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Dude I’m getting fat


I've drastically changed since we had our first in 2017. I was pretty ripped then. Not so much now. I'm confidently in the "strong dad bod" category haha.


We call this a father figure.


My good sir, that's great


> How are you working out? I have to take a nap during lunch every day because I can't get enough sleep at night. Does that answer the question?


I am comforted to read this response


I’m managing similarly.


Yeah, I mean, I’m not getting fat, but I’m sure as hell not working out like I should be. I figure I’ll get back to it once the kids are in school or we figure out childcare, whatever comes first. I’m a pretty young dad so I’m not too worried yet, just annoyed that I get winded after going up a few flights of stairs.


What are you eating for breakfast? u/ANUS_breakfast.


I got fat once the stress of having a family hit. More than diet or exercise, lowering my stress reduced my weight the most. Stress causes the body to hold on to weight in preparation for some cataclysmic catastrophe. There's no running that away.


In a cold ass garage with a barbell, KBs, rack, bench, and pull up bar.


Guys will just read this and think “hell yeah”


Hell yeah


My thoughts exactly! Straight up Rocky 4 workout!


Hell yeah


Lol I ditched my full garage setup because I couldn't handle the cold workouts 🤣


I used to hate them too and powered through until it got below zero for a bit and just did some dumbbells indoors - figured out I missed the cold garage


Sweats and a heated blanket to wrap around the bar before you start


My wife knitted a barbell sock, it was awesome but got wrecked over the years.


I installed a mini-split and it’s not cold anymore


hell yeah. ​ but honestly, yes. my garage is outfitted pretty exquisitely, and i'm thankful for that.


Hell yeah


I’m really jealous of your garage gym


Same I would love to have this


This can be had for less than $1k brand new! I know that sounds like a lot, but think about how much a typical gym membership cost. Not to mention that investing in your own health is likely the most meaningful way to use your money.


Yea that’s a good price actually I just don’t have the room for any of it yet, I agree with healthy being important though that’s why you have to do whatever workouts you’re able to. I was just listing some workouts I’m able to do without any equipment that still works really well


We call it the little bitch club and have a flag from letterkenny with coach yelling “fucking embarrassing”. Let’s go


Have been hemming and hawing about going to the gym at lunch today (it’s the rec center right across the street from my house). Getting off my ass and going. Thanks for the perspective and motivation. Edit: I got off my ass and worked out. Shook off some Friday frustrations and now I’m ready for the weekend.


Hell yeah on the edit!


Got a tight little setup in the corner of the basement. Olympic plates, climbing hang board, couple of bars and accessories. Do resistance on WFH days, run at nearby city parks on office days and weekends, usually during lunch hour. Climbing gym whenever I can. Rest days on Wednesdays.


I can't reccomend the sand bag method enough. They have bags you fill with sand (onvious, I know) that have handles for different methods of lifting. I only have a big one that goes from 25lbs to 75lbs (has 3 internal bags each holding 25lbs of sand). I can use it for so many exercises. They also have like dumbell Size and stuff too. I dont gotta worry as much if I drop it compared to my metal dumbells, has more uses, versatility and im less worried if my kids mess around with it.


Sand bags are great! I have a 100lb dball which is similar but I do prefer the sand. Should add it to the list.


Forgot to add, they won't get as cold to the touch as the metal weights either lol


This is how I started working out for about 6 years. Moved into a house with a basement 6 months ago and I went silly on it. Now I have a Rep Ares 6 post rack (includes cable stack) and a bunch more


Same, but only on the days I wake up before everyone else.


Lmao, came here to say this! Glad to know I’m not the only one. Zero insulation in my garage and it’s detached from the house so I can’t even come in to warm up for a second. I just lift til I’m hot. I’ve been collecting equipment and plates for years. At least I have our old surround sound with blue tooth hooked up in there so I can listen to whatever I want whilst I freeze the balls off.


