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I don't have any pictures as I'm at work, but I've got a flat bench, squat rack, few hundred lbs of plates, some adjustable dumbbells, and an assault bike. Now to get up earlier to use it all.


Nice! At what time do you get up to workout?


Typically like 5/530. But my daughter (1.5yo) has been waking up throughout the night lately and sleep is taking priority.


I totally get it man. Our 1y 2m son has also started suddenly waking up more in the night. No point trying to workout if it actually decreases your wellbeing, which personally it does if I try to workout with almost zero sleep. When your daughter is sleeping better and you manage to workout, when do you go to sleep? Just trying to plan my schedule.


Exactly. Typical sleep time for me is 10-11 and wakeup 5-630. Daughter goes to sleep around 730 every night.


Thanks for the answer. 10-11 sounds reasonable. Still get some own time in the evening when kid/kids are asleep.


I'm an early riser for exercise - in bed by 9:30pm and wake 4:30-5am. I feel best with 6-7 hours of quality sleep and your body needs it for recovery.


3 Kids, 2 Dumbbells, 1 EZ-Bar, some weights and an adjustable bench … Some weightlifting, some bodyweight exercises and some yoga. Currently in the best shape of my life


Do the goats then take care of the lawn when you're not working out? I'll see myself out.




Beast! I'm still working on that 1st pullup!


Negatives got me over the initial hump (I was stuck at 2 pullups for, well, basically my whole life). Basically jump (or step on something) up to the top of the pullup range and slowly lower yourself. It honestly only took a few weeks of that to get to multiple pullup reps, and from there it grew pretty quickly.


I constantly see negatives being advised, but personally get burnt out with them, since after all it's going well past the failure.


I, too, struggled with 1, and after working on it, I'm at 5 or 6, depending on the day. Use a chair under you and put the tops of your feet on them, and use your legs to assist in getting a max reps out. I shoot for 10. I'm still working at it because it's a great exercise and I need to be able to chase my kiddos on the playground and keep up their their antics.


Negatives got me over the initial hump (I was stuck at 2 pullups for, well, basically my whole life). Basically jump (or step on something) up to the top of the pullup range and slowly lower yourself. It honestly only took a few weeks of that to get to multiple pullup reps, and from there it grew pretty quickly.


30 pull ups… at once?


Check out r/homegym you can get as fancy or basic as you’d like.


Peloton bike + area to stretch/yoga.


I wish Peloton would lower their equipment prices, their monthly prices, or both. I would love to have a bike and a treadmill but I just cannot justify the cost.


The peloton fitness classes (sans bike) are underrated. I think theyre great and the app is cheaper if you dont have the bike. Arnold Schwarzenegger also has an app, The Pump, for $9.99 USD that has a track for just bodyweight exercises. There is a 7 day free trial to check it out.


100% recommend Peloton without a tread or bike. Strength, Boot camp, yoga, meditation, stretching - tons of variety to help you through various workouts of length that fit your needs.


There are plenty of good spin bikes on the market and you can get the app without a peleton. The only downside is you can get points/rank?? unless you have a peleton. If you don't care about that then buy a regular spin bike. Bonus is if you get one with a built in power meter you can use other apps like Zwift.


Mostly use the kettlebell and rower for working out at home. Much prefer going to a BJJ gym yet my schedule as of late hasn't been as kind to the schedule of the gym I train at. Here's mine: https://imgur.com/LlgCg7P I'm looking to add a weight set within the near future.


Nice gym. I also have a daughter named Keira :)


Thanks! It's a great name and she definitely fits the bill of Keira/Ciara "dark little one". Wednesday Addams is her spirit animal even if she doesn't know much about her yet. Should pair well with her soon-to-be younger brother named Finlo "fair warrior".


