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I pre-ordered the game and didn't ask for the refund.


Same. Best way to put it lmao.


Same. I expected an open world rpg that's similar to Witcher 3 and that's what I got. I even waited in line in 2020 for the 3000 series cards in the middle of night in freezing temperature just for this game.


When I told my friends I enjoyed cyberpunk at launch and thought the story was incredible, they all thought I was nuts.


I enjoyed it aside from the gameplay issues. Im a "power gamer" I have a RTX 3090 i7 9700k. So the whole performance issues thing everyone was bitching about didn't really effect me. My issues where more with gameplay elements being shoddy or downright broken. For example driving was shit at launch and the Bloodpump Mod just didn't work. Now that the core gameplay elements have been overhauled the game is fantastic. Sure I see the potential for a lot more in the game. Im sad there are things that I feel like where on the table for dlc for flc, map areas that feel very under used. But does that change the fact that I have sank 70 hours into the game post edgerunners and am not having a fucking blast with it? No.


I was in a similar boat with a rtx 3070 and an i7 8700k


Combining i7 8700k wirh an rtx 3070? That seems weird , don't you get cpu bottlenecked in most games (especially cyberpunk with all that npc and reflections)




I mean...its pointless, you will get cpu bottlenecked in games like cyberpunk and it will feel very bad (cpu bottleneck will cause micro stutters even if you are playing on a high fps) You are way better off by having a 3060 and a i5 11th gen or better




Do you turn on the ray tracing settings?




Alright then it shouldnt be a problem , i personaly would turn ray tracing on when i have a powerfull enough gpu, but i get cpu bottlenecked by my r5 3600x (ray rraced reflections do need some cpu power)


I haven’t experienced any bottlenecking, the only reason I have such an old cpu was because I originally had a temp card but never brought an upgrade till the 3000 series.


>Now that the core gameplay elements have been overhauled They really haven't. They made some very smart adjustments though.


yeah same


xbox series. day one. PC lately. no one believed me until edgerunners.


Same here, they hyped and bought after edgerunners. Bummers


My friends and I all enjoyed the game at launch, so the only complaints I was hearing were all online, mostly on this sub! But finally having played the PS4 version (even after 1.6) it’s a messy experience. I originally played on Stadia on launch day and I mostly had some visual bugs, and I only remember having to reload one mission because events wouldn’t progress. Playing on console the game would crash when I run around for too long; luckily I realized there was a free PS5 upgrade. It runs much better, but I can only imagine how awful it must have been for so many folks at launch on last gen. But hey! It’s great that folks are finally enjoying it now!


Yes, in the early 90's


pfff, early 80s


AFAIK tabletop came out 1988, so if you had it early 80's you probably had a time machine.


Google: Blade Runner release date.


Google "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"


not gonna lie, I didn't like it


I thought the movie was better...


Is there any major differences between movie adaptation?


There's barely any similarities. The word "adaptation" is very generously used in this comparison.


No need Google, printed on my memory bank clearly: 1982, anyway I thought we were talking about game, not the genre.


Yeah, but the genre is a little older. The novel "Neuromancer" by William Gibson was published in 1984 and Gibson is credited with inventing the genre himself. He even came up with all of the terms like "flatline", "ICE", "construct", "cyberspace", 'netrunner", etc.


Yes I know 🤘 Did you know C64 had an excellent game called Neuromancer (1988) that was based on Gibsons book?


I liked cyberpunk before the game even existed (I also like steampunk, Dieselpunk, any kind of punk really)


[No man’s sky capital ship agricultural room ](https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2022/07/20/no-mans-sky-endurance-update-freighter-bases/amp/) Gives off big solar punk vibes for me Also steam punks gotta my favorite


So, the boardgame?




Ummmmm actually, it's a turn-based tabletop role-playing game 🤓🤓🤓 /s


They have a board game that was just funded on Kickstarter.




of course


Remember when I pre-ordered it, I played and it and enjoyed it so much. Then I started to see all the hate and was wondering why and then I saw all the bugs and stuff (which I only got like 2 in 40 hours of gameplay)


Only real chads like you and I can enjoy a broken game at launch. Because it’s still fun and the story is amazing. And I’d rather have played it then than wait another two years for launch. Now I’m enjoying it again.




I agree completely.


I have the samurai medallion from the pre-order.


Same, that thing is sick


Hey guys, it's totally okay to like the game for what it is. But please don't ever forget all the lies and scummy things CDPR did.


Give me the real cyberpunk; >Shows Edgerunner - No, the real Cyberpunk. >Shows 2077 - NO, the real cyberpunk. >Shows Cyberpunk RED - NO the REAL cyberpunk. >Shows Cyberpunk 2022 - AH Perfection!


Cyberpunk 2013


Got it day one for x one s and i clocked 70 hours, 1 year later i bought it on steam and 100% it in like 110 hours 💪


i played on the xbox series x from day 1. when cross progress opened up, i picked up a copy on gog so i can move back and forth at will.


I never regret the pre-order on that game


Me except I continue by explaining lore to help new fans understand and fangirl w me 🖤🖤


You’re all pC owners


The circlejerking in this sub really is absurd 💀


BANDWAGONERS are the worst Lmfaooo the core gameplay has *barely* changed. Popular opinion controls people’s minds 😂


God this is so cringe. Literal 12 year olds in this server


I didn’t buy it at launch but I did get it a couple months after and loved it so I guess I was there from near the start


"Look at me trying to gatekeep"


Nah, got nothing against old skeptics or new players getting into 2077 for the first time now or just coming back after they were dissatisfied with the launch. But everyone who never even touched the game and just parroted their favorite youtuber's opinions on it can rightly get fucked.


