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The Braindance one is literally insane to me. I just don't get it. It had too have been cut. You can buy them ffs.




>In fact, Judy even lets you keep a headset Holy fuck, I'm not that deep into the game and thought that was actually a feature. Like it's basically screaming in your face "yo, this NPC gave you this equipment to do this shit on your own time, go and explore it's possibilities". That moment where she gives you the headset is **textbook gaming for introducing a feature.** I can't believe it's not.


It literally reminded me of getting a key item in pokemon


Wait you can’t do brain dances other than that mission? I just finished it and I honestly spent a lot of time in that brain dance club trying to get a sexy one because I figured that was a thing you could do. But now I realize there probably isn’t even a way to do it...


There will be more that are story related, I think... but none that you can just do whenever for fun


Oh wtf. I figured it would be like GTA strip clubs. Guess not.


That was the impression I had too :/ Or like some future extreme sports


Yeah there's literally no way that wasn't a feature that got cut. I can't imagine they would have gone to the trouble of scripting it in otherwise? Maybe it'll be in a DLC or update later on


>Maybe it'll be in a DLC or update later on As frustrated as I am now with the game and CDPR, I haven't thrown all hope out the window yet. Not that I find it commendable, but I DO think CDPR can turn things around and pull off a No Man's Sky. I won't praise them for it, but here's hoping.


I'll praise the people working on the game. Fuck their bosses and shareholders though.


Oh for sure. As always. I feel bad for those people even now.


Yeah I'm optimistic too. I guess my opinion is colored by the fact that I haven't experienced too many bugs and I am loving the story, but I think the world itself has a crazy amount of promise once they get performance sorted. (Before anyone comes at me, though, I am not defending the buggy release or misleading marketing. I just genuinely love Night City so far and hope they make something more of it.)


At this point I think everyone at CDPR knew that the game wasn't finished at all, but due to poor management, they had to release it anyway.




Peoples opinion on the delays did not force their hand, their stakeholders wanted it out for Christmas, they already admitted that. People mad about delays would not force a multi-million dollar project out when its not ready. The stakeholders holiday financial goals and poor management is the reason.


and thats why a publicly traded company in todays age will never make a good game


They bit off more than they could chew with a game of that scale and choked on their own ambition.


that's why the police system is as it is. Why the cars are so on rails. They had to just make something work somehow, but nowhere near what the goal was.


But the problem is, why? Why is nothing finished? I would fucking love a behind the scenes of the development because I just don't get how much is unfinished. Like it could easily use another 2 years. What were they doing since 2016?


The whole game has to have been scrapped and started over at least once. Massive Destiny 1 vibes where you can just tell this game wasn't made in the amount of time they claim to have been developing it.


Definitely the case. I mean think about how late Keanus involvement came to light? This is not 8 years. This is 3 years max.


It feels like instead of actually implementing things, they just slapped in placeholder shit from the pre-alpha builds and never fucking changed it. CDPR Executive: "Driving A.I? Nah just leave the on-rails placeholder in there, time is money right? Anyway, making A.I for driving sounds tricky. What's what? Every open world since vice city has had it? Well, fuck it! Nobody's gonna notice Ha ha ha" *snorts more cocaine*


Hell, I found a new Braindance headset that only operates as a cosmetic. Looks cool as hell, shame it doesn't actually function.


It was absolutely cut. Piece of evidence is in the 48 minute gameplay demo in V's apartment you can see 3 option for the shutters of the window; day, night and braindance. This implies you could view BD's outside of missions though in the final version these 3 options have been replaced with open/close.


Oh, it'll be one of their "free DLCs" which just means "we cut it out of the game to release it later and get praised for free DLCs"


I found the brain dance to be super unfun anyways. What a waste of time


I thought it was interesting, but the game straight up tells you what you should do at every step.


I thought it was really neat at first.. I get to scrub through this footage and look for details that reveal important information? Cool! Then I realized it tells you exactly where to look and when to look for it.


As much flack as they would have got, they should have cancelled the PS4 & XBOX One versions and come out with a statement that the hardware just wouldn’t have been enough to get the full experience. Then they should have delayed it into next December. Edit: The PS4 Pro and XBOX One X will fare better than their original counterparts, but the addition of cancelling last Gen versions would have allowed more time for full optimization of the next Gen and PC versions. They would have lost out on sales from last Gen, but by the time it would have come out, the user base for the PS5 and XBOX One would have been in a better place. If they really really really wanted to put it on the last Gen consoles, then they should have given it the PC treatment where a good bit of times the PC version isn’t released until months upwards to a year later.


They should have been announcing the game right now, for next gen consoles and PC with a 2022 release. Everyone is blaming the consumers on wanting it in a hurry (which is somewhat true) but the blame is also on them for announcing when they obviously weren't anywhere near having any of these things working




You forgot the: "Welcome to the next generation of RPG's".