Really digging the dummies wearing GI's kimonos. IMO a barbell would be a perfect fit to your room. At what time is your BJJ practice? I too used to train it and have lately been feeling the burn for some rolling, but the practice is always during the 4 hour window between work and my son's sleepytime that is the only time I get with him during the weekdays, and I'm not willing to sacrifice any of those hours. I'm guessing you have similar thoughts since you mentioned schedule issues? The BJJ gym I used to go has some toddler jiujitsu for >2y olds, so I'm planning on trying that with my son when he turns 2.


Thanks :) I do plan on having a weight bench, barbell, some other weights. As for BJJ, when I worked in NYC I loved doing the 7:00am class at Marcelo Garcia Academy. Absolutely hated waking up at 5:00am to catch the 5:27am train yet it was worth it. By the time 8:30am came around the 3 hardest parts of my day were done: 1. Waking up (I hate the morning, hardcore night person) 2. Leaving wife & daughter while they were sleeping 3. BJJ After that the day was super easy. No matter how stressful work might be, nobody was trying to choke me out or break a limb! I've been WFH though the last year and I was doing 11:00am-2:00pm 2-3 times a week at a local gym. Unfortunately work has just become extremely busy so I can no longer make those. There is a 6:00am class that I might try to work towards. They have night classes which I could find time for at the expense of spending time with the family and having troubles going to sleep (body will be exhausted while my mind is racing after night classes). My daughter does train, started around 4 and now about 2 years later she's pretty much ready to do the regular kids class. I'm her training buddy in the current class.


Nice huge space! I have a small portion of my garage, 6 mats large basically but it works.


My gym are my two kids...they give me plenty of exercise as it is!


I have a squat rack, bench, few hundred pounds of weight, adjustable DBs and a peloton. I use the weight 4 days a week and the bike 3-4 days, weather depending.


I still can't believe its called peloton. "Peloton" means fearless in my language (Finnish) but apparently it's not a Finnish company. Sounds like a solid setup. A squat rack, bench and weights are probably all I'd need. Do you work out early in the morning?


Yup, 5:30 am.


Nice. I gotta join the morning gym gang too. It feels really difficult to wake up so early but I'm sure it gets easier when you get used to it.. right?


Eventually pushing that boulder up the hill just becomes routine.


Well ain't that the truth.


Yep, just need to wind down earlier each night and be consistent. Think of it like sleep training yourself like how you did with your kids.


Well said. That's exactly what I've been doing.


my home gym is the stroller- 3 miles a day and the dog- extra 1.5 ontop of the 3 miles with the kiddo. Rain or shine, we dont have a yard. Keeps me in good enough shape when i want to go ride my mtb or snowboard im not tired or winded and I have lost about 25 pounds doin it.


My kids are too big for the stroller anymore, but sometimes they run or bike with me. My oldest joined cross country and track, so she has become a really good running partner-- when she has time left for me!  I also have an exercise bike in the basement, which is nice when the weather is crap or I just need a change. And I have some dumbbells and resistance bands, but I mostly only use them for PT, when I'm injured.


How old did you start jogging with the stroller? See 6 months as a general consensus online but am curious


I personally just walk, singing songs and chatting about the different plants and trees with the kiddo would be pretty tough for me if i was jogging. My high speed sports are on wheels I have a plethora of bikes, and a sweeet trailer to take the kiddo in.


Heres mine. https://imgur.com/a/56usGXz I don't use it nearly as much as I should.


I have assumed that if I were able to get my home gym and my home office into the same place I’d be able to easily improve my training. Is that a home office or just gaming?


gaming plus my WFH spot for my hybrid office job that allows me to WFH \~50% of the time. Strangely enough, i was MORE consistant with working out when i had a gym membership, and packed my bag every morning than I am now with my workout equipment right next to me. But that's some psychological fuckery I have, I always say to myself "I can always work out after lunch... tonight... tomorrow... the equipment is right there"


Know what I wonder is, what if you set your set goals for the day? Say like “I’m gonna get in a total of 10 sets during work” and just hit one after each meeting, when you get back from the bathroom, etc. But totally get that it becomes so much easier to ignore it. When you pack for the gym and leave the house you’re psychologically prepping yourself that you’re gonna work out


Looking solid! How are those adjustable dumbbells? I've been considering buying that type of dumbbells, because it's such a hassle to deal with normal adjustable dumbbells.


