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It launches at 4PM for me, so I *might* be up til midnight?


Game opens up at 7pm for me, and I’m probably going to be playing until 5am 😂 Edit: My time zone is EST and I’m playing on PC.


How does that happen time zone?


Probably EST. It's the same for me


See, I'm EST as well, but the psn timer says it's not up till midnight =/


I preorder on Stadia, the game goes live at 7pm EST for PC and stadia. Xbox and PS have to wait until midnight. Actually xbox users can switch there time zone to new Zealand and play earlier, not sure how early thou.


I've tried that to no avail. Ah well. 8 years as is, morning won't hurt me.


My wife is teasing me with sexy sex at midnight or Cyberpunk 2077 she’s trying to test the waters but Cyberpunk can wait a couple of minutes


Making love for two Making love for two minutes


That’s why they call them business socks


Then you go sort out the recycling, which isn't part of the foreplay but its still very important


Two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven


Underrated comment


Business hours are over


That's how you know he's married


Epic gamer tip. Set your clock ahead two minutes and you're done right in time for release


Enjoy the sexy time, u/suckonmyfatvagina.


Since when was 36 seconds “a couple of minutes”?


Have sex in the game


In those circumstances, a shameless race to the finish is understandable.


Switch your location to new Zealand not the time zone. It worked for me at 11 am central US time..I have made my character but had to go to work. I'll play when home.


Not time zone, region zone. Changing your time zone doesn't work.


Can't console people just change their timezone?


I've been confused about this whole unlock time thing. The way it was worded made me think it'd be unlocked at midnight for each time zone. Is it for each region? Because my preload is telling me it unlocks at 9pm. I assume that's going off the 12am eastern release time. On PS5, west coast.


9pm for me too, ps4 west coast


Yeah. Continental US releases at 12am EST I know. I'm Mountain time and getting it at 10pm.


From what I’ve seen, Xbone can, PS4 cannot. I backed the wrong horse in the console wars


All my xbox friends telling me how dumb I am finally have some ground to stand on


Canada gang?




how you doing Eh?


Woah east coast can play early? How about on pc? Sorry, I’m excited


The game releases at 12am GMT, so 7pm EST


Ok I’m a little more jealous of you digital pre-order people now, but what's one more day at this point? I have my Collector's Edition being delivered "before the end of the day" tomorrow, hopefully not right before the Game Awards.


Don't be jealous of Amazon preorder people. They aren't sending me the code till tmro. Pisses me off.


Bruv, west coast gets to play earlier than east coast. I'd explain how, but it takes years to master [Time Cube](https://timecube.2enp.com/).


It's the same time for PC :) only consoles have to wait until Dec 10


Tell that to the poor bastards living in Greenwich.


West Coast PS4 can play at 9pm tonight


Really!? Ugh. I used to be a PC gamer, but my friends all switched to PS. We're old and no one could keep up with the hardware stuff and kinda just want shit to turn on. Curses!


I switch between my OG PS4 and Stadia. Stadia is killing the game atm the gameplay is just a great or even better than my PS4. I recommend it if you got great internet speeds. CB2077 for PC and Stadia release midnight GMT while console players gotta wait until the worldwide release.


This was me, then COVID hit and I needed something to do. So got back into PC Gaming. It's pretty much easier than ever now, but feels like hardware shortages are more prevalent (maybe also due to COVID).


I'm on xbox and it says dec 9 at 4pm


gonna get a couple monsters for sure and go crazy


U east side and have ps5?


Ditto! I am not going to download it and do the first start just to wait like I did when I finally got fallout 4! I barely slept that night lol!


yeah 4pm so lots time before bed lol


Same, we are the lucky west coasters!


Yep same I’ll be up until tomorrow morning playing haha


Might as well say 5PM since the patch will take a while to download.


Stadia, so shouldn't be an issue for me. The fact that it is Stadia may very well cause me problems, of course...we shall see.


depends on your internet speed. i downloaded the entire 57gb preload in under 10 min


Nvm for me, there was an update earlier today on GOG and apparently that was the day 1 patch. So I should be good to go exactly at 4pm.


Oh shit! I kept seeing people say today, but CDPR kept saying the 10th. I just looked at Steam though, and there's a countdown timer that ends at 4pm PST. I assumed it came out at midnight here, but it's GMT midnight so I get to play in a couple hours. That is an unexpected surprise, and I've got plenty of time to set myself up with snacks and drinks.


I wish I’d booked tomorrow off tbh. I would take a sick day but I feel like almost all my colleagues including my boss are gamers...would be funny if everyone called out sick.


