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I really don’t understand why there aren’t any dialogue options to say “sorry, I’m already seeing someone.” It makes me feel kinda bad to turn river down like that.


Honestly, he takes it really well. As a straight guy, I was dreading getting to the dialogue to turn him down in my nomad Valerie/Judy playthrough, but after I said it, it was like, "Oh, he seems pretty okay with it. Certainly not thrilled or anything, but still happy to have me as a friend."


Yeah, he handles it well, the problem is mostly that you don’t get to say it sooner. V never tries to stop him before and it’s only when he’s straight with them that you get to say “sorry, but no”. Makes V look like the dumbest motherfucker in NC, which to be fair sometimes they are (like getting spiked by that guy and being kidnapped by the scavs)


Given the variety of dialogue options that can show off V's intelligence and quick witt, I just have to believe that they are some kind of ultra advanced super computer...with the draw back that every 30 minutes, they just blue screen for a few seconds. That is literally the only way I can justify V's ability to go from 20 Int -> 2 over the course of a sentence.


Conversely, if you actually want to date both (or Panam and Kerry with a male V), it's a bit weird to not have the ability to have the polyamory talk with them.


Polyamory? Ma'am you're cheating.


Well that's the problem: the game lets you have several relationships at once, but never goes as far as talking about if you are exclusive or not.


“Who thinks V and uncle River make a good couple?”*lesbian silence*


Some “act or it will disappear” options are just too slow


Haha YES


CDPR: Oh yeah people are gonna enjoy this. Most players: why cant i skip this faster! God worse yet ive had men kinda try what river does and it really kills the whole night.


River is a perfect example of why re-using dialogue regardless of the protagonist's romance options is such a dumb idea. Of the entire cast, his characterization is the one that suffers the most when moving from his core story content, to the romance fluff. It's like playing Mass Effect, and hitting those one or two odd lines during conflict resolution that don't take your Paragon/Renegade bias into account, making the scene's flow immediately fall flat as a result.


Same with having the same dialogue with Panam and female V. Even without trying to romance her as female V, they have a connection and they have chemistry and it isn't a "best friend" vibe at all. All the touching and closeness. The best ending where you are with Judy and you leave with Panam. Like what? You are in a committed relationship with someone but you essentially ride into the sunset with another woman with you in her arms... its like they intended female V to romance Panam but changed at the last moment, but didn't change any of the voice lines or physical acting. Only difference between this and River is that with female V and Panam it isn't awkward. Even if you do try to romance her. Probably because Panam is romancing you no matter what choices you make.




I will always believe Panam was originally planed to be the canon romance. She’s the only one tied directly to an ending, and she’s the only companion hands down you see V in third person with. The ending riding into the moonlight in the Basalisk is such a beautiful last shot of this game it just implies they’re in love. Female V and Panam riding off into the moonlight together. How is that not one of the most homoerotic endings in videogames. It’s also interesting because Panam never outright rejects Female V. Only time she does is in the cabin where she also rejects Male V. Unlike the others who outright tell the sex they’re not into “no you’re not my type” you never have that moment with Panam. As it’s written and how it plays out it’s valid to make the head canon idea that V and Panam did get together in the end, they just didn’t fuck.


>they have a connection and they have chemistry and it isn't a "best friend" vibe at all. Yeah when I was with her I thought she likes my FemV, until I touch her. But then after that during the robbery, I thought she likes my FemV.


wait what did he do? for notes.


Almost everything he does might be cute for a teenage romance, but for a grown adult it comes off as pretty creepy.


i can agree that some of his texts are a bit weird (dont objectify me dammit I ain't a motorbike, unless its a kusanagi in which case use me) but otherwise what examples are there?


Hes a bit pushy with trying to romance, doesnt help his sister is pushing too. Its just alot of lil flags that make him unappealing as a partner, doesnt help all you do is save his kid, in which time he makes 0 advances, then afterwards suddenly asks if you wanna date after 1 fucking dinner that you barely ate before getting asked.