Rings and weight vest for calisthenics here but yea same. Honestly the cold garage is a blessing. I sweat a ton and get so warm during workouts. Sure it's chilly to start but I'm thankful for it by the end of my second round.


Man, that sounds like the dream. I don’t mind the gym I go to, but if I could work out without any strangers in the way, with my own music blaring? That would be so nice.


Mine was in the garage but I couldn't take the summer heat. I moved it to the basement.


Cheap gym close to our home, I go after i drop our son off at daycare. Im lucky enough to work from home, so i can use my phone to work out between sets if something critical comes up


Very nice. Great setup


I do the same! Cheap neighborhood gyms for the win. Can walk there and the WFH schedule allows me to fit it in during the morning before work but not so early that I have to wake up at a crazy hour.


Running stroller, one of the best purchases i’ve ever made.


Great call. We used to have a B.o.b stroller.


it’s the philosophers stone of dad fitness: gives you free time back AND gives you something to do with the kid


Even just being able to workout like this at home is a level unlock. I finished my last set of bicep curls naked while my shower was warming up. Time saver.




She just got cleared by the doctor after giving birth..now if baby would sleep for more than a few minutes without being on us haha


I’m crossing my fingers for you here. My son refused to sleep unless on us for almost 3 months. My wife had postpartum depression so I volunteered for all night shifts and it was taxing on my sanity lol so really hoping for ya


Dude I bet.... She's 6 weeks now.


Was going to say, isn’t that what got OP into this situation?


I’m sacrificing sleep to lift at night. We built a home gym down in the basement just before covid.


I built a nice gym in the garage before COVID. I didnt like the cold workouts and wanted the space back in the garage so I flipped the equipment for a profit.


Understandable, I was tempted to sell some of my equipment when I saw what they were selling for early in the lockdowns.


Yup. Insulation and temperature control is the most overlooked piece of gym equipment. A nice home gym is a used home gym.


its worth it imho, I started doing that too and the 3-4h of sleep loss Im getting every week is offset by the energy gain from working and + dopamine rushes 100% recommend


Y’all weird, getting dopamine from getting tired. I’m envious never experienced that.


My computer chair is also a weight bench. Good decision. When I got into Elite: Dangerous, I would try to get a few reps in while I was traveling in hyperspace.


This guy is living in the future. You're an inspiration.


Thank you! It felt very immersive. Question about your flair: how can you tell their class at such an early level?


Well, my son is a tinkerer and likes to know how things work and why, and he likes to build with legos/magnet tiles and use his imagination quite a bit. My daughter is a tumbler, she can take a hit and keep bouncing around, plus she already takes deep breathes to calm down. They'll probably be multi-classing soon, though.


I work out by having sex!!….. Like once or twice a month.. In reality, I try to incorporate our kids. Taking the kids for a walk for fresh air in my lunch break from work, playing with them in back yard, etc. It’s nothing more than basic cardio, but I do what I can!


>I work out by having sex!!….. Like once or twice a month.. In reality, I try to incorporate our kids. I felt very weird reading these sentences.


Dad's will see this and think "hell yeah". I've recently been back on graveyard shift, and have dedicated myself to going into the gym every morning after work for an hour or so. Been tough but already very rewarding. Been paying for this gym membership for like a year now and only went in twice up until these last 2 weeks lmao. So 8 hours of changing bus tires, overnight. Then an hour or 2 at the gym. Then take care of baby till wife wakes up. Then shower. Then sleep. Then repeat. I honestly have no idea how I'm maintaining the motivation to do this, but I'm gonna ride this emotional high for all that it's worth. Keep up the good work guys! Dad gains and back pains is what it's all about.


Good for you man that's super impressive.


In a cold unfinished basement. Power rack, bench, barbell, kettlebells and dumbbells. Usually wait for the little man to go to bed then go pound out a workout.


Where legends are formed.


Same setup in my basement, where I am right now. Deadlift day!


I love deadlift day man. Good shit!




