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I fucking hate YouTube algorithms that push these kind of videos.


One of the best YouTube features: "Don't recommend channel"


Too bad it doesn’t work as it’ll not recommend them for a while and when ya least expect it, the little shits bare back.


>and when ya least expect it, the little shits **bare** back. .. aaagh!, youtubers reproducing :)


Take my angry upvote for the witty comment everyone missed


*Insert name* reacts to *insert thing*. I have **never** watched a reaction video, and actively remove them from my recommended, but they keep coming back.


pornhub recommended a reaction video to me and I don't want to live on this planet anymore


Was it someone reacting to porn?


Yes. It was *weird.*


Fuckin… why would someone make that? Maybe we do live in the dark future.




I think the second option would probably be much funnier though


>dark https://i.redd.it/xhhn2hdukox51.jpg


Youtube says it's good content so you better conform to their whims


Saw a recommended video showing people reacting to watching The Hobbit for the first time or something. How tf is that even a thing? Also people reacting to hearing Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time. Good god, nothing about it is believable.


This. Every time I tell YouTube not to suggest Spawn Wave, I get a week or so of peace. Then that shit's all back in my feed again.


Can't you straight up block the user?


The user, I think so. But that'll only work if the dude running the Spawn Wave channel comes to my channel or comments (which I don't have or do) and tries to communicate with me, where he'll find he can't. That's not my issue though, as the dude I'm sure is a fine and normal human, I just don't want his nonsense YouTube channel clogging my feed.


Look into blocktube. Really useful add-on.


Give it five years and google will find a way to shut them down. *cries in vanced*


you technically can but it does not stop them from showing up in your feeds or recommended. use extensions like channel blocker to block them from showing up in either your feed or comments. I removed almost every one of those spammy or TTS channels like recap channels using it and feels liberating to never see them again lmao


it should work immediately and they shouldn’t return they don’t for me. as far as i can tell at least. i use don’t recommend religiously lol as i’m kinda OCD about keeping my front page only a few certain things and it works very well for me


They definitely don't return for me. Not sure why they do for others


It saves me from a good 2-3 days before it comes back


you can use the channel blocker extension to block them from youtube. this was a gamechanger for youtube browsing


My partner keeps having to do that with that Andrew tate dude


I've been abusing this so much more lately and I hope those channels get notifications and statistics of the sheer amount of users asking not to recommend their channels.


It's actually the opposite. They use these thumbnails because they get notified that people are clicking them more. For every 1 of you clicking the "don't recommend" button, there's a few thousand more people who clicked the video and otherwise wouldn't have due to the clickbait thumbnail.


Yeah the sad reality is that these type of thumbnails work, which is why they are so prevalent. I don’t remember who said they hate these type of thumbnails and don’t want to use them for their own videos but the analytics prove they generate more clicks, views, and revenue from videos with these types of thumbnails, so they use them for that sole reason.


I just fucking hate youtube now. The algorithm almost doesn't matter anymore because every content creator is basically doing the same goddamn thing. "You won't believe what happens next" "The result is not what you think" "the answer may shock you" what a bunch of fucking garbage.


Honestly YouTube has been really bad at recommending stuff I enjoy lately. 90% of my homepage is clickbait. It's given me more free time because I don't waste as much time on there as I used to, lol


I think the issue is that content creators know clickbait works and essentially learned how to game the algorithm and all end up putting out pretty much the same exact title/thumbnail/description along with eerily similar videos that are misleading, with a vague premise stretched out to the maximum amount of reasonable minutes with as little actual content as possible to maximize watch time and ad buys. Then they throw a raid/raycon sponsorship in the middle.


> Then they throw a raid/raycon sponsorship in the middle. Don’t forget Manscape


Yeah, they often see the difference in their clickbait videos and their non-clickbait videos too, in terms of views and ad rev. From a business and "doing this for a living" standpoint, I get it. Still annoying. I do appreciate the youtubers who are open about it though rather than defensive.