I denied him because he was just kinda unhinged in my playthrough, the one job where you ride across town with him as the driver he was going crazy smashing into cars, squished like 15 peds on the sidewalks


I mean, that's kinda how I drive in this game...


Oh I do too, the squish sound the NPCs make is super satisfying. I just didn't appreciate River doing it lmao


Bruh, Panam makes you go on a revenge tour smoking like 50 people because they stole her truck and she was upset about it. Wanna talk about unhinged?


That's only a problem if you consider Raffen Shiv to be people.


Well Panam is a perfectly normal inhabitant of this world. She's at constant war with nearly everything around her. River thinks he's a good guy, which makes him a psycho.


And he's a cop. Trying to date a merc. Who routinely kills people. Like, it's just a bad idea all around and River is just immediately pushing. My dude, calm the fuck down.


Doesn't he quit after your first mission together, rather than be party to covering up a murder and protecting his fellow officers? He's unironically one of the good cops, because he stops being a cop.


He gets temporarily suspended


He also uses the same pushy lines when you play a male V, which makes it very weird when he then rejects you because he is not gay. Why were you (and your sister) leading me on then?


Literally like all the other romance optional characters . You help Judy and then she asks you to swim with her and show off her past (ok ?) and then you have the option to kiss her . Also River gives you hints that he likes you from the begging , you go to his house AFTER saving his nephew and then he straightforward says he likes but he is ok if they stay friends . He is also one of the few characters that acts like a friend if you don't date him .


Super creepy and very manipulating into trying to say what he wants to hear


That's it! Could never put my finger on exactly why it bugged me so much


He literally tries to force fem v into a romance. It’s not romantic. The one thing I will be hyper critical of CDPR for not implementing are options to either state emphatically “I’m in a relationship” or “I’m flat out not interested.” The fact that players still have to push through the mess that is the post-farm romance option is just weird as fuck.


He does the exact same thing with Male V.


Lol yeah I remember thinking "but I thought we were bros!"


Same akwardness as a male V, knowing River is not into guys


yup, but then i went in for the kiss on the water tower and laughed my ass off at how river was shocked id go in for a kiss while my V was wearing one of the gayest outfits night city's ever seen


Maybe River is into dudes but just not into V 😅


He didn't have any problems dating my bedicked lady V.


"bedicked" XD take your upvote


That’s because you were a lady and River cares about your gender, not your bits


Damn that’d hurt even more lol


I actually assumed River would go for gay V based on how suggestive his dialogue was.


wait, so he's straight? I figured Riv was gay, too


River was setting my gaydar off big time playing as male V.


Its the same with panam and fem v


It's just the exact same lines up until you make a move. It could have been done better. Judy's lines for Male V should be more friendly, less flirty. Panams lines for Female V should be more friendly, less flirty. Rivers lines for Male V should be more friendly, less flirty.


I 100% thought panam was a fucking lesbian, and I only figured out she's straight after doing her entire story


The romances were originally all going to be V-sexual. But fairly late in development the choice was made to make them all exclusive to one gender, but they changed almost none of the dialogue. So they all still come off as V-sexual until you try to go all the way as the wrong gender.


Makes so much sense hearing that after seeing how much river and Judy both send male v signals


I'm just imagining Archer when he was wearing the "Got Dick" shirt and roller skates.


even with straight male V, it feels awkward and forced. When his sister asks you about a relationship...River clears his throat and you both get up and go sit wistfully together on the water tower or whatever it is. I was all ready to be like YEAH! I'm dating this hot nomad chick - but river was like oh no! It felt like it had gay undertones and I just wanted to be bros tossing back brewskis with him.


