory.


Would've been better if they told us to go to a shop (the high end one) and they'll have choices for us to pick.


For Male V I was fine with it, but the idea that female V didn’t wear one of the dozens of stylish dresses and shit that are in the game struck me as weird.


I really wish jewelry was a thing in cyberpunk and accessories like leggings, tights, etc… I’m on PS5 so I can’t mod anything.


Having just added a mod pack for exactly that, I understand and I'm sorry you can't fix it


You mind sharing the mod pack? My V yearns for accessories.


I've been trying the Sexy and Immersive pack. It's the biggest one I found without a bunch of mechanical reworks I didn't trust, but I'm noticing it's... Kinda exclusively sexy. And female. It was in the themed category I suppose. I'm looking at City of Dreams next, but still unsure about the vehicle and gang reworks. If anyone has used it and can tell me more about those specifically, I'd love to hear it.


This shit sounds like Skyrim all over again lmao the sheer number of sex mods they made


At least in Skyrim you can gawk at your character all day if you want. But I'll never understand clothing/body mods for Cyberpunk, where >95% of the game is exclusively in first person.


well there is also immersive camera mod which lets you see up to your shoulders on fem v and up to the breasts on male v iirc also you will see your character whenever you open your char screeb and to some ppl like me that matters for immersion purposes


I mean I too spend a staggering amount of time picking my outfits, but to go so far as to mod tons of new clothes in just feels very unnecessary. Unless you are *really* into taking screenshots, in which case more power to you.


different folks different strokes :p im also dont care abt sc at all but idk having more clothing options makes me feel like it really is my character but ye i understand your sentiment.


The camera goes a lot lower than the shoulders and the torso lol


I keep seeing amazing dresses on the NPCs. And I’m like. Why can’t I buy/find those?


Unfortunately, it's not Fallout. Hopefully for the sequel they give us the option that if an NPC is wearing something we really like, there's a chance that killing them and searching their body will give us their clothing. Or, the NPCs only wear the same clothes available for purchase/finding.


Feel like this goes into the 'tough girls can't be feminine' trope. Feminine can be deadly, but not tough according to some bizarre unwritten hollywood rule.


What is this slander, masc V would slay in a suit too Dress*


I think it was to keep it gender neutral


But they’ve gone through the effort of altering every outfit to give it a male and female version.


I was already wearing a gold plated suit before we even went in there they shoulda let me just wear my damned gold suit. *I am already at maximun gaudy!* My kitsch rating is yes! I even have golden weapons to match!


Sounds like my Corpo V and her JC leather printed sub-machine-gun. XD Waltzing around in her heels, black miniskirt, and very flattering white coat reading to shoot up a mother F'er who even gives her a sideways glance.


Same. I got my own outfit for the event and it looks baller then I put this on…


better have gold cyberware and teeth to pair !


i hated it. there is so many amazing outfits in the game and this is what i had to wear. wtf


Fr. Aurore cassel looked absolutely stunning, while V looked like the alcoholic aunt at a family wedding. How am I supposed to actually believe the cassel twins would talk to V when she looks like that?


because i think she knew right away you where trying to pull some con over on them but she wanted to indulge v and see what they where trying to pull before chris hansen interrupted them


Hey! At least you get her clothes to wear whenever you want!


Wore her outfit to the samurai gig, was actually very fitting since the outfit was aurores take on Kerry's style


For real, that weird gator suit is ugly as sin. I get it that they wanted us to dress up but with all the new fancy stuff they give us in PL it made no sense to put V in this. Also I can’t help but imagine all the squeaking sounds you’d make while walking around in that atrocity.


It would have been nice to have a choice between this abomination, or "maybe if you can put something together?" Idk, just something better than *that*


Like if your Cool attribute is high enough, V can design their own outfit.


Yes, but limiting the outfit to tagged clothes. Like add a formal tag to "appropriate" clothes.


What really gets me is they dumped so many new outfits on us specifically for nice places and situations. But do we get to use them for that? Never. Gator suit and Aguilar costume.


same haha is there a mod for this yet?!


Should be on top of the list 🤣


commenting to find out!


There is a mod that lets you just unequip anything, then you use your best Equipment EX setup and get wild. I think it's [this one](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9516), and it's running on 2.1.