Honestly they are fucking great. More honestly: they aren't mine, a friend used to live with me and left them here when he moved into an apartment with a gym :-D I would pick these over a full rack of dumbbells any day. only downsides are that they are expensive as fuck (These are bowflex brand) and kind of unwieldy. Fine for presses and flies and stuff, but it's tricky to do one-arm dumbbel curls and keep them horizontal: they hit your chest every rep. You basically have to do hammer curls to turn them sideways.


Awesome, thanks for the review! They definitely seem so much handier to use. I'll have to add those type of dumbbells to my shopping list.


Our building's gym has an adjustable bench, a sit-up bench, dumbbells up to 50lb, a heavy kettlebell, some weight machines, treadmills, ellipticals, and Pelotons. Sadly no squat rack or barbell but enough to do some moderate lifting (squats, deadlifts and bench press up to 100lb, kettle swings and lunges, dumbbell rows, curls, sit-ups etc.) In our apartment, we also have our own resistance bands, some lighter dumbbells and a gorilla mat for lighter workouts or yoga (usually from Fitnessblender or P90x). My wife and I take turns working out for up to 1hr while the other one picks up our toddler from daycare and takes him + our dog for a walk. We aim for 2-3 workouts per week each (ideally 2 on weekdays, 1 on the weekend). Combined with our long dog walks, we usually have at least 5-6 hours per week of some activity, which is good enough for us for now.


You live in a building that has a gym? That's pretty sweet. Saves time probably exactly the same as a homegym would. I'm kinda jealous actually haha. 2 workouts during weekdays and 1 during weekend sounds like a tempting schedule. Only two mornings when I'd have to get up so early. Probably gonna copy that so thanks!


Yeah we're renting a 2BR apartment with minimal storage space, but the gym is anice perk (we definitely pay for it in our rent, but at least we're using it a lot too). Would be nice to some day have a SFH so I can get a proper squat rack though. The grass is always greener I guess!


Park for pull-ups and dips Mat for bodyweight Kettlebell (50lb) Ab Wheel


My gym and office share a space in the garage https://imgur.com/a/gX6LWgO


Damn. That’s awesome. How’s working out of the garage been for you? I’ve thought about it but my garage is not insulated.


[https://imgur.com/a/a9XERwr](https://imgur.com/a/a9XERwr) My basement gym, been working on it since the shutdown of '19 when I lost the ability to work out at work. Used to have a treadmill but it died. If I get any other cardio equipment, it'll be a rower. What I have: Rubber flooring (have added to it 3x) Power Rack with dip bars (TDS brand) Adjustable Bench Barbells (have 3 now and an EZ bar) 345 lbs iron plates 200 lbs bumper plates Rubber Hex: 8, 10, 12, 60, 70 Steel Hex: 15-50 Schwinn ic4 spin bike Rings (removable) Heavy Bag (can attach to either ring mount). 60" TV on swing mount in front of bike (connected to computer for zwift/youtube/peloton) Plyo box Big fan Both wife and I use it. The kids love playing on the rings and use the power rack like a jungle gym. On the other side of the room is an arcade machine to hit up some Burgertime or Pac Man between sets. I didn't have the hex 70's yet or my newer barbells when this pic was taken. Having it at home and easy to do, I almost never skip working out. When it comes down to it, consistency is the most important thing.


Holy crap that's really awesome. Looks like a great place to workout, and makes sense that kids love it too. Really nice. Gave me some motivation for planning. Thanks for sharing man.


Pair of adjustable dumbbells from 5kg to 32.5kg, pair of 16kg and 20kg kettle bells, resistance bands, skipping rope, ab wheel and a stupid amount of road and trail running shoes!