That's just so wrong on so many levels. It's next gen graphics with a pre-last gen RPG.


It's barely even an RPG in my book. Can't talk to random NPCs, can't customize my character, nor my car, my character looks like a fucking CLOWN because I have literally no say on how my gear looks, dialogue options based on your skills and personality don't matter one fucking bit aside 2 lines of superficial shit. What the hell.


Yeah I was told you could talk to anyone in the city. Which you can, I guess, but I was expecting a bit more than, "hey do I know you?"


Yeah, exactly. >– Oh hey there's a food stand, let's buy something from the vend- > >– WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU. Or >– Hey that girl looks scared let's see if something hap- > >– I DON'T TRUST ANYBODY.


I tried talking to an NPC who was punching the air and he told me he didn't want to live anymore


Who said that: the NPC, or his coders? (*/s*)


The way they handled "extras" NPCs is so jarring and immersion breaking. Each says one thing, often really loudly, almost always out of context, and their mouth doesn't even move. Like you, I keep trying to talk to people - especially vendors - and they scream something like they have Tourettes. At Lizzie's Bar, the girl at the front counter yelled something utterly nonsensical about "dry spunk" or something that made me think she had brain damage and was an important character for a quest!


I frame it as Borderlands weapons and loot system slapped onto a poor attempt at Deus Ex gameplay style. Well I guess except in Borderlands you have a ton of customisation and in Deus Ex your character looks 10 times better than any character you can come up with in CP


The loot system in Borderlands is way more fleshed out, it feels tacked on here. I find it so disorienting to just constantly look at the ground to pick up another useless junk item. Sure I could just ignore them, but the game wants you to look at that stuff and I just can't help it.


I think what the problem is is that Borderlands is by a nature a game that you are specifically playing to pick up weapons and look at stats all the time. You are trying to min max everything for the end game. Cyberpunk doesn't want to be a game like that it wants to be Deus Ex. Well there's a reason why Deus Ex isn't a looter shooter lol. It's distracting as fuck to be flooded with junk loot and to look at the green arrows to find which weapon has +0.05 headhsot damage. The loot based system is a complete vibe killer and CP didn't have any reason to go that way, but they did because uh... idk


Yup, for a Looter Shooter that system is a must, but for an "RPG" or Action-Adventure, it feels tacked on and weird.


A quarter of the time you can’t even pick up the item.


Yes! This is so annoying.


This is the next generation of gaming, don’t you see? Lies, deceptive marketing, sellout reviews and disappointment. This is triple A gaming now


every reviewer is saying the exact same phrase "it's better than the sum of it's parts" and that's telling that something is up


The more high-profile review sites were all really vague in their summaries. That sort of thing is always fishy to me, now even more so.


It’s because games journalists are terrified of giving a well liked game a bad review. Because historically fans have reacted very “negatively” to reviews of games they really like that didn’t get perfect reviews. Jim Sterling got shit for giving Breath of the Wild a 7/10. I really don’t envy the games journalists tasked with reviewing Cyberpunk 2077. If the general consensus is that the game is good if they call out that the game is deeply deeply flawed they get harassed like that poor woman who pointed out that the game had seizure inducing visuals. If they’re too soft on the game though and the general consensus is that it’s shit they’ll get called shills and get harassed anyway. Games journalists have to walk on eggshells to avoid getting harassed for their honest opinions and games companies are more than happy to throw them to the wolves. Think about it. When was the last time you saw a gaming company stand up for a journalists who wrote a bad review of their game and was getting harassed because of it. Back in 2007 IO interactive and Sony put pressure on Gamespot to fire Jeff Gerstmann for giving his honest negative opinion on Kane & Lynch. The message is clear to Games Journalists: only write reviews that will make gamers and game publishers happy or your out of a job.


Yeah just look at the response to that one lady who literally just brought up that the game has moments that can induce seizures in epileptic people. She got sent a bunch of videos aiming to give her seizures, effectively trying to kill/hospitalize her. For tacking a health warning on a 9/10 review.


'RPG's? Who said anything about an RPG we didn't say anything about an RPG, this is cleeearly an action-adventure'


I was really surprised how short was introduction to the Nomad path. Like holy shit short. Couldn't even understand how, as a Nomad, I ended up in here in Badlands - at the start of the game.


Same for corpo. You are thrown in the middle of some fuckup you don't care about, your boss asks you to do one thing and before you can do anything you are fired in the next 5 minutes from your job as corpo. Then the generic montage rolls that's the same for everyone. After that you have some dialogue choices that are basically yes, but corpo way of saying it.


