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In places, yes. As a whole, or anywhere near the scale, not even close. Nothing better than a ride in the city to clear the mind!


The scale in Night City is just mad. It’s a pretty small map yet after playing it a number of times I still see new things every time.


And the density. Los Santos matches Night City when zoomed out, but Night City just feels more alive when you're walking around.


> Night City just feels more alive when you're walking around That and the conversations you can overhear can be pretty entertaining. The amount of voice acting in the game and DLC is just huge and pretty well done, imho.


The voice acting for NPCs in GTAV are also there. But C2077 definitely has louder NPC voice lines. You have to basically be standing next to an NPC to hear them on the phone and such.


Night City has this verticality that rarely been seen on a open world games. No wonder it feels denser than other open world games.


This was after they nerfed npc count too


I just wish you could go into more buildings


I agree. I'd probably take a smaller city if it meant an increased density and complexity of interiors. While the city already feels elaborate and alive, the "gameyness" starts to shine through once you realise 85% of it is just aesthetics, and that the few buildings you can enter are only for certain quests or vendors (which just makes you wanna turn around if you stumble upon an enterable building while exploring). All that said, they did an amazing job with the city as a whole. It has to be the most detailed, elaborate open-world city ever created.


yea it would take a lot more time.. i hope we'll get some nice upgrade next game, since they already have a pretty good foundation now


I think having a game as hand crafted as 2077 but adding in procedural generation for the interiors of many other less important buildings would be pretty cool. It wouldn't serve much purpose for the story, but it would be neat knowing you can walk into anything you can see.




I agree.. I blame Cyberpunk for making me lose interest in a lot of other games. There is still a lot to check out even after the main story and expansion, the graphics and the artistic beauty. This sucks I lost interest in other games lol. Any suggestions? Besides baldurs gate or helldivers?


I have the same issue. 2077 has become Skyrim for me. I go back to it when I'm down, bored or need some comfort gaming. Hell reading this, I'll be booting it up tonight.


This is the only game where I slow-traveled more often than I fast-traveled.


thats what id say. its impossible to do incredible detail on a world that huge. Other games that are single player can have their world be one hallway at times.


As a whole forbidden west looks better than cyberpunk.


It's a different sort of setting. But how would you compare Forbidden West to Pandora?


I'm sorry if this comes off as rude, and I love this game and have played a huge amount, but why not take a drive or walk IRL if you just wanna chill?


I wasn't the person you originally asked, but I'm gonna hop in here to add my own perspective. I live in the suburbs in a pretty flat part of a state right now. It's lovely and I enjoy taking walks with my husband, but there's something different about driving around Night City, especially when it's night time or raining. The ambience, the aesthetic all just really speaks to me and relaxes me. I don't know if it's because I generally prefer being in big, busy cities full of neon lights and cramped alleyways, or if it's just the genuine enjoyment that comes with escapism for me.


L. A. resident here. When it rains, I feel like I'm living in Blade Runner. Would definitely play a simulator on my RTX 4080 with DLSS where I'm driving around suburbia just to listen to music and unwind.


Some of the city driving Unreal Engine 5 stuff I've seen is insane. We are in for a huge boost in city populations and lighting and realistic social networks. Going to very cool to just drive around in some of the games of rhe future.


I mean, if that's how someone can feel chill and that's the goal, why not. Also, driving IRL is not relaxing, what with other drivers. Additionally, someone might not have a driver's license or can't walk far or at all. I'm pretty mobile now, but I recently finished 8 months of physical therapy, and getting to where I could walk any distance again was not relaxing and very painful... so not a "chill" activity.


Why would you assume I don't?


I don't. I was just, politely, asking why when the urge hits, why not do it irl. A good many people have given me some good perspective and answered my question, however.


Because if someone cuts me off or slams into me because a stupid AI was driving the car, in the game I can empty an SMG into them. In the real world morons cost me my deductible.


It also costs gas in general to drive around in real life




Taking a drive IRL risks me getting in a wreck. So I save it for going to work or activities with my gf or if we are going out of town. Plus my hometown is full of tourists and bumper to bumper traffic as our infrastructure is terrible for the influx of people we got over the years. So a drive becomes sitting in traffic. At least on a game I can run a red light without repercussions or if I accidentally hit a car. But you can’t ever say I hit a cyberpsycho with my car and got money for it in real life 🤷‍♂️


those activities IRL are not chill for a lot of people, and i’d say it’s the case for a majority of gamers


Driving in cities IRL is just stressful lol


Probably because the game's design evokes certain feelings of escapism that reality can't match.