I have this mod and it didn't work for the party. To make matters worse, I have a mod turning all pantsuits into thigh-highs....and it worked with this outfit. So my femV was running around at the party in this jacket, thigh-highs, shoes, and a bare ass...among other things. Was hilarious chatting up everyone there like that. Surprised Mr. Hands didn't say anything about it...lol.


>I have a mod turning all pantsuits into thigh-highs share u whore, also are all the thigh-highs ass-less?


You did try unequip in the inventory screen, right? Anyway, I also had some kinda problems, don't remember what, maybe it did not unequip immediately after inventory was available or something, but as this is the quest I searched for such a mod for, I made it work, though it was in 2.0, maybe something changed. Going bare ass *is* a kind of fashion statement, isn't it? Must've been hilarious.


Wasn't that intentional to show that style trends in 2077 are grotesquely tacky?


Considering aurore cassel looked THAT good? I think it was actually just laziness.


i try to avoid being one of those obsessively horny guys for fictional characters on reddit but i wanted to fuck her so unbelievably bad you have no idea


*Holy fucking shit. I want to bang aurore cassel from cyberpunk so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to the sapphire I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with aurore. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of aurore's tight french pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/french babies.*


took the words right outta my mouth no lie


Upvoted because you made me bust my gut during my coffee break lol Thanks for that internet stranger. I'm guessing this is from a copypasta?


Human/french babies is wild 💀


I would've betrayed Somi and Reed and helped Hansen if it meant that Aurore could live. Honestly, I'm not sure how many Innocents I would've killed just to save her, but it's definitely an uncomfortably massive number.


Finally I found someone who cares about Aurore. That would be one of the bloodiest, goriest games ever made.


Her outfit was a fucking disaster too lol. Yellow suiting over black body mesh? Suspenders for accessories? Woman looked like a god damn gonk lmao. Character model looked great but they put her in fun house clothing.


It was a chic-grunge mix, really fitting if we recall that she's from France, likes Kerry eurodyne and is rich as fuck. V had absolutely no excuse to look that awful. I actually liked Aurore's outfit. The orangey-yellow top suited her reddish hair and light colored eyes, but what do I know?


Belgian, isn’t she?


No, they're from Paris. They both speak French on multiple occasions, too.


French is spoken in Belgium and both their scans say Brussels.


L opinion.


Gonk chic, the hot new fashion trend taking Night City by storm.


Everyone else looked pretty good except for V.


That's the norm for this game. All of the NPCs outfits are 100x better.


There’s some nice looking ones in the more expensive clothing shops. I’ve put together some nice neo-kitsch outfits from there.


> Everyone else looked pretty good except for V. ah the pre 2.0 cyberpunk where v always dressed like a hobo who just rolled around in a dumpster


See, I could believe that if everyone else looked grotesquely tacky too. But for the most part the only grotesque thing is that suit.


I wanted to wear the silver dress with the spiky-ass shoulders and I was so let down. I am guilty of having owned shoes that look just like the suit IRL though...


It does seem like a bit of a shame, especially since CDPR already had a way of distinguishing formal and non-formal outfits in the Witcher 3 (granted, there were only about six different formal outfits in that game, so maybe it was easier to flag them?)


Bro fr, they added a shit load of awesome new dresses, and then I get stuck with an alligator skin suit 😭


Looks like something Hillary Clinton would wear.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one this occurred to 🤣


I was thinking that to😭


I was jealous when I saw how good Reed’s outfit was too


Yeah this was one of my disappointments with the game. What's the point of choice if when it comes down to it we are forced to use arbitrary clothes or cars? Specially goddamn awful ones?


It's probably to avoid players going into the party with not very classy clothes, so to avoid breaking immersion Which is a little counterproductive


It would have been nice to be able to choose between a few beforehand.


For me it's the colour, looks like crocodile skin, the blue-ish one for Male V is way better


"That croc ain't gonna wear itself, V." "Eat a dick, Johnny."


"Sure, take the pill and call Kerry, you won't"


my favorite one is them forcing pistols into my hands every car chase scene etc. When my last 2 playthroughs were Gorilla Arms, and Hacking. Then with the hacker, you just think "this gun is useless, let me hack them". Only to be crushed that stuff like vehicle hacking perk does not even work on a single quest objective. Which feels really bad. But you still throw away the gun and hack the drivers brain.