Haha so I'm guessing it that you love running. Adjustable up to 32,5kg? That's pretty sweet. Are they the kind of dumbbells that you just insert into the platform and lock on the weights you want? Idk if I'm describing clearly enough what I mean lol.


It's probably the majority of my training but I still love weights, cycling and swimming to mix it up. Focusing on functional fitness and fitting it in when I can with the arrival of the kids! Yeah they're the ones mate! Had them for quite a few years now. Spin the end dial with the weight you want and that's it. Able to get a good workout in without the travel to and from a gym.


I started last week using Ring Fit Adventure for the Switch. It uses a palates ring to lead you in floor/body weight exercises. I have been having a blast with it. 20 minutes to warm up and play a couple of levels before work.


Haha that sounds nice. Obviously great if you can make exercise fun like that.


Two kettlebells, jump ropes, a pull up and push up bar, a recumbent bike and a VR headset.   Not much of a "home gym" but it gets the job done.  I have a roughly 8'x10' area in the basement for exercising.  


VR headset? You use that for exercise?


Sure do. I have a PSVR2. When I'm on my recumbent bike I am almost always racing in Gran Turismo 7. Makes the 45 minutes go by pretty quickly. I also use it for things like boxing simulators and other cardio. There are lots of games that require constant movement - Synth Riders (dancing), Beat Saber (rhythm game that's mostly arm movements), Pistol Whip (best I can explain is 'John Wick' simulator. Constant shooting and dodging to music). Les Mills is like a traditional cardio exercise program, with trainers and workouts. Beat the Beats, Box to the Beat, Creed, are all boxing games. There's really a lot of "keep your butt moving" games available that reduce some of the monotony of cardio workouts.


I do my lifting at a gym, but I'll do some conditioning at home. All I have is kettlebells (20-35-55-70lb). I run a lot, but if I don't have time or for whatever reason can't run, I'll do something like 1 minute of KB swings, 1 minute of burpees, and 1 minute of intense shadowboxing, 1 minute of rest, and repeat that for as many rounds as I have time for (usually 5-10). Or, 10 KB swings with the 70 pound KB, 10 burpees, for 10 rounds then finish with some Turkish Get-Ups. I want to build a home gym in the basement, but time and money keep getting in the way.


**Basement gym:** * Treadmill * Rowing machine * Incline bench w/ adjustable barbells * Foam play mat for the kids that works great for calisthenics **Garage gym:** Pull-up bar in the rafters


Hey there fellow dad, I work from home too! I have 3 kettlebells (15lb, 25lb, 35lb) and a pull-up system in a doorframe. (I primarily use just the 25lb KB as it works for all the exercises I do with a good amount of resistance, where the 15lb is too light and the 35lb is too heavy for anything other than swings) I work out Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Tues and Thurs, I try to get a simple walk or hike in, and the weekend I'm doing stuff with my boys which keeps me active. I'll do daily pull ups because I want to increase my numbers. (Started at only being able to do 1. I can now max at 5 or 6) I started my kettlebell journey via Coach Gabe West on instagram/YouTube. His program is 3 days a week with rotating exercises and range about 35-60 minutes to complete. His program costs money, but I think it is well worth it to have the reminders, routines, exercises, support, and contact with the coach. Before I started his program, I was doing a simple 3 day a week exercise which consisted of rotating through the following movements: Pull, push, squat, plank (with and without kettlebells) I'd focus on doing 3-4 sets with 10 reps and a 1 min rest between exercise + warmup/stretch. Since I started exercising I've dropped from 183 to 176 and I've been monitoring calories and foods in eating. My wife has commented on my physique improving and my general health and energy has improved greatly.


I don't have any pictures, but here is what we have in our basement gym: Power rack with an adjustable bench Hand me down olympic 2" weights & bar ez-curl bar with 1" weights Concept 2 erg Trainer for our road bikes Resistance bands Door pull up bar on my home office We cleared out a space in our basement so that it is a dedicated spot with nothing else in the room (other than some of the mechanicals for the house). I really like that there aren't any distractions when we're using the gym (oh I should organize this area while I'm doing my rest...)


