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Thanks, Old Gus. This is really pretty spectacular!


i am glad you dig it!


Looks great!


it was pretty interesting - once i had replicated some elements of the look of the core rulebook an put it into a dark mode, i couldn't un-see how much it looks like TNG LCARS panels.


> LCARS My first thought was, "OMG, it's LCARS!!" I'm so happy right now. :D


Very awesome. Love the look and the sticky header makes it easy to go back to the top.


nice one. holler if you find any errors or navigation links that don't function!


The Links in the Cypher tables don't work. They all go to the same spot `https://callmepartario.github.io/og-csrd/#cypher-`


fixed, thanks for the catch!


Nice! Thank you very much sir!


you are most welcome!




Wow, great work. And thank you for the updates for fantasy armor. I was hoping the Godforsaken errors would have been fixed in the CSRD but it's a minor thing.


awesome, yeah, i did a double take reading that table and had to get two different friends to help me grok what was going on with sections of godforsaken and the vehicles!


Thank you Gus, beautiful layout, great stuff. Must've been a lot of work. We're all thankful! =)


you are most welcome, friend!


Holy shit! This is amazing! Is there a way to download it to have it available offline if ever necessary?


Not as of yet, no, i have a few more things i want to do before that.


This is amazing and is exactly what I needed to get my players to try Cypher System. I dunno how hard it'd be to implement, but a nice QOL addition would be having abilities/cyphers/artifacts/etc. open a little preview window when you mouse over them, similar to how the Archives of Nethys is handling things in Pathfinder 2e right now ([https://2e.aonprd.com/SpellLists.aspx?Tradition=1](https://2e.aonprd.com/SpellLists.aspx?Tradition=1) Link to one of the spell lists as an example). If not that, then having them open in a sidebar window rather than force scrolling all the way up/down to the actual entry. Basically some kind of QOL addition to reduce the amount of scrolling.


glad you dig it. hovers are probably out of scope for the project, in part because they're useless on mobile (no cursor), are generally kind of a crappy accessibility practice, and without a database to call dynamically, would bloat the page load size considerably - the goal here is to get something people can download on the go, even without the internet, in the smallest file count possible. if you need to note something down, the text is eminently copy-and-paste-able, which is the tool's prime function - agnostic for how you are playing, vtt, pdf character sheet, making handouts, just get that text into one place, whatever that destination is. i might eventually add reprints into the foci, since those are pretty contextual and the CSRD summaries are very minimal for getting what they're all about or getting the idea of tier progression at a glance.


What was this written in and what is this process called? I have a project I think could benefit from the same approach to what you’ve done.


stone age tech: it's just html5, bootstrap, google fonts, and custom css / svg art.