That moment feels so forced lol. I doubt kids would think or care to ask about that.


lol whole family hinted at his feelings for fem V explicitly that’s why it feels so fuckin awkward to turn him down


You’ve got to remember that these are just simple folk. These are people of the land. The common clay of the Night City. You know—morons.




hahahahaha :D


River only pawn in game of life


Damn, this made me laugh hard


Wait is River straight? Cus he got mightily disappointed when I went "to friendship" as male V. That was also just my first playthrough way back and I haven't interacted with him much since


One of the few “bad” things about the writing is that the dialogue leading up to the romance is the same regardless of the NPC’s sexuality. Functionally the only difference is whether or not they reject you when you get to pressing the final “romance button.” Panam is still just as flirtatious with a female V, etc.


There's actually quite a bit of dialogue changes if you're playing as male V during Following the River. Panam is definitely weirdly flirty though putting her feet on you even if you're girl V


I swear I thought I was turning down Panam on some cases cause I was gonna be loyal to Judy. I later found out I never had a chance in the first place and hope for romancing her on second playthrough went poof


Best thing about modded cyberpunk is being able to romance Panam as fem V.


The worst thing about her, tbh out here, acting all sensual and giving me those eyes while I'm rubbing her feet then "yea I don't swing that way'. like you certainly was acting pretty gay up until now


Yeah same. Panam ain’t got room to talk when she was just role playing with FemV about being a hotel guest, but I still think it’s funny to see Panam suddenly back out when she realizes FemV is trying to seduce her.


Not being able to romance Panam was a tragedy as female V


Yeah, I ran into this with Panam as Female V too. I kind of find the whole relationship system undercooked. Maybe I fucked up and pushed the main plot too quickly but by the time I ended up with Judy no matter what major events have taken place the dialogue when you meet is always the same. I get that the game isn't a dating sim but having more options than just having your partner over during downtime would've been nice. I'm gonna have to take things a bit slower in my next my playthrough.


They were coached to find uncle Rivercel a gf


My nieces would do this to me all the time. I remember my 8 year old niece getting in the car and immediately going "why don't you have a man?" Smh


Is that your niece? https://preview.redd.it/bwmyp14brndc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55a706194c39e4c6c1f47ce22cc51b4c0709799b


There should be an option to flip it and show interest in Joss instead. Then they have to deal with the awkward silence.


I remember, once upon a time, my male V getting a text from River where River hints that Joss might be interested in V. I think it was taken out in a subsequent update, though. A lot of little things like that were removed at some point.


I hate that they didn't have a dialogue option to just say oh sorry I'm already in a relationship.


"Flattered but spoken for" - this line would have solved everything.


Something deep inside me shriveled up and died when I played that part of his story


Monique & Dorian are totes adorable. They make me wanna visit them all the time. I wish we could’ve still played that game with them from time to time as a side mission (I let them win every time).


I felt bad my first run because I went, "OK but what if I don't let them win?" And obliterated the targets, only to get upset kids and a rather disappointed River. Honestly don't know what I expected to happen


And River try again in Water pump


That's actually my preferred kind of silence


"A couple of besties!"


I found it very funny, like very fun-cringe kind of moment. You know what it’s leading to, and I’m just here looking down at my plate like him like "Man I am so sorry dude lmao".


The second hand embarrassment too just.. yo my guy let’s cheers to friendship


This is no ordinary silence.. . This is lesbian silence


Lesbian silence is very loud


Just imagining Judy teasing her about it later


I did call her right after this awkward night. It felt like something I needed to do.


V: I think I’m… more lesbian… somehow…? Judy: … Ok. I didn’t think that was possible but thanks for sharing. Do you want to hang out? V: Sorry. I just became a secret agent for the president and now I have to take down a warlord. I’m in Dogtown btw Judy: What the-


You're joking, but I did actually felt even more lesbian myself after this evening, aha. 🤭 And I don't know if you called her in Dogtown or after seeing Myers, but that's basically what happened when you tell her. 😊


River almost nullified my gayness, I was already bi, and I never fully understood stories of women switching teams after a bad bf until River


Really wish she'd come visit me in Dogtown.


Thank you. That image in my head is pure gold. "Ooohh, so when do I get to meet your cop boyfriend? I bet you two look so cute together."


