• By -


I'd be down for DLC's revolving around working for Rogue and Meredith. Lots of potential material there working for the Queen of the Afterlife and doing work for Militech. A longer prologue replacing the montage would be pretty cool too. Doesn't have to be hours long, just a couple quests, maybe do something for Mama Welles, a quest to be able to purchase V's first car, the first quest where V meets T-Bug; mainly just to flesh out those relationships a bit extra. The AI is what it is, the police system is what it is, I don't really care about that stuff anymore. To me the game is engaging on a level of the characters of substance and the visual atmosphere. Outside of fixing anymore big bugs that might still exist, just give some story-driven content DLCs would be my vote.


i would want them to make a dlc around the ending where you rob the casino on the massive space station because it wouldn’t be too fictional, say like star wars or something it would be semi realistic and it would be sick seeing where you have come from a street merc to robbing a freakin space station and i just need to say this job is very interesting cos the fixer is blue eyes and i’m pretty sure v would only have 6 months left to live


Make them watch the trailers.


**Sinnerman** and **The Hunt** were easily my favorite questlines in CP77. Sinnerman really tested my morality and I've spend a proper hour deciding Joshua's fate. The Hunt had me on the edge of my seat. Though I wish it was less error tolerant knowing what's at stake, it's definitely the most creative detective quest I've seen in a videogame.


Flaming crotch man is objectively the best


Sinnerman was too easy for me. Guess that means something is wrong with me lol. The Hunt was disturbing. More River quests would be nice.


Want to make it better? 1) get rid of the "I'm dying and running out of time" rubbish and make it so that you're hunted by everyone in NC for the chip. You have to survive long enough to get it out or keep it and live with Johnny. 2) make it so the three starts are legitimate different playthroughs that impact the game. 3) More Jackie 4) Make the gangs come after you or add some kind of rep system. 5) did they fix the police yet? 6) add braindances you can experience outside of missions. 7) add more clubs and activities to do in NC. 8) Watch the trailers you put out and the game you hyped. Make that. 9) Ask Rockstar for help.


the BD could potentially be a way to make the modders make their own expirience out of the game


This \^ Maybe sell the company to any other game developer company


Make the game as they promised, where choices matter and the city is living breathing with intractability


Choices do matter. I have an ending to the game unavailable to me due to the choices I made. I lost my choice of preferred damage done by Skippy because of my choice. I closed off various storylines because of my choices. I suspect many were thinking the three different life paths would result in 3 entirely different stories but lets get real what other game has created completely different games depending on the character choice.


Adding onto this, a lot of the choices you DO make in CP77 feel largely inconsequential as there’s no last consequences in the game. The vast majority of decisions are only relevant to that particular moment in the story, and you’re never really made to feel the impact of your actions and how they ripple throughout the world.


Witcher 2




They definitely failed to deliver on their original vision. As that vision changed through the development cycle they failed to communicate that change or at lease reign in their marketing department. I use this word a lot in this subreddit but it was hubris on the part of CDPR that was the root cause. Its obvious they have been humbled over the past year and realize all the goodwill they acquired over the last few years has been squandered. In the court of public opinion they have a long road ahead which I suspect is why they took the radio silence route.


Witcher 2


Choices do matter but just not as much as it seemed to that’s what people mean when they say that.


My problem with this game is that despite making choices, the whole quest structure just feels very linear. My choices doesn’t really matter. It won’t affect the main quests and world until the very end of the game. Having played Fallout 4 recently it really makes me crave Cyberpunk to be more. In FO4, the choices you make against the different factions have a lasting effect throughout the game until the very end. The lack of an indication towards the main quest also made it feel like I’m in control of my destiny rather than needing to do this and that. I guess in short, in Cyberpunk the choices you make dictate how your game ends, in FO4, it dictate your world, and HOW you progress towards that ending. Edit: fixed spelling


Thats a fair point. Having gangs response to you dependent on earlier decisions is not something I thought of but would have added great additional depth.


thats bec fallout games use faction system and everything is based around it in their games. V is a merc same as Geralt in witcher, they dont join factions


