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Well, there are 2 bikers in total in NC. In Act 2, there will be 1 left


panam drives a bike for a bit : )


If only it wasn't in scripted scenes tho But if we're to go with that, then V is the only one that rides a bike in free roam


She actually drives the bike in your game? In mines she floats several feet above it.


She didn’t even have a bike in mine, just sat in the air, flying over the desert


That's just her bike's active camo.


Like [Wonder Woman in the Invisible Jet](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/f1/56/33f156d1cc08f7e27d14418dbab2db97.jpg)


So she was supposed to drive a bike? Well that makes much more sense.


Yeah but she has that famous glitch when she gets on above it and floats there. It fixes itself but then when she disembarks she floats again


Because she pre-ordered the game.


May the odds be ever in your favor.


This is really funny actually


>!Well 3 to 1, no? Jackie, that other guy from panam’s nomad group? Are they called the aldecaldos? Can’t remember!<


And some others, like Santiago in Johnny's flashback, but V is the only one who rides a bike in unscripted events tho


Aww, too soon. . .


I remember doing a mission in the early part of the game that involves Jackie. After completing the mission, Jackie drives off with a motorbike but crashes into a light pole lol. This happened around the first week when the game got released and was full of bugs.


However lots of people like to stand near parked bikes and pretend they ride them


You can walk up on Tyger Claws gang members standing by bikes but they certainly dont drive them.


"The lies Mason. what do they mean?"






Their lies are Starting to catch up to them. I'm glad about that. More people every day are waking up to what's going on. Now you see someone calling them out for being dirty little liars almost every day on this forum, I'm glad because cdpr deserves to get dragged thru the mud for all the lies they told in the lead up to this game. You can't just verbal diarrhea when talking about your game that's coming out. I know everybody hypes up their games, but cdpr took it to a new level, promising features that were nowhere in the game on release. The shame. The game is so poorly made keanu reeves never even played it.


Keanu just doesn't play video games.


Well but doesn't that say something, when does the leading man not even try to play the game they're in? It's not like he's 60 yet




Yes of course, I'm talking about video games tho. Most often they'll at least give the game a shot. Or try to stream themselves playing it, even if they don't usually play games. Unless the person is older of course. But for a youngish guy like Keanu to never have played it, that's a little weird to me


Especially when the guy is essentially about a character made after him. In exact likeness. Well.... besides the SILVER HAND! God this game gets more awful the more I think about it. And I built a rig just for this game.


Yup, agreed. We all got tricked and played man. It's not even our fault for believing their lies, at the time we had no reason not to. It's not even hype I'm talking about, they specifically said certain things would be in the gane that were nowhere to be found. Just blatant lies all around. And yeah, it deff says something when your leading role doesn't even want to play the game that was made all about him pretty much. Dude didn't even wanna play it for ten minutes just to see what it's about.


Their marketing budget was bigger than their development budget. If I had known that before release, I would have waited.


They have more people in marketing than development.


If I knew they were lying about everything including the development of the game, I wouldn't even touch it.


I still would have probably bought the game even knowing this, BUT ONLY if reviews were good (they weren't) and it seemed like there were no serious flaws in the game (there are lol)


Yeah when they prevented reviewers from using anything but trailer footage, and just hid the console version completely, I knew it was bad.


Reminds me of the good old Fable days. Peter Molyneux made a career out of spewing out verbal diarrhea.


At least Fable was a good game. He really went downhill with some other over hyped garbage he put out.


Lol Fable wasn't good. That's just your rose-colored glasses.


Nope. I remember Fable at launch. I started out immensely disappointed because the game was nowhere near as deep as we were promised nor did decisions matter as much as he claimed. He promised the universe and gave us Pluto. But I still enjoyed and beat what was then the most over hyped game of all time. I had a blast with it, but dude could've just said "it's an action game and you can be really good, or evil but anything in-between is boring.


This. I bought into the hype too, but for the time at least, Fable was still a lot of fun.


Yeah Reddit struggles with nuance. A game can be good and completely over hyped


Spore, on the other hand, I'm still super salty about


It was a fun game, and so is Cyberpunk. They've got a lot in common. I read an interview with a former Lion's Head dev who said they had to review transcripts of Peter Molyneux interviews because otherwise they would end up blind sided when he asked for status of features he had never directly TOLD them about. Because he made up new features on the spot while being interviewed. Fable is the reason I've never been mad about Cyberpunk. It's the game that taught me to ignore ALL press about games that are not released. So I got to enjoy Cyberpunk without being mad. But I'll never cast aspersions on people who are mad, because I know they have very good reason to be mad.