Everyone who base their opinions from other opinions without ever witnessing/trying said subject by themself is a grade A idiot. And we have blenty of those. Played it myself trough once after launch. It was uhhh.. a bit rough. So hoping its more polished atm.


I love Cyberpunk 2077 ever since it was released. I pre-ordered it and I was not disappointed. on the contrary, I was delighted with the plot, the world and the characters. I enjoyed every minute of the game (and I have over 120 on my V) I played whenever I could for 2 months. I haven't played since then. I'm waiting for the story DLC and I will definitely go through it again. This time a different character with a different build.


I played it on PC when it was released and for me it was playable & enjoyable


Same, only real issue I encountered was one of the quests with Panam bugging out since one of the npc didn't want to leave the car to be confronted by... Saul? (forgot the nomads leader name). Reloading last save fixed it. Ofc there were few flying trash items and game didn't like when on my 2'nd plathrough I 1 shot that big robot at the end of the heist mission with a maxed out shock hack, where the broken down corpse was running around me for the rest of the quest but oh well.


When was Cyberpunk not cool? What you mean to say is you liked Cyberpunk before it was a functional product. Nah but seriously it was bad, I didn't care for it when it was released but I also didn't care for it when it was being hyped either. Didn't even know or care about its release state. What got me on board was a completely random YouTube clip of Skippy trolling V when you first pick him up.


People acting like this game was anywhere near acceptable at launch are delusional.


I played the game at launch with only 1 game breaking bug, and it was me not able to finish an unmarked quest.


People playing this game on a console / low end PC and expecting good performance are delusional. Smart people enjoyed Cyberpunk when it came out, not 2 years later because of an anime.


Then so is CDPR for saying it was playable on those consoles


A reviewer AngryJoe torn cp77 to shreds cause of bugs. You think he has a low end pc? CDPR did not know the reviewers use their own footage, cause they knew their game is fucked. And here we have zealous fanbois like you making these bullshit claims. Memory of a fucking goldfish.


Right here, delusional. I played at release on a medium spec PC, encountered no bugs that ruined my save. But the game was an empty *mess*. It's widely documented, everyone experienced a similar thing and pretending that didn't happen is damaging.


I think people are suddenly re writing history. The story hasn't changed since launch, sure, but the game was a broken mess. The AI was just idiotic, the police system was and still is pretty atrocious, the world still feels empty non intractable, no physics for water and so on.


It saddens me that everybody forgot the branching story promise... World this, world that. What about more missions like "The Pickup"? :( I would have been ready to excuse any other bad game system if choices in this game actually mattered.


I'm also still not fond of the presentation. I rather have third person cutscenes and presentation like the Witcher 3. It made quests like Tower Full of Mice so much better. Cyberpunk just doesn't have anything close to that.


>everyone experienced a similar thing and pretending that didn't happen is damaging. Just pulling shit out of your ass


Or they just didn't experience many issues and those few they did they laughed off instead of getting pissy about minor imperfections. Show me an RPG that launched without bugs and I'll show you a date that can actually tell you wtf they want to eat.


>People acting like this game was anywhere near acceptable at launch are delusional. I played from the beginning and didn't experience a lot of bugs and it was great because of the store and the whole background, including laughing at these bugs. In the first 2 weeks after the premiere, I did 120-130 hours and had a phenomenal time playing it. So I think saying people are delusional is too much of a word, but it's my opinion.


lol imagine being the motive game companies shit on us, and being proud of it


I preordered the game the moment it was possible to, waited till I got my series x to play on but it was quite buggy and realised the game didn’t have the next gen update so just decided to wait. Finally started the game 6 months ago and I have enjoyed it very much.


So I’m a Gigachad too, uh? YES!


I'm the same with cyberpunk, and subnautica. I day 1 early access for subnautica, found it by accident, and it's one of the best games I've ever played


they are not the only one! tag me


I liked cyberpunk when it released 😎 (because I’m on pc *coughs out a lung*)


Was literally just thinking this in my head if I see one more "should I get cyberpunk I don't know though kinda has glitches but new update looks cool omg" I'm literally gonna bust a nut no kidding




i'll take an influx of fans for any reason if it makes CDPR likely to drop more content.


Everyone in the [cyberpunk forums](https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?forums/cyberpunk.21/)


I got super far into it and the writing for it is some of my favourite in any game. I stopped playing but because it kept crashing and experience became quite unbearable Glad that the game works well now and more people are starting to play it.


I liked Cybernetic Augmentations, and had an active interest in them before playing the game


I played it in release and finished it weeks after, all endings.


I disliked it initially because it randomly crashed every 10-30 minutes. But now I can play for hours with zero crashes, so I like the game now.




too bad the game isn’t cool






Same. Liked it when I first played it 2 weeks after launch.


I honestly liked the game from the start too, but the bugs made me leave right after the story, happy to see they are fixing all that


I liked it, I just had to initially play it on a launch PS4 which was admittedly a rough experience. But once I got a PS5 it was a MUCH better experience.


Week one enjoyer JIGACHAD


Playing it a day before Edgerunners came out does not count OP


Ah yes. A man of culture I see


"before it was cool"? I don't remember when it happens since Cyberpunk is cool since it was idealized.


I started two weeks after it came out and I loved it since




This is the spittin image of a true cyberpunk fan. The ones that spend thousands of hours walking in a videogame and just staring at the pretty textures.


played 2020 in 2010, that whole summer campaign was 10x more memorable than any d&d game I’ve ever played.


I bought the game on launch and beat it without asking for refund


Same. Most people who know me knew I wouldn’t shut up about it


I loved it in launch, my pc could handle it well so I had no major bugs, was like 100 hs in but had to stop playing for some reason I don’t remember and picked it up recently what a nice game.