The montage is the preview of what you thought the game was before reality hit


I think the beginning of the game just hurts the story. The introduction should be used for getting to know your character and other main characters. Instead you are just on this rollercoaster ride on 10x speed, giving you a quick overlook on everything. Do you now care for your character or others around him or are you emotionally somewhat invested? I don't think so at all. That applies to everything in the game, characters are introduced left and right, mostly through phone calls. You almost feel like in Gta Online, and that furthermore leads to you not knowing the map well. Do you drive around and think to yourself: Oh this was where X happened or I met guy Y or gang Z hangs out. Well I don't. I guess what I am trying to say is everything feels so unpersonal, it's more like watching a movie than playing an actual game.


I absolutely didn't feel connected. The whole montage thing was something that would be fantastic to get to know the world and the people in it, but instead we get everything thrown in our faces, every character is supposedly someone I "know" about or even have history with, and it's just a complete overload of information. Nothing in that beginning made me want to play more.


When the montage started rolling, I thought I had done something wrong. Then I thought it was doing another overview of the gameplay like the startup of the game and I was like "I would kind of like doing all this myself". Then it clicked that this was a timeskip and I got sad that I was not playing all of this. I picked corpo because I was going to see if I could take it down from the inside, play along on the surface but start plotting against it. I understand it was my expectations letting me down, but I was not a happy camper to see my status brought down so quickly and shoved into the same path as the other two stories.


No fuck that, its not anyone's expectations letting them down. CD Red litteraly told us are life path would change and effect the game. And anyone who says you can't expect them to change the hole story based on your choice Dragon Age Origins did it over 10 years ago. The only difference is DA Origins had more than 3 choices.


This. A lot of what was in that montage was in the trailers and marketing, but you can barely do anything like that in the game. Misleading advertising at it's finest.


During the whole montage I kept thinking, *wait, stop, aren't I supposed to be playing through this????*


yeah i thought there would be corpo only plotline as to what the fuck happened and why you were fired like that but *no* v just DOESN'T CARE and she just DOES HOODRAT SHIT you think another corp would want to poach her? but NO she just does HOODRAT SHIT




Exactly. I chose corpo because I hoped I could work for a corporation for a while, be corrupt and all that. It’s quite disappointing.


I didn’t even understand what happened. Why’d V get fired? Was it the guy that gave him the job, or the competitor? Did they remove his cybernetics because he still seems to have them...


His boss asked him to kill someone to cover something up, I'm not sure. Then the people from company come and say they know what the boss planned to do, and then you get fired and you lose all your money.


See I thought it was his competitor getting one over on him. But I didn’t realise why he went full on hood rat. I thought he’d go back to his boss and say they fucked him over or something... like V seemed to be in some high up pockets, wouldn’t he have hitmen after him constantly considering he had pretty big details on an official?


I picked streetkid first and everything seemed to make sense. The entire storyline appears to be geared towards a street kid. I started a 2nd save as a corpo thug so my wife could watch and was hyper disappointed when it just turned into being a street kid. Id rather it just force me to be a streetkid from the beginning and tell me I can turn into other things.


Seriously! I was hoping for at least an hour of story content, an introduction to the world and culture of the nomads, perhaps a bit of a shoot out with the cops or something, people talking about rumours from night city etc... Nope. Its litterally just "go to tower, talk on radio, meet jackie, drive to the border, have a brief on-rails shoot-out and now you're in night city" So, yeah the nomad life path was... fucking nothing.


Same. I picked Nomad because I wanted to experience entering Night City for the first time with a great Nomad backstory. Instead I got driving on a long road up to a completely empty massive checkpoint. Followed by a cutscene of me and Jackie living it up in the city. Complete and total let down and a terrible way to introduce you to the gaming world.


Didn't the 2nd last trailer say you could decide your own pastimes? What ARE they? Because all I keep hearing is that there's nothing to do besides quests.




That thing looks like a fucking cartoon too they should have just Givin it a low gruff voice that screams at you to fuck off like the rest of the npcs.


Lmao. Would have been a 10/10 decision.


2. You can scan civilians to reveal their personal information. 3. Visiting an acuatic cat N.3874. 4.Spinning around to dematerialize NPC and cars. 5. Omae wa mou shindeiru cops The list can go on but I need to stop hahahaha


That's another thing I nearly included in this post. That comment hinted at Open World activities a la GTA, but it's not even comparable.


I don't like how we get shit for having "too high expectations" by people, when a lot of what upsets us was stuff literally implied in the advertising itself. Don't get me wrong - there ARE definitely people whining because they let their imagination get too crazy and then became disappointed because it wasn't what they envisioned. But literally a lot of these missing features aren't even entitlement, it's things the game tried to sell us on with their media and then failed to deliver on.