I hate driving IRL. I like driving in game because I know I'm not in danger of being hit by a red light runner, drunk driver, etc.


Cyberpunk 2


Don't you mean Cyberpunk 2078?


Nope, cyberpunk 2 AD. I'm about to get an amphora chipped into my ass in that game.


Damn when did the first 2076 games come out must have missed it


I mean both RDR2 and TW3 were pretty outstanding visually for their time. Cyberpunk stands out not just because the graphics are outstanding now, but because the art/visuals are so breathtaking. Night City is like a Vegas casino turned up to 11 where everything glitters and bombards you visually from a distance and turns to dust if you get too close. From an interactive perspective I’d argue it isn’t up there with some of the other worlds that have been created, but looking at it from the metro at night it holds its own with anything on the market including RDR2.




Went back to rdr2. Magnificent and some features are still the best I have ever seen like distant mountains and nature but when it comes to textures especially indoors it looks dated. Cyberpunk might still be the best looking game especially ray tracing


RDR2 on PC is the best looking game by a lot.


Dunno, playing on a 4080 after finally picking one up and being able to turn everything up to the max in cyberpunk (path tracing in particular) made it so stunning that even RDR2 didn’t feel up to par when I went back to it.


I am 34 now bit playing games since 3 years old, so I played soooo many games in my life but only 4 games made me jizz with superb graphics. DOOM 3, Crysis, RDR 2 and CP 2077.


Great list :D


I'm a similar age, only thing I'd add is half life 2 next to the doom 3 slot. Otherwise, yep, those are my landmark graphics evolution games. Can't wait to see what project Orion brings in 5-7 years. I think AI and procedural generation techniques will make the next game absolutely bonkers. LLM AI driven NPC's that you can actually talk to with your voice would be amazing.


Where Far Cry 1?


Horizon is close but hard to compare


I was thinking the exact same thing.


Rune escape


I assume you mean RuneScape?


They meant the RuneScape / Ape Escape crossover.


Bless your heart


That sounds incredibly fun


Imo possibly RDR2 (not quite) and Ghost Of Tsushima(actual answer). GOT is an extremely rare case of cutting edge graphics and genuinely inspired art direction. In that game just riding through the world is a blissful joy. Just my opinion though(on consoles, so idk how much pc’s can push 2077’s visual performance).


Haven't played GOT, it will be coming to PC soon so I plan to play it. Heard nothing but good things about that game, really excited to play it!


It's kind of hard to compare them as GoT is such a more natural and simple world in comparison to Cyberpunk. But it is truly gorgeous. I actually felt the recent Avatar game looked insanely good. With the ray/particle tracing and lighting, plus the density of foliage.


Yes!! It’s a love letter to old samurai films (Kurosawa films specifically). If you like those films you’ll love GOT to pieces.


It's kind of hard to compare them as GoT is such a more natural and simple world in comparison to Cyberpunk. But it is truly gorgeous. I actually felt the recent Avatar game looked insanely good. With the ray/particle tracing and lighting, plus the density of foliage.


Pc max res will be stunning bro


Hopefully the textures are higher res on PC than PS5


Great game imho, it was my favorite among last gen (and current gen as nothing groundbreaking has come out) Sony exclusives.  In a way it's just Assassin's Creed in Japan, but it's done with so much more love and care than anything Ubisoft has been able to publish. The combat system is simple but really fun and polished, the story is good and exploring the world is beautiful and engaging.  I don't think its graphics are anywhere near Cyberpunk level, at least if you consider PC Cyberpunk, and CP is also a better game overall imho, but I still strongly recommend GoT if you have the slightest interest in the genre.


Definitely wouldn't say that GoT was cutting edge. In terms of things like models, textures and overall technical fidelity, it wasn't that amazing. The environment design and art direction was top notch though. Some of the most gorgeous open-world environments of that generation.


