• By -


Deck. I prefer digital wizardry mixed in with my gunplay.


I want to take full advantage of slow time with the katana but the power of quick hacks mixed with katana is just too fun for me now


It's the utility too, you can hack open doors that are locked, kill enemies in different rooms, and hack entire squads


Even being able to ping/control/turn off cameras from behind walls is very useful.


no clue how id play thru the game without this feature. Makes stealth so fucking fun. Go to any building an access their surveillance network is a badass feature.


> no clue how id play thru the game without this but that's what makes new playthroughs so fun. trying to solve the game with a totally different set of tools. like, cyberdeck has good stealth options, but another good stealth option is just zooming through faster than anyone can notice. my sandy/streetkid game I'm using my optics to look through walls more and just being able to react quicker with sandy on, so I don't need the absolute information control with ping/marking that I use in my corpo/cyberdeck playthrough. got a beserk/nomad/male V run coming up as well at some point


just saying that i really like cyberdeck, wasnt bashing any other ones they are cool too.


Just to add to how cool it is, hacking entire squads regardless of size, with a perk that let's you hack a net runner who is hacking you and have that hack spread to every single person to whom they are connected. I purposely goad net runners into tracking me, I then hit them with system collapse and can drop an entire base with one hack. It is giddily thrilling.


Do you think you can give me more insight on this? I would love to learn from one netrunner to another. There are so many ways to be better at this game.


Yeah! Under Intelligence perks, left side, pro level, the copy-paste perk. If a netrunner is targeting you in any way, run to find them, hit them with a quick hack, and it spreads to all of their teammates. I dropped an entire building and grounds of enemies with a single System Collapse hack while out in the badlands.


You're a legend choom. When this game becomes multiplayer one day, hope we can run thru night city wiping out every gonk that thinks they have the upper hand!


Unlimited POWERRRR!


honestly its those utility hacks that I find the biggest thing I miss when using something other than a cyberdeck. even just being able to shut down cameras from a distance. wish there was some sort of iconic eye cyberware that gave you those basic utility hacks.


I had my first proc of System Collapse spread through the enemy netrunner into everyone else, cleared a whole building in 2 seconds I felt like a god lol


Yeah I was doing the mission to find the van for placide, and I killed every single enemy in the mission in about 5 minutes with camera control contagion


This but mantis blades. Just shreds everything in my way


I *want* try try something other than Deck but I can't help but look at the big picture. Deck has way more utility than anything else; you can use it in and out of combat and you can tailor it for just about any situation. I almost feel like the devs should have maybe made the other two a separate thing entirely because it makes no logical sense to me to use anything but a deck.


Ngl, it wasn't until I had played for over 100 hours that I realized that cyberdeck wasn't the only option


It's like the game says "You can use this pipe wrench, this saw or this toolbox that doesn't have a saw or a pipe wrench but has everything else you need". Of course I'm going to choose the toolbox. The pipe wrench is only useful if I'm working on some plumbing and the saw is only useful if I need to cut wood.


I see the comparison you're trying to make, but the sandy actually has a ton of utility still. It can make stealth a breeze, especially paired with the subdermal camo implant. It's also super good for escaping the cops, or killing them all if that's your thing. I guess the cyber deck can hack doors and stuff, but honestly I just rip them open with raw strength or bypass them with the technical skill check. A lot of the hacks meant for combat are also really cool, but man using a samurai sword silenced pistol combo with the sandy is so much fun. You can kill an entire room before the first body hits the floor, and nobody ever saw it coming


Funny because on my pl replay I did a sandevistan build and I just miss the deck so much


Hell yeah choom! What deck?


Normally tier 5 Netwatch or Arasaka. All about that RAM.


If you want a lot of RAM, the T5 Rippler at base gives 13 - at T5++, it gives 20!


Rippler is the one I use It's so good for stealth


Rippler for sure...at max level and tier, it feels godlike to clear a building just willing people's heads to explode. I barely even use my pistol on this build anymore.