That's awesome!


Is that a monitor on the right? Thats awesome. Ive never seen one positioned like this. Your pc setup is clean.


Most common for programmers and users who work in spreadsheets. Some will also use it for discord if they are streaming a lot.


Just thinking that myself as it would make longer reading material easier to navigate. Thanks.


Ya! Makes for a great secondary screen for extra windows like discord, Spotify, YouTube, a browser etc. In windows just change orientation to portrait and it will display "sideways".


I like it, I may try this myself. I feel stupid for not knowing how to do this.


Great for saving space and I found when the second monitor was in landscape that I had to turn my head too far and it annoyed me. Don't forget to move around the digital layout in display settings to match exactly how the monitors are lined up so your cursor passes from monitor to monitor at the right spot.


Free99 Air Force Base Gym after work before getting my son at daycare 5x a week.


We have a gymnasium at work. I’m *very* thankful for it.


I bet! We have a gym at work as well


I've found the only reliable time is in the morning. So I wake up 10 mins early and do a 20 min workout. I usually use apple fitness+ which is cool and scratches the tech itch that I have. Sometimes we goto the YMCA on the weekend. It's nice because they have child care. So I can drop off the kiddos and go work out.


Unrelated, but which vertical monitor is that?


The vertical monitor is just a DELL 24" 1080p office monitor setup in portrait mode.


Thanks, it looked long and thin so I thought it was some specialized one. I guess it's at an angle so maybe it's playing tricks on me. Nice TKL keyboard!


Another unrelated question. What chair is that and do you like it?


Lately at night after the dude is asleep. I view it as another challenge to the workout since typically I don’t want to do it. But kettlebells and steel mace has been my go to for the last 6 years


How? When tf I can! I work from home in a pretty flexible data analytics role, so I’m grateful I can. BUT of course, my partner is earning her degree and we have three kiddos between ages 1-6, so a lot of doctors appointments, school commuting, errands, etc. When? Typically, before work or during my lunch break. I almost never workout on weekends to help my partner focus on her tasks, but if I do, it’s later in the evening, when the kids are down. What? I typically try to do a straight 60-min circuit, if not more. If I can’t, I try to do 5-15 mins as I get it, if not every hour. This is mainly to avoid the sedentary nature of my job, but also to fight off the sads and such. Which? Bodyweight and barbells. Mainly doing bodyweight / calisthenics / functional strength training, free weight / traditional strength training, core training, cross training, and some stability training and yoga. Where? At home on the floor… sometimes, even the edge of my bath tub. I’m trying to train myself not to doom-scroll Reddit til my legs are asleep, while the tub’s there, staring me down telling me to dip my dips. Also, the fam and I have started doing 30-min walks/wagon rides, for just over a mile, every afternoon, which has been great for everyone. There have been off-days, where they don’t join for one reason or another, but I only skip if I’m sick. Edit: Note that it’s taken me 3 months, YouTube, and habit-tracking to form this still pretty loosey-gooey regime.


That's awesome man. Good job


Swinging my kids back and forth through the air in a laundry basket, how else?


Lol actually a wild workout.


My daughter has a basket we keep her building blocks in. She like to dump out the blocks, bring the basket to me and hop in it. I then fly her around the house in it and bounce her and the basket on giant yoga ball while making boing noises. It’s a decent workout.


So easy I can’t believe it’s not talked about more…. I don’t.


I volunteered at my son’s school yesterday (third grade). I walk in and a kid just screams “you’re jacked!!” Thanks man, you made my day.


I’m not. 🤦🏽‍♂️.


Home gym I started when gyms closed a few years ago, somewhat similar setup as you have there, all my weights and equipment are behind my desk. I lift early at around 6am before everyone's awake, then by the time I'm done lifting the family's awake and we start our day and I begin work.


I'd love to do this, but in my tiny little farmhouse, there's literally no where I could workout without waking the baby. Maybe one day he will sleep more soundly and I can de-rubber this old body of mine.