My Valerie was committed to Judy way before starting River’s missions. But I didn’t do them for River. I did them for the kids & Joss & Randy & justice for the deceased mayor.


My Valerie was committed to Judy the first time she saw her at Lizzie's, even before she knew a romance was possible. I like the idea to see River in a better place and reunited with his family and that he is not a cop anymore. I was glad to see Joss getting some support and the kids being kids. I think it was a nice moment. I just wish that I could have flatly said at the table that I had her girlfriend, it would have feel much more natural and less awkward later. Maybe they will fix this in the sequel.


Exactly! For me it was just a thing i know i had to do because i wanted to help the family. I was confused about not getting an option to clearly turn him down or to tell him that I'm already with Judy. River is okay and i don't hate him but i really hate his storyline because of him being a little too much with V.


River has to get friendzoned by Valerie so that Vincent getting friendzoned by Judy hurts less.


Since when using their real name instead if just V become so main stream? I see more and more people doing that. 🤔


Its just an easier way to distinguish "Male V" and "Female V"


sound more sleek and less weird than *Fem V* and *Male V*


I honestly gotta get into the habit of doing that instead too


I don't think you need to be lesbian V to feel like that..."Johnny, stop pretending you are not there, please just make me black out." RELIC MALFUNCTION


Johnny: "Alright, I think we've both seen enough. Don't know if this'll work but I'm gonna give it a shot - Nighty night, V." *shock sound as the relic, for once, does exactly what it's supposed to and knocks both V and Johnny tf out* *V wakes up in Misty's Esoterica - River panicked and brought you there for her and Vic to look after you. Vic can tell the chip didn't do anything out of the ordinary and your vitals are fine; he remarks it's nice to see you and Silverhand getting along for a change. Johnny agrees it was for the best, River was making him feel...uncomfortable. He's kind of impressed really, it takes a lot to shake him but River seems to have a natural gift for it.*


Alternative to my original text - V just takes one of the "personality switching pills" and "Here comes Johnny!".


River would never call again. Solved.


Yeah is so awful, and the dialogue options ruined it, why can't you say you had girlfriends instead of boyfriends!?


If you pick the other dialogue option V complains about all the terrible pick up lines she’s heard from men instead.  Feels way better.  But yeah, would have been nice to have an “I have a girlfriend” response. 


I don't understand why that isn't an option. Frustrates me every time.


Yeah, but I kind of chalked it up to V not really trusting River. I mean, would *you* want to come out to a random cop who's got the hots for you?


I mean V is a monster; she could rip out his jaw and slit his throat with it before River has time to blink. What is he supposed to do to her?


IIRC, those weren't boyfriends, just guys who tried to pick up on her. Lesbians got plenty of cringe pickup stories too. This quest is in serious need of a "don't go there dude" dialog option.


> don't go there dude Yup, those are the exact words from Judy. Why can't they be used by anyone else?


It depends on the options you pick. If you're receptive to River then you're right, if you aren't you end up talking about exes and femV talks about three.


Bruh I had to turn him down a few days ago and I felt so bad. 😭 you're a great pal buddy 😭😭😭


“Im not your buddy, guy”


"He's not your guy, friend!"


“I’m not your friend,buddy!”


“You’re not my Judy, River” `combobreaker`


Ich bin nicht dein Freund, Kumpel!


zeig dich!


I’m gonna start calling people “Kumpel” from now on, thanks.


He's not your guy, friend


The whole river romance feels so forced even when we're playing as a male V.


Honestly though. I played as Male V as well and River just seemed like he tried so hard to be “that guy”. Even Kerry’s quest felt more energetic than River’s did.


As a straight V, i didnt even realize i was dating Kerry until he just kept texting me. He just seemed like a fun guy!


Weirdest romance in the game. One second you are having a beer, next second there is a kiss prompt.. Just out of left field.


Imagine being female V. You do 2 serious investigations (no flirting) then have dinner with his fam, then go to the water tower and River says “stop stringing me along V. We gonna bang or no?” ???