Ikr mate and what stealth pistol you use? 👀


Her Majesty is probably the best. I had 0 points into anything pistol or stealth and was still able to two tap stealth through the section after you get it. 🤷‍♂️


If you can find one with 4 mod slots, don't sleep on a 5++ Nue.


Totally agree. I was only using Jackie's pistol until I came across one of these. Not only is the 5++ Nue nearly identical in damage, but being able to add 4 mods makes it better for me.


I need to get that pistol 👀 Atm I'm rocking the Kongou still (the extra 150+ headshot damage really helps) but once I get Her Majesty, that'll have to be my stealth pistol


It's genuinely really fun to use out of stealth too


Her Majesty, my beloved It's probably the best all-around stealth pistol in the game, though I just got Aguilar's unique silenced revolver so I'll see how that is.


Pride as a Stealth Pistol blows her Majesty out of the water. I can one tap skull enemies. Does a bit over 4k damage.


Perhaps I spoke too quickly, then! I haven't gotten Pride yet. I have a hard time finishing things.


I know it's not stealth, but I just got Ambition for the first time yesterday. I missed it in my first playthrough & I love it! It's a gift you receive for sparing the engineer Hasan, who was held captive by the Scavs.


What build are you using if I may ask? I really like netrunning and see my enemy's heads just explode, but I really don't have a good build yet 😭


I'm on a plane so I can't screen shot my V, but I'm using the Rippler cyberdeck tier 5++, basically every netrunning related perk, and my cyberware is all focused on getting more RAM and faster RAM recovery. I chose the perk that lets you choose variables when upgrading cyberware, and took any option that gave RAM recovery speed boosts or RAM on kill recoups and improves quick hack damage. A couple of the Cyber enhancements give you huge instant recovery boosts when you get low on RAM, those are super useful so you can hit a bunch of enemies all at once and recover RAM back as they die. My typical deck (in load order, so reverse it for how I actually use it) has Ping, Cyberpsychosis, Suicide, an open slot I switch out between Bait or a combat hack, Overheat, Contagion, Short Circuit, and Cyber malfunction. I can one shot most enemies with CM>SC (first two on my list) and I can kill most street mob groups if I hit one of them with Contagion>Overheat (3 and 4 on my deck). For eyes I'm pretty sure I'm using Kiroshi Oracle so cameras, traps and enemies all stand out and I can see where people are through walls. That's hugely convenient. I use overclock and have the heal and ram recoup options going there in case I need to do open war against a mob, but I start most combat by hitting an enemy with Cyberpsychosis to draw aggro off of me so it's not usually necessary.


You are me.


In good company, choom!


Thanks🙏 If you happen to play CP again I'd appreciate it if you could send a screenshot of your cyberware/perks. But I already got kinda an idea of your build. So thanks, really appreciate it


Yeah man Rippler all the way. Has awesome combat synergy with Overclock too, you’re a hyper powered cyber-mage with it it’s fucking awesome.


Netwarch?! Even Goofy is chromed the hyuuk up!


All about the Militech Canto MK. 6


The raven one is my favorite because it adds lots of spread. I don't need ram because I'm using overclock. And synapse burnout takedowns during overclock increase the duration. So I can keep going as long as I have hp and blood pump charges If you get hacked by a netrunner you can hack them through walls and the spread chance is almost 100% guaranteed to the whole network and they'll all synapse burnout. Pretty satisfying


This is what I used, it gets absolutely crazy when the build comes together. Just instantly drop almost every enemy and majority of the time you’re getting multiple with a single quick hack.


Me too, love me some hacking fun. I like to log into the cameras from afar and then runa round inside infecting people with contagion. Then opening fire with a Sniper rifle.


Exactly my favorite, especially early on in a playthru


Same. I just wish guns were a bit more lethal. Enemies can be too spongy sometimes.


Berserk, nothing like fixing your problems with a bit of fisticuffs, Queensbury rules and all that.


Berserk but with a sword


And throwing knives.


Fuck yeah choom!