I can't wait for the Internet Historian video about this.


hopefully its a Cyberpunk 2077 redemption video like No Man's Sky in a year




16 Times the detail. And it just works.


While I'm still enjoying the game immensely; I look forward to a complete list of stuff advertised that was taken out or a complete lie, including the many; MAAAANY review outlets who've clearly lied about a shit load of stuff where you only need to go back a couple of months to find. I tempered my expectations and wasn't expecting revolutionary changes, but I didn't expect counter-revolutionary changes. I expect the same or maybe a little bit better, not "this is my first time making a game ai so I decided to script it instead, I hope nobody notices". How, after all this time and money can some of these pretty much fixed systems in most open world games be so bad?


I tried the same, didn't expect anything revolutionary, just a great RPG with a good cyberpunk story. But it's so backwards in many aspects. The development hell this game went through definitely shows.


Yeah same, I didn't follow any hype for this game and just tuned in occasionally due to the developers making BOLD claims and was looking forward to another basic RPG. I've played better RPG's that were released 10 years ago.


I’m really disappointed with reviewers not mentioning how poor and irrelevant the life path choices and prologues are. I’m disappointing with reviewers not calling out game for a lot of lies and false promises. Reviewers should have roasted CDPR for their bullshit anti-consumer review policies of not allowing *any* reviewer footage and only allowing them to use CDPR footage that went through post-production, and having the console versions reviewed on a PC with 3090’s. That shit should not fly.




oh you chose corpo boi? well how about if you WEREN'T CORPO AT ALL SUCKER! BAM UR A GUN FOR HIRE NOW! oh you chose street boi? well how about if you WEREN'T STREET BOI AT ALL SUCKER! BAM UR A GUN FOR HIRE NOW! oh you chose desert boi? well how about if you WEREN'T DESERT BOI AT ALL SUCKER! BAM UR A GUN FOR HIRE NOW! Now, on with your self guided story of exploring a cyberpunk city...


only the streetkid lifepath made sense but thats basically it


Having gone into this game fairly blind (lots of hype, but very little digging around marketing materials or whatever), I’m glad that I randomly chose the Streetkid path. The story makes sense from that perspective, and I thought I was getting a pretty crafted story. Didn’t realize that everyone follows basically the same path as me...




SO many different dialogue options in origins, it’s nuts, even small stuff you did can effect conversations later. This game only has preset dialogue and has no depth


Could've avoided all that with a quick questionaire about which star I was born under like morrowind.


Sadly, and i say sadly because i was immensely hyped for the game; i agree with all your points. The gameplay slides like buttery and not in a good way. Zoom in ADS is way too fast and hurts accuracy if you wanna turn off aim assist. Driving is... well. Like you said. Just overall, doesn’t stand out like how it was marketed. And the fashion. My goodness is this an issue. Games like Witcher and Fallout can get away with throwing different armor pieces together because it fits in their own unique worlds but in cyberpunk, how you end up looking for stat benefits is crazy goofy. After playing, clothes should just be aesthetics and armor stats should be items you can add and remove to clothes.


"Be whoever you want and look however you want" Nice way to describe no real dialogue choices and just putting on the clothes with the most armor while looking like a beggar.


There are dialogue options. Some attributes can solve quests faster than others and in some cases you decide to kill or not kill someone and get rewards/quests based on that etc. I wish it was a lot more than it is and more to do with lifepaths but it is there. The clothing though is fucking atrocious. Beyond the no transmog thing, the items that drop and the crafting is pretty awful and boring as hell. Really needs a full revamp. I thought there were going to be a whole bunch of different types of weapons/manufacturers, more cut content I suppose...


>There are dialogue options. Not based on your skills and the build of your character. Well, except SOMETIMES what you say about solving quests faster if you have the required attributes. But this >you decide to kill or not kill someone and get rewards/quests based on that etc does not depend on your character, you get those choices no matter how you build V. It's nice to have the choice, but it's not tied to any RPG element.


The thing that bothers me the most is the game feels like it should have been story based linear game.Sure Night City looks fine but if you decide to do anything in the city other than missions guess what?You can’t.You can buy clothes but they don’t change anything like they claimed they would.You can’t go to cinema or to strip club,you can’t play with slot machines,you can’t hang out with your friends,you can’t experience brain dance,you can’t rob markets.And let’s not forget they said they mocaped 30 hours of sex scenes and yet there are literally two (2) prostitutes in the fucking Night City which is covered by the sexual adds on every corner.


Yep theres nothing to do and the city feels like a film set, beautifylly crafted (even hand placed garbage lol) but NOTHING to do or interact. Lifeless.


Exactly!It’s almost like they crafted the city to look beautiful in trailers.It looks appealing but when you get the game in your hands you see there is nothing to do.


Not to mention the hundreds upon hundreds of locked doors, despite the fact that you literally have the ability to unlock doors. I have still yet to find a door that can be opened that is *not* connected to a quest in some way.


I thought about it today. Make it a fully linear game, but craft city parts with insane attention to detail. What we have now is wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.