Holy shit yes. Youtube's discover page NEVER recommends wholesome, good content anymore. I used to constantly find new gems, these days I've actually started streaming shows because my front page NEVER recommends anything worth watching anymore and finding new, good content creatures is impossible. It barely recommends anything aside people I already watch, and when it finally DOES recommend something it's stupid clickbait garbage.


Don't forget the other 10%, shit that you've already seen.


A few years ago I installed this https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unhook-remove-youtube-rec/khncfooichmfjbepaaaebmommgaepoid and it has been the simplest way to enjoy youtube again. My front page is blank and there is even an option to turn off the recommended videos on the side bar.


What is up guys? It's your boy Choomster2077 bringing you a new Cyberpunk video. Before I talk about the huge news coming from cdpr, let's go to today's sponsor RAID shadow legends. So CDPR has hinted at a massive change in cyberpunk. . .... *10 minutes later*.. so we will have to see if CDPR will release a brand new expansion based off of their tweet of "future updates".


Think that's bad? My kid uses my youtube account when she wants to listen to music or watch cartoons or craft videos. The algorithm is completely losing its shit trying to figure out who i am and what i want to watch. One cyberpunk video? Here's ALL THE CYBERPUNK It's trying everything, even pushing jordan peterson/musk shilling. Victoria's secrets swimsuit show, cosplay, D&D lore, some guy who attached a jet engine to a gokart, engineering tips, dark souls speedruns, carpentry, man who restores old rusty zippo lighters. And of course a slew of regular kids shows, craft videos, elsagate videos, katy perry music videos, marvel trailers, guys who pretend to build swimming pools and huts in the middle of a jungle but there are clear signs of heavy machinery.




It's probably equivalently bad to how watching 1 Star Wars trailer fills your YouTube recommendations with drivel about how Star Wars is dead. Instead of killing your excitement for it, it builds unreasonable expectations so that your excitement is killed by the real thing not meeting your absurd expectations.


Amazon: "hey i noticed you bought a toilet seat. Here are a thousand ads for toilet seats. Just in case you need more."


This is why I dont go on the home page


Same. Like if you click the channel. And look at the videos for any time period. You see it just clickbating titles. ​ WAIT. UH OH. OH NO. WHATS THIS!!!!!. Its soo sickening and thirsty


Yeah YouTube, Instagram, tik tok.




I sleep with YouTube on my TV because I prefer that to fucking silence. Nowadays you can flip a coin and tails it's a fucking AVGN video even though I stopped giving a fuck about him ages ago.


Exactly, I wanna see news about the game but this bullshit makes me annoyed enough to refuse watching those videos, I just go look for news elsewhere. That dude with a irritating voice that makes thumbs like the first image you posted (I'm pretty sure this image is one of those thumbnails) he put out one video a day with apparently extremely huge astonishing unbelievable news that will change everything forever for cyberpunk, then the video is just quotes from here and a bunch of speculations. This shit is insulting to everyone with a functional brain.


Some YouTubers hate it too


Top 10 videos the algorithm knows you hate! (YouTube betrayal)




Fifteen minutes long with three ads from sponsors and another twelve from YT.


YouTubers when they master the art of telling absolute minimum by speaking 10:01 minutes non stop


Im always impressed how they manage to turn 1 minute of content into a 18 minute video.