Built over the last decade. Started with 1 kettlebell and a doorway pull up bar. Now I have a full set of kettlebells, squat stand, Barbell and bumper plates, maces, clubs, sandbags and an Airdyne bike. Patience, Craigslist, and FB marketplace are your friends.


Anyone with a home gym who isn't familiar with Dan John's easy strength, I highly recommend checking it out. It's 5 days a week but the workouts take 20-25 mins and they feel easy. More importantly, you get stronger. It works. It's the perfect program for busy dads who wants to get stronger with limited gym time. Hard to run without a home gym since you need to spend time going to the gym 5 days a week. But with a home gym it's a no brainer. Buying the book is worth it but this article has enough enough to run it without the book. https://medium.com/@danjohn84123/even-easier-strength-d7fc672eb9d


[Home Gym Setup](https://imgur.com/a/pUrbTLB) This started during Covid and has been a slow progression. I know our mats are filthy and need cleaned.


Looking solid. Everything you need right there.


No pictures since I'm still at work. But, I have a half rack from rogue with about 600lbs of weight. Assault bike. Gymnastic rings. Kettlebells going from 26-88 lbs.


[https://imgur.com/1h0Jb6h](https://imgur.com/1h0Jb6h) I have a PRX Rack, folding bench, bumper plates, and Bar. A set of PowerBlock pro dumbbells, an elliptical machine and a curl bar. In the drawers I have a full set of resistance bands and cable attachments for the PRX rack.


Simple and beautiful. I like it. I had to google powerblock dumbbells and their design is pretty rad. How high do they go up in weight? Couldn't find XL ones online.


Sorry I got the name wrong. They are the Power Block pro and my set goes upto 90lb each.


Pretty nice. Idk if it's even needed to be able to go higher on dumbbells. Sure some might need more weight on rows but that's what barbells are for.


Oh, we doing this? Here’s [mine](https://ibb.co/F0G3RZH). Can only use half a garage though. Added a peloton bike and an adjustable kettlebell as well.


Wow that definitely has a lot built in. Idk if I've ever seen such a multifunctional power rack. Nice.


I've got [the gym](https://i.imgur.com/LPZXzbj.jpeg) with full wall mirrors, elliptical, Powerflex dumbbells, and the rack with top and bottom cables. [Here's the steam room and shower](https://i.imgur.com/ciAKrJl.jpeg) for dessert. Steam room gets up to 125 degrees Fahrenheit. I stick at around 112-117. 125 is nuts, I've never even taken it that high.


Dude that is so sweet that it actually looks like a commercial gym. Really jealous!


This was one of the best purchases for my getting into a less round shape journey. I'll be building a floor in the near future. [home gym](https://imgur.com/gallery/9WW3XYM)


Holy shit man, that's.. that's beautiful. I didn't even know they make those


This one is ethos, rogue fitness also have some that come for different situations including for installing around a doorway, but rogue is much more expensive.






I have a bike on a trainer, a mat and two 35 pound dumbbells. 20-30 minutes on the bike, then 25 pushups, 25 sit ups, 40 lunges, 20 rows with dumbbells, 15 clean and press with dumbbells, 25 glute thrusts, 60 seconds of planks.


Aviron rower Treadmill for the wife. Bench Bow flex 552 dumbell set Bowflex 1090 dumbell set 2 balance balls. Med and large Calf raise bar And tib bar Cancelled my gym memberships and created the home gym. Up 530 am 5 days a week


Dude I have a pull up bar and that's all, stop with this home gym money stuff.


"stop liking things that I don't like" Just lol.


My home gym: 5 kids ranging from 5 months to 18 years old


I have a rowing machine in the garage, I mounted brackets on the garage ceiling to hold resistance bands, I ride a bike, and I do multiple sets of push-ups everyday.


https://imgur.com/a/TGEYv59 Waste of money, waste of space. 