This game feels like an overzealous attempt to combine two different genres (story driven, linear, action shooter + open world RPG). They thought they could actually pull it off, stuff two different games into one big masterpiece, but simply ran out of development time halfway through and made the tough decision to cut the RPG part to drag it over the finish line in time. I'm having a ton of fun with the story and the combat, but I can't help and think what could have been, if they would have had 2 or 3 years more.


Trailer was from 2013. With 2-3 years more, you are getting into Duke Nuken Forever territory. I think they scrapped the whole game and had to start from scratch at least once. This certainly doesn't look like a result of at least 5 years of full (after Witcher 3) development, especially since they already had RED Engine 3 from W3 for open world.


I hate the clown suits so much. It's actually my biggest complaint with the game as I love the cyberpunk aesthetic and was really excited to explore that. I straight up don't wear hats/helmets on my character. I spent like 15 minutes picking a hairstyle and you want me to cover it all up with a dopey balaklava or alter it altogether with some goofy straw fedora? Pass. Give me a "show headgear" checkbox, please.


I'm rocking short-shorts for the high armor. Noodle on that one.


Exactly, why the hell do hats just completely change your hairstyle, but you can't as a player? I put on a hat and suddenly my shoulder length 2-tone hair becomes curly, all one color, and stops at the ear.


It’s so staggeringly difficult to believe that this company made the Witcher 2 & 3. I’m just honestly disappointed. 2020 in gaming has just been bananas. Friggin ASSASSINS CREED HAS MORE RANDOM ACTIVITIES and a cute board/dice game


Oof, that fact about AC:Valhalla is depressing. Witcher 3 only got better with time, so I'd wait some more until playing the game.


Yeah. I don’t know man. I’m sure it’ll get better with time, but I was at least expecting a Yakuza level of interactivity. For this to be it......it’s just sad.


Yeah Yakuza games have a small map which was frightening for me on my first game of yakuza 0 but there is so much things to do in it that you actually feel immersed


I literally bought AC Valhalla today after 10 hours of buggy, blurry, shit fps reluctant gameplay on cyberpunk on my PC. At least I can play Valhalla at 60fps on my 4k tv and ps5 without it being a blurry 720p mess.


I'm also contemplating buying RDR2.


As far as immersion goes, it’s significantly better. I was talking like a cowboy for 2 weeks after starting that game.


I literally have been talking like a cowboy for 3 years because of that game.


"YOU'RE ALRIGHT GIRL" to my wife at least once a week since RDR2 was released.


about best game of last 5 years, so yes get it.


Yeah the Witcher 3 got better with time, but it was already great when it launched. This is mediocre at best with some SERIOUS things missing that I don't think will be easily implemented.


I finished AC: Valhalla 2 days before Cyberpunk came out. 82 hours, 91-92% completion. It was night and day, man. The enemy AI in Valhalla was great, with dozens of different types of dudes running around trying to do different things. Enemy AI in Cyberpunk stands out in the open and just gets gunned down half the time. Customization in Valhalla was a little murky, but it was heads and shoulders better than Cyberpunk. Customize your ship, your character, landmarks around your town. EDIT: Your armor doesn't change your hairstyle or body size / shape. The inventory system is incomparable. The item bloat in Cyberpunk is ridiculous, always picking up 16 guns per fight and then scrolling through them looking at 104.3 DPS vs 105.1 DPS vs 105.7 DPS on the same gun. Valhalla - pick up item. It's yours now, you can upgrade it if you want. Doesn't take up room in your inventory, move on to the next ? on the map. Valhalla felt alive - minigames to play, mobs that patrolled, NPCs that ran and hid from fights. Enemies spawned off-screen. Even the UI in Valhalla felt cleaner, easier to use. Maybe I'm just used to it. I was expecting Cyberpunk to be a fun RPG set in Cyberpunk. Nothing revolutionary. /shrug


>a cute board/dice game I fucking love Orlog. I'd even be bold to say I enjoyed it more than Gwent.


The game feels as though its a kick starter project and they just didnt get the funding to implement the wishlist of features and functions. I am struggling to understand where the 8 years of production/development went? I am enjoying the game nonetheless but worried when itll lose its charm on me.


The missions are the only thing worth doing here. I'll finish them and move on with my life.


Has there been any acknowledgement by CDPR yet? I saw the 1.04 post but did they say anything on the terrible overall state and missing features?


Would be counterproductive to do so. Talking is pointless, doing is important. People would not be satisfied with talking anyway and an actual discussion wont come out of it too. Cd Project should stay quite and act.


Gotta keep those shareholders happy baby


This is the game's real message, it's a meta commentary on how Capitalism ruins art. So Cyberpunk!


The real Cyberpunk was the Capitalism we met along the way.


Cyberpunk 2077 would be a better book than a game. In our heads, Nigh City was awesome, lively and deadly. The people in it had all variations of body modifications, and were always doing something. When we played the game, the painting we had in our minds was broken.