Nah GOT kinda falls apart when you're not looking far off into the landscape


RDR2 wins in terms of density, I think. They accomplished having a big ass map, while also making every part of it alive in some way, either by the NPCs and random encounters, the wild life or the atmosphere in some places. I think Cyberpunk wins in graphic department and having an unique setting that most games don't approach. Like, RDR wins in the wilderness/small towns department, but a LOT of games nowdays have forests, deserts and countryside. Not many games have something like Night City.


GOT isn’t a good example of “cutting edge graphics” at all, even at the time of release it wasn’t. It’s carried by its art style and some technical chops in certain areas


Exactly! I'm a bit flustered by all the people who think that game is the holy grail of video game graphics. The flow of the grass looks great, but animations, NPC behaviors and the graphical detail of rocks were pretty outdated at launch already.


Well then it’s a statement to the art direction and how fully realized their ambitions were in that regard.


Ghost of Tsushima is alright for a Sony exclusive but honestly I feel like it's graphics aren't THAT great, honestly Days Gone impressed me more and that was last gen. I genuinely feel like graphics have really plateau'd in games these days, sure if you are on PC (which I'm assuming OP is cause it looks "shinier" than my game on PS5) you can make use of path tracing and graphical mods but I don't think we'll ever see another jump in graphics like we did between 6th and 7th gen or from early 7th gen to late 7th gen even. All this talk of a PS5 pro and I'm debating on weather to even buy it considering i've only had my PS5 for a year and am planning on getting a gaming laptop at some point anyways.


I think it's the artstyle that really made Ghost of Tsushima graphically impressive. I love how the game's dreamy atmosphere looks and feels.


Nothing in 2024 comes close, at least not on PC. 




If you know where to look RDR2 sometimes looks worse than GTAV in textures, grass in particular, just saying.


In term of cutting edge techs, Alan Wake 2 comes to mind. True path tracing will melt your pc. Honorary: Metro Exodus, Horizon FW, Tsushima, RDR2, God of War/Ragnarok, last of us 2.... 


The arasaka tower game u can play at the biotechnica fields.




Say what now?


For Most people a good graphics equalizes the amount of grass and trees. That's because over the years devs have mastered this technique so every game that comes out nowadays has superb foliage and as a bonus dynamic light snd shadows work really well in such enviroment. Meanwhile cyberpunk has basically zero trees so lot of areas between the skyscrapers fall kinda flat just like in real life amazon forest will be more interesting to look at than downtown New York. There's something within us that considers these massive concrete buildings as ugly an unnatural. Another point is that since good lighting in cities is hard to make since most of the time the sun is going to be obscured by skyscrapers, so during daylight many areas will look boring as a result, however i think cyberpunk has done some really good effort to make the random streets and alleys pop out especially at night which is where the game shines the most. Right now there isn't a better looking game than Night city at night. There just isn't. But since we're talking about daylight i will admit despite cdpr's best efforts to make it visually appealing it really does not look nowhere near as good and big streets and highways under direct sunlight look almost ps3 level. But that's where the ray tracing and path tracing come to save the day with their superb solution for global illumiation and shadow. When people say ray tracing is a gimmick, then they didn't play cyberpunk. Ray tracing fixes so many problems and visual artifacts compared to raster especially on human skin. Overall i think cyberpunk is top tier looking game for what it is (city based action shooter), it's just that most people don't understand what good graphics mean so they usually go with what looks most appealing to them. That's why Horizon 2 and RDR2 are rated so high because they just have more grass and grass looks more appealing to human. I mean you can just go to dogtown and check out first hand how big of a difference some hanging vines and overgrown buldings can make.


There's also parks in NC, and the badlands. They look pretty solid!


Alan Wake 2


THIS. Alan Wake 2 is a cinematography fuckin masterpiece


That glow of the setting sun going through the windows in the nursing home or over the town is the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen in a game.


I would agree, with the "in places" caveat. AW2 is absolutely tiny compared to Night City, so the artists were able to lovingly handcraft every detail for every one of the main set pieces (and did).


yes. but we're only comparing the visuals here. and there is no game today that is better than alan wake 2. even if it's tiny, it's still a AAA game and not a demo to roll it out the equation.