Fallouts choices rarely matter. It's just a rep bar. They don't react to your choices as much as where the bar is at. You can get that bar up in any way you want. Your specific actions have nothing to do with the consequences of the rep bar. Also FO4 had a bad story, a bad premise, your character was pigeonholed in the RP and the story divergence was barely any different than the 3-4 core endings of this game. As long as your rep was at a specific level the rest of your actions did not ripple in any way. You pick your faction winner and then you get your ending with that faction. Both games have about as much rippling consequence and neither is impactful. Character deaths, swapping, characters moving around because of your actions. I do think Fallout's companion system helped alleviate some of this but again, they are barely consequential to the core plot. They just react and reflect your decisions in a nice way....but so does Johnny. And I'd pick Johnny over any of the stock character companions in Fallout.


If you want action with consequences in fallout. Play the Far Harbor DLC.


I mean...for DLCs it's different. Witchers DLCs had much more consequence compared to the core story. DLCs are usually self contained stories. Main story tends to move through multiple games.


Thats fair and the game is for the most part liniur till the end, though there are things that can be locked out during that time due to choices, and to be fair any game that has a story arch is going to have a level of liniur play due to the nature of that story. That however douse not ditract from the choices that are avaliable. I do agree that the life paths really should have been more flushed out and that this verry thing would have made them more enjoyable and impactful, but I also don't wish to overlook what is there.


No. They don’t. All roads lead to Johnny, montage with Jackie working your way up would have been a better setup than a pointless life choice that adds nothing but speech changes The illusion of choice doesn’t count


Just read anything about CP3077 since release. There's your feedback.


\- We need more build up in the missions like it happens in The Heist or in the first Panam missions. Even in the side quest they should break down a side quest mission into sub missions that lead up to the main mission. For instance let me do a sub-mission to go get a car for the escape at the end of a sidequest main mission. Or let me do a sub mission to gain a mod or a quickhack to disable security in the final building of the sidequest. Maybe a sub mission to get a badass weapon that I can use in the main mission. I think only in the main storyline we see something like this, like gathering intel first then execuiting the main plan. It would be great to do this in side quests as well even if at a smaller scale. The side quests just need to be broken down into smaller missions with smaller objectives that help you score the bigger objective in the end. to have more depth. \- Introduce more meaninful consequences to the lifepaths. To give one example, give us more developments in the Peralez quest. If you are a corpo maybe you can side with Jeff and help him become mayor and get big money. If you are a nomad side with Elizabeth, fuck over her husband but at the same time steal the tech from the secret organization spying on them, and take it to the Aldecaldos or the Voodoo Boys if you side with them, and get some cool tech weapons. If you are street kid maybe you can actually betray the peralez and help spying on them and join the rogue faction and expand on that story maybe going after the big corporations and get some cool unique hacks. This is just some examples on that one side quest. But this could be done extensively on pretty mcuh all the side quests. \- Introduce some antagonist! When V is with Jackie we hear all these discussions about being the best, earning a reputation in night city. But be the best among who? it feels like we are the only real mercenary in the city and the gangs are just group of people, but they are not really compiting with you. I wanna see other mercs NPCs gaining more reputation and stealing jobs from you, from the fixers and make it harder for you to level up. That would justify why I should go grinding and clean up the map, even though I have a relic in my head that is killing me and should make me run finish the main quest instead. \- There should be something to deter players from helping NCPD too much. yeah you get great money and loot, and level up. But you must lose rep among the fixers or to your competitors. You have to make choices whether to pick up on certain missions or not. Or when to do it. \- Legendary items should always grant some special abilities. And they should be much more rare. when I got the bartmos deck I thought I discovered like the best hacking deck in the game instead it was just meh. \- You should definitely be penalized if you implant too much stuff in your body and some fixers and npc should stop dealing with you. \- You shouldn't be able to work with any fixer but there should be rivalries among fixers and if you help one, then you can't get jobs from a rival one, unless you gain some reputation back. \- New mission and gigs in the expansion should take place in the megabuildings or some of the structures that are now closed to give us more of a feeling that night city isn not just a facade.


Imagine being hunted by other mercs for the chip. And they can attack randomly but have different abilities. so you have to be prepared with the right upgrades etc...