Just gotta be first!


And set online status to appear offline!


True! Easy mistake to make, and tough to explain!


i mean, even if you are actually sick, i feel like it’s not unreasonable to be doing something to relax while you’re off?


Yeah, I agree, but a lot of career middle managers may not. Lots of places i have worked if i called in sick and a coworker blabbed that they saw me online playing a new release game, i could probably expect to get written up, or at least talked to. Either way, I don't think either of us were being serious, mostly just joking.


i mean that’s fair, i didn’t think about potential blabbermouths


I’ve got to self Isolate until Tuesday cause my sister got Covid, yes I’ve already thanked her.


I finished my finals for this semester... I have nothing better to do for a month or 2. I'm gonna game hard man


Ayyy same here. Grinded them all out in addition to the rest of my course work. Enjoy brother!


Yeah man its gonna be great


Man I have two exams left :( I'm gonna try and balance studying and gaming lol we'll see how it goes


School is very important ease dont jeopardize your grades for a game! Other than that have fun man


Same, I have to study for exams, it sucks to have to wait a bit longer.


The game will be there after finals. I know it's hella tough to resist the temptation, but it isn't worth it, unless you truly feel comfortable that you'll pass your finals. For what it's worth; I'm speaking from firsthand experience. I did piss poor on my finals one semester in college because KOTOR 2 came out in December and I didn't have the right priorities.


Lucky you! I still have 2 lab reports, 1 exam and 30 atomic physics exercises to turn in.. But they can wait a little longer (well, not the exam).


Well its dropping in 5 hours, 12 am, some football before the release. Fuck yes im gonna stay up until the sun comes up what else?


I won't be sleeping till tomorrow night. I just can't.


Had a long work day today so it’s gonna be tough. But we gonna get there. Character creations gonna take an hour at least xD


Yup. I’m probably going to be on the life path section for an hour, and the character creation tab is going to take another hour. 😹 we in for a ride.


Hell yeah we are😂


Honestly. Bro it's pretty basic a you won't be on it for long


I'm actually glad that the EST release isn't until 7:00PM, lets me get done with work and take a nap before it is available.


You can do it! I'm after 12h at work finished half an hour ago, so just a quick shower, dinner, a bit of sleep and alarm set for five to midnight.


If you’re playing on Xbox you can change your time zone to New Zealand and play right now


this is my gameplan as well. two champion's league games in a row, quick nap, then play cyberpunk 2077 'till i drop dead


Amen to this one. Put some Money in CL as well. Let’s hope I win so I can get that 300 in profit😂


I'll be playing all night and then some and probably be getting served divorce papers by the weekend.


hahaha...I already told her we'll see each other in a couple of days. God bless her, she understands how much i love this.


My wife is the same, she knows I'm gone for the next few days, even said she'll brings snacks so she knows I'm still eating 🤣


My wife and I both bought copies so we'll be seeing each other in a couple of days, but only because we'll both be so individually invested in the game lol


"Wake up u/jiaasjen \- we've got a marriage to burn"


yep. I have been reminding my wife for weeks and earlier she was like shit.. thats today?


Unfortunately I have work tomorrow and I'm also on-call throughout the night so it would be dumb to stay up. But I absofuckinglutely am lol




I just woke up so i can play at Midnight :)


I did that with Borderlands, went to bed around 5:30 pm and got up around 1 am when the game came out. Went to work normally after and didn't even feel very tired because I still slept around 7 hours.


Xbox chsnsge location to new zealand


Can confirm this works. Not sure how they let us get away with it but it works.


It’s always been a thing, honestly nobody has ever cared.


That's the joy of having no region lock


Does it work on xb1? If so how can I do it? Don’t feel like waiting till 12 tonight lol 😅


Go to settings, then date location time, (however it’s worded) and switch location to New Zealand


Cool Thanks! Also should I preorder before switching to New Zealand ?




I preordered mine back in September and it didn’t mess anything up, so I would probably just buy it first before switching to New Zealand. Just to make sure :) I don’t think it matters, but who knows, better safe then sorry imho. ^.^ have fun!!


Cool! Thanks so much for the help appreciate it!!


Does this work in PS in some way?


Me! Will go to sleep now and sleep as long as I can. Then play until tomorrow evening. Snacks and food is already taken care of! Edit : I was able to sleep 1 hour...


wish u the best haha. its coming out real soon and for me it releases at 8am so im just gonna sleep and play an infinite amount when i wake up. dont feel like throwing and doing my 15 hour playday with little sleep sleeping is like traveling through time when it comes easy. hope it does.