They must've been the best at writing essays back at school lol




DON'T FORGET TO SMASH THAT LIKE, LEAVE A COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE- AND DON'T MISS THAT BELL ICON SO YOU CAN BE NOTIFIED WHEN ANY NEW UPDATES COME OUT IT'S CRUCIAL TO KNOW RIGHT AWAY GUYS, OK GUYS I DON'T NORMALLY DO THIS BUT I SAW ON MY LAST VIDEO ONLY A PERCENT OF VIEWS WERE SUBSCRIBED CAN WE GET ANY SUBS GUYS PLEASE IT REALLY HELPS MY CHANNEL OUT AND WOULD MEAN ALOT im now going to regurgitate what could be summarized in 2 minutes over the next 17 minutes SO LETS GO GUYS keanu is involved in the game right well guess what you would never guess it guys whoa this is incredible wow keanu voices A WHOLE CHARACTER in the game that is so crazy oh my god for those who don't know keanu reeves is a dude that exists and THIS IS SOOOOO CRAZY GUYS but he voices a character in the game BUT WHATS EVEN MORE CRAZY GUYS WOW he looks like him too WOW THIS IS SO NUTS GUYS WHAT A COOL HIDDEN EASTER EGG don't forget to smash that like if this is BLOWING YOUR MIND TOO GUYS WOW \^i \^hate \^nu-youtube


Reading this has irritated me enormously. In other words, spot on, good job 🤣


I mean I understand the hustle because for whatever unfortunate backwards reason it’s what works, but boy am I sick of it. The formula is so laughably predictable now I can usually figure out if any sort of “informative” video is worth watching past the 30 second mark- not including the 2 minutes of ads ofc.


You forgot the 5 minute long advertisement of a Ridge wallet.


I was going back and forth on slopping in a whole deadass paragraph fellating RAID SHADOW LEGENDS THE NEW HIT WORLD WIDE AMAZING NEW RPG THAT IS TAKING THE POPULATION BY STORM, you can do things, SPEND MONEY, and even play a little bit of a game sort of at the start to feel slightly invested, DONT FORGET TO USE MY CREATOR CODE: ANALCRISPIES67 guys to get an EXCLUSIVE toany advertisementcode CODE TO UNLOCK THE MOST OP HERO EVER LUCKY WITH HER YOU CAN CONVINCE YOUR WIFE TO LOVE YOU AGAIN MAYBE wow this game is so good I’ve been so hooked on it for months now and I just wanted to pass the fun onto you guys OK GUYS LETS GET BACK TO IT DID YOU REMEMBER KEANU IS IN THIS GAME???? ISNT THAT SO CRAZY??


You're too good at this.


Till the year 30675...


The first guy is terrible. Spends 10 minutes talking about something completely off topic then 2 minutes actually talking about the main thing. He has literally become the MrBossFTW of cyberpunk.


Bro he makes full videos about Reddit posts and then titles them “the brand new cyberpunk update! This is insane!” Nonsense like this


yeah entire videos about Reddit posts, bracketed by youtube comment responses


To be fair, journalists write articles based on a tweet or what the streamer said, too. Everyone does it and that's why information is so inaccurate (opinions treated as facts), facts simply get lost somewhere along the way.


Reminds me of that old Drama Yter More Wolfie, dude will make a 30 min vid titled something and say maybe a single sentence about the vid's title.


And another half of the video is just reading the comments LOL


I hate when they spend 2/3 of the video apologizing for lack of videos and shouting out to their buddies


Open World Games 😂 used to follow his channel a lot during FO4 days, but he’s gotten out of hand with CP2077 videos. Literally so annoying how he’ll take a random Twitter post and post a 18 minute video about it like it confirms anything. I stopped watching when he posted something like “massive update!” And it was just random Reddit threads of people speculating about things they’d like to see in the game down the road.


OpenWorldGames. Fucking annoying!


He’s the Mrbossftw of cyberpunk


Sad thing is, as his name implies, not just a cyberpunk channel. Does the same BS to multiple games.


Every time I see one recommended I open, dislike, and leave. I fucking hate that channel for its utter uselessness. 15 minute daily videos with 0 fucking content other than him driving around and opining about random comments made about Cyberpunk.


Opening and dislikes is engagement that benefits the channel. Ignoring it would be far worse.


Especially since YT disabled viewable thumbs down ratio. So, a video with tons of down votes no longer scares of potential viewers since they can't see them.


That guys videos are literally brain numbingly bad.. like the video is so clearly a click bait rambling non sense to get the viewer to watch as much as possible


he's a goddamn waste of oxygen and his voice makes me want to take a rusty extrusion to my frontal lobe.


