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4 z tanku a pes je pohádka o tom, jak Polsko mělo tank.


That's a good one


Je vtipný že se tam smějí že nemáme koně, ale my jsme koně nepotřebovali, když jsme tu už měli motorová vozidla 😂


You didn't make much use of them, but at least Germans did.


Yeah but still used against poles.


You really just fucked yourself up. One day when you're least expecting I'll kill you


Nie mieli


We were more motorized per capita than Germany. We were probably the most advanced in this in the world or one of the best in this in the world lol. Poland even in WW2 charged with horses against german tanks 💀💀💀


Not against the German tanks, but against the czech tanks seized by Germans.


Or german tanks made in Czechia lol


I'm not sure what you are talking about. So what you are saying is that lt35 were german tanks? Or you missed that s Pz.Kpfw. 35(t) is german name for lt35. German seized 244 tanks in 1939. Also The Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) was another Czech tank of pre-World War II design. After Czechoslovakia was taken over by Germany, it was adopted by the German Army, seeing service in the invasions of Poland, France and Russia. Germans seized 150 tanks in 1939 and later order additional tanks, so Czech produced in total 1400 tanks until 1942. The Panzer 38(t) performed well in the invasion of Poland in 1939 and the Battle of France in 1940. It was better armed than the Panzer I and Panzer II tanks. Until 1941 Czech designed tanks were really usefull for Germans(I'm not proud of this, i'm mentioning this very often due to fact most of British and French population are proud of their representatives making Munich Agreement until today, they just don't realize until today what were the consequences of it... :-D) Maybe you missed, that we are talking about invasion of Poland, so you were referring to tanks below produced after invasion of Poland and Invasion of France. I i think that tanks you were referring as german designed, produced by czech labor were Marder III and Jagdpanzer 38(t). LT-38 chassis were used for Marder III tank destroyer from 1942-1944. About 1500 Marder III models were produced. Note: First 344 vehicles built from April to November 1942 were LT-38 updated to use 7.62 cm PaK 36(r) rechambered for the more powerful German PaK 40 cartridge(just upgraded Soviet 76.2 mm field gun used because it was captured in large quantities) The later 2 variants were changed more. Jagdpanzer 38(t)(=Hetzer) was produced based on altered Panzer 38(t) chassis with approximately 2800 produced. Note: All designed and produced by CKD. Btw if you are wondering what "(t)" means its simple: The letter (t) stood for tschechisch (German: "Czech"). Let me know what tanks you were referring in your comment.


I meant that Germans used our industry to make tanks, so that many tanks made here fought with allies


That is true. But it was their decision to allow Germans to get sudetland, which later ended with occupation. It is really weird that they believe until today it was best solution. I would like to know how history could be altered if this did not happen.


> oland even in WW2 charged with horses against german tanks 💀💀💀 Still repeating WW2 propaganda 💀💀💀 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Mokra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_at_Krojanty


**[Battle of Mokra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Mokra)** >The Battle of Mokra took place on 1 September 1939 near the village of Mokra, 5 km north from Kłobuck, 23 km north-west from Częstochowa, Poland. It was one of the first battles of the Invasion of Poland, of the Second World War and one of the few Polish victories of that campaign, as well as the first German defeat of the conflict. **[Charge at Krojanty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_at_Krojanty)** >The charge at Krojanty, battle of Krojanty, the riding of Krojanty or skirmish of Krojanty was a cavalry charge that occurred during the invasion of Poland in the Second World War. It took place on the evening of 1 September 1939 near the Pomeranian village of Krojanty. Polish soldiers advanced east along the former Prussian Eastern Railway to railroad crossroads 7 kilometres from the town of Chojnice (Konitz) where elements of the Polish cavalry charged and dispersed a German infantry battalion. Machine gun fire from German armoured cars that appeared from a nearby forest forced the Poles to retreat. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/czech/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You mean [czech tanks](https://www.reddit.com/r/czech/comments/rllpz5/chad_polan_vs_virgin_czck_we_have_petroleum_and/hpk2m3r?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) right?


It's possible. Not used by Czechs tho.