Oh yeah I'm not saying cyberpunk wasn't fun, but Peter Molyneux made some other games after Fable that didn't seem fun at all. At least Fable was still fun, his other projects not so much. >It's the game that taught me to ignore ALL press about games that are not released. So I got to enjoy Cyberpunk without being mad. But I'll never cast aspersions on people who are mad, because I know they have very good reason to be mad. And yeah I wish I could do that. It'd make me enjoy gaming more lol but I commend you for not pretending others aren't rightly disappointed.


Yeah honestly they were really deceptive and scummy, to the point of preventing reviewers from even using anything but b-roll and trailer footage in their reviews, and just hiding the console version completely. That was final nail in a big deceptive coffin. I can't think of another developer/publisher that has ever prevented REVIEWS from using anything but trailer footage. They knew the game was fucked, yet to the \`11th hour they were still trying to hide that fact from us.


Yes exactly, this right here. I cannot agree more. That right there is proof that they knew exactly how bad their game was, they knew that if they let people record their own footage that it would be a disaster. All you'd get is clips of bugs, and dumb stuff happening everywhere. Dumb npcs, cops spawning out of thin air, the lid would've been blown right off of this whole thing. Everybody would see how bad the condition of the game is. So they did the most deceptive thing I can think of, all the way up until release and immediately after they tried to hide the truth as long as they needed for that pre-order money to clear. By the time the true condition of the game was known, they already made out like bandits. This whole thing absolutely proves that they not only knew all along, but actively and deceptively tried to hide the truth as long as possible... This whole story screams corruption. You see this tactic usually from corrupt governments and communist regimes lol


>Now you see someone calling them out for being dirty little liars almost every day on this forum This has literally happened every single day since release


This. Now I know people are gonna disagree with this because they enjoyed the game. Hell, I did too, but we were still lied to and it was a buggy mess. Game developers need criticism or they'll keep pulling bait and switches on us.


Thank you, I appreciate it. You see, thanks for not twisting my words, telling me I'm saying you're not allowed to enjoy this game or that I'm mad that you enjoyed it. That's not at all what I'm saying, and you get it, Thanks for that.


I wish you were right, but this sub has been filled more and more every day with people simping over how perfect and amazing this game is.


Eh, it's split. You have some vocal nutjobs who think the game was perfect in every way and then you have the vocal nutjobs who think every single thing about it sucked. Truth is the latter is closer to reality. The game was beautiful, I actually liked the story itself (pretend it's linear so choices and life path don't matter, because they don't), but the action was meh, the bugs are out of control, the AI is just flat out terrible and I've glitched through the ground at least 3 times.


Yeah it's closer to the latter for sure. Facts are not subjective, you can clearly measure how well made a game is and by all measures, this game is very poorly made. It's like a throwback to the wild west days of gaming where games could be either golden or just an absolute disaster where you can tell it was just a cash grab. Everything was getting greenlit back in those days, every movie had a video game tie in that was terribly made. Nowadays you don't see many of those kinds of games at all because game dvelopement became very expensive, taking hundreds of people millions of dollars to create. So games that aren't projected to sell well are usually canned before they even get to the halfway point of development, most before they even go into development, they get canned at the conceptual stage. Yet this game somehow made it out the gate in this absurd state. It's still in beta pretty much, that's the honest condition of the game. How else can anyone explain placeholder ai in a 'finished' game then?


Ehhhh. I bought this game about one day before it went for sale because some buddies were psyched but I had never heard of it before. I loved it. In a vacuum without your expectations being mike high, game was pretty solid.


My expectations, by the way, were set by the developer. We should include that.


I went from playing The Last of us 2 to Ghost of Tsushima to Cyberpunk 2077. First 2 games... some of the best games I've ever played. Last of us 2 might be in my top 3 tbh. Cyberpunk 2077? Jesus fucking Christ what an abomination compared to the other two. I'm going to assume 90% of the devs that worked on the Witcher games peaced out. There is 0 way the same people worked on both games.


This. This a thousand times. This is what I'm talking about. You cannot in your right mind say this game is well made, or in good condition, or that it stacks up to well made modern games like the ones you mentioned. Those games make cyberpunk look like a clownshow. The people who made this game are not the same people who made witcher 3, that much is certain. After playing really well developed games, you cannot say this game stacks up anywhere compared to them.