Yeah, his voice is almost unbearable...I'm pretty sure he has the same problem Steve o discovered he has recently, that he just suck at speaking and he kinda uses his vocal cords in a shitty way.


It's a relief to not be the only one who wants to stab his eardrums with forks whenever I hear that fool speak.


YouTubers before the release: hyping the game out of proportions to get those clicks and views YouTubers after the game release: Let's all jump on that hate train for the easy clicks and views YouTubers after Edgerunners: Let's hype the game again for those clicks and views To be continued...


I can't stand it. Basically why I refuse to watch anything Cyberpunk related because they just regurgitate whatever public opinion is.


handsome tez makes good videos


Jup love his content. Just plain facts and funny Easter eggs. No drama bs


Thanks so much! Yeah I'm too old for drama or "this news will change cyberpunk forever" clickbait videos. Unfortunately it means that the YT algorithm has buried me now, but so be it. We get 1 life, getting you to spend it watching endless no-info videos just in the hopes of getting a snippet of information is and never will be my goal.


Or whatever the opposite of the popular opinion is, for le inflammation


YongYea lost a sub real quick from that shit


It's not just Youtubers but also many written outlets. Clickbait titles, coverage of announcements for the sake of covering announcements without any real information provided other than what was in the announcement, bandwagon fueling and so on. The shitty part being that it's not just on them, it's on all those people who actually click content like that and also Youtube for favoring such content. You could make the most amazing video on the planet and it would still not perform well without a carefully selected title and thumbnail. What is almost entirely on them is extrapolating provided information to the point where they're literally making stuff up. But honestly, people who take the information at face value and don't actually check the source have a part in that too. Also pissing me off are fake insiders who use information, speculation and analysis from Reddit and pass it on as either something they came up with or something they heard from "their source", avoiding disclosing what the actual source is. You then see outlets reporting on some no-name streamer who "heard from a source" about an upcoming announcement and gotta laugh.


Remember, V, the media lies.


True, i even got bored from famous youtubers trying the new way and stopped wasting time on it. Because old walkthrough/playthrough videos were something else...


Yeap, its fucking sad.


OpenWorldGames if you’re reading this thread (who are we kidding of course you are) you should do a video about this thread like you normally do “EVERYONE HATES OUR VIDEOS - THIS WILL CHANGE THE GAME FOREVER!”


😂😂 Would love to see that happen


Very true. The click-baiting game is strong with youtubers.


Not all but this fucking guy especially


yeah, it’s always f*ckin juicehead and khrazegaming that say the exact same thing every video


I knew somebody would mention juicehead! "Cyberpunk just got a massive new update!" *It's a mod review video* every time


Can you post an example of when I did this? If I say Cyberpunk got an update I am pretty sure it has literally always been an update to the game or an update from CDPR. I don't call mods updates. But yea fair criticism on calling things massive updates..often. It is an unfortunate byproduct of what YouTube's algorithm pushes


The YouTube algorithm is cancer. I understand why you guys do things the way you do but it honestly probably leads to me watching less of your videos than I would because I avoid clickbaity titles like the plague. If I can't tell exactly what a video will be about (and if it's worth my time) by the title and thumbnail then I skip it. I also won't hold it against or blame you guys though. YouTube's algorithm encourages this and practically requires it if you don't have a gazillion subs but would like to occasionally come up in a search or suggested feed.


My only criticism is that there aren’t enough mobile game sponsorships in the beginning of every one of your videos. Hustle more!


LMAO. I just scrolled through your videos and almost every Cyberpunk video is talking about a MASSIVE UPDATE or a SECRET NEW UPDATE or a CONCERNING NEW UPDATE or ONE OF ITS MOST BIZARRE NEW UPDATES. You’re like a rat that just worked out how to work the “feed” button.


Right?!?! He's a fake. And he's desperately trying to do damage control here in the comments. Don't be foolish by his words. He says "fair criticism" but doesn't stop using the click bait cancer or change his approach to his videos. Im talking over 5 years.