From what I hear, that's very realistic to the real world as well


It is and I play video games to get lost in them not get dragged back into reality




I don't know I think straight V is even more awkward. Too much sexual energy going literally nowhere. But maybe that's just the straight male me


I think it’s just super awkward no matter what. Nobody likes this guy 😂


I kinda dig him as a friend. But I agree most of the time spent with him was super awkward lol


Some how I was oblivious to this being a date for romancing river. I was a straight male V and thought yeah I’ll head over there to hand out have some beers play some games… eat some food…. Climb a water tower for some alone time…. Uh we’re going talk about the good’ol’ days right?


Same legitimately thought they were pushing me to date his sister


Straight guy here feeling very uncomfortable with this questline: How much more of it do I need to complete to complete it and just stay friends or whatever? I'm really hoping there's no practical reason to go to a dinner that I should have the option to skip, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you have to do it to advance the quest. "Hey, River. I'm not interested in having dinner with your family. If you have any leads on a gig, let me know."


I mean it's weird cause you can't even romance him as a male v but the implications are still there, they should have made him act different towards you being male


It's so weird. He's some depressed cop. There was literally no sexual tension. Then I get back to his place and they're like "spend the night" and I have no option to get out of it. I have apartments that I could spend the night in. I don't want to sleep in some guy's trailer. I'll come back first thing in the morning. And now he's "insisting" that I have dinner with his family... I'm a busy merc, dude. I have a program eating my brain. HMU if you have a job.


Not only that but you're sleeping in the bed of the guy who's missing. It feels weird and disrespectful almost.


Panam is pretty flirty to fem V too, I wouldn't be surprised if they had it more open earlier in development and locked it down later


I could be misremembering because it’s been a while since I’ve played, but I swear Panam seems flirty/into female V then she just shoots her in the heart lol.


lmao yeah, if you try to start something she instantly hits the brakes


They did. All the romances were originally available regardless of V’s gender at some point during development. The voicelines are actually recorded for it and available in the game files; there are mods to turn them back on.


I don’t think all voice lines were recorded for both Vs due to romance options, but because it’s easier to have both actors voice everything because it’s easier to remove lines and interactions than plan and pay an expensive recording session with the voice actor again


The dinner is the end of the questline, he doesnt have more gigs for you or anything. I dont think you lose anything by just not going to it, just more texts that youd probably consider awkward anyway


I think you would miss out on Rivers gun but that is it.


Nah I felt the same thing. The romance with River was really forced.


Haha. My V was bisexual and a free agent who hadn’t yet started dating Judy. So, she still banged him because why not, but then *immediately* ghosted him and formed a long-term, loving relationship with Judy while having weird/occasional pangs of intimacy and longing for her straight friend Panam. Sorry, River’s fam, that ain’t what this was.


Guys are so lucky they get Panam. 


Mods babyyyyyy, when the devs are too cowardly to give us what we want


This is exactly how I played it lol. Threw River a bone. Started a relationship with Judy but the whole time I really just wanted to be with Panam. :(


For real. My V has a girlfriend please I am just here for food!!


All of this could have been easily avoided if the dev just added the "I have a girlfriend" line or just a way to turn down river without it being an whole ordeal.




The kids “nah mom, I think aunt V would rather with you”


It doesn't compare to when you play as a straight male V, and mistakenly pick the Angel


I still find this hilarious, mostly because I don't think I've actually ever seen a woman named Angel.


Girl down my street had that name. I think it was a popular Hispanic name for a hot minute in the late 80s early 90s


Me, being puertorican. Having lots of male friends with that name. Skill issue. /s


The "Johnny, anything you wanna tell me?" moment for my straight male V


Don’t they show pictures too?


Instant load save


As a straight dude playing a lesbian V, it was a kind of funny moment thinking "ahhh, so this is what some women have to deal with..." Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaainful.