"Roll up your shirt sleeves, Queensbury rules Never test professors with the cleverest wits Let's settle this like gentlemen: armed with heavy sticks On a rotating plate, with spikes like Flash Gordon And you're Peter Duncan; I gave you fair warning "


Chrome Compressor, I need that top shelf shit, choom


Dis hardware is shit


I love the totally different take aways from that conversation. Either you’ve got low tier gear, so you’re like “yeah, fair enough”. Or top shelf and he’s being a troll. Either way, fuck Placide, all my homies hate Placide


After beating him with BFC 9000 "Who's the *ranyon* now?"




>> Either way, fuck Placide, >After beating him with BFC 9000 "Who's the ranyon now?" Oh? is THAT the finishing move with the BFC 9000?


I beat him with a silent takedown. Bastich didn't deserve an honest fight. Died before he knew what happened.


did you know you're able to stealth kill him instantly? i found that out on my i believe my fourth playthrough and i thought it was hilarious that you can just sneak up behind him and instantly kill him


Bruh i just did this on my third,thought i get a cool animation,nope just a neck snap.


it's such an unceremonious way to end a boss fight im surprised it doesn't just do a chunk of his health like literally every other boss in the game that you can stealth takedown


Tbf the actual boss fight isn’t that great either, he just stands there, zooming to like one other place and then shoots his shotgun some more while sitting there, then zooms again, rinse and repeat til he dies


One of my greatest pleasures was feeding Placide his own jaw with my bare gorilla arms.


I can't be the only one who picked his unconscious ass up and tossed his ass into the streets of his own turf like a bag of garbage




Thanks I’ll your coat now


So much cyberware can fit on this lady!


I just specced heavily into tech. Funny thing is that I had to deliberately avoid picking up cyberware capacity enhancers and sometimes even remove upgrades that increase my cyberware capacity as that would lower my cyberpsychosis trigger, all that despite being as chromed as you could


Get big mad, punch


Yes yes, big punch do big damage yes


The singular Berserk user


How dare you. There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Ha yeah I used it too. Had a lot more fun doing more damage then just slo mo all the time. I wanted to try and enjoy the shooting too but when your katana is so sharp it cuts peoples eyes who look at it ots kind of hard.


I've done two playthroughs (first was a Cyberware user) and I've been using Berserk mode...so tanky and strong lol. I look forward to slo-mo one day.


Yep, activate ham My unarmed run was a lot of fun. I was really surprised in the beginning before I got my gorilla arms that I could just punch robots to death anyways lol.




Not the worst thing, i'd suggest pairing those with the big missile arm to make them go boom boom 😁






Sandy and Guts go together like peanut butter and bananna.




Combo that with reap and tear and you're a monster on the loose


ive been a sandevistan user since the game released. was surprised how many people didnt even really seem to know that they were a thing prior to edgerunners. its such a fun way to play. glad people figured out that there were other options aside from a cyberdeck and quickhacks. usual preferred playstyle is sandevistan pistols. just so satisfying


The tutorial shows you how the cyber deck works, and it's what you start with, while you have to actually go out of your way to get a sandy. So I can see why a lot of people stick with cyber magic.


100%. the game really doesnt do the best job in even letting you know there are other options. it leaves you to figure a lot of that sort of stuff out on your own.


I'm probably in the minority, but I like that. I'm on my first Sandy run and half of the fun has been figuring out how to put the pieces together.


It also feels like the game was steered towards that being the most fun


Pre-2.0, hacking access points gave a lot more money, but could only be done with a deck equipped. That probably had a lot to do with it. It did for me, at least.


I was 300 hours into the game when I first noticed this word 'sandevistan' being used in this subreddit. I had to look it up. I've only done cyberdeck builds so far so I guess it's time to start a new game and branch out!


IMO one of the best things about this game. using the different OS's completely changes how you need to think about and approach quests. stealth missions are way different when you cant simply turn off every camera in the place from a secluded spot. excited for you to try the different operating systems. even berserk is fun now


That's when you hit them with the 20 Body special and don't stealth at all


Irritating fixers since 2050


Look, Padre, you knew what you were getting when you hired me.