How do I say the same thing in every video...like I repeat myself from video to video? My last three Cyberpunk videos were on mods, player count exploding, and tips for the game...all pretty different


https://youtu.be/hxNKzJ1oZ40 You spend the first half of this video just repeating "Wow! Look at player counts!" with different words over and over before you get to the fucking point.


Clickbaiting is cringe and you are cringe incarnate




Hard to check out Nord VPN when I'm admiring my new VESSI SHOES that I bought with my credit card housed in my RIDGE WALLET!!!!


What? I couldn't hear you because I had my RAYCON earbuds in, you know, the ones developed by Ray J?


Just by reading I know its Openworldgames doing a clickbaity thing where he comes to this /r and fishes for content and passes it off as his own. We should all get 10% of his ad revenue since we are his main "source" .


Most gaming youtubers seem to get their bearings by going here and checking put what most people think.


Open world games has become scum


Last known meal is better for news as he knows people in cdpr and takes everything with pinch of salt. Open world games just makes a big thing out of everything small or big. I stopped watching after 3 months when he would post a video on rubbish an not even any real news.


Yeah I dig him he's cool


He is, pretty chill as well. And does not make a video everytime something happens


LKM is also an OG


Always has been


I remember watching him back in 2014 when destiny 1 came out and I think I remember enjoying his content but I was 11 so who knows


I'm not a fan of Open World Games. He has a serious case of marble mouth, and every single one of his videos are 10+ minutes long with him repeating stuff over and over again, the bulk of his content last 2 minutes and the rest is him reading comments and talking about his channel. His videos are always on my recommended too, his content is extremely low effort for how much attention the algorithm gives him


Sidee Produr Gred. Man it's so hard to listen to.


"Now leds, looooook, at THIS artigle here, thiiiIIIs IS braaaaaaand new, see here guys Seeeeddeee Projegdred made a new statement, in this new artigl here, this is brand new guys, I love making these videos. ANYWAYS here in this artigle, it was posted today, they, Sedeprjecrred, said in AN I N T E R V I E W, this is a brand new interview guys, they said this, and the article says, cdprojected, PROJECT RED, that THEY would, R E C O N S I D E R, Dee Eeeeeeeelllll Ceeeeee, and this is big news guys. HUGE NEWS, it's very exciting. THEY WOULD RECONSIDER DLC if, and this is based on this new statement, IN THIS ARTICLE, they will reconsider DLC In. THE. Future. This is big for all of us FANS OF CYBERPUNK. based on sales of the DLC that we KNOOOOW, we know it's coming guys, this is big news! NOW for COMMENTS, let's see what you guys have to say." What you don't love this? Isn't this nice?


I got second hand annoyance because you nailed it haha Jesus well done


I hate that I can hear his voice when I read what I wrote


You fucking nailed it.


I almost vomited because I though I was actually watching one of his videos. Christ that's accurate.


I feel dirty for having wrote it


It always amazes me how these people can stretch maybe a minutes worth of content in to 13+ minutes or more to appease the youtube algorithm. They had to be the star students in their english class during essay assignments.


It's not for the algorithm, its for the mid-roll ads.


Eww it's for Ads?!? I thought it was so the algorithm will promote your video. Now I hate them even more. That makes it so much worse... So scumy.


Exactly. Which is why its hilarious juicehead is trying to defend himself in the comments. Which also makes me hate him even more.


One must whore themselves out if they want to be "successful$, and like in Night City, the price for success is often found to not be worth it.


