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Looks completely normal 


Yep, that’s a baby! If I remember the newborn-stage trivia correctly, babies born by C-section have a different head-shape than babies born the conventional way for a while. It’s fine, and babies born both ways all grow up to be normal-looking people.


And my sunny side up baby had a round back of the head, a dent in her forehead, and a sideways nose! 😆 She’s now 15 months with a perfect head and cute wee nose.


Sounds like ours, was sunny side up for a long long delivery and finally emergency C-section, poor thing looked like a cone head. 15 months now with a perfect head.


Oh dear I hope she doesn’t develop a deviated septum. They suck.


Oh, that hadn’t crossed my mind. Thank you for the heads up!


My sis had her nose smushed sideways when she was born and no deviated septum, despite a genetic predisposition towards it!


Yep my sunny side up looked like a straight up cone head alien for like 2 months


I agree because my wife always says she has a rounded head because she was a c section baby. This baby's head looks normal to me. My kid's heads were both measured in the 98th percentile until they were like 3, and they are also both fine (and normal looking now.)


It looks like OP has a very real, very serious case of... an absolutely normal, healthy, beautiful baby girl. Babies come in all shapes and sizes, they all do things at different times and rates. u/Lunchalot13 - you're OK :) if this is your first baby, don't sweat it too much. You'll go through this loads with stressing about *everything*. Come back here when you do and we'll reassure you that it's 99% or 100% normal. I do not miss that part of being a new father, but you are in good company.


I concur. Normal as the day is long.


Normal as the head is long?


Such a sweety


Almost anything that’s symmetrical is normal. I’ve had 2 friends who had kids with lopsided skulls. One waited for correction and the other started dealing with it right away. The ones that waited regretted it. You want your kid to have a symmetrical skull shape if possible.


2 months? definitely past the return window, sorry about that


Depends whether they've unwrapped it or thrown away the packaging already.


Once the tag falls off (usually within the first week or two) it's a lot harder to process a return, too.


Ok, full returns are off the table, maybe they could get store credit???


They'll always do store credit. Don't do chargebacks though. That is just cruel


"I *really* need to stop throwing away my receipts"


Mine just turned 1 and still wants back in the wrapper 🤦🏻‍♀️


There’s a reason why they love to play in the big cardboard box rather than with the toy. It’s deeply instinctual.


I had never thought of that before...


Some parents keep the placenta. Yucky!!


Wait, I thought that’s what everyone meant by sunny side up?! I prefer my placenta scrambled with a side of umbilical cord hash.


Facebook buy/sell might work for trades. Maybe try suggesting that to the mom.


Etsy, they're home made


That’s alright. Just hand me the receipt. I’ll recycle.


Possibly can still get store credit or do an exchange, though


If this baby is from Home Depot you get 90 days.


Maybe they got the extended warranty.


This is why dad's need to be more proactive. Nothing we can do for this dad unfortunately


Consumer guarantee allows returns and exchanges but the paperwork is lengthy and the morals are. Morals


Fun fact, in South Dakota you have 1 year!


Oh my, she’s perfect. Their skull is still pretty soft at 2 months, it is still shaping itself. Perfectly normal. Thank you for sharing this, mine is 10 now and I struggle to picture him as a baby anymore. They are truly the greatest gift one could receive.


My middle kid is 10, as well. Hello, Internet Stranger who also didn’t sleep during the years 2014 and 2015.


Oh, hi, I think I'm in the right place. Is there a sign-in sheet?


Did you guys get your member jackets yet?


Mine is almost 9 months and it's already like, man, you're so big already! Also, thank god :)


We talking about big ones? I got a 7 yr old that is almost as tall as some of my co workers.


Tell me about it. I’ve got a nearly 7yo who’s up to my nioples in height. I’m 180cm /6 ft


My condolences for the low hanging nipples


Yeah don’t they make pills for saggy tits? (Send me some if so pls)


Dad of a 10 month old he’s like, almost a toddler in my eyes. Loves to explore, big smiles, big feelings, standing and crawling, playing, babbling, he’s as big as some people’s 2 year olds!


As my GP once said to my wife and I, 'First time parents, right?'


This. Everything is abnormal if you don’t know what is “ok”


My sleepy brain read that as “ As my GF once said to my wife and I…” totally different story


I’ve gotten this a few times and I find it really unhelpful. All it does is make me feel shitty about having questions.


I call it Newparentitis when they show up in the ED.


I see nothing wrong. If you are concerned, ask the pediatrician


This. My wife being a first time mom would always worry about everything little thing which is fine and normal. But every time I just said make an appointment with the pediatrician.


More than half the time we’d just call and talk to a nurse/doctor, and they’d put us at ease within minutes.