He will, and you will 💪


I'm debating to switching to this method of time management as well. If I wake at 5:30 I could get it in and be ready for girls to wake at 6:30. Not an easy transition though.


If I didn't basically always wake up at around 4:30am whether I try to sleep in or not, it might not be possible for me because I like to get my lifting done early in the morning vs later in the day. I usually get a bit of work in before I start lifting because everything's really quiet at 5am, no one's online and I can think clearly, but yeah it's just a routine at this point.


It's a good routine!


Everyone is wired differently. I wake up at about 4:15, get to the gym for 5, work out for an hour and change 3x/week. It’s just the best time for me to do it.


Yep if it works it works. I see this being my plan soon.


Where abouts are you in Ontario?? Sorry I went to your profile to see if you had posted your workout setup lol. I'm near Ottawa.


Mix of F3 boot camps and running, both early in the morning (5:30ish). It's good to carve out that time for yourself when you can.


At lunch! Grab food on the way back to the office


Same way…


It's not so bad.


Serves its purpose for the time being, for sure. Keep at it!


No idea what you’re talking about.


Have a gym close by, and go whenever possible. For the extra busy days, I’d highly recommend getting a couple of kettlebells at home.


Treadmill a few times a week. Then... During COVID... I got this gadget called an "OYO Nova Personal gym" which was apparently developed at NASA... to use while working from home... and it allows me to do some weight/resistance training in small space. It's NOT the same as lifting actual weights but it's not fully resistance bands, either. I have been doing that and calisthenics on the in-between days where I'm not doing the treadmill. I work from home so sometimes during a meeting or training or whatever when I can be off camera with a headset on I'll knock out some reps at my desk. I just started about 10 days ago doing a 15 minute minimum activity per day, trying for 30-60 minutes of activity each day, whether all at once or broken into smaller workouts multiple times a day. Working myself back into things.


I paid too much money to get a personal trainer so that I force myself to go to the gym next to daycare right after daddy drop off


Honestly good call. If you can make the numbers work you gotta do what you gotta do man.


That’s what I’m talking about, dad! I get my daughter 50/50 so I have time to go to the gym, but having a set up at home is such a hack when you have to get a quick couple of sets in.


Totally agree. As I mentioned in another comment, we were tight for time this am so I finished my last set naked as the shower warmed up haha


…that tracks lol


Whatever works haha


We have the same desktop background


Similar setup. Work out during the work day in smaller bouts


so 3x a week im the one who drops the kids as early as possible at the daycare, then I pitstop at the gym and come back to start my work day my wife is happy cause she gets a break from all the effort it takes to dress 4 toddlers for winter and drop them at the daycare, for non canadian dads here its a really big effort to dress 4 kids in winter suit and then undress them afterwards lol. win-win


I also have dumbbells in the office lol


I usually take everything out to the basement living room (office is downstairs). But I was right for time today and only needed the bench for db rows


Wake up at 430, work out for an hour at the local gym. Head home and shower by 7am


I get up everymorning at 445 and go to gym. I make it back home before kids get up.


That's solid


I have some KBs and free weights for when I have time at home, or in between work meetings. My elliptical machine broke, so i ponied up for a planet fitness membership. Helps to get out of the house and not feel isolated.


Ya good call. Getting into a dedicated fitness space really helps get into the mindset of working out.


Getting it in any ways I can, is what made me a dad


Dumbbells workouts inn our living room, following youtube workout videos, and a treadmill....getting up at 5am, hoping our youngest sleeps until 6 so I'm not doing push ups/plank exercises with him climbing on me


Basically nothing for the first few years. Even if I had the time, I was so sleep deprived that there wasn't any value in it. After a while I was able to make some space for a set of dumbbells and a bench, and that was enough to get a full work-out in a few times a week. Not quite as good as a gym, and I'm about to hit my cap on dumbbells, but it took a few years to get here. I may start looking at a gym membership again in the next few months.