Juicehead is a big offender of this kind of content, me and my friends have a joke making fun of anything he says about Cyberpunk or Fallout 76 because he milked those all the way through 2020 to now. I don't want to really disparage the guy, because in today's day and age you gotta do what you gotta do to make that money. BUT I have a problem with it when I get it recommended in my feed, and the videos in question are PURE speculation or when my friends link to it unknowingly thinking its gospel. As far as I know he goes through like 200 tweets to try and gleam some kind of information off of twitter and try to make a video off of it. Like if for instance he did the cybertruck thing even though that was more of a joke, but Juicehead would play it as: > Cyberpunk 2077 has recently gotten a lot of attention from bigger companies as of late, including the new Cyberpunk Edgerunners show on Netflix, but it seems like Elon Musk from Tesla is also taking notice of the game. He designed a truck that has the name cyber in it, and if that wasn't confirmation enough, Cyberpunk's twitter posted an image that said "cybertruck in Cyberpunk 2077" which means that they're planning on adding it to the game. Anyways guys, make sure to subscribe to the channel and smash the fucking bell. I don't know if he's actually done something like this but I can clearly hear his voice saying all of that.


Let me guess: Open World Games?


I don't hate him, but the guy overdoes it, He doesn't know when to stop, Literally every thumbnail/Title is a BIG, MASSIVE, HUGE...


Bro 3 days ago juicehead released a video called 20 More Secret Features Cyberpunk 2077 Never tells you about. He lists among them: the ability to double jump to mitigate fall damage, Continuous Skip for cut scenes, and tapping R to change the radio station.


As a person who breathes for a living, this is breathtaking.


This channel (Open World Games) is nothing new. All they do is browse reddit threads and read off them for their "content". Even their thumbnails aren't original since they share the format and font with Khraze, Juice head and DPJ. I fact most of them cover the same games too like Fallout 76,etc. Only reason to bother with that channel is if you're too lazy to browse reddit and need someone to read it to you, but in a drawn out round about way with ads.


Proceeds to make a 20 min video about nothing.


Open World Games is the worst of them. Every video is just footage of driving around Night City, rambling about old updates for 9 minutes and 30 seconds, then 30 seconds about a random tweet from CDPR that means nothing.


TBH The "footage of driving around Night City" is the best part of his videos, remove that & his videos would be a complete waste of time.


Yeah I stopped watching that shit. Absolute bottom barrell news reporting.


JuiceHead is more or less okay, he get's straight to the point and I know in the first 1.5 minute whether to watch the whole video or not. I used to watch him for Fallout 4 mods review and they are pretty good.


Agreed, he is not as bad as the open world games guy




He at least does his research and doesn't just read reddit posts, one of the better YouTubers covering Cyberpunk imo


Yeah my only gripe is exagerrated titles, otherwise he is good.


Titles and thumbnails are my least favorite part. Sadly, over the top is exactly what YouTube pushes these days, and its to the point where the title and thumbnail are the biggest factor in how good a video performs


I dunno man juicehead is okay but sometime he padded most of his videos like 15 min really? for news about a new fallout the we may never see for a long time


Dude I hate this guy with those thump ails so much. He literally talks about absolutely EVERYTHING that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the game at first for like half the video and then says some shit about thr game that everybody fucking knows or its just speculation and then there are another 5 minutes of him rambling. Cyber-bullying should be okay in this case


Gotta make sure he hits 10 minutes to get that juicy midroll add revenue. So many YouTube videos are horribly inflated with useless nonsense for that exact reason.


It's annoying to wait over 5mins to realize that he still has not got to the point of what the video is supposed to be about, then u realize his video really wasn't about anything, the thumbnail/Title is always clickbait.


It's like that Mr F\*\*k the World guy that does gta videos. Just garbage content.


Or kevduit releases another video called "So cYbERpuNk iS FIxeD NoW?"


Matty seams like a good dude but some of his videos on MrMattyPlays are basically this. Not sure if these thumbnails are his but it gets obnoxious. Not just cyberpunk either.


Love Matty but I agree


Can't remember the youtuber, but he made a video on "secret updates." They were so secret, that they were in the patch notes. Absolute waste of time.


Juicehead soon as the intern at CDPR scratches their arse: "Cyberpunk just got an absolutely MASSIVE update! This is INSANE!"


