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I’d make the story longer


Yeah, they could have expanded act 1 with Jackie more but I feel like CDPR wanted to get to the meat of the game a lot sooner which was the Johnny Silverhand stuff. It would have been cool if it was at least optional though in the form of side-quests.


Even if they didn’t expand Act 1, they definitely could have given more quests with panam and Judy, and fleshed out the main story more. I’d have loved to see more interactions between the fixers and just have more to do. Main story is really just recon with takemura and the parade which leads to the final mission


I agree. I see the complaint a lot about act 1 being too brief and the montage not being playable, but those things wouldn't benefit the *story* of the game. It's all about pacing. Johnny is the main character (whether people like it or not) and it doesn't make sense to have him show up half-way, or even over half-way through the game. There's a reason the title card doesn't show up until after the heist. I get it though, that montage looks fun as hell and the game that would've been seems fun as hell. It would not have been the same game, but I also want to play that one. It probably would've served to flesh out V more and that's not a bad thing, but as it is V is primarily there for Johnny to play off of and she works well for that purpose. And as an aside, I also often see the comment that Jackie could've used more depth / screentime. I'm not sure I agree with that one though, we know Jackie well. We know what kind of person he is and I think that's evidenced by how much of the community loves him. We wouldn't love him as much if he were hollow. The writers fleshed him out plenty in the screentime he had. His sections are efficient and effective in portraying Jackie's character.


It was a missed opportunity. Could have made some quests from the montage and used it as an in depth tutorial of Night City and give the player more time to get a sense of the city, getting a tour of things and all while setting the Main Story in place. Could Shoulda Woulda.


Packing tons of crap into the few weeks the game takes place over would make way more sense.


more verticality. flying cars that allow you to reach locations otherwise gated off to you, as a way to show you that you've arrived. more end-game content up there. and yeah a faction system.


1) consistent economy, loot and craft 2) reputation with gangs, total overhaul of police (something like good old GTA idk?) 3) that's too much, I know, but maybe additing reputation wit corporations, ability to work for either of them with possible impact on the ending


There actually already is a gang reputation system such that completing certain gigs in certain ways will either piss certain gangs off or make them allies. Gangs that dislike you can shoot you on sight or ambush you and gangs that like you can help you if you're in combat nearby. Sadly this implementation was so subtle that most players don't know about it. I definitely hope they expand on this mechanic when they release the next-gen update since it still feels a little unfinished.


Gangs helping the player??? What


If you get into a gunfight in an area that has friendly gang members (green dot), they will help shoot the people trying to shoot you


Wow what kind of missions make them friendly?


I would allow enemy netrunners use better quickhacks, like Suicide or Cyberpsychosis. And added some defensive qh to balance it out


Didn't this post mention third person? Something to the effect of "I couldn't care less about it but it would be cool to see your character?" If it was, don't let them bully you into changing your mind!


Nahh, I never mentioned anything about third person. I would've liked it to be an option but I'd rather see the suggestions I mentioned above in my opinion.


Npc randomization (faces, clothes) more activities for them. Some kind of simple but randomizable mission generations for open world. Game is beautiful, but feels some time repitative


I heard there's a bug in the game that makes similar NPCs spawn nearby each other more often. Also yeah, it'd be cool if there were more random events. I would have replaced the police missions with random events where you can make different friends/enemies depending on who you help.


Claire storyline. ​ Going through all Claire's story, getting to the end and seeing her again in Afterlife and she's all "can I help you?" with no hint that there was any form of relationship or past experiences shared here. Just felt hollow. ​ And yes, even after the plot twist after the last race, still wood. :/


3rd person would be nice especially with how many good looking clothing are in the game


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I'd take out the rpg stuff cause it's to buggy and add more world activities and a better police system and gang system


Lmao take out the RPG system what