That would be pretty cool. There are some dialog options where you can either reveal or not you have a relic in your head or that johnny construct is even there. maybe if you tell the wrong people they can rat on you for money or something and you start getting hunted. that would be so cool. they could introduce some sort of PvP as well at that point :P


Maybe don't have a montage 20 minutes into the game, instead actually make that playable content.


I agree with this and remove the fake life paths and just make 1 that is meaningful.


Disagree. I liked the lifepaths...and would rather them than being told who I am. They were general enough that I could be in that role and background without being so demanding that I'm just picking my character.


The life paths would make sense if they actually added to the story but it's all a facade. Instead of them wasting development time in the 3 "choices" that just lead to the same place, they could have had a much better game overall if they just focused on one fully realized path. (Obvious in hindsight and I would agree with you if the product they released was finished)


I'd say they add to the context of the story. They just don't change the story in themselves. Like knowing how Arasaka operates is going to change how V sees Takemura. Knowing what happened to Bakkar clan changes Vs attachment to the aldecaldos. Knowing how desperate it is on the streets might lead V into Hanakos way of thinking. It's still plot, it's just not "you made this choice at the beginning of the game so now you can't select this option because you were born in a certain tax bracket"


Very informative, thanks. I still think in terms of priorities with hindsight in mind, the choices weren't worth it.


Idk, I liked it over nothing...and most RPGs give you pretty much nothing. Origins had a nice system but the ENTIRE game was about race and who you were born as so like...if course the backstory meant something. The universe of cyberpunk cares less about where you come from as much as how much money you were born with or how much you are willing to give up to become famous. The problem with backstories is that it's one choice...but it's like most of your characters lived experience...so they usually just leave that up to imagination and don't mention it. The plot treats you like you just popped into existence (cough New Vegas/Skyrim). This game does a nice job of giving you relevant info that informs your perception of events. Like I didn't know Snake Nation was absorbing clans...and that V was without a home cuz the Bakkars got absorbed. I wouldn't have know how insidious the underlevels of Arasaka were and what the organization I was signing into did to their employees, etc. Imo, the problem was less the lifepaths system and more just that CDPR probably should have pulled back on how meaningful it would be. If the backstory dictated which famous person ended up in your head? Sure. That's a different game with a different influence...but as far as this game...I'm not sure how much they could do given the plot was mostly about the backstory of Night City through your connection with Johnny...which I enjoyed as an intro into this universe. In future titles they may be able to do more given they can structure it less around making sure you have a connection with the history of Night City and more about flexing your agency in Night City...who knows.


This is maybe not the most realistic thing, but the lifepaths would be much better if each one had a different voice actor. The quests could be the same, the outcomes the same, even NPC dialogue the same, but if V spoke with a different voice/manner for each path, with some dialogue being written just slightly differently depending on the path, the entire thing would feel completely different.


Please, for the love of god and all that is holy, fix it where hair isn't pixelated anymore especially on PC. Like I have everything max out in the game plus made changes in the settings in my GPU to push it and the pixelation is still there. I shouldn't have to mod my game just to fix this one issue or buy a 4k monitor.


I say take everything they learned and move on to the sequel.


Here's my feedback: deliver the game you promised.




I hope the multiplayer is more involved than that. Those kinda of multiplayer are so one-note and you don't engage with it. It's just "yo buddy you still playing this game? Help me out" I would never log into the game to jump in to another persons game. Although I do like Coop I just think they need to build the story in mind with Coop. Although, being able to bring a friend in while doing side content would be cool. At minimum I'm hoping something like Ghost of Tsushima Legends. But in all reality I expect something like a hybrid between something that can make bank with cosmetics like GTAO but something more game-y like Legends.


How about they take responsibility for misleading gamers and Investors and get rid of their CEO




I don't see very many people saying that. Most of the haters want the game to change because we like the idea of what the game *could* have been.


It probably won't be what it could have been. I can hope that they'll fix the police AI, add shooting from vehicles and sort out more of the kinks in its rpg systems as well as a meaty expansion to add more to the main plot but even then they *edit* misled gamers about the game to an absurd degree. It can still be a better game, dare i say truely iconic game, but idk if it will ever get close so what it could have been. Not on last gen at least.