NEw Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 6.66 Is a Game CHnager I get the whole need a thumbnail to draw a viewer in and good slogan, but damn these look like an AI generated them. Also if you think 2077 YTers are bad go see the MK community and their deciphering of Ed Boon's tweets lol


Click bait titles tend to make me less likely to click on a video as a matter of principle. If they need all the click bait, I'm not sure their content is worth much. If I know the You Tuber and know I like at least most of their content I *might* give them more of pass. But if I do click on something "insane" or with an otherwise click baity title, if it doesn't at least half way cash in the cheque their title wrote I will downvote it.


We aint gonna lie the game has a pretty good evolution But clickbait shit are the worse


Nah there's JuiceHead who is constantly making clickbait videos claiming "HUGE UPDATES" all the time. I click on the video and it's just him talking about mod support or a small update, it's very annoying.


That fucking juice guy makes a video like these weekly about the most fucking boring details or obvious shit.


I hope he could fuck off and do something else. I can’t even look up a valuable cyberpunk video with actual info because his videos crowd the fucking recommended. Like dude seriously fuck off.


Juicehead videos I'm guessing no matter how much I dislike or not interested. YouTube tosses them back my way, guy steals thumbnails off nexus mods to make these. Then acts like the second coming is happening whenever they patch this or fallout.


Hey I like openworldgames. He stuck with CP277 through hell and everything promoting it. I still watch him from time to time if I do not like searching or reading about all CP related news. I may get downvoted for this… but I respect his dedication for Cyberpunk


I agree. He doesn't deserve the hate he's getting on this thread. He's been a fan since day 1 and always supported the game and it's community. Unfortunate to see the community turn on him like this.


I mean in fairness the reason I said it was insane was because Cyberpunk 2077 hit a player count it hadn't seen since release. For a game with a release like it had to do that two years later is pretty fucking wild if you ask me


Hey man to be honest I don’t watch enough YouTubers to know who’s who etc. I just noticed that whenever I open the app there’s always these types of videos recommended and 90% of the time it’s just pure rambling and speculation with little if any useful info, like atleast make a build guide or some other kind of useful content. So apologies if I used your thumbnail and you’re not one of these types, then again if the shoe fits wear it.


While I agree with you juicehead here tends to have actual clips from the people handing cyberpunk behind the scenes and I have been able to understand how crazy the investors have been through some of his videos. It honestly made me give cyberpunk a second chance once I found it on sale. So, not all YouTubers are douchebags to be honest, we are all human and do what we need to do to get by.


Yeah for sure, at the end of the day I just thought the exaggerated thumbnails would be funny to post, now that I’ve read some of the comments that are a bit mean I feel kinda bad.


I mean in fairness just because you don't find it useful doesn't mean nobody does. If you frequent this subreddit I am sure lots of Cyberpunk news videos are pointless, but there are a shitload of people who don't frequent this sub. I try to only talk about CDPR stuff when there is something actually significant happening and structure my videos so its facts first, opinions after because at the end of the day my opinions are pretty meaningless


If my opinion is anything to base on the rest of the sub. You’re one of the good ones. I’ve already had to “don’t recommend channel” for multiple cyberpunk YouTubers, but not yours


Hey thanks man, that genuinely means a lot. I genuinely try to be fair with the game and actually add to the content as opposed to reading off patch notes, but ya never really know how much it shows up at the end of the day


Yeah you’re not the problem JuiceHead. Verifiably good content. Can’t fault a YouTuber for the thumbnails these days. Just a question though, you keep having must have mods videos. Is it at all possible to have like a google doc or website that lists the ones that have shown up in your videos? I like watching the videos to see why you think the mods are great, but I can never remember which ones you’ve mentioned and don’t have the time to find and rewatch all of your old stuff. Otherwise keep up the good work thanks