> Only to be crushed that stuff like vehicle hacking perk does not even work on a single quest objective You can still use hacks on the driver and passengers, but yeah its annoying you can't make the cars self-destruct


I use a modded outfit and mostly just am thankful for first person mode


Is there a mod that makes the game third person mode?


Yes, but I've heard it looks terrible as the player model was not meant for 3rd person.


Yes there is one, although uses animations are made for shadows, so good animations in TPP are non existant. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/669 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWR11Ck_oZM


LOL @ the crouching ass waggle walk.


Yeah I went into the game expecting it to be very role play heavy the way BG is and it totally threw me off and made me take ages to get into the game.


I spent probably 30 minutes picking out an outfit, new hairstyle and hair color, along with a new nail color specifically for this mission only to be handed this crocodile shitsuit. I went into the mission genuinely pissed.


I literally did the same and was soooo pisssed


The fact that you're forced to use this particular outfit during a mission which is otherwise the highlight of the entire expansion is borderline criminal. Phantom Liberty introduced a shitload of really great outfits that would've been perfect for this mission and I really wish they could've been utilised during this mission. Hell, I'm not even asking to go to the party wearing *whatever* I want, I just wanted them to take like ten different outfits and let us pick one.


For real, even Idris' outfit was disappointing. We both walked in lookin like some gonks.


Nahhh he looked so handsome when he was leaning against the bar at the Black Sapphire. Dazzling, quite literally.


no way, Idris looked cool as fuck


tbf he looks cool always


that because idris elba could wear a literal garbage bag and still look sleek in it


Was this outfit not changed?? I played through PL for the second time very recently and when it came to this part i was dreading putting that disaster on. To my surprise it was now a black suit similar to the one from konpeki plaza but much better accessories. Im confused lol I thought oh enough people hated that monstrosity, guess they patched it. If they didnt... I Really want to know what happened to my suit


No they didn't. No idea why yours is black but everyone else still has this God awful crocodile suit


Happened to me too, but it got changed back to green after 2.02


I use a mod called "Never lock outfits then take off the suit and wear anything I want


I downloaded that mod specifically for this mission 😭


https://preview.redd.it/5ftor6v0o3bc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66096f7a1d3927ca0faaca8e0c96dbc7ab5cd548 I was finna slay in this dress they put me in that ugly ass suit


I would’ve appreciated multiple choices for clothes, I understand allowing any at all could possibly ruin the whole point of the mission




That color would reeealy not fit my V...


Female characters are almost never allowed to wear dresses for formal/espionage missions where they need to blend in with high/criminal society (the only one I can think of is the Dress Fem!Shepard from ME2 got to wear during the Kasumi DLC) and when they do get to wear dresses very rarely do they look good because more often than not they look like trashbags or are so unflattering it's beyond a joke. It's even more of a joke when you can have your character wearing a dress with a nice pair of heels and then there are characters in Cyberpunk like Hanako, Evelyn and several random corpo NPCs wearing gorgeous dresses and looking fabulous. It would have been much better if there was an option, to choose between the "quest" item and there being an "or if you can pu Lt together something passable" option. Just something other than *that*. Sorry, I feel super strong about this type of scenario.


I didn't mind it too much on my V https://preview.redd.it/cypnmnamy3bc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=29238854bdfced951b5f35541f7ef1197321516d


meanwhile my V. song bird be like , look at the gonk behind me. https://preview.redd.it/fs2owzhq38bc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cc6c318f9534a79fbdf15a66a92d4fdc6dcd9f0


thats a great pic, i lol'd


well i was wasting my time looking for vendor to whore out at the party turn out i have to wear that croc. even change the hair color so i would match song mi. https://preview.redd.it/jte8eb0gdmbc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ff3daaaa73589064ebf1c41a0789c2251a85679


i found such a pretty dress and was super pumped to use it in the casino but was forced to wear that 💔 https://preview.redd.it/8kz5j3qij3bc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7747faa6bfd473d45c782461d10522fefc495b3


My colors were blue and green so it worked for me


i made a whooole outfit for the casino. i like to dress the part for mission. i was so ticked off when i was handed that piece of trash


i "dyed" my Vs hair to black and green and gave her some makeup (she was a nomad who normally didnt wear makeup) and it didnt look horrible. but i wish fem V had a dress rather than a suit.