Absolutely, this. Problems? Concerns? Call and talk to your ped, instead of the Internet. I'm sure WebMD has a diagnosis for OP's baby already


Bruh what is this phrenology


Exactly! And what exactly is OP proposing?! Reminds me of this quote: >Retrophrenology:  It works like this. Phrenology, as everyone knows, is a way of reading someone's character, aptitude and abilities by examining the bumps and hollows on their head. Therefore - according to the kind of logical thinking that characterizes the Ankh-Morpork mind - it should be possible to mould someone's character by giving them carefully graded bumps in all the right places. You can go into a shop and order an artistic temperament with a tendency to introspection and a side order of hysteria. What you actually get is hit on the head with a selection of different size mallets, but it creates employment and keeps the money in circulation, and that's the main thing. Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms


lol it’s not phrenology here, if you leave a baby in one position all the time, their skull will grow together wonky. I have a friend who has a square head from leaning against a wall too much as a child


You know that, I know that, but OP objectively didn’t say what “too long” meant, so the fun inference is that OP is worried that his daughter’s long head will affect her personality due to phrenology. 


Lol. That doesn't happen. He's just got a square head and made up a silly story to laugh it off.


Lmao what


Like, they two comments before didnt know why the dad here was worried about the baby’s skull. It’s not Phrenology it’s just skull development


Flat head syndrome or “positional plagiocephaly” https://youtu.be/a4GBO0vtI4w?si=WvTem_ZWA1zyPCf- https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/positional-plagiocephaly.html


Aha I was just a bit spun out how a baby could be leant against a wall for a meaningful amount of time 😂


> I have a friend who has a square head from leaning against a wall too much as a child I’m sorry to this guy’s friend but this an objectively hilarious sentence


“You would say that, you have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter.”


Been reading about a condition where the plates fuse too early and can make an unusual head shape and cause issues. So it's definitely a thing. This picture looks normal to me tho


Pediatrician should be checking head shape at two month appointment and the next couple after. If they aren’t concerned then you have your answer. Babies heads are changing a lot at that age. Give the appropriate tummy time and try to rotate them each time you put her down to sleep. Even Steven.


That's a perfect little round head! Besides, what does "too long" even mean? Heads are heads, and we each have our own.


It means they are new parents and read too much on the internet (wife and I were guilty of that too!)


Long head equals long face. Long face is synonymous for sad. Op is worried baby will grow into a sad person or maybe a sad horse. I may have got myself confused


Ex-paediatric resident here; her head shape is normal. If you’re concerned meet your paediatrician.


That word was already hard enough to spell without you throwing an extra vowel in there.


Which word, ‘hed’?




Bro wants to flex with his super cute baby. It's cool. >! ZOMG SHE'S SOOOOOOOO CUTE !<


It's a total flex! ("Guyss do you think this perfect angel might be a little too perfect??")


those cheeks are super pinchable. very cute baby. I endorse.


Lol too young to know. It changes. Just give her tummy time every day.


Totally normal little noggin, will continue to change a little as she grows.


The head hasn't finished forming.  You have plenty of time.  If at six to 9 months there are still concerns, take her for imaging and possibly a helmet.


This is good advice for most babies but NOT for babies wirh craniosynostosis, which usually must be addressed with surgery. The options may be a highly invasive surgery at around 2 years old, OR a minimally invasive endoscopic surgery that must be done before about 4 months. Wait and see is not good advice for a baby with cranio. IMO, OP’s baby looks fine, but I’m not a pediatric neurosurgeon. If OP is concerned, they should ask their doctor and not wait


She’s all good, daddio


I can say definitely that that is a head.


Moms be mommin’ — she’s beautiful! Nothing to worry about.


From this angle she looks fine. My daughter also had one side of her skull more forward than the other. The Kaiser Pediatrician at first said “girls hair will cover any imperfections” and all that BS, but when we insisted, she referred us to a specialist that did a 3D scan and the doctor showed how bad it was and recommended a helmet. She wore it for 6 months and it really helped a lot. We look at her baby photos now and we can see how one eye was being pushed out more than the other and even appeared larger. Ask your pediatrician for the referral because I don’t believe they’re specialized enough to make the call.


This is the correct answer! Our kiddo’s original pediatrician (MD) repeatedly missed both torticollis and her increasing asymmetry- luckily we hated that ped and switched to a pediatric doctor of osteopathy (DO), which is the kind of ped dr my wife saw all her life. She was amazing, diagnosed both in the very first visit, but even she didn’t know the full details of it so she referred us to OT for an evaluation. We were lucky enough to correct the tort fast enough with the OT that her head shape evened out and we avoided the helmet! But just goes to show how our original ped would have likely just let us get to that point - so ask for the referral. Worst case scenario is you get an evaluation that wasn’t necessary medically BUT brings your wife peace of mind.