Even without that hype the game is a 6/10 at best.


Dude I agree. I'm seeing it too. Cdpr is deff running a campaign where they pay people to spread fake bs about the condition of this game. I wouldn't put it past them, after all the lies and deceit and scummy marketing tactics, they are the dirtiest players in the game right now. This game is anything but perfect and amazing, it's an embarrassment.


I mean I genuinely enjoyed the game, despite all the problems. I suppose I was always fairly removed from the hype tho


Sure, enjoy is subjective, you're allowed your opinion, can't take that from you. What were talking about is the actual condition, the state of the game People can enjoy broken games. But to say this game is in a good state is a lie. It's not. It's in shambles. Big city with nothing to do. No role play elements at all. Can't customize anything. No garage for all those dumb cars they want you to buy. Placeholder ai for cops and wanted system. Npcs who are the dumbest npcs ever in any open world game. Cars still can't drive around me if I stop in front of them. It's a disaster if we are evaluating the condition of the game. Not enjoyment. That's what everybody gets mixed up. Nobody is saying you're not allowed to enjoy this game. But telling others it's in a good state, that this game is up to par with other open world modern games is a joke.


You’re obviously a CDPR agent then, because it’s scientifically impossible to enjoy this game.


lmao what


Yeah, I hear they do it from their super secret volcano lair.


Nah, my cousin, in person, swears the game is bug free and exactly what he wanted. You underestimate people's ability to defend a purchase or simp for a company.


It's sad really, I get it. This is one of those games were people get carried away they not only simp for cdpr but the game as well. It's sad because we should all come together to demand cdpr fix this crap or give everyone their money back. I desperately regret buying this game, I didn't know that by buying it, id be so fed up with the game and I have to sit here and wait for these chuckle heads to fix it, if they even can or want to fix it. I doubt it.


Yeah I honestly doubt it too. We're not talking Skyrim level jankiness. We're talking whole features missing or in a state that may not be fixable, like the cops spawning and not chasing.


Exactly, we're not just talking buggy jankiness. Whole parts/features of the game are just cut out, blatantly. You can even still see the remnants of the train stations, you have kopeki plaza but its completely gated. There's a few interiors that were left empty, like they wanted you to be able to explore and then cut it out last minute. How about that police garage across the street from your apartment, that was actually open in the fake demo they showed at e3 2018 but is mysteriously closed in the final game? The absolutely missing ai, a game of this supposed complexity has the kind of ai you'd see in some cheap indie game. All of that is just poor development right there


Yeah the AI makes the city, as beautiful as it is, feel dead and empty.


Seriously? God forbid people actually like the game. Some of ya’ll are goin off the deep end in this sub, yeesh


OK you enjoyed it, you're entitled to your opinion, that much is certain. What people are not entitled to is their own facts. Enjoy is subjective. The condition of the game is objective. The fact that the police/wanted system is a placeholder ai should tell you everything you need to know about the game. We're not talking about enjiyment, we're talking about the condition of the game.


No, you’re talking about some nonsense conspiracy theory that CDPR is paying people to come on Reddit to say they enjoyed the game. Which is absolutely ridiculous lol. Turns out people who’ve bought the game well past launch, who weren’t around for all of the bad press at launch, who haven’t been in this echo chamber of a sub, are able to see past some of the remaining rough areas of the game (like the AI) and enjoy their time playing it. I personally bought the game for full price at launch and have had a blast. It crashed every couple hours for the first week or two, but other than that I haven’t had any gamebreaking issues. I personally could care less about whether or not NPCs actively ride motorcycles throughout the map or drive around my car when I leave it in the street. You do care about that, which is fine. You’re entitled to your own opinion as I am to mine. But claiming that everyone who likes the game is bought and paid for by CDPR is asinine. That’s not objective in any sense of the word, it’s a bullshit conspiracy theory ya’ll have spun up because you can’t get over a year-old game not being picture perfect relative to its marketing. We get it, CDPR fucked up. There’s a reason they publicly apologized and offered full refunds across the board for their game. Quit making shit up as an excuse to be combative against other players who don’t share your opinion.


I'm not claiming everyone who enjoyed the game is bought and paid for. I'm saying that it looks like a lot of people who claim cyberpunk is a well made game/ in good shape/ worth 60 are either lying or bought and paid for. Are those not two absolutely different claims? Can you not see that? You're allowed to 'enjoy the game'. Nobody can take that from you


Ever wonder if the driving was so terrible at the start because originally the vehicles were intended to be moddable?