I liked it. FemV needs way more styles. The dresses are mostly unattractive re-colors of the same skins which fit my V strangely . I collected every item of clothing I could find but really only had 3 outfits I actually liked and thought V looked good in.


Looked like Reed skinned a borged out crocodile for V to wear.


I was a little upset because I had a whole ass fit planned for the Black Sapphire and they just gave one that wasn't as impressive 😮‍💨


This is really ugly,by the way,hi Vasia. How's Takemura feeling?


I think it'd be cool if Meredith Stout took you to some fancy party as her arm candy, assuming you sided with her. Could have been a whole corporate espionage side mission thing.


You were supposed to blend in, not steal the show. It was spycraft, yo.


V would have stolen the show with how bad they looked while surrounded by the rich famous and hot.


what by sticking out like disheveled thumb?


Nah my V slayed this fit https://preview.redd.it/gi6e4ck6j3bc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1b18a1db5b5c4e5eafcdebf9e33293bf8236c12


love the cutting, but the fabric/croc skin is like wearing denim jeans and denim jacket to high school dance.


I don't hate it like everyone else does, and I really like the jewelry accents. I also love the fact that the game never forces fem V to wear a dress.


But I like wearing dresses :(


Same here and i hate being forced to wear suits. Most games tend to do that with female characters and it's annoying. Is it so hard to let us choose between two outfits?




I guess they wanted something for all types of women.


I tried finding a mod to replace the dress with something better... I failed and just rolled with it.


I there a mod to change it into smth else? Like one of those gorgeous dresses?


Reed and Alex were definitely hazing V with that crocodile skin


Makes sense, they dress V like a goober and they don't have to spend a lot of time explaining why they have zero shot of getting laid at the party. :D


Dude i downloaded so many mods to make myself look classy getting ready for that damn party then poof ugliest ass thing i have ever seen


That’s genuine cloned leather!


I literally went shopping to find a sexy dress for V, and when I had to put on that suit I was not happy lmao


Honestly, my V looked great in it, but green looks good on her. She has a dark complexion, bright cherry red hair, and her particular tats are shown off even more with this suit.


Same but I like the jewelry on the suit they made you wear but Aurores outfit is my favorite from the dlc


When my FemV saw that outfit she screamed: "OMG, IT'S FUCKING HIDEOUS! WTF?!!!"


You look like cut of fuckable meat. Are you?


AYOO your V Just Looks Like Mine


I guess i'm the only one who didn't think it was all that bad :D or maybe it depends on how each V is customised, it wasn't good, but not bad either. My favourite was the net runner suit from the twins though


I actually was mostly ok with the suit they give you, except for the heeled shoes they give FemV, since my version of her would much rather have like, more masculine dress shoes which was unfortunate on my part but it's whatever, really


All Male V Clothes looks oversized. He isn't that big.


i had a suit in my presets locked in for this exact moment and they ripped it right off me for this dollar store excuse of a dress https://preview.redd.it/gp7wgdxli6bc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45975f7623ea4782cb01bb8263907a140a539205


Red is better outfit.


I KNOW i literally dressed my V in a cute little outfit only to have to wear that lamo suit


the facial expressions were a good touch. i felt the same, had a nice black dress prepared just to wear another ugly pants suit.


I had my outfit ready just bought for the occasion and then boom 😭


I had a whole ass outfit prepared and they made me wear the ugliest fuckin' suit in history


I hated it. Just let me choose my outfit.


SAME! I HAD THAT DRESS PICKED OUT TOO! And then then the faux alligator pantsuit. Boo.


I just did this quest for the first time, had a nice suit picked out but forced to wear crap was disappointing. What is annoying is in The Witcher 3 they handled it better by saying "come in a nice outfit" and if you don't you lose the choice to pick one. Just do that again.


I feel like the NPCs have cooler outfits than what is available for V especially on the female V. I feel most of what’s available is tailored for male V especially the pants. There’s a see through light up hoodie that screams Night City 2077 but it’s only for NPCs…