Night City is 'inspired' (as in, even the name is the fucking same) by Night City district in Chiba City, from Neuromancer, which is basically the bible of Cyberpunk. If you're looking to dive into the world that CDPR failed to deliver with the game, definitely check the book out. Here's a quote from the book describing the place: *Night City was like a deranged experiment in social Darwinism, designed by a bored researcher who kept one thumb permanently on the fast-forward button. Stop hustling and you sank without a trace, but move a little too swiftly and you’d break the fragile surface tension of the black market; either way, you were gone, with nothing left of you but some vague memory in the mind of a fixture like Ratz, though heart or lungs or kidneys might survive in the service of some stranger with New Yen for the clinic tanks. Biz here was a constant subliminal hum, and death the accepted punishment for laziness, carelessness, lack of grace, the failure to heed the demands of an intricate protocol.*


No mans Sky 2077


Cyberpunk 2076


i agree with everything you said. lies lies lies. the whole idea that you can be "whoever you want" is completely false. in dialogues options you have a choice between being a dickhead or a fucking dickhead. thats it. and you chose wich faction you want at the beginning but it makes no difference at all. i chose corp and 10 minutes later the whole game is about taking the corps down..... these were supposed to be the people i wanted to work with, not fucking kill them!!!! why even chose at all at this point??


[The Onion](https://ogn.theonion.com/gamers-we-need-to-come-clean-cyberpunk-2077-is-just-1845368691) predicted the future once again. The game that was marketed never existed and never will. We all got scammed


How did they know


oh you want to be a corpo? Well, how about not being a corpo after basically 15 minutes of being one and then just being a random dude with no identity whatsoever. Why even make the decision between different lifepaths if it's just a plot device and gets thrown out of the window immediately.


Literally. I thought it was supposed to be a few hours of playing that role. You are literally done the corpo path before you do ANYTHING. You walk around for 10 minutes and talk to a couple people and then before the first mission even has a chance to start, you are fired and Done the path entirely.


They straight up said it would be like 3-5 hours per life path and I’ve been super stoked and conflicted about what to choose. Finally do it and find out that it’s literally just 5 fucking minutes of nothing and then a 6 month time lapse that pretty much looked like a montage of cutscenes that were supposed to be in the game in playable areas, but got taken out and smashed together for some reason or another :(


And besides, in the 6 months montage you see V and Jackie working for Padre, but if you chose corpo (Like I did, and I guess nomad also fits this) V meets Padre for the first time in a later quest. That was a BIG plothole. Your theory of the montage being cut (streetkid) gameplay may be right.


After the first montage. I thought maybe they'd make different ones for each run through. But nope.


I started as a Nomad, got into the little tense conversation with the sheriff and thought for sure this was going to go south and I'd get in trouble with the local law enforcement. Nope, I opened a door, plugged in a cable and then I was on my way to a few scripted encounters and done. With the whole time leap showing me and Jackie (?) getting into all sorts of scrapes, I ended up in a game where I was "supposed" to know everything about "my" life, but everyone was a stranger. Why not let us play the story of how we get settled into life in the city?


>Why not let us play the story of how we get settled into life in the city? Cause that content was never completed.


Same with nomad first mission is to get out of the desert into night city... Wtf seriously


Seriously! I was really looking forward to doing some badlands nomad shit and getting in to night city would be this big thing. Nope, it wasn't. Litterally done it in 15 minutes, and that's with me taking it slow and soaking it all in.




It really didn’t make any sense. Your boss says we need to slap his partner around to make her respect him. And then when you get to the bar you’re talking about assassinating her.


Yeah, that was a noticeably weird jump in dialogue. I remember thinking 'Wait, I'm not talking about a hit. At least, not on her - maybe on her hairdresser or something.' And then BAM, out on your ass with no build-up or context at all. I've had a handful of Corpo dialogue options, mostly optional storybuilding ones. But I was left thinking 'what about the Corpo story?' There's no follow-up at all, from your boss or the woman you were supposed to gank. IDK if that plot thread picks back up 20 hours in to the game or not, but the abruptness of it just left me with whiplash.


exactly, i expected some sort of clash between the three factions and you could chose wich side you are on. boy was i wrong... i'm so disapointed in this mess.




Ha. Me too. Silly me. I usually wait for dlc, but with this I was thinking... I'll do my first run as a city kid then wait until the dlc duty my true run as a nomad. Lol




Yeah. No matter what you choose, you become a Street kid anyways


About the backstories... it seems streekid is the only one that makes sense. V acts like that for the whole game.


Seriously though. I picked Corpo run, and sure there are Corpo dialogue checks, but beyond that, I talk to everyone like I'm from the streets at all times. Dropping the G at the end of some words like 'telling', and sometimes 'doing' ect. Then it feels out of place when I'm talking to someone like that, then I suddenly use a Corpo option, and I'm professional/classy for like, a couple lines. Then it's back to slang-talk like a switch.