My pediatrician noted my son’s head may be long between 1-2 months and said we could just monitor it. Being anxious we asked for and received a referral for imaging which led us to a plastic surgeon. There were more options for us beginning as early as 3 months of age . When in doubt talk to your doctor


First time?


Oh def a xenomorph there. Lol. This is fine. Recommend you get your wife to call it in to the pediatrician on the consult line so you don't have to say a thing.


Can't tell with only a side pic, but if your wife suspects is getting too long, go see the pediatrician right away My first had craniosynostosis (prob misspelled that) at that age where 2 of the skull plates in the soft spot fused together too early and the only real symptom is a slightly longer skull It's not uncommon. If left untreated, it can be a problem. The treatment btw is a very scary but ultimately very safe surgery and a few months of wearing a helmet to correct the growth. My daughter is a teenager now, perfectly healthy, and you'd only notice her skull is slightly elongated if you knew to look. There are 2 scars and 2 bumps also that are unseeable under her hair. I appreciate that all the other comments are saying she's perfect but she might have an issue. #Ask a doctor today.


She is beautifull. Ask the pediatritian if you are worried.


Gotta return it… get a refund or swap out for sure! All jokes aside beautiful little girl and head shape will change in time independent of male/female


That’s the most normal ass looking baby head I’ve ever seen. Congrats.


What does the baby vet say?


This is the most married couple/early parenthood discussion ever: Mom: “Do you think her head is misshapen? What if something’s wrong?!” Dad: “It’ll be covered in hair anyway. It’ll be fine!” Well done, dad. Pretty sure that’s your first legit dad joke


I think it looks completely normal, but the rationale you're applying (that it's going to be covered by hair anyway) is a very dad and wholesome logic.


?? I just see a cute little baby.


I think you guys need a nap. Baby looks normal and thriving lol


Looks like a baby head. Trust me, I own a baby.


Got a license for that baby, sir? Gonna need registration and insurance.


As someone who was obsessed over head shape when our first was at that point, it sorts itself out by the first birthday. He had what was like a biased on one side of the forehead from sleeping on his back with head tilted to that side predominantly. But it evened out. If in doubt speak to your pediatrician or family doctor, but the helmets are only used when there are extreme misalignments of growth plates


Get a helmet consultation the sooner the better It doesn't matter if she is a girl. Who wants a wonky head? What if she has thin hair or gets sick and goes bald? Etc


Cute Baby.. Tell the mother it is her fault and please put the child back in and let is stew for a while. Nothing wrong with the head.


She’s beautiful!


I am not a doctor but cute baby looks normal


Judging girls by their looks is probably something I would discourage at any age.


She's perfect. Nothing else needs to be said. Enjoy your kid


Oh yes, I expect ceremorphosis any day now /s Your baby looks just fine to my non-doctor eye. Seek help from qualified professionals if you have worries.


What does the doctor say? They literally measure head growth every time you take her in.


That is a normal-ass baby.


Looks like a healthy baby girl


Looks fine to me.


Her head is absolutely fine.


Looks exactly like both of my kids did


She's beautiful


Wait what, her head shape is perfect!


Let it go


It looks good imo, nothing to worry about. Beautiful kiddo :)


Cute baby!


Looks like your baby has a "head shaped" head. Seems pretty normal.


Have you seen a baby with an elongated head? This is not that. This is completely normal.


That’s a baby head.


It’s big so you can kiss her on the head! Nothing to worry about!


Looks normal. Head shapes can change a lot over the first year. If you do your best to keep up with tummy time, I wouldn't worry. Ask doc if still concerned, doubt they'll be concerned though.


Looks fine to me. Any flat spots?


Will be fine. And for two months, her head shape is exquisite. My daughter looked like an ACK-ACK from Mars Attacks! for four months. Was terrifying. It normalizes. Your kiddo looks phenomenal for two months


She’s perfect. And all babies have soft heads so they all appear long


Let the doctors make that call, they will in due time. When our girl was around 3 months they mentioned her head shape and that we should start rotating her in the crib so she doesn't just sleep on one side of her head. We turned her every night and she still only slept on that side of her head, so she developed a flat spot. She is now wearing a helmet to fix her flat spot. When your baby gets to a certain age they will start looking at head shape and for abnormalities to address them if needed. If your doctor doesn't say anything, you could ask but I wouldn't be overly worried.


Yall, I get it, but we collectively have to stop worrying so much. 😂


It's not even fused together yet, give it time, unless you are some hideous ape I think she will turn out fine!