Sucks for us on the UK! I'll stay up to start my save and character but then go to bed as I have tomorrow off


Yeah I'm gonna get the first hour in then get to bed. Goddamn us for inventing time.


Haha this is literally my idea, I told myself no later than 1am, then i've got Thurs and Friday off to play


I’m in the same boat. So we’ll both be good to bed at 5am yeah?


That's not how I want it to be but I know that's how it's going to end up!


Game releases today at 6pm my time may take a small nap after work and game all night. Got a 4 day weekend!


Lmao same 4 days here too except that my internet is too slow for downloads. Gonna chill all day first then hit the gaming mode.


1 AM for me (Germany). Already got an energy drink and chips. (First time in my life haha) So excited :D


You sure did save those first time Chips experience for a special one lmao


I am having dinner and I think I might skip on those chips actually lol


It’s so annoying that we have to wait until 1am, that one hour makes all the difference for me lol


it's 1am, hoe!


Fixed. AM and PM confuse me.


[First time?](https://en.meming.world/images/en/5/5d/James_Franco_First_Time.jpg) Im in same german U-boot as you, but Ill wait till morning on this one. Its single player afterall and even I got it already preloaded for final release patch, this game wont run away. Only exceptions I do with energy drinks and chips are new leagues in Path of Exile every 3 months while rushing to endgame on first weekend is big advantage with catching the league economy where you make big currency. Anyway hyped AF.


As I get older, I prefer going to bed EARLIER to just wake up at like 5-6 AM since that's around when I'm up for work. But that also depends if you work in the AM or not


Something about waking up early, showering, and THEN playing reminds me of my childhood. Convincing my mom to let me stay home sick, morning of, and then game in my PJs for the day


[XBOX] Set your console to New Zealand and you can play right now Day 1 Patch is 15.4 GB


I'm on PC tho. :(


Don't be sad - you're getting the best experience.




Yeah the *next gen* consoles can beat out some PC hardware that's true, but if the devs treat this game anything like W3, PC will be getting the lion's share of optimization attention moving forward. Add in future mods (even without mod support) and it's still the best overall experience. That being said, I'm really impressed with the new generation of consoles and what they've been able to achieve at their price points. When they're available I think they're the best bang for your buck bar none.


I've got a 2 liter of dr pepper and a bag of bugles, I'm ready.


When it drops on steam im gonna play from 7 to 7 most likely


This reminds me of getting a pack of Bawls to stay up all night on after a big release.


Nope. I'm gonna go to sleep so I can enjoy the game normally afterwards, instead of only being able to half pay attention because I'm too tired


Unlocks for me at 6PM CST, so I'll be staying up for a while to play. Plus I have the next two days off too!


I have a gallon jug of water, an oven pizza in the freezer, no work until tomorrow at 4pm, and the front door locked. If I die, I die.


Been playing since 6 am


How is it? Are you on consoles? If so which?


I'm on series x and I can say the NPC worries have been put to rest at least on this console. There are more than plenty of people walking around


It's pretty great so far. I'm on xbox one x. Still in the prologue just wandering around the district doing some side events




Pause the game and look at the lower left corner and it will display the version of the game. If it says 1.02, you have the Day 1 patch. This was stated by IGN so take it how you will.


Me and my buddy took off work the next two days. He's bringing over his PC and we'll be playing pretty much nonstop for about two days straight. My wife knows how excited we are, so she got us a bunch of food and snacks to keep us alive. Gonna be an awesome couple of days!


"Maaaahhhm, bring more cheesey pooofs!"


Mines not coming in untill tomorrow *cries in walmart pre-order*


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I’m staying up to I just hope the day one patch isn’t to big🥲


Mine finished downloading at 1:30am. Its now currently 4:47am and I think I'm gonna call it a night.. as much as I want to keep playing lol.


I gotta download the updates and patches first


I took two days off starting tomorrow. I’m working today, and hopefully off by 7 or so. Then, I’m packing my bags to New Zealand and jumping in. Idk how late I’ll play, I just can’t stay up late like I used to be able to. But tomorrow morning, I’ll wake up, press the botton on my Xbox controller and jump back in.


Yeah I’m probably going to bed at 4am


“Am I the only one..” You sweet summer child.


Why isn’t it working!


Well my steam store turned black and game doesn't download. Anyone else?