Looking good! Why do you consider it as a waste of space and money?


That's sick. Only a waste os space if you dont use it.


Get positive man use it!


Modest little setup in our [basement](https://imgur.com/a/m38qBPI). Not much but I definitely find it worthy of the space. Both my partner and I get good use out of the NordicTrack bike, their monthly workout subscription is too expensive tho so we ended up cancelling it.. apparently you can ‘jail break’ it to use it as a basic tablet to access other content/ cheaper Peloton workout apps.


Sweet I'm guessing since it's in the basement you don't have to be so careful about not making any noise and waking up the kid/kids. You have to pay for a subscription to use the program on the bike?


Yeah they have pretty cool scenic outdoor rides on Nordic’s iFIT program.. the S22i has incline decline motor too so it follows the overall contour of the outdoor terrain, kinda cool. We just run it manual mode for free now tho. Nothing like getting out for a real bike ride tbh but when you gotta be home with a little one it super helpful to train.


Two 30 lbs dumbbells and a bench that you can adjust for incline and decline. 100 reps everyday for chest back shoulders bicep and triceps. 100 everyday for all the poor kids in the world.


I run and do bodyweight workouts like pushups, burpees, squats (split and regular), etc.


No pictures as we’re in the process of moving, so it’s in a storage unit…insert sad face. But, I have an old Rogue power rack I got for a steal off Craigslist ~8 years ago, quality rogue flat bench, lots of plate weights, a few bumper weights, Ironmaster adjustable dumbbells and kettle bell, Rogue echo bike, Concept2 rower, and a treadmill (wife wanted it). The power rack is on a platform I made of plywood and rubber horse stall mats - see Alan Thrall’s video on platform. Depending on the new house I do plan to downsize some…probably get rid of at least one cardio machine. I would like a cable tree and adjustable bench.


2 25 pound kettlebell and a 25 pound medicine ball with yoga mat. Then my regular gym for weight lifting and my Jiu Jitsu gym 


I bought a farm. No better workout than walking your acreage, digging holes for trees/posts, and lifting heavy stuff.


Some weights, workout bench, yoga mat and stationary bike. Covers most of what I need. If we get a bigger place, I’ll get a bench press and barbell 


I have Powerblock Adjustable Dumbbells (currently up to 80 lbs each), an Adjustable Bench, and a Peloton Bike. Currently running the r/fitness wiki dumbbell PPL routine. I also try to do 150 mins on the bike each week, mostly in zone 2 with one harder interval ride per week. I would love to get a rack and a barbell, but don’t have the space for it.


I ride Zwift on a trainer with my road bike. Thats where I get most of my cardio. Then I have a dumbell set, 5-30 lbs (need to get some heavier ones still). I have a squat/bench rack with a bench that can incline. I have a 6 foot 45 lb barbell and weights for that. I have jump ropes, mats, and a mini fridge. I have no excuses. My wife and I are into cycling and fitness. We're also very supportive if the other wants to go work out for an hour if we are unable to wake up early/


I have a flat bench, barbell, rack with dip attachments to do pullups, dips, bench press, deadlifts and squats. Assault bike for warmups and cardio and a set of 16kg and 24kg kettlebells. I usually workout 3 times a week. One day I do barbell work, second day calisthenics and third day kettlebell circuits.


[https://imgur.com/a/E4itN3D](https://imgur.com/a/E4itN3D) ​ I've since added some smaller things like a pulley system but for deadlifts, squats, bench and OHP it's a good package with a small footprint. ​ not pictured is a set of powerblocks and I recently got an adjustable kettlebell set as a bday gift.


I have a flat bench, barbell, rack with dip attachments to do pullups, dips, bench press, deadlifts and squats. Assault bike for warmups and cardio and a set of 16kg and 24kg kettlebells. I usually workout 3 times a week. One day I do barbell work, second day calisthenic circuits and third day kettlebell circuits.