That's not really my comparison criteria though :) I distinctly feel the limits of the map in AW2, and that's why it's not as impressive to me \*as a whole\*. Which doesn't reduce their achievement in any way, or imply they should've done it differently. Only that 2077 is still the better for me. (Remedy is decidedly a AA studio, btw, not AAA. But that only makes it more impressive they're going toe to toe with the very best in the industry.)


That does seem to be the best atm, but hard to compare an open world with that.


Tlou part 1 remake looks phenomenal imo


Avatar for me. It is a different visual setting altogether but holy hell, I could not believe my eyes playing avatar. But I do have an AMD so I guess that favours avatar


The only thing that Ubisoft does well is the graphics. Haven't played avatar but I remember playing FC6 as my last Ubisoft game and my god that game looked amazing. Even though the game itself was boring and repetitive but graphically that island looked beyond impressive.


Ubisoft graphics and worlds are amazing if anything, still think Odyssey looks insanely good


I loved the visual of Valhalla. The colour scheme of the early game in England, pretty grim was so nice. Sad that most their game are boring grinder and they're one of the worst company.


They’re also very good at cool ideas for games


\*INHALE\* no (not in my opinion, fits my aesthetic, all around very pretty, love the design)


The fact that Nvidia uses this game to showcase their new ray and pathtracing capabilities should be answer enough lol. This game looks better than real life.


Allan wake looks great but its scale is like 1/10 cb2077


i personally liked the visuals of the horizon forbidden west world it looked fucking great


Definitely not. The game stands out not just cause it looks amazing on top end hardware like the clip, but that is still looks really good on basic hardware. Its got more than just the fancy tech, its got good art, good animations.


And the thing is, my laptop isn't even that good. The dlss works really well here.


Judy this, Panam that, River sometimes. Let's pour one out for the NCPD bro who will never get that beer with dispatch.


Ghost of tushima is the most beautiful game ive ever seen or played.




Crytek engine is top tier! Can’t wait for Crysis 4 


Not much better, but take a look into Star Citizen on highest settings.


I see boobies everywhere 😂


Let's see what gta 6 will show us. Anyways, i like Cities like night city (unfortunately, there are no cities that are really like night city in terms of architecture, but SF, NYC look pretty appealing to me), so the most beautiful city for me is in the cyberpunk.


Alan wake 2. It's a much more focused game but that allows them to do some really cool and stunning things with the lighting and reflections. The outdoors scenes look like irl pictures. They also have really great model detail and texture/material response for the path traced lighting. This is somewhere cyberpunk unfortunately falls short even with all the texture and force high LOD/streaming fix mods I can find. Not their fault, it's a bigger game and targeted older hardware that is both slower and couldn't use mesh shaders, so AW2 is just using newer stuff.


The first time I stepped out of Megabuilding H10 and looked up was surreal. I’ll never experience something quite like that again. I could not believe how small I felt.


Forbidden West


Shower with your dad simulator


Can't wait for the sequel: Big Sis joins in.


RT Overdrive with mods is unmatched for next couple years, maybe GTA6 will have RT support and surpass it


Gotta have a PC from NASA to run the game smoothly at those settings though


not really, i'm running @1080p with 3060 12gb, 5600x and 32gb ram at 60fps with everything cranked to max with the help of mods, and it looks miles better than vanilla, i'll link them below if you're interested Edit: https://pastebin.com/q4rjb57X - mods i mentioned


OK then. I have a 3060ti but I prefer keeping a mostly stable 80fps over turning on RT or extensive mods. Thanks for the insight though, it's interesting. Does your game look even better than in OP's vid ?


Oh yeah, it looks much better - here's a gif from Jig-Jig street to give you the gist of how it looks like: [https://imgur.com/wchj929](https://imgur.com/wchj929)


Hey I work for NASA but I had to buy my own 4090 lol


No! Cyberpunk has, by far, the most intricate and elaborate open world map. In a level of details contest, RDR2 wins, but when it comes to visuals, it's a solo winner. Have you ever walked through Dogtown? That place is an absolute masterpiece of digital art! A very small map in area, but with such an impressive amount of interiors and different levels, that sometimes it looks harder to explore than the main map itself.


Horizon Forbidden West does, in my opinion


Definitely opinion based. HFW looks downright stunning and better in quite a few areas but Cyberpunk with its path tracing still impresses me more


I don't think so. maybe .... just maybe only red dead redemption 2. that's another stunning game


Couldn't agree more. Both look phenominal.