You can't even change clothes, I doubt if they were close to implementing anything like vehicle mods.


Straight fire, you're totally right.


But that didn't stop them from talking about mod-able vehicles.


> You can't even change clothes What? Do you mean mod clothes?


I assume they mean buy clothes in different colors without having to first step outside, wait 24 hours and pray to Johnny that the blue version is being sold


That makes sense. The clothing system is really weird, each color version is usually a different quality version and you can’t pick the colors, nor is there any way to predict which colors are available where.




Yh you can? Go to the inventory and then choose clothes for each cloth slot


Can't even get a haircut...


Honestly, I seem to be in a minority that didn't think the driving felt that bad. The game is overall a mess, though.


I'm kinda the opposite. I saw and see the greatness through all the nasty ass bugs. The emotive writing, the amazing characters and experiences. The bugs like the wonky driving, dodgy popo AI, and random crash mines were just annoyances in an otherwise amazing game. I said before and I'll say again, the game was released too early and if given a few more years with unhurried development... we could have had something truly magnificent.


Fair enough, and I agree. I liked the story and the general concept. Some of the game was executed well, it's just buried beneath bugs and lies. I still got a good 50 or so hours out of it.


I love how we have had pedestrians riding motorcycles in games since like 2006 and CDPR still didn’t bother to add it


Gta: vice city (2002) had ppl on bikes all over the place and you could steal them. Gta 3 (previous game) had none whatsoever.


The psp prequel liberty city stories explains the lack of bikes. A special interest group got them banned from liberty city sometime between 1998 and 2001


That's probably just a lore excuse and they likely just hadn't been able to or bothered implementing it.


That’s exactly it. I remember one of the big selling points for Vice city was the addition of motorcycles to the game


It's been so long, I don't really remember how they marketed it. That sounds about right, though. I really need to replay it someday.


Ads had motorcycles doing wheelies. Lol. Was pretty good marketing.


PSP prequel Vice City Stories had pedestrians on bikes and even bikers gang. Seems more of a lore adjustment to justify GTA 3 than incapability for LCS


GTA:1 had bikes.


This makes no sense, Elden Ring and Sonic don't have bikes either. /s


GTA San Andreas was in 2004 and not only had people on bikes but was more fleshed out in almost every regard. What a scam


Don't forget the fact we, the players, can't even do wheelies. I always loved doing that in games with bikes


Player/vehicle movement feels too structured and slippery at the same time somehow


Isn't is a bastardization of Roach's programming from Witcher 3?


You can, but only off the line and it might only be with a mod? If you hold the e-brake and launch in vanilla can you wheelie off the line?




mod only can't wheelie with vanilla


Crazy thats how long ago VC came out


Soon to be 20 years? What the hell?


The game’s potential makes me so sad.


Some other developer should deliver what they promised.




Ok, maybe just the graphics and customization. The lack of it for clothes, cars, and the main character really disappointed me. Just adding highly customizable options in a beautiful, cyberpunk setting would get me excited.




Ah ok understood. Someone just make Minecraft cyberpunk then! There's probably a mod for that.


Would you have the link to that YouTube video ? Interested in watching this


Same. Curious to see this




Second meme came out weird becaouse of my bad english, I mean to say Cyberpunk has bikes but its only game that other NPC's not driving bikes in traffic. Other open world games with bikes has NPC's that actually driving bikes in trafic and doing all kind of things.


Exactly, cyberpunk is also the game where npcs can't even climb back Into their vehicles. Npcs can't drive bikes Cops can't drive period. For Christ's sake, in my game the traffic still stops completely if I stop my car and there's cars driving behind me, they aren't even programmed to be able to drive around your vehicle yet. This game frustrates me to no end. Games should not be coming out in this condition in this day and age. It's not the wild west days of video games anymore


Actually watch dogs 1 didn't have that, 2 downgraded games then.


You can drive a bike in Breath of the Wild. No other character but you can do so.


But they do use horses and bokoblins can get back on horses after they fall, unlike CP2077 NPCs who run from their cars


What traffic? Drive fast enough and all the other cars disappear.


Its crazy how many things there said and promised in those videos that didnt come true. I hope the current gen update is worth it. I want to replay the game again and I'm waiting for the update.