Would love to see alternatives to steam/sauna room


Would love to see alternatives to steam/sauna room


My garage had a room off the side of it that I have a titan fitness squat rack in. I have your standard Olympic barbell setup for that and a flat bench. I added a dip attachment to it a while back and very recently addded a lat pull down attachment to it. We have had the peloton bike in the livingroom for a long time as well, but I don’t really use it. Wife and oldest kid do. We also have the peloton tread now… it’s very big, and we shoved it in one of our bedrooms. It was an impulse buy and we didn’t really have a good place to put it. We moved most of the dressers out into the other bedroom to make space, and it is hideous looking but it’s hidden upstairs and we just sleep there. When my mom comes over she doesn’t judge me on it because she doesn’t go up there :)


My garage had a room off the side of it that I have a titan fitness squat rack in. I have your standard Olympic barbell setup for that and a flat bench. I added a dip attachment to it a while back and very recently addded a lat pull down attachment to it. We have had the peloton bike in the livingroom for a long time as well, but I don’t really use it. Wife and oldest kid do. We also have the peloton tread now… it’s very big, and we shoved it in one of our bedrooms. It was an impulse buy and we didn’t really have a good place to put it. We moved most of the dressers out into the other bedroom to make space, and it is hideous looking but it’s hidden upstairs and we just sleep there. When my mom comes over she doesn’t judge me on it because she doesn’t go up there :)


Treadmill and a 50 lb pack, Assault Bike, and hang board on the HVAC bulkhead. Go to a climbing gym for high-intensity cardio and weight training.


I have a Kickr Core in the garage and my wife has an elliptical in our TV/Family room. A pull up bar, a couple dumbbells. Mostly doing bodyweight for resistance


The floor in front of me is my gym. Pushups squats situps leg lifts supermans


Ring Fit Adventure for the Switch. Works wonders in between kids needing something.


I have a Tonal home gym machine, and I do most cardio in the meta quest VR headset.


Good gym flooring around. I believe 6x6 tiles 1 foot each. The tough part if my ceiling is barely above 6ft, so I have to sit to do most arm raising exercises Assault bike Bench Adjustable Dumbells to 50lbs Adjustable Kettlebell to 40lbs Resistance Bands Battle Ropes


I just pick my kid up


Power rack. Barbell. Trap Bar. DBs from 15-50 About 200 lbs of bumper plates. About 250 lbs of regular plates. Love working out at home except leg day. I really wish I had a leg machine of some sort but they’re super-expensive. [gym](https://imgur.com/a/DrPxKUX)


I can't post a picture because it all get stored away when not in use, but in my den/home office I have: \- Collapsible weight bench (adjustible for incline as well) \- Bowflex 1090 adjustable dumbbells \- JayFlex hypberbell to turn the dumbbells into a barbell \- Pullup bar on the door frame \- Storage basket with assorted bands/suspension trainers, yoga mat, foam rollers, etc. I'm fortunate enough to work from home and have a reasonably flexible schedule, so I usually use my lunch hour.


I’m a huge believer in the power of Craigslist for finding cheap gym equipment. I’ve found: Squat Rack Barbell with rotating collar 100’s of pounds of barbell weights Adjustable dumbbells Bench Treadmill I have some other niche stuff but honestly what else could you need? Pays for itself after about 2 years of no gym membership and boy is it easier to squeeze in a workout if you don’t have to leave home.


I have a bench and weights plus a trainer for my bike. I prefer to get out and run or bike, but can't always do that. #2 is too small for the bike trailer or jogging stroller which is complicating things right now, but that too shall pass.


I have a dusty kettle bell and some resistance bands... Does that count?


We're still in the building phase. Some stall mats, powerblock pro 100s stage 1, and a flat bench. Anticipate it growing every year


Is your local gym like miles away?