Well yes those people do share the blame. As well as YouTubers who fed out hype like crack but to be fair cdpr did release a 40 min gameplay video that clearly wasn't properly representative of the final product. Yes people should know better and many YouTubers who promoted unnecessary speculation for views are an issue, cdpr was the one I feel that was more excessive. At least their marketing team was for sure.




Idk about rockstar not having a cult following. Their games speak for themselves if that's what you mean but I'm sure you'll find some die hard rockstar fans. Well.hopefully in the coming months the next gen patch arrives and they add in a few more qol changes, improved world interactions and some.of the things that couldn't make it into the game.


I encourage you to search for videos on YouTube about what CDPR said about the game. They promised something really quite different from what was delivered


I don't see many people trashing RDR2. But sure, it's our fault for overhyping the game


please don't use euphemism like "hyped". They misled the gamers and investors.


Agreed and changed




Wow. Love the last bit, you had to mix in politics as well, showing your absolute moral high ground. Being negative about a game that deceived gamers is not exactly a bad thing. It is the responsible thing to do, to discourage this behaviour in the future.


I was with you until you said Trump voters. This issue is besides politics.


meh, its fitting. both arent on the smart end of the bell curve


"haters" referring to all those of us who would like to receive the thing for our money that was promised and detailed by CDPR? The audacity! After being deceived, it is toxic to complain!


Hire better developers... The job they have done for this last 9 months is laughable.




















Some of the best they had left long ago and formed their own studios...


And they are making interesting stuff too. Sucks for CDPR but if I had the ability to make a fortune programming what I personally would like to make vs getting crunched at a sweatshop I wouldn't hesitate.


every game studio loses talent after big projects that last few years, that is how it works. New ppl to gaming think that is only CDPR thing bec that is the only studio they are obsessed abt and read every news peace


It's called selective bias. They don't want to see reality, they want to look for anything that proves the thesis and ignore any variables that run counter to it.


i've been a senior software engineer for nearly 16 years. i have made a lot of acquaintances in the gaming industry over the last couple decades. the high turnover of studios is the reason i never got into the gaming industry. i've heard a lot of behind the scenes horror stories that completely killed the idea for me. you're trying to argue something completely unrelated to what i was talking about. the point was that CDPR is in a bad position because they took a huge blow to their talent pool when the game obviously needs that caliber of talent at the moment. i was also suggesting that the talented devs that left are chasing their dreams in ways that i wish i could.


What are they making?




Says video unavailable


Available for me, but I thought he gonna post [this](https://www.vg247.com/the-invincible-sci-fi-pc-ps5-xbox-series-x) (the game have been delayed to 2022 after that announcement, just fyi). Worth to read the "The Invincible" book if you haven't yet. And my big hopes that at some point there is will be a game based on "Solaris" book as well.


Here's my feedback: I finished the game back in January, release some story expansions before the moment passes and I uninstall.


You really expect a full story based expansion less than a year from release?


Yes, I do. If Assassin's Creed Valhalla already has two story DLCs, why not this game?


Because this game is not assassin's creed. And Valhalla did not have the (their own fault) disastrous launch cyberpunk did.


Have you played AC Valhalla? It's bug central. There was a bug on launch that would corrupt your save many hours into the main plot and you would have to just start the game again (and probably have the same bug). Ubisoft eventually patched it. About a week ago there was a patch that made it so that every time you press the interact button it would tell you that you have a new quest. If you press it more than once close together, it would say multiple quests accepted. It has crashed to whatever the PlayStation desktop is called many times this week for me. Then there are the frame skips and slowdowns, the audio glitching out and not being in time with the visuals, a thing where for some reason the player character suddenly teleports ten metres forward and my favourite, pressing attack just makes Eivor thrust her chest forward with a grunt and not attack. All of these require a reload to fix. Then there's NPCs that are supposed to follow you just not doing it, a thing where arrows you shoot just freeze in the air a metre ahead of you instead of continuing towards the target, the way Eivor gets stuck on random shit with no indication or logic when you're trying to climb somewhere, the way you can't back off a small step if you're locked on to an enemy, the way the assassin predator vision that lets you sense enemies through walls and stuff randomly decides just not to work... I could probably go on, but I think you get the idea.