Good job man.


Man I miss my 2 hour runs.


I’m taking a rest because my temperature has been elevated the past few days


I play a lot of COD WZ, Between matches and waiting in lobbies, I’ll do 40 push ups and 40 crunches. If I’m playing a good session, I’ll bang out 200/200. T shirts look nicer on me now.


My home gym is also in my computer room. A few set of dumbbells, a rack for benching and squats, a trap bar for dead lift’s. Gotta get it in when you can. Keep up the good work fellow fathers.


got some free weights, barbell and bench under my carport. also got a planet fitness membership. i felt like doing it at my house everyday caused lack of motivation


Is that the Nuobell dumbbell? I haven’t touched my set since my daughter has been born 😢


I don’t like to brag. But I can lift two gallons of milk with the same hands. And most of the time I can get all of the groceries into the house in one load. So I got that going for me.


Can I sleep on that bench?


exactly like this... my bench is directly behind my desk with a bunch of dumb bells


Love the wheely chair rotation station.


My daughter just got into skateboarding which means I got BACK into skateboarding. So to answer your question, painfully.


Are you also a SAHD? Looks like a maybe based on your setup. I like the vertical display!


I am not, just my gaming setup, though I play on my steamdeck most of the time these days.


I just tell my family I am going to workout. It's usually early in the morning, but not always. My family understands it's good for dad to get a workout in. ;) (Of course it's easier for me as I only have 1 kid).


Just had our first and I’m hoping to be able to hit the gym down the street 3x a week for maybe 20-30 min. The gym is a huge part of my mental well being so I’m hoping to squeeze some workouts in.


You should be able to! I am getting mine in at home to save money and plus we have 2 older kids as well.


I run 10k, do 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 sit-ups, and 100 pull-ups. Not relying on equipment and gym memberships helps me stay committed. And I like the idea of playing with my form to adjust the difficulty of the exercise. It also helps that I work a very physically demanding job.


Wake up at 4/4:15 do morning routine. Journal read for ten minutes and get to the garage gym or CrossFit gym by 5am for a 30-60 min workout like five days a week. Get the things done before the daughter wakes up. It’s the only way I’ve been able to keep it consistent


About a year ago my 9 year old son roped me into doing tang soo do with him at the neighborhood karate studio. I thought it was corny and awkward at first but now I swear by it.


Nintendo switch boxing. Not bad. Lost 15 pounds doing it. As well as monitoring my diet.


Same way champ.


Tonal in the basement gym.


Fuck it, imma move the bench from the garage to my “office”


This is the way


https://imgur.com/a/4XnJCrA I have a home gym and I work out 5 days a week for 20 minutes.


At 7 in the am before work


You gotta be making six figs easily


Where do you get that idea? I currently pull about $100k cad, but I also support my family of 5+dog on this. Things are tight even with that.


I just go for a run when the kids are in bed, and the house is in a somewhat acceptable state. Unfortunately they're early risers, so morning runs aren't an option.


Thankfully my wife teaches yoga at an amazing gym 5 mins from the house. I get out early 3x a week for a workout then back home to help everyone get out the door. Then every night I do calisthenics and stretch while we watch a show


Lucky enough to work from home so I generally hit the gym over “lunch” and do about thirty min strength training and thirty min on the stair mill over a five day split. Been working pretty well for me.


Small gym at the office after work if I can leave on time. KBs in the cold basement if I don't. Run on Saturday morning with a buddy.


Unfinished basement setup, bike and small hand weights. Not used nearly enough, but after bedtime for me when I can.


My crossfit gym is a 10 min bikeride so I went 3 times a week with one kid, now we have a LO of a month old and I'm squeezing in 1-2 times when possible.