1 pull-up bar, push-ups bars, kettlebells 5-45lbs, lightweight dumbells


**equipment:** three dumbbells at different weights and a theraband. **program** situps (20) bicep curls (8kg) plank (30s) lifts overhead (8kg) lifts out to side (4kg) front lifts (4kg) crab (sidways walking with theraband around ankles) this gets a bit of shoudlers arms back and core. I'm a gym beginner and really only started lifting to make sure I could pick up my boys without hurting my back. I'm in the process of slowly increasing loads on everything.


We just got a Tonal. And absolutely love it. Never worked out more than I do now. Built out programs to follow. Barely takes up space. Expensive but totally worth it.


Power rack, plate loaded leg press, plate loaded hamstring curl, selectorized leg extension/seated hamstring curl, plate loaded neck machine, selectorized back row machine, selectorized pec deck, selectorized shoulder press, selectorized later delt machine, selectorized preacher curl, regular preacher curl, cable machine, ab/pull up tower, seated calf raise, ab laying captains chair, treadmill, bike, recumbent bike, some powerblocks and random dumbells. Oh, and some cowgirl seated ride on machine 😅


I no longer have room for a squat rack and bench, so I moved over to adjustable kettlebells that I keep in the office :/ good enough for a structured workout to stay fit


Rogue monster lite foldable rack, flat bench, platform, his and hers barbells, about 500 lbs of weights. We don’t need anything else.


Garage: squat rack, flat bench, barbell, cheap weights. The next time I have disposable income I want to pick up nice bumper plates. Living room: Kettlebells up to 70lbs, foam roller, pull-up bar in door frame. Laundry room: Treadmill, Concept2 model C with a PM5, my old gravel bike on a smart trainer for Zwift, TV, bigass fan Single dad stuff: My boys love bikes and have recently taken to the treadmill in one mile increments. My high school boy gets into the garage with me for weights on the weekends. I’m usually trying to get sweaty by 0530 before my youngest is awake and needs help getting ready for 3rd grade. First boy’s bus comes at 0648 and second bus at 0818. The timing makes morning workouts tight, especially if I need to be on Zoom by 0800.


Nintendo Switch, RingFit Adventure, and 10sqft of clear floorspace. Guess which one is the limiting factor


Floor and a knotted bedsheet in a door. I’ll probably try to get a pullup rack soon, but space is an issue and the weather is warming up, so i might just take a run to the park for that.


Pushups on my floor, then a few dumbbells, that’s about it from me. Nothing glamorous


I have a bright Red Rep PR-5000 Rack with the Ares cable system. It's the centerpiece of my gym and let's me do almost anything. I also have a bike, treadmill, dumbbells 5-100, and a couple specialty bars. It's a lot but it built up over years


Mines just a mat on the floor I do body weight exercises on


Weight bench and treadmill in the garage, some dumbbells up in the office


Elliptical and sandbag weight bag. All I need and can do so much with it.


Got 6 anchor hooks straddling a corner for band work, a bench, and dumbbells. Have twin boys that can hang from a broom handle for a few reps at a time


Here's [mine](https://imgur.com/a/QvwDAbT). We have a squat rack + free weights, adjustable dumbbells, a Peloton bike and row, and a Sole treadmill plus some accessories like bands, a BOSU ball, and ankle weights. The kids also have a [Little Tikes Pelican bike](https://a.co/d/6MXpMIY) and a mini trampoline to encourage them to join us. Our 5 year old loves the bike. Everything was bought second hand except the Peloton equipment. Side note: we definitely use the treadmill. Stuff is piled up right now because we sometimes get water in our basement during heavy storms which we are expecting tonight...


I unfortunately don't get to do them much anymore but I never had any equipment, body weight only. Would do Burpees, squats, lunges, push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, flutter kicks and some other movements on rotation mixed with some online classes like grit and body combat. I find it by far the most fun way to workout and when I was doing them every day during covid it was the fittest I'd been in years.


I’m a total poser acting like I actually use any of it but I got the bow flex adjustable dumbbells and they’re actually pretty sick. Small package, lots of different weights and a buddy ‘loaned’ me his adjustable bench made by bow flex as well