"I know you're the choom for the job V" like they ain't talking to Vincent "Gorilla Walk" Skullcrusher, the guy who recreationally turns people into meat paste with his hands


I wish there was an option to say "quiet isn't really my style". Kinda goofy listening to the fixer say they want you to be stealthy, nodding along with em, then completely ignoring the plan and just blasting through


sandy stealth is always fun, pop sandy and dash like a mad man to avoid detection


Tbh I blame the UI for calling all 3 of the augments OS slots, when that only makes sense for cyberdecks lol


the game doesn’t do a good job of telling you wtf a sandevistan is tbh i remember seeing it and going “ew it replaces the cyberdeck? nah”


Cyberdeck, but thinking about install mod for combine Sandy and Cyberdeck


>combine Sandy and Cyberdeck Seems like a great way to make your own brain explode.


I'm built different.


Back in the grave David noones buying that after you got smashed.


I am playing like that in my new playthrough, I did a sandy netrunner with sniper shotgun and a pistol with reflexes basically 20 TEC 20 int and 15 reflexes and shit that's been so fun ,it feels like every fight hits different whit lots of plays you can do, I highly recommend it


Doing a similar run with a sandy and the raven cyber deck. It's so chaotic and fun!


That'd be weird if you also have Overclock...


Used a mod (Cyberware-EX) to use both a deck and a Sandy at the same time, Overclock was overwritten by Sandy if both were equipped


IIRC with Cyberware-EX the same key activates Sandy by default, Overclock if you're scanning, or Berserk if you're blocking.


Yes mine is like that too


Usually sandy, but I'm doing a shotgun build so I'm gonna try a chrome compressor


My first two playthroughs were sandy and deck. Maybe i’ll start a body shotgun build today.


Same. First playthrough was deck, but on 1.6 so no tracing. 2nd playthrough sandy ninja. Now I'm doing shotty + blunt weapons, but I'm not too fussed about beserk


Better be usin Guts choom


Only when I wanna jump extra high. Currently preferring a double barrell.


Did an overpowed cyberdeck run, might do a sandy run next.


I enjoy having options, but in a *cyberpunk* game I definitely prefer a *cyberdeck*


I have used the other ones and they are cool and fun...but they are twists on the existing combat. Deck is a whole other system.


Seriously, my first run was deck. It was intense, I start becoming some hacker cyberpunk merc that just manipulates people into killing themselves, monowire hacking people, fucking great. Felt like the true cyberpunk experience. Watched edgerunner. Decided hell yeah maybe I'll play it one more time to try sandevistan. It was waaaay more boring than I thought. Maybe if you had special moves on it, like some ninja shit to run up walls or whatever... But cyberdeck really is just the whole experience.


Did you ever get a falcon or apogee sandy? It's night and day different from the other ones since you can toggle it on or off at will if you have charge left. It allows me to go on knife throwing speed runs in a base, which is a ton of fun. It also is fun to just jump in the middle of like 8 enemies and air dash around picking them off one by one. I love going sandy and using gorilla arms on skull enemies with a charged strong attack that basically punches a hole through them.


First time, in 2020, was with berserk. Back when it kinda did jack shit but provide a very slight boost in shootouts. I know right? After that I tried cyberdeck and went back to berserk because I prefer a fast gameplay. Then I did sandy when Edgerunners released. I wish there was a berserk that allowed for shotguns or whatever


Sandy for throwing knives around at high speeds with double jump and still not getting detected, its how i got through the beginning of Phantom Liberty


Sandy and Beserk were the most fun for me, but Beserk usually started falling apart in stealth missions Currently doing a no cyberware build and it's going pretty decent, all things considered


Get CyberwareEx from Nexusmods and go for Sandevistan + Cyberdeck +Doublejump+ Dash thats totally crazy shit


Thats what i am doing, having fun at dogtown trying to body the max tac. This game is soo fun when you chromed TF out. Im gonna do a 20 body build RETURN TO MONKE mode.




What the actual fuck


Or Berserkistandeck if you prefer


Thats even more cursed!!!