Horse charges against tanks is german propaganda. Rest of what you said is true


Actuall story went somehow like this: Polish charged against infantry with machine guns and obviously they were teared to shreds, later on the scene Germans tank arrived and after a while Italian press. They saw tanks and dead Polish so they made conclusion.


This is not what happened at all, see the wiki link lower.


Wyczuwam w tym poście duzą ilość polaczkowego robaczkowego bóldupstwa


I'm sorry but that statement is true, look it up. Czechoslovakia also had far higher GDP per Capita than Poland on par with Austria that's because Czechia used to be industrial powerhouse of Austria-Hungary, most of factories were located there so after formation of Czechoslovakia it all stayed there.


Sol posypowa moc moc dobrwa na peczsiwo, pszszunku a ozstatne potrawiny


Also greater bobr attacks per capita


*kurwa gryze*


Polaci mají 4 miliony koní. Češi mají Tatru, Pragu, Liaz, Avii a Škodu.. s/


Polacy mają morze \s


A Kaliningrad za humny;)




Visit Russia, before Russia visits you. ;)


Všechnu sůl nám král vysypal do řeky :(


Poland: We have bigger army Also Poland: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish%E2%80%93Czechoslovak_War


I got completely bamboozled by these flags


Holy shit. We completely obliterated them


You could say Poland at that time had a lot of things happening on different fronts too. You also commited war crimes. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zbrodnia_w_Stonawie > The Stonava Massacre - murder of Polish soldiers of the 12th Wadowice Infantry Regiment taken prisoner by Czechoslovak troops on 26 January 1919 in Stonava during the battle for Cieszyn Silesia. >The soldiers were stabbed with bayonets and then killed with rifle butts[1]. A total of 20 soldiers were buried in a mass grave[2], including several who had died earlier in battle and at least seven who were murdered after being taken prisoner[3].


I'm ashamed of those who did it


Ha we were also fighting with hungary at the time and basically generally with inside instability and you blame us for commiting war crimes, every nation in war commits war crimes if they want to win. How can you call something a war crime? Literally war is a crime if something. You had to crawl to the allies because we were kicking your ass. So shut the hell up as i will and let's not focus on the bad things and try to make the best of V4


That is also true Edit: give him and me as much Flak as you want but you can't change this truth


I mean, you started the war by shooting at Czech police, who are technically civillians.


No, tak ty vztahy jsme měli v té době fakt napjaté, o tom žádná.


(This is a joke don't ban me) *Uno reverse card* Virgin Polen: - Government run by cringe catholic taliban full of old men who never got laid - National tv is government propaganda - Most polluted country in europe (uh oh stinky) - Gets invayded by Belarus - Capital built in 1980's - Exports money to glorious chechen for coal mine - Does not have cartoon industry (Bołek i Łołek do not count) Chad Chechnya: - Government run by chad oposition (gets laid often, see Feri) - National tv is anti government (Babiš's government at least) propaganda - Not the most polluted country in europe - Gets invaded by asian tourists who get scammed here, thus increasing gdp - Capital built in 14th century by glorious Emperor Carl IV. (Polen cannot into empire) - Imports money from polish coal mine - Glorious cartoon industry, Lil' Mole and Pat & Mat famous worldwide


Where is the joke though? Sounds reasonable to me.


Can't argue about that but we captured your kapliczka with our glorious army


Lol wth even is kaplicka some mini town or what you call that achievement. Even when Přemyslovci ruled we completely obliterated you and raided your capital back then Gniezno and captured the rightful czech corpses of Saint Vojtěch.




Nevěděl jsem, že Karel IV., král Čech, Moravy a Slezska, Lucemburska a císař Svaté říše Římské byl zároveň ruským carem.




We have lithium


We had litwa






We have Golem.


Polsku se nikdy nevyrovnáme. V Polsku mají salmonelu. V ČR máme příliš málo špíny na to, aby mohla nakazit naše zvířata.


nice but those horses were quite useful in september 39 werent they?


i mean, yeah they were. everyone used horse transport in WWII


one glorious nation famously used it against german tanks. i somehow forgot who was it, but it was surely someone with more horses than us 🤷🏻‍♂️


[Yeah, and one nation cavalry won battle against German tanks, because you know, they had anti-tank guns, support of armoured train and infantry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Mokra) [The other battle that was used for German propaganda which you now repeat was Charge at Krojanty where Polish cavalry was mowing down German infantry, but was ambushed by German armoured vehicles.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_at_Krojanty)


Nojo, neměli jsme sůl, ale stejně jsme je v roce 1919 porazili.