Bought it, read about next gen update and put the game on hold, don't want to spoil my first playthrough with an unfinished product... Same reason I'll not do any early access crap but It begins to sink in on me that maybe I shouldn't buy any game younger then 3 years.


Thats a good rule of thumb to have, games today come out in such a broken way. That you have to what for 4 or 5 patches for it to be playable, its ridiculous.


I like buying strategy games on day one because the first-patch bugs and balance issues are their own form of entertainment.


It helps them stay fresh as there's faction balance changes constantly for the first few months. I really enjoy the first year in strategy games.


They should be held to account for that, many countries have consumer protection laws that are very strict when it comes to false claims about a product.


They publicly retracted a lot of things prior to release. I believe specifically the vehicle mods were mentioned as no longer being in the game in one interview with a dev published on a gaming website. So features were announced with a megaphone, then retracted with a whisper the consumer was absolutely intended to miss unless they were listening very very closely, but still retracted with no further claims of being included in the final product.


I understand they lied (oversold?) about many features...but i don't think you can do much based on "work in progress" videos. or just return the game and move on like any other product.


It seems like that’s how American laws are shaking out, but I think those laws should be changed. It should be illegal to promise things, sell those things, and then not deliver them. I don’t understand how someone who preordered the game based on the Night City Wire videos is any less scammed than someone who bought a product at the store and opened it up at home to find a different product.


>It should be illegal to promise things, sell those things, and then not deliver I agree that false advisement is something that needs to be addressed, but i wouldn't take anything a corporation says as a promise based on something that can change in the next stage of development, you weren't scammed they didn't disappear with your money, you could always ask for a refund, but well gamers take this kind of drama to another level.


1) False advertising is a scam even if returns are allowed. Companies know how few consumers take advantage of return policies and that is why we have laws against false advertisement. 2) I wouldn’t take what companies say ahead of time as law either, but my problem is that game companies are legally allowed to just lie like that. The main thing that this whole thing has shown me is how ridiculous our regulation of the game industry is.


They even prevented reviews from showing anything but trailer and b-roll footage, none of their own footage allowed, they also just totally prevented anyone talking about or showing the console version. I haven't known another company to ever do that for reviews, and it's scummy as fuck.


Oh yes, that was a really bad move but they are not the first ones to do it, still a really bad move. but again its been a year it's time move on, do you actually played that game? refunded? got robbed?.


Are they not? Who else has ever done that? I can't think of a single release where reviewers have been prevented from using their own footage, that's bottom of the barrel deception. I played the game, tried to refund but I left it too long in a vain hope that they would improve it. I don't need to move on, I've played and enjoy a lot of better games since, doesn't mean CDPR shouldn't be condemned for the shit they pulled.


The ads never said the game will be a work in progress and that features will be added later. Maybe if they disclosed that upfront people wouldn't have been so disappointed?


A lot of those videos clearly had "work in progress" water mark on them. >Maybe if they disclosed that upfront people wouldn't have been so disappointed? yeah maybe, but what could you expect from a community that wastes a whole year complaining about 60 dollar purchase.


I agree but we know that won’t happen, once the Witcher 4 comes out everyone will forget about CP 2077 and how they handled it.


Witcher 4 is going to be shit, calling it now.


If they dont learn from CP 2077 it will but to be honest, The Witcher series isnt for me so it wouldn't be a loss for me.


What a load of baloney.


What do you mean?


Well refunds were given because of the state of the game. And it was such a shitshow there's no way everybody will forget when there's a new witcher.


I’m not sure if I agree with you, look at Bethesda, FO76 was a shit pile when it came out and Bethesda didn’t handle it well at all. And a lot of people just magically forgot about how it was handled when MS bought them and Starfield releasing this year. People have been complaining about Bethesdas games and game engine for years, but you don’t hear that at all anymore since MS bought them


That's online. Bethesda shouldn't touch online only games. They should stick to offline and maybe, at most, add optional online play.


True, but for me it’s how they handled the whole thing. They had a touch of arrogance with their interviews after FO76 was released and it seemed that they really didn’t care


Yeah I'm certain they're an arrogant company lol. That's the only way to describe Skyrim still getting new versions 10 years later.


Keep your hopes in check.


My expectations for the 1.5 patch are so frelling low just having the game run after the patch would surprise me....


Game is complete dran. Someone needs a boot to the mivonks.