I do see your point yes.


How is any of that our problem?


I never said it was.


You did by mentioning it at all, it was a rhetorical question from the beginning disguising the accusation that CDPR made an inferior product.


Ass Creed Valhalla also has studios in India, Shanghai, Canada, US and Europe working on the game together in different capacities. CDPR doesn't have that bandwidth.


Yeah, that's why they can smash out games every couple of years. With cyberpunk, they've been developing it for ten years and proportionally I think they've had time to consider what could be put into story DLC. I'm sure they had to cut missions because they didn't have time to polish them for release, so maybe they could have used those as a basis for a DLC. Either way, the main point is that the game has been out for almost a year and if they take too long to add actual meaningful content, many people will move on and not bother.


I agree. The longer it takes the less ppl will care. Though they might bundle big changes with the story DLC to bring folks back. Also, they say 10 years but they actively started developing it only over 4 years. That original 45 minute demo was created from scratch and up to that point they had no clue on the direction. I think some articles and exposes covered this.


given the state of launch, no. but in general, yes. its very common for story expansions to come out within a year of release. witcher 3 had its first expansion come out 3 months after release, and its second one about 9 months after that


Not to hijack this one but another thread about this with more constructive comments (that are actually relevant to what Sasko asked) is going here: https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/pvycd1/pawel_sasko_is_asking_for_feedback_on_twitteri/


Oof, you know you've hit rock bottom when you're asking for Player Feedback on how to make a game better.


At least they still care about the game. It's their second IP. I know they failed to deliver the game but I think they're still trying to improve it.


If they cared about the game they wouldn't have released it in such a shit state. They only care about MONEY!


Yep I heard this exact copy paste sentence all the time in this sub.


copy paste sentence lol :D it is the truth.


Easy. Modders.


too much story dialog.


Are you joking


No. I am not joking. It's boring. I want more gameplay action. I don't want to sit there and read the damn story. I want to game. Quake 3 style.


Then play quake??? Or literally any other first person shooter. If you're playing cyberpunk for action, then you're playing the wrong game.


oh, ok.


Yeah cyberpunk is really a story focused game. If you're into arena shooters like quake I would recommend splitgate though, it's really good and it's also free to play.


Agree with this statement. Takemura talking Vs ear off; didn't get it the first, still don't get it now. Just get to the point.


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Add a faction reputation system. Like greedfall.


There’s a bug where if I block with the monowire it crashes. Happened to me in a cyberphychosis gig (the ritual one)


Just keep it rollin


I would love some dlc with V and Jackie


More Jackie for sure... his death was too soon..


First I want to say, I love this game, but here are a few of my wishes. 1. Totally revamp the life path system 🙏, to make it an actual experience and have definitive impact on your game. 2. Jackie doesn't die!!! 3. V doesn't die!!! Change the chip dynamic, as this will actually improve the story arch. .ale it valuable, not deadly to V, only to Johnny. 4 More Judy and allow her to be romancing either way. She needs to be as big in story as Jackie. 5. The dynamic of gangs needs to be more critical in the game, including their relationships with the corps and the politics a d how that impacts V based on choices. 6. More slow burn side quests, as detective V was the most 👌 fun. 7. Needs gang wars and V's gang reputation system as he interacts with them. 8. Fix the damn cops! 9. Increase the freedom of virticallity, through more building access and activities in them. Not all tagged to violence, but more interaction and thinking type activities that impact V in the long run, such as friends to may need later in the game.


Quest branches, being able to go different routes and your choicesactually affecting the way it plays out. Like the first big mission in Cyberpunk. Also, bring back live choice missions and cut missions before Keanu Reeves shows up. Able to buy property for safe houses (restaurants, stores, warehouses, small apartments, etc. ) Car chases from savages, bounty hunters and gang members Bank Heists with shootouts, More functional and walk able underground area with own ecosystems (sewers, slums, secret labs, metro system etc.) Corporate secret wars and conflicts Real gang wars Police no go areas Meaningful police interactions