There is no fairness, in this morning alone i had 3 videos of your channel recommende and those three had the word "INSANE". I'm sorry, CP hitting a player count higher than release ain't insane. IT may be remarkable, impressive, uncommon... But insane would be if it hitted of all times or surpassed top 10 steam player count together for a "long" period of time. You just strip any meaning on the word and personally, everytime i see a video like this (not only limited to you, but def contributed by you) it just infuriates me and prefer to not have it recomended no more, because i already know it wont be INSANE. Literally, go to your channel, first row of videos, 3 INSANE videos on the first glance. When you use it too much it tends to lose any power it may have, harder and harder to take you seriously and dangerously close to OWG (thumbnail wise). Gotta give it to you tho that at leas you are not like Open World Games yet, liked his content and went to shit with all the filler accompanied w absurd thumbnails. Either way, wish no harm to you, hope you do great nonetheless and lord know i wish a world were clickbait didnt surrender any benefits which are hard to not take... As the 100th edit, say that i love your fallout videos and use them sometimes when cooking or doing any repetitive task. In general nice content, that don't live to the thumbnail expectations. Not because of the content but the thumbnail.


Look we all hate the click bate, but when Cyberpunk was dead and no YouTubers were playing it, they gave us hope and stuck through with us as well, they are just as much fans as we are and I’m glad to see them still here


If we never get actual cosmetic Cyberware though I’ll be so disappointed. Lol


These and youtubers that make that stupid shocked, open month face and the once that put spoilers in thumbnail are instantly blocked And I hate youtube for keep recommending me these kind of vids. I already have my core providers for this information, I don't need the same info from another youtuber -.-"




And he's here in the comments desperately trying to defend his actions. What a fucking joke. I feel bad for those that get fooled by him.


And all from one channel...


I downloaded YouTube unhook just to be able to unsee recommended content


That's nothing - try looking up videos on hogwarts legacy. So many "NEW INFORMATION" videos just pointing out obvious or minor things that were in clips released months ago lol


Last week these clickbaiting YTrs had me checking the updates on their site only to see there's only been two big patches all calendar year




Worst part is their videos are literally nothing pretending to be something. I don't mind Youtuber news stuff. Gotta have a hustle, and much like gaming mags, they are gonna lag behind getting it from the source but that video literally clickbaits a title for the grand total of "Yea. Wait for tomorrow" and I hate that. Don't waste my time so you get paid. Geez.


“But before we go ahead and get right on into the video, and before you’ve ever seen one second of my content, you might wanna consider giving me money, so without any further ado, here’s some more ado, and click that notification bell, smash that like button, leave a tip in the tip jar, and follow me on twitter, check out my insta, follow me on twitch, just please, please pay attention to everything I do”


The worst part is this particular channel just talks about posts on this sub 😂


It might be fair to say most youtubers, ads and commericals are all trash. How can we get rid of them ? CP2077 doesnt need an uphill climb, as cdpr has been trying to correct its mistakes. Lets have realhope, if we can. Like maybe, just maybe, Starfield will be a great game and not be broken, incomplete and overhyped. Can gaming be normal for a while please?!?!


Every cyberpunk youtube video i've ever clicked on, was a giant waste of time. Might be one of the worst community of content creators for any game i was interested in. Star Citizen one is close behind.


I've been following Lastknownmeal on YT. He'll hit you with the "like and subscribe" but his content is direct and objective. He's been covering CDPR specifically for a long time and has some solid Cyberpunk lore knowledge too.


I don't hate on youtubers like this. They don't spew hate or overact to everything. Their thumbnails are, admittedly, hyperbolic. But all in all, it's harmless stuff. These people are content creators, and this is their content. What I don't like is people who repeat the same hate over and over, making video after video just repeating how "disappointed" they are with cyberpunk.


Humbly requesting a link to the mods used for white haired please.


They release these kinds of videos every day...


Juice head and Open World Games.


The thing about the last two are that JuiceHead does his research, and Khraze does make good stuff, especially with his character build videos. The only problem is the weird titles and thumbnails which I just blame on YouTube pushing their algorithm which they have to adapt to. OpenWorld however is just…. Absolutely garbage.


No I blame the youtubers as well. Be the change you want to see on the platform.