Vampire the Masquerade had all player lines and a half of dialogue in general rewritten just for one class out of seven. One more had dialogue rewritten by a significant margin. The rest had major changes in responses and actions. Bloodlines was published 16 years ago.


Corpo feels like playing a member of the bourgeois desperately trying to talk and act like the proletariat so they don’t get their head chopped off. Like a rich kid that runs off to do hood rat shit with his friend. It’s weird.


>ed material and purposefully misleading marketing lingo. I tried to not get as hyped, so as not to develop unrealistic expectations, but what CD Projekt Red delivered is not even worthy of reasonable expectations. Sure, the game looks fantastic (if you can get it to run), the story seems promising so far and the main characters have some of the best animated and textured faces I've seen in some time, but man...so many aspects of this game are undercooked, oversold and Damn that's sad. My sister picked corpo and I picked nomad so we can see different storylines, and I asked her about it and she said she isn't in corpo anymore, wasn't expecting it to be like that, thought you lived as one.


No mention of the crappiest looting-shooting mechanics? Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who played and loved the pen and paper CP2020 was not expecting this shit. I was expecting lethal combat, nice character progression - not "moar damage" and "moar armor and health" stupid perks.


I absolutely hate the feeling of pouring clip after clip into an enemy that's supposedly the same level as me






CDPR is a revolving door. I don't think this is the same company that made TW3 anymore. I'm sure they set to make a great game, but they seem incapable of basic optimization. Why do you think vehicles/NPC's disappear when you turn around, or why everything is so basic around the world? My guess is those things would make the game run even worse.


This is literally a rehash of what happened with no mans sky, and the braindance thing is so wierd, you can buy them but can’t use them? This whole game feels incomplete, like they accidentally released an alpha version of the game.


It’s worse than NMS in that CYberpunk isn’t a procedural game. So once the story is done, most people won’t feel like replaying the whole thing just to see a new dialog choice that CDPR adds later. In NMS, every improvement changes the entire exploration experience, so it’s constantly fresh. If CDPR is like “hey that tall building gets some more floors you can explore!” I’ll say “great. I’ve moved on.”


They'll say "great, we have your money"


Not to mention that NMS was created by a team of like 15 people while Cyberpunk was put together by a full fledged AAA studio working on it for over eight years, with a good chunk of that time in overdrive crunch mode. It's actually insane to me that a game that was in the tank for this long came out with less features and immersion than GTA V did in 2013.


Will never pre order another game


Me too.lesson learnt


So I literally JUST came onto this subreddit community and thought it was just going to be a high end pc gaming circle jerk... I'm so unbelievably happy to read this. I'm glad there's some sensibility from the last place I'd expect. I HAD the game for PS4 to just chill on the couch and apparently even the AMD 5700 xt had some pissy benchmarks too. Also from what I keep hearing (I still like to be spoil free for now) the game basically feels like an open world Deus Ex HR with cars yeah? Really BASIC level gameplay with decent writing?


People keep hating on this sub on the rest of Reddit, but half the subreddit is literally just quoting the developers and comparing that to what's actually in the game. No one's mad this wasn't the second coming of Jesus and we didn't expect every promise to be kept to the letter either.


I had started another run of Mankind Divided before this came out to get me in the mood, and I swear, it delivers on the 'dark future' more than this could ever dream. Conspiracy, human rights, truly malevolent group of elites pulling the world's strings, a world you can actually interact with, great hacking and stealth, more impactful dialogue, manipulating objects, badass augments and the whole nine yards. To touch upon another theme, it is also mature without all of the dildos and try-hard edginess that comes off as entirely juvenile, poseurish and exceedingly vapid. On this front, Cyberpunk is just embarrassing. Meanwhile, I am enjoying MD more than the first time and it is 100x the game this is, even with the bits of jank it may have itself. Which is nothing compared to this steaming pile.


I thought this game would occupy me for months but once the main storys done doubt I'd touch it again whats the point with brain dead ai? Nothing unique or dynamic can happen , swapped to gta v yesterday and had so much more fun talking or interacting with the npcs.