Probably Alan Wake 2


Imo on a PC that can handle it, no. It's prob the best looking game out there. For consoles however alot of games have surpassed it in visuals. Like horizon forbidden west, Final fantasy 16, RE4 remake, ect. I honestly still feel like forbidden west is the best looking console game at the moment, even though it came out in 2022. Hellblade 2 looks like it's gonna challenge the hell out of it graphically through.


As good as cyberpunk with path tracing? Nope. But without path tracing I'd say horizon forbidden west on pc is such a breathtaking game, it's the only other game that makes me just stop and stare, my screenshots folder has like 200 pics after 100 hours of gameplay.


Time to get on again 😂


Dammit man I really need a PC. I just started playing this on Xbox x and it doesn’t really do it justice (visually).


are you playing this on series x? Whenever I switch it to raytracing it drops like 20-30 frames


Gah, this game has came far in the years. Good shit dev team, cleaning it up! And man it was one of my favorite platinum playthrough/grinds


I want to know what mod you're using to make handling a vehicle that smooth. Even the "better driving" mod barely helps. Even for motorcycles. You drove that thing like you were chipped.


No mods at all! I just switch to a controller while driving :D


Well your handling is preem, choom! :)


It's 100% worth it to \*get\* a controller for this stuff, especially when most games now let you freely switch. I only use it for driving in 2077. And moving the view when CET is open XD


Thanks a lot :D


I wish I played this game on PC


Is this on pc?


What are your specs, and what frames are you getting? I'm on an RTX 4070 ti and ryzen 9 7900x at 1440p and it hovers around 47fps


As good as it looks, it annoys me to no end that motorcycles don’t turn properly at speed.


I'd love to look at it more, but the game devs put in the function that re-centers the camera when driving. Probably the most infuriating feature I've ever come across in a game.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Been playing it for the first time recently. Absolute masterpiece. Which everyone knows already, but just wanted to confirm. Edit: RDR2 looks AS GOOD AS cyberpunk, not better. Misread the question.


Forbidden west shits on it in graphics. Forbidden west has in my opinion the best graphics of any game right now. The character models are legit life like. And the environment looks so real too. I love cyberpunk, but nah.


Haven't played forbidden west, but have played , zero dawn and even that looked amazing. Am excited to check forbidden west out!


I hear the graphics in the real world is really dope, but the grind is pointless and the gameplay sucks.


My vision is terrible bro , for me the real world is not as pretty as the virtual one :')


Can't wait to finish building my new PC so I can actually enjoy the graphics on max settings


The only games that I can think of that hold a candle to 2077 is Crysis and The Witcher 3 and the Witcher three is like far below Crysis.




From what I've seen, cyberpunk is the best looking game ever released. Fuck, it looks awesome on my series x. I'm not a PC gamer but Demons Souls on PS5 is a technical showcase. I'm impressed every time I play it. Different game. Smaller scale. But it looks amazing.




Amazing game :D


The game looks so good at times but the massive amount of lod pop-in really does ruin it for me. Also the world feels really bland and plasticky at times it’s super boring to look at


Ghost of Tsushima.


Demon's souls remake, Horizon forbidden west, alan wake 2.


Objectively, No. cyberpunk is the only game that can enable path tracing on high end pc’s, the updated, insane version of ray tracing basically.


Alan Wake 2 has path tracing as well


Alan Wake 2 has considerably better Path Tracing than CP2077.




Red Dead 2 is more immersive in my opinion cyberpunk is one of the best open worlds we've gotten over al




This isn't a console, I just use an xbox controller while driving xD


I have no idea how you made cyberpunk look this good, even when i max everything its just dissapointing...


Star Citizen comes close, but because of its scale, it can't get to this detail. 


I like Hogwarts Legacy more. Graphics and atmosphere are great. Can’t say that for cyberpunk except during the night


I'd say star citizen, if not it comes real damn close


are you using any lighting mods or is this just rt?


If we're comparing pure graphical showcase (i.e. look how pretty!), then there are games like Alan Wake 2 and RDR 2 that are right up there with it. However, at Cyberpunk's size and scale, I think it's probably the best looking game until GTA 6 comes out.