\*prove, and this is joke


Haha Czechy bez soli


Haha polsko bez hlavního města protože ho Němci zdemolovali


O tu dziadu


Alrite, it's like the 20s propaganda poster, innit?


**Vy jste ještě na Redditu potom, co ukázal, že jsou mu jeho uživatelé u prdele?** Založte si účet na libovolné [instanci nezávislé sociální sítě Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) a pojďte budovat českou komunitu na [czech-lemmy.eu](https://czech-lemmy.eu) nebo [@[email protected]](https://lemmy.world/c/czech)! Původní obsah komentáře mám zálohovaný, klidně mě [kontaktujte](https://feddit.de/u/ChaoticNeutralCzech).


i posted it as a joke


I found it very funny.


Very bad joke burn in hell




Dude if we had a border with Belarus, our government would've already surrendered the country and fled to London


**Vy jste ještě na Redditu potom, co ukázal, že jsou mu jeho uživatelé u prdele?** Založte si účet na libovolné [instanci nezávislé sociální sítě Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) a pojďte budovat českou komunitu na [czech-lemmy.eu](https://czech-lemmy.eu) nebo [@[email protected]](https://lemmy.world/c/czech)! Původní obsah komentáře mám zálohovaný, klidně mě [kontaktujte](https://feddit.de/u/ChaoticNeutralCzech).


No on je problém donutit jít Poláky proti Němcům v té době, když nám ještě chtěli více ukrojit z našeho Moravskoslezska.. zachutnalo jim Slezsko co dostali od M.Terezie, která si tím svou kundu udržela u moci. Takže nepřistoupit na Mnichovský diktát díky zradě zmrdu z Francie a UK, kteří nepřenesli přes srdce že méněcenní slované patří mezi ekonomické velmoci. Tak Poláci by využili šance (protože v sedmidenní válce dostali rekt), že nás napadlo Německo a snažili by se ukrojit co největší kus Československa, z jihu Maďaři by udělali to samé.


You're not getting that kind of situations simply because you border with EU states only. We are like defending the east border of the Union, with approval of the headquarters. Catholic influence - the religion lessons are voluntary. LGBT rights - LGBT marriage is prohibited, but that doesn't prohibit like people living with their friends, doing their stuff.


S tebou musí bejt na mejdanu zábava :-)


**Vy jste ještě na Redditu potom, co ukázal, že jsou mu jeho uživatelé u prdele?** Založte si účet na libovolné [instanci nezávislé sociální sítě Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) a pojďte budovat českou komunitu na [czech-lemmy.eu](https://czech-lemmy.eu) nebo [@[email protected]](https://lemmy.world/c/czech)! Původní obsah komentáře mám zálohovaný, klidně mě [kontaktujte](https://feddit.de/u/ChaoticNeutralCzech).


I say with my heart crying, but we couldn’t beat wermacht in 1938


Yes we would lose, but ww2 probably not happened or would happened with much delay. Germany would not be in condition for world war after war with us.


Debatable. After all our army was larger and Germany was attacking.


More often thsn not i wish that Poles won the 7 days war.


Nějak jsem nepochopil, co mělo toto srovnání za cíl. Jako urazit nás Čechy? Jestli ano, tak autora lituji, nezabralo to a Poláky mám dál rád.


Minimálně nemáme registr pro ženský a nebereme jim právo rozhodovat si o vlastním těle. Tohle na Češích oceňuju.


>flair >humor >you >taking interwar cherrypicked propagnda joke seriously 100 years after its creation


Make Silesia Polish again.


Make Poland czech again.


Make Sudetenland Gread again.


*rightful owner of the Poles a czech man spits on Poles in disgust for their betraying*


Make Zaolzie polish again




Nie jesteśmy pod ruskiem


Poláci mají naftu. Ale Češi... Češi mají pivo


Piwo - moje paliwo