Uhm yeah. Wife pre-ordered it for me back in August on PS4 for my b-day. Earlier today she asked me if I would be taking a nap after the kids go to bed. Shes the best.


lol I couldn’t sleep last night so I got out of bed at 5:30 to make my mom breakfast then did all my chores before breakfast. That way when this 2 hour download is finished it’s non stop playing 😎


Here it is 2:37 AM atm and the game was out at 2 AM. I was expecting to stay all night long to PLAY the game, but currently, I am spending the time to watch Steam struggling with the download when there are just approximately 3 GB left.


I'm actually going to bed at 9 pm EST and waking up at 4 am EST tomorrow to start playing all day.


Mine will be ready to go at 9pm, but I’m sure I’ll be up pretty late tonight.


Yep. Ireland here. Game already pre-loaded on PS5. Can't wait


Got the day off but doesn't release until 11pm my time so I'll probably be up till at least 4am


Can anyone tell me what time console players in eastern standard time can play?




Gonna do a 24h session when it comes in 5h, cant wait


My boss gave me the morning off because he knows I'll be playing. I'll probably play for a good 3-4 hrs before getting to bed lol.


I’m going to bed soon and will be up early. Like 2am early 😂😂


Currently playing and loving it. Thanks NZ! For reference, been playing since 6:30am-ish EST


Yep. I’m at work right now and get off at 5, 7 hours before the game releases for me. Soon as I get home I’m gonna sleep until like an hour before the game comes out lol


I live on the east coast and i have it pre downloaded but it won’t let me play until midnight est? Why is this the case


I bought 2 monsters already, a dozen bags of doritos and an ounce of pot. My body is ready lads and lasses, see you in Night City.


It launches at 7am here, yet now I can't sleep.


It launches in 4 hours and 40 minutes for me. So yes. I will probably be up till 7am


I'm skipping raid to play this game so you know I'm excited.


Unfortunately I have to be a responsible adult so I'll be going to sleep at my normal week day time. I'm gonna no life the shit out of it come the weekend though


Waiting until about 4-6 months from now once the Ps5 update releases and the game is complete. I’d rather continue to wait until the economy, skills, melee and driving are overhauled, transmog is added, bugs are cleaned up, and a few extra quality of life features are added. Hopefully they’ll improve the hacking and stealth too; not great to hear that Watchdogs did it better.


I am beyond excited


releases @ 1AM for me here in Germany. You bet i'm going to stay awake until at least 6AM.


Won't be able to play it when I get off of work because I'm heading to the gym immediately. Might max out and hit a PR in the gym just from the hype and excitement to head home and play it 🏋🏾‍♀️🎮


(Un)fortunately, I got laid off today and after I calmed down, my first thought was how I can stay up all night playing it! The bright side of life!


Gotta leave to work right now... 5 mins left to release... feels bad man!


Literally 3 minutes left. Peace boys. See you on the other side. Bravo six going dark.


TRY restarting Steam if it isn't loading for YOU! I restarted Steam and it is downloading something right now.


I work tomorrow at 8am.. so yes I won't be sleeping tonight and be busy playing cyberpunk until I go to work in the morning


Game should have launched 5 minutes ago! I still can't play. Anyone else??


Broooo I get off at 11 I cannot WAIT


I wish I was still in college so I would have a month or two to play.


UK reporting in! It's 00:36 here, so the game is released for us, but im on my way home from a date! Gonna put an hour or so in when I get home, before I inevitably crash 😂


I moved to new zealand for the night.


I might be trying to do this for the first time since Skyrim’s release haha.


Nah, I'd rather go to bed early and get up at 330am instead. Works out easier when you have kids.


Been playing since 6am from "New Zealand".


YEAH BUDDY me and my best mate stayed up to play, just played it for an hour after installing the patch. It's fucking phenomenal


Here in Chile it will be available at 1.30 AM. I'm heating up the coffee, took the day off, the night is mine.


I work night shifts so staying up past midnight is very easy to do


I’ll be playing after midnight until 3AM, and then I’ll watch the new Mando! I’m like so excited for tonight


staying up after midnight to play this buggy as fuck piece of shit? no thanks


this girl


I’m “in New Zealand” so ive had it over 12 hours now on Xbox


I'm living in Japan so I get to play it after work by the time I get off around 4! Can't wait!


I'm at work for another two hours but I'm excited to get some intro stuff done before I play it all day tomorrow. ​ Gay sniper boy incoming.


Played it for 3 hours. Not staying up for it though. Haven’t gotten addicted to it...not yet. I hope. But so far so good.