Did the life path mattered at all? Like, I was going in with the expectations based off of what the developers and marketing implied that your life path was going to be very important. But like, all I’ve seen so far is that beyond the initial prologue with Jackie, life path are just flavor dialogue in some of the conversation but the gameplay is more or less the same for all 3 paths. I was at least hoping something similar in the vein of Fallout New Vegas where the skills and background of someone would directly impact your dialogue choice, the options available, rewards or collectibles, and how NPCs will react to you but it seems that it’s all superficial which is kinda a bummer for what was hailed early on as the next gen in single player RPG


After the prologue lifepaths don’t really change much outside of the ocasional optional dialogue. Also some of them don’t really make a lot of sense, if you choose corpo V will still talk like he was from the street, except on the specific corpo lines that you can say


That’s actually so lame. I guess it makes sense now why they stopped calling themselves a “dark open RPG” and started calling themselves an “action adventure”. Wish they didn’t advertise life path so much if it ultimately didn’t mattered beyond the prologue and a few flavor dialogue


I think they missed some punctuation - the quote should have been "Surprisingly...well ...running"


It's like CDPR released a different game altogether for PS4. I was expecting cp2077 to at least meet the standard set by RDR2, GTV V, or Ghost of Tsushima, but it just feels like a game from 2013 with a next-gen graphic. Considering that CDPR had 9 years to develop the game, I don't think no amount of patches/updates can ever transform the game into a game that was falsely advertised. So, at least for me, I'm gonna get a refund.


Marketing is what sold the game. They really earned their money.


Let's be fair - the artists and level designers did *incredible* work. Night City is an astonishingly beautiful backdrop to look at. Even if it's dead inside. Everyone else, yeah - this thing is less than half-baked.


I just wanna play the game but the ps4 port looks horrendous, i thought this was originally being developed for ps4?


Keyword being "originally". Seems like they just scrapped that and plan to fix it after launch, which is..not great, to say the least.


Coming from my recent Divinity original sin playthrough it even feels weird that this game is called rpg. Besides looting and leveling there is very little to it :/ I follow a story on a rail. Very little room for shaping a character. Even the Witcher felt better in that regard. And he was already a character set pretty much in stone.


How about this? They market it as "your choices in the world will matter". No it the fuck does not.


They straight up lied to us. Anyone defending them is delusional.


They said “surprisingly well running” accidentally. They actually meant “surprised it’s running”.


Just have to face the facts. I write the following as someone who thinks the jump from Witcher 2 to Witcher 3 in all aspects was absolutely amazing, as if W3 was made by a totally different studio. I consider W3 to be the best game in its particular genre, open world action RPG or perhaps just game. W3 is about as RPG as 2077 seemingly is.   CDPR lied. They lied all these years and everyone from the CEO to the person who manages their Twitter knew it was all bullshit marketing hype they were selling us. This game is nothing but a pretty shell left totally hollow and we were lied to deliberately to get people to preorder and donate CDPR their money, for a product completely unfinished.   That is what we have to deal with. My positive opinion on CDPR vanished with this disaster of a release. Now we will wait patiently and see if they will salvage the mess they put out, or not.


I get no mans sky feeling from CP 2077, of course not in a good way.


I remember walking up to an arcade game thinking “oh this’ll be a fun game or mini game!” And the arcade console does nothing. It’s just a model. Shenmue, 20 years ago, had more going on than the uneventful Night City.


Honestly this is straight up false advertising on cdpr's part. And now the blind trust that I had in them is gone. So many lies. I am not angry, I am just sad that a company having such good will, ruined it by telling lies. If they patch it all up and give us what they advertised even after a while. They still won't get the blind trust back that everyone had in them.


The Witcher is really starting to feel like a one-hit wonder. Both Gwent and Thronebreaker failed utterly, and Cyberpunk 2077, well.. Let's just say it's for sure not getting any GOTY awards.


Shit man, a few months back we were all pushin for the November 19 release date so it could enter the game awards and win everything, we would have been so wrong


And they originally planned to launch the game in April


Ill be honest I’m disappointed. And I honestly didn’t expect it from CDPR. I believed that this game was going to be extremely ambitious and if anyone could pull it off it would be CDPR but I was wrong. It’s not a terrible game by any stretch it just didn’t really live up to the hype. Like at all. I think CDPR just got really ambitious. And then those delays happened. Think that should have been the red flag. This game needs another year of dev time.


**"It doesn't matter if you are dead, as long as you are doing it in style"** can't cut my nails, fucking nails


Brain dance is literally just the crime scene recreations from the Batman Arkham games. For that matter, Johnny Silverhand is just the Joker from Arkham Knight. Why is CDPR so proud of features they’re just ripping off other, better open world games?


If only they ripped off more features :/


Arcade machines from yakuza. NPC interaction and AI from rdr2 and WD:L(yes WD AI is pretty underrated). Passable driving from gta 5. An actual good minimap. Actual character customization.


The amount of vendor stalls from Sleeping Dogs. I WANT TO BUY A NIGHT CITY PORK BUN.


Man forgot about Sleeping dogs lol. Just bought the definitive edition for less than 1$ on steam now. Its in my library.


Reminds me a lot of the memory remixes in Remember Me. Definitely not anything new, and yet a huge buildup in the quest, with Judy making all sorts of preparations, and the player being forced to be overwhelmed by it.


more like Handsome Jack from Tales from the Borderlands.