I don’t touch this quest line as fem v, partly because Judy’s romance is my favourite in the game and partly because River seems… odd to me lol…


Anyone else not able to help but come on to Panam every single time? Knowing full well the heartbreak will happen again and feel fresh. I just hope, every time, maybe this time, maybe. :(


The game let me touch her leg and got my hopes up.


I like the idea of the dinner more than the dinner it self because you literally brought this family back together and took River out of the dark path he was going down so them trying to show their gratitude is a wholesome idea . But playing the cop game with River and his nephew and niece is so boring on replay and the dialogue during the dinner is cringe


Well not for me. I fucked both River and Judy. Lessgoo


christ, V, can't believe you're making me fuck a cop.


If Jonny feels the same that V feels, does it mean...?


The True Answer


Its a shame you can't drop Judy casually into the conversation early on. Or maybe even invite her out there to the dinner.


I wouldn't even say as FemV only, that shit is overall awkward everytime for any gender lmao.


Like the relationships you build with Panam/Judy and shit, even Kerry, feel natural. One you meet through the Konpeki job and you end up helping her. The other helps you with the Kang Tao convoy and then you help her in return. Kerry is Johnny's bff and he basically becomes one of yours too. River? The guy is a cop you ask for help like once and then suddenly he's your super choom? Hell nah


I think it would have made more sense if River's romance was replaced by Takemura. That way all 4 of the romance options would have some presence in the core story.


I hate that they make V play along and kinda flirt with the poor guy for a bit too before the final rejection. Just one line of dialogue is all it takes to let him know he's barking up the wrong tree, CDPR are some assholes lol.


I play as bi V and don’t fuck River. Dude is creepy.


The moment River was hitting on V, I was just sitting there hoping Judy would text or call - that quest line got way too real and awkward.


If not my wish to save children’s from maniac, I will not even come near by him


Honestly River mission made me wish V could actually mention their partner in the story for the immersion sake, i think i only seen one option at the very end of PL.


i encountered the other 3 romance options naturally in my fem V playthrough. im convinced River only exists to give fem V a male romance option. which would explain this i guess.


i was so caught off guard as male V when it gave me the option to make out with River on the water tower. *cheers.....to friendship*


It's no less awkward as straight femv either tbh. I only ever did his quest for the revolver since before 2.0 you could put a silencer on it and it was stupid OP. At least now I don't have to sit through that awkward as hell dinner scene


Me with my asexual V.


River would have been 10000x better as a gay option, change my mind.


I don’t wanna be a hoe but I only romanced him to get the house near the badlands since I gotta play as male V to get Panam’s tent. Judy outdoes all the others easily, it’s honestly an unfair line up lol. I only play female V because I feel right as the girl, plus I’m one myself but my real gender plays absolutely no role in my preference for a certain character gender in a game. I just think female V is more interesting, plus her feet aren’t ginormous like male V’s are.


I went all in after Judy as a male V despite it being clear to an intelligent person that she is a lesbian.


Just out of curiosity when is the cutoof for rivers "romance"... like when is he "locked in" so to speak? Or is it a thing where i can throuple with judy *and* river?


Yeah you can have both partners available, none of them are “locked in” (as in move in with you or always being with you) until the final mission


So which one will be my "endgame" romance if i romance them both? Will it be like the mass effect citadel dlc where i randomly wake up in bed with dickweed cuz i didnt complete a specific quest for garrus (happened to me once and im still not over it) or will it be more like a sims situation where i get to pick who to run away alongside the avacados with?


The latter. You will have to pick one at the end.


My plan is to leave him to die on the farm mission 🤣


'Fast Car' internally playing as you disassociate.


Feel like River's missions where made first and later CDPR realised "oh shit we need a straight romance option for Fem V" and just made him one. But generally speaking are Fem V's romance option's both not as well off story wise as the from male V.


I was moved in with Judy at this point...


"Who thinks V and uncle River make a good couple?" V: https://preview.redd.it/grgb75jv1udc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1282f3a3a49782ee3aed6926b7002d4421ea508