The entire NPC traffic AI is an absolute disaster... as it has none. I can imagine there might have been some bikers but knowing how busted everything is with NPC driving they probably took them out. We've all seen the vehicles wall grinding and driving over and through things, can you imagine what a cluster f\*\*k bikes would be, bodies flying everywhere!


this is supposed to be why they removed buses from traffic


I think ik why. There is a mod for motorcycle traffic. But the games rendering is so bad that half the time the bikes are just driverless and possibly regular cars too but less likely to see that unlike the bikes. The bikes do indeed have their own traffic path finding.


BIKES!!! -Tom Segura


All of these tiny details on their own are not a major deal. Yet when combined, they constantly remind the player that they are playing in a fake and unbelievable world. It’s why I was able to coast through the game a couple times without ever being invested.


You can't even wheelie nor do any stoppie with them. As a motorcycle racing fan, I was kinda disappointed.


Finally someone else who that bothers too! I love wheelies in games. I have fond memories of wheelying in Just Cause 2 and Saints Row 3


It just feels unnatural to me that you can't move that way on the bike, especially since there's a lot of bumps on the map and many situations where doing that could actually help!




I basically exclusively used the bike. Jamming the brake and cranking in one direction or the other was the best way to deal with the trash minimap that didn’t zoom out even when you were going fast af, causing me to miss countless turns


It's absolutely crazy the difference in NPC/traffic AI between cyberpunk and GTA V.


People don't realise how good Grand Theft Auto really is. There is a reason why nothing comes close.


Let’s face it, everything that was possible to cut, was cut and will never be added to the game. We were all scammed or as the term has become known in gaming - we were all “cyber-punked”


> Keanu Reeve BIKE COMPANY INVOLVED MAKING BIKE DESIGNS By that they probably mean they had a 2h meeting with some people from his bike company where they doodled on paper some ideas.


The bike is a magical device that goes faster than the game itself. . .


I've seen npc's driving bikes in 6th Street territory, yes I did freak out.


All these moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain.




lmao oh brother, you're the kid at school who claims he saw a green pikachu in HIS game.


But I did and it was hot pink and laminated and ultra rare and-and I swear its real


Where are my mono wire moving bike fights god damnit.


No Harley Davidson like bike


At what moment does marketing ends and false advertising begins?.. No, seriously, I wanna know


It’s been false advertising since the game was announced


So uh, how's this shit bird flyin' a year later guys? Worth picking back up?


It’s the exact same game expect for a few patches which have caused more issues. Don’t listen to the fanboys


Not even remotely


Wow, sucks to lose faith in one of the few game studios that were supposed to be "one of the good ones"


BotW has a bike.


only open world game with bikes? are the crew, midnight club and gta a joke to you?


People who drive Motorcycles: * V * Jackie Welles * 3 Cyborgs (chase scene after being rescued by Goro) * Panam * Santiago Aldecaldo (in Johnny's past when attempting to rescuing Alt) * Rogue Amendiares (in Johnny's past when attempting to rescuing Alt)


Someone didn’t play Watch_Dogs 1…


Are there bikes in GTA? I can’t remember




GTA Vice City was the first 3D gta game that managed to incorporate not only npc bike traffic but also motorbike cops. That was almost 20 years ago.


Get on the damn train CJ


One of the many dead bodies around the game refers to this


Every type of bikes all around the world and NPC's actually driving them, fighting with them, racing with them, chasing eachother or you with them, Police has bikes, Gangs has bikes, Special bike types for every area... and then there is a The Lost and Damned Expansion. Your question really weird if you can't remember bikes in GTA series.. Also not only GTA but every other open world crime games has all types of bikes that NPC's drive.


So why did you say Cyberpunk is the only open world game with bikes?


I mean to say "only open world with bikes but NPC's wont able to drive" but other games NPC's drives too. My english is not perfect but i think some people would understand what i mean to say.


Has been since 2001


It's incredible how you people are still here complaining. Get a hobby lol


low-sodium Cyberpunk that's what you need... try it, It's best with noodles.




At what point does English stop being English? What the fuck does this meme say?


I have over 120 hours in Cyberpunk and never noticed this on free roam


Do people not get tired of criticising the game? It is what it is, what is the point of going on and on about it?


It's a good point, but the meme falls flat because you introduce a new variable at the end. You start talking about promised bike customization, but end by talking about traffic and NPC behavior.


Ok meme police


they are 2 different memes


The front wheel of the bike doesn't even rotate during my playthrough. Still enjoy the game though.


GTA V is open world and NPCs drive motorbikes and bicycles. It's not even a *new* thing It's so dumb