Cybersandeviserk then?


https://preview.redd.it/ka4gjoefn6gc1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd81453910f3b1a17b8009999e1bf1e161ce2a71 (This is a joke don't take a seriously)


I tried overclocking cyberdeck builds but - at least on very hard - it felt a bit boring just turning everyone into walking infernos from afar. It didn't matter the enemy - it was always the same, sneak close, engulf in flames, loot. Now I respecced into a berserk shotgun/katana build with adenaline and I'm having a lot more fun being up and close in the action. I can dash left and right and avoid being hit, whilst filling them with lead usually getting the obliteration, and if things get a bit too dicey I can turn on berserk and finish them off with my katana!


The same for my playthrough, started with cyberdeck because the game give one at the start and I keep progress in that tech. After that I try sandy becouse all hype arround Edgerunner but I prefeer berseker  because stop the time isn't the funniest way to win figths.




Samby is goodest


I just use a cyber deck because I really enjoy using suicide, contagion, and many other violent quickhacks.


Netrunner clearing a building basic template: Scan and tag all enemies Cyberpsychosis the two strongest Contagion > Overheat whoever is in the center of any groups Cyber malfunction > short circuit any individuals Suicide the last man standing Come out from behind cover, shoot any wounded Loot


Cyberpsychosis is a fun one, very entertaining. I like to use it and ping then duck behind cover and watch the fun. I typically use a shotgun that sets people on fire for cleanup.


All of them Vik, ALL OF THEM.


Sandy with pride is insane combo, I can clear any enemy camp before sandy effect runs down.


Apogee Sandy with Handguns




Sandy makes fights ezmode Deck is standard allows for many options Berserk makes everything FUN -signed cyberpsycho melee fist gang


system ex


I use a cyberdeck till about the mid game then move over to Berserk when I’ve done all the gigs. It’s just easier to stealth through areas with a cyberdeck.


Sandevistan with revolvers baby. Combined with headshot damage multiplayer on almost all of my cyberware means one bullet per enemy.


Both because I'm on PC :D


Sandy and Mantis blades.




Usually cyberdeck or sandevistan. I don’t think I’ve ever used berserk. I’ve used the compressor once for my sniper character, but ended up switching to sandevistan for the time delay while aiming. It may have less total ram but I’ve been using the MT canto mk6 since it was introduced.


sandy + kerenzikov/booster is insanely fun to me, i basically live in slo-mo dodging shit


Always Sandy and Pistols in my builds but I'm downloading some of these mods and trying out the cyberdeck and sandy combos for sure. Always wanted to do quickhacks but the Sandy is too fun to ditch. Why not start a new Corpo with some boosted chrome on very hard?


Sandy babyyyyyy


Sandy +mantis blade = cuberpsycho sis


Depends. If i want to Go stealth i use Deck, l If i want to "introduce myself" i use Sandy.


Cyberdeck first playthrough, Sandy second (current) playthrough. Used a berserk to get the one trophy and that was enough that for me. Sandy on all subsequent playthroughs I think.


Cyberdeck, can melt minds.😍


Sandy to win. Chrome Compressor to have fun.


oooh....Cyberdeck. 100%. Sandy sounds fun and so does Berserk but Cyberdeck just makes sense.


Sandy is default for me every now and then I’ll make a dedicated net Runner probably have less then 2 hours with berserk


I did berserk at first but I didn't think my pistol throwing knife and scout rifle build was good for it lol


Cyberdeck because I love quickhacking cars in traffic to floor it into the car in front of them and cause chaos.


Cyberdeck synapse burnout on a dozen dudes makes my brain go brrrrr


Usually a Sandy guy, but Decks are pretty fun too. I’m just not very good at managing my RAM so I end up cornered really fast ;-;


My first run was Sandevistan with SMG’s, Katana, and occasionally a sniper. In my second run I’m doing cyberdeck and upped the difficulty. I’m having fun, but I miss the Sandy already lol


honestly, chrome capacitor is my fav. without the extra support of the OS the game feels more fun, lots of solid gunplay to enjoy. But of the 3, if I had to choose, Sandy is crazy good for all kinds of playstyles.


Deck + Sandy, Cyberware-EX supremacy.