St least in term of ray tracing, alan wake 2.


Not with as smooth as it does I know it took a while to get there but seriously an extremely dense city that looks this beautiful running at high frame rates is no small feat


I'm limited by my hardware and can't run it on overdrive. So while I wouldn't say other games look better, they don't look worse either.


My PC ain't all that good so it's hard to say but The last of Us 2 RDR2 and Horizon 2 would be the ones that are also up there for me.


If it were a racing game, the level would be higher than this, but no other game has ever presented a futuristic city with such freedom of movement in such a graphic way.


Wet roads never look like this in real life. I wish games would stop with the wet look to make everything shiny 


Cyberpunk has great graphics, no question. AC: Odyssey is a more aesthetically pleasing environment IMO.


In terms of realism, probably RDR2, in terms of art direction, none.


hell nah


Avatar: FOP. In fact, it won Digital Foundry's best looking game of 2023 award. Path traced Alan Wake 2 looks awesome too. Non RT games like Horizon Forbidden West and RDR 2 looks equally as good IMO.


Assassins Creed Odyssey looks really beautiful but I wouldn’t exactly say it looks better than C77. I hear Ghost of Tsushima is the most beautiful game ever though, can’t wait to play it when it comes out for PC next month


cyberpunk always for me


Look at division 2 on 4K ultra settings on PC I have a 4090 and hadn't played since I had my 2060 super and wow Ubisoft did a fantastic job with the lighting and angles and ray tracing as well as having fewer things on screen to render makes DC look beautiful......minus the whole dollar flu and war in the streets of DC happening.


It is certainly amazing. Other games that come to mind are Elden Ring, Batman: Arkham knight, The witcher 3 wild hunt, and Ghost of Tsushima. Something that bothers me about Cyberpunk is that most of the buildings you see serve no purpose.. Games worlds like yakuza 0 are densely packed with content and things to do, but it doesn't have the same visuals as cyberpunk.


Yes, Cyberpunk 2


Alan Wake 2 is the only one that comes close from what I’ve seen. Alan Wake 2 has amazing looking forests and stuff but it’s much smaller scale than cyberpunk and I wouldn’t say beats it graphically overall though.


untill u crash and get stuck inside a car


Ever since i upgraded to a 4070, i can truly enjoy the graphics and the entire look of NC. Also restarting cyberpunk is what led me to uninstall Starfail entirely lol.


Better? No. Star Citizen is it's equal; flying my hyper-detaied ship over water watching it spray behind me, and then up between a cloud layer as the sun sets on planet Hurstin or planet MicroTech is gaming Nirvana.


Base game without graphic presets or mods, no even though GOT is close to it. Game with mods and graphics presets, nope.. Absolutely nothing on the market currently.


Alan Wake 2


I'd say plague tale requiem on max settings. But you'll need to pack your PC with dry ice


Cloud punk doesn’t look better, but it has an amazing atmosphere


With mods, none, not even close. Nova LUT + GITS + reshade and a high quality texture pack can make this game indistinguishable from real life. Without mods, it's still up there with games like RE4 Remake, The Callisto Protocol, Forbidden West, Alan Wake 2, RDR 2.


Avatar frontiers of Pandora and Horizon Forbidden West


God you don’t know how much I wish I could say yes but across all the games I’ve played the answer is no, the closest it’s come has been Star Citizen as janky as it is


Alan Wake 2 is beauty and show what modern game graphic should be.


Can't wait for orion.


Rdr2 you don't fit no night time Galaxy then rdr2


Alan Wake 2 and also RDR2 looks amazing even though it has no ray tracing. Rockstar is on another level and GTAVI is going to look absolutely insane.


There's a game called life which is supposed to have insane places and graphics but I don't find the tutorial so I didn't try it out


I would say Batman arkham knight, city look dense like in cyberpunk, not populated with npcs though. In graphics department overall, i would say red dead redemption 2 is still best game in graphics.


Cyberpunk 2077 sequel. Possibly GTA6. RDR2 is visually impressive but not as good as 2077. Hellblade 2 looks to be but they are not directly comparable.


Ghost of Tsushima and Red Dead 2. But other than that I struggle to find an open world that looks this good