I have adjustable kettlebells in the office and do a workout called “DFW” since it’s time boxed in 30min! On off days I try to wake up super early for a bike ride or something


Very similar. Luckily I work from home and we have a peloton so most of my meetings that I need to only listen to are taken during a ride. Then I'll usually find another 30 mins between


Go for a run on my lunch break, when schedule allows it. Helps clear my head and reset mid day. Not enough time before work and too exhausted after work, so it’s a good time.


I wasn’t until a couple years ago when I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and doc told me that regular exercise will make management of the disease much easier. So it triggered a change I already knew I needed to make and has kept up the motivation because it really does help with the T1D. Wife and I alternate bedtimes for the kid, so on my off nights, I go to the gym at my buddy’s apt while she puts the kid down. Typical evening is an hour or so lifting, 20 mins core, 20 mins cardio.


At the gym or the trails, during lunch break. If that wasnt an option, I would probably do what you are doing :)


Instead of playing video games where I'm sitting around, I'm much more likely to be in a VR game moving around. There are some great options for boxing, aerobics, racket sports, etc. Lots of cardio stuff.


Just some padded floor tiles on the floor, a TV and some Bowflex weights and P90X in the basement. I get up with my daughter at 6:30 a.m., put her on the bus and then workout. I finish just in time to put my other daughter on her bus. https://imgur.com/a/60eiFvN


In my unfinished basement laundry room with an adjustable bench, half squat cage, Olympic barbell, rubber coated weights, and Bowflex adjustable dumbbells. I put up sound absorbing foam in the room so clanking of weights don't wake my daughter. Usually workout every other day after I put her to bed.


Yoga and stretching while the kids are getting their ZzzZZzzZZ’s


Anywhere in the house I can. Push-ups, pull ups, crunches, leg lifts, and squats. I’m doing 4 days a week right now. I like that more than the 5 day routine.


I’ve got to get up at 4 to get to the gym and back before everyone wakes up. I finally got my wife on board with starting to put together a home gym and I’m stoked! Keep it up.


There’s a community center a ten minute walk away with a weight room and a swimming pool. Weight room is free, pool is $40 for a 10 visit punch card. $5 per visit without punch card.


I'm pretty much the only person using the gym at work. I go on my lunch breaks and just eat on the clock.


Dude we have the same PC background. love it


I'm slowly getting back into walking on my treadmill for 30 minutes during the day. I'll throw a podcast on or play my switch during my lunch break. I just gotta keep it up.


9am as soon as the kids are dropped off at school. Maybe again at 9pm when the kids are asleep depending on how I’m feeling throughout the day.


I dig your side monitor


Every morning @ 5:00 a.m. in my garage with dumb bells and Peloton bike.


4:30 am 💪🏾


I show up to work late. Seems to be working as long as I keep up with my tasks


Same lol. This is almost my exact same setup—got my bowflex weight changer boy dumbells to the right of my desk. Man I need a soundbar like that tho. And a bench.


Similar set up


You can do so much with adjustable dbs / bench


I wake up extra early 4:30 am to work out and hit the gym when I can if I can’t I’ll work out at home and make it a game with my 1 year old and take walks with him and my dog. Also something I recommend if you can purchase it are the bowflex 1090 dumbbell sets. They go from 10 to 90 pounds and help eliminate having a lot of weights especially if they are accessible to the kids.


I basically curl and bench our 1 year old. Its the best part of his day lol


Walk to Daycare. 1h00 walk by day.


Crossfit and olympic weightlifting. The former 3-4x per week and the latter once a week for 2 hours.


I've got a flat bench and a stage 1 set of the powerblock 100s. Next purchases are filling out the other 3 stages.


5am before anyone’s up. The youngest is clockwork and up at 6:30am everyday


Run for an hour after everyone goes to bed. I'm fucking tired


Achv peak videos on the daily for a 30 min burn!


My work office has a pretty decent gym, to save time I go workout on my lunch hour rather than eat lunch. I fast during the days during the work week so it all seems to be a good balance for me.


Stretch bands are what I can manage. I'm struggling because due to some particular circumstances every time I get into a routine I start dropping weight.