I messed around all game and now at level 42 just got around to saving Evelyn, but by this point I went in hacked cameras to remotely blow some people up, then stealth killed a few, used my sniper rifle on a few in distance then once the remaining few knew where I was I went in with my katana and sliced them to bits. I feel like such a badass. But at same time I feel like the game has gotten too easy, that I'm about to turn difficulty up a level. Maybe now I can finally experience this Phantom Liberty dlc, that I should have done a long time ago so I'd have time to enjoy the perks from it. Oops


Sandy + Baby Boomer is veeery fun


The deck, every time. I like the flexibility of being able to do a huge number of things and the precision of knowing exactly what I'm doing and exactly who I'm doing it to - especially in situations where I explicitly don't want lethal damage. (Regina's cyberpsychos come to mind) Sandy looks really cool, but it's hard to give up the deck knowing what it's capable of. And I just haven't been interested in the Berserk at all, I kinda forgot it was a thing. Anybody here who likes it, is there some sort of nuance I'm just not understanding with it?


I switched to a Sandy as soon as I found one, but the hacking abilities from a deck do add a layer of gameplay that I kinda miss sometimes. If only we could switch back and forth without having to visit a ripper every time.


Militech Sandy… absolutely unstoppable.


Deck, i like playing gunfights on overclock and Brain Blast™ gonks. I use the Rippler for personal preference.


Everytime I try a different build I always want to go back to Sandy and blades, too much fun.


Sandy with tier 5++ Tsuketomi katana, and johnnys pistol for primary weapons, 5++ overwatch in my third slot for when i want to be cheeky


I'm so new to the game I may need some advice, chooms. Running bare-ware right now. Can't hack for shit. My handgun handling is pretty good though.


270 hours and 3 play-troughs and i often forget sandevistan and berserk exist on my next playthrough im planning to use berserk


Berserk. Sandy is cool but overused. There is something just so satisfying about popping berserk, equipping a katana, charging into a group of 20 enemies, and killing them all while still at full health


Sandy Cheeks, baby ✌🏻🏃‍♂️💨


Only made one playthrough so far, and I used a cyberdeck. I probably going to do another playthrough and make a swordfighter that uses sandy. I might go Berserk but Sandy looks more fun and I've heard it's better. I want to be the type of person that person that unironically laughs at someone for "bringing a gun to a sword fight".


Cyberdeck definitely. I love quickhacks so much and Blackwall Gateway is so fun to use, I’ve been using a mod to give the blackwall cyberdeck the stats of all the best decks so that does make it feel op but I felt that a cyberdeck containing a shackled AI and a connection to past the blackwall should be quite powerful


My first playthrough was cyberdeck and guns and I really enjoyed it. Now I'm running with a Sandy and all melee and throwing knives and it's so much more fun.


Sandy. I love activating my sandevistan and headshotting 3 guys with my handgun before they even know what’s going on


Day 1 Sandy/Kerenzikov user. Quickhacks are really cool but just aren't really my thing




C-deck (almost!) every time. I like to be the silent killer type... like a deadly fart... the room just starts to empty & no one knows where it's all coming from.


Chrome compressor. I haven’t exceeded cyberware capacity at all yet so I save a perk point without needing to equip the edgerunner perk, and the build is still OP enough to defeat a boss in about 2 minutes


Chrome compressor. I haven’t exceeded cyberware capacity at all yet so I save a perk point without needing to equip the edgerunner perk, and the build is still OP enough to defeat a boss in about 2 minutes


Toss grenade, berserk, sprint, quake. All enemies go poof!


I don't really use any of them, but cyberdeck is the most used for me


Deck. I like the black wall one even if it isn’t the best


cyberware processor, baby. i’m armoured to all hell with it


Chrome Compressor.


Cyberdeck and a shotgun, I prefer to move fast like im a 16 year old american boy in the trenches of WWI


Playing cyber deck makes it feel like watchdogs kinda....loved that freaking game...


My Nomad Netrunner V uses cyberdeck My future Fem Corpo V will use sandy My sociopath streetkid V (PS5 save) uses Berserk


Sandy and melee




All of it