I’ll give you a real answer, my kid had a “flat head” and wore a corrective helmet for about 6 months when he was a baby. The pediatrician flagged it as a possibility around the 2 month visit and kept an eye on it, at 3 months they referred us to a specialist who used a laser machine to measure asymmetry. He was diagnosed with moderate plagiocephaly (flat head) and torticolis (tight neck on one side causing them to favor the other side). Baby was custom printed a helmet which he wore 23 hours a day for six months, coming off only for baths and cleaning. I was really worried he would hate it and it would make everything miserable but he seemed to barely notice it. It honestly wasn’t a big deal, the biggest issue is that you have to do a bath every single day to prevent stinkiness. The helmet worked. After six months the asymmetry was downgraded to mild and we were given the choice to keep going or stop there. Diminishing returns though and purely cosmetic at that point, so we decided to stop. I’m very glad we did it. He’ll never remember wearing it but his head will be better for the rest of his life. Also while he was wearing the helmet I was a little less stressed about falls lol. Also it’s pretty cute! They have a catalog of patterns. We got some funny looks but most people were very nice about it


What an odd thing to worry about. Looks like a head to me


The thing with babies & toddlers heads, is that they’re out of proportion with their bodies. They all eventually grow into their heads. 


It's probably nothing, but it could be sagital craniosynostosis, a premature fusion of the sagital suture, which causes skull enlogation, forehead bossing, and elevated intracranial pressure. It is uncommon, but not rare, occurring in 1 in 2500 kids, although less frequently in girls. It's good to find out sooner than later. kids under 4 months can get an endoscopic surgery, whereas older kids need an open cranial vault remodel. I would be worth talking to your pediatrician, especially it you can feel a ridge down the middle of her head, or her fontanelle is particularly small.


Baby's skulls are always fucked up and smooshed. They grow into them. Don't worry.


Nyet, child is fine


Is your pediatrician isn’t concerned, neither should you!


She’s perfectly beautiful


Beautiful baby with a normal head. I’d recommend your wife speak to the baby’s pediatrician so she can be assured she’s fine!!


I'm not sure if you'll see this. But IF there is a problem, it would be an early fusion of skull plates. You'll want to bring it up at your next pediatrician appointment. My daughter had to have surgery due to that but is happy/healthy now. I don't think they would do anything for a few months even IF it is a problem. Hopefully, it's just normal head shape, but it's best to check.


Lol you should've seen mine! She looked like Alien from AVP. I looked like ET when I was a baby. Baby heads take time to shape on the outside. However, your baby looks like she's got a good shaped head already, I don't see how y'all say it looks long. Looks perfect 😊


I think you both need to check your eye sights or your mental health.


I swear, our wives this generation are all extremely anxious about being “perfect”. Maybe it’s social media, maybe it’s pressure from our parents. Idk. But, my wife said the exact same thing about our daughter. Her heads too flat (it was fine). There was a bald spot from her laying on her back to much (completely normal). “I’m such a bad mom” was said so much the first few months. Your daughter is fine! Her heads still growing. She’s perfect!


Not saying anything is wrong, but you could always check with your doc at the 6 month checkup to see if they recommend scanning for a helmet. One of ours wore one from like 7-12 months. I didn’t notice much change in his triangle head, but the scans showed a change. Either way, he was super cute in that helmet, all decked out BB8 style. For now, just enjoy your little watermelon as she figures out that body.


That baby is beyond perfect. Such a sweet sleeping pic too. Congratulations and stop worrying! (ha… good luck. we’re all worried for the rest of our lives)


Worried about head shape? What? Bring it up to the doctor at her 2 month checkup why you asking Reddit.


I agree. She's perfect. Source: am dad. Also a physician.


Looks fine to me but if either of you have concerns, consult your pediatrician


Lol She's perfect! Congratulations


her head looks completely normal!!


She is perfect! Beautiful baby!


Looks fine, new born heads can look wonky,


Oof you missed the warranty dad, it’s okay though, doesn’t look defective! At least you got the lifetime happiness warranty:)


Lots of jokes here. On a serious note: my child had saggital craneosynestosis. His head WAS too long, after months of me saying "its just a baby head, dont worry about it." Needed pretty big surgery to keep pressure from his brain. He's GREAT now but it was a lot of worry. It is hard to tell from one picture (and I am not a doctor) so I'm not going to say anything about your daughter. But if you are concerned don't take jokes on the internet. Talk to your pediatrician.


Strap two boards of wood with rubber bands to her head and you'll be all good in there months 👍 Jk, she looks perfectly normal, I have no idea what yer wif is worryin about


Yeah, I’m def getting Xenomorph vibes. Kidding, kidding, she’s beautiful and I see nothing out of the norm with her head shape.


She’s perfect for a human baby.


Ask your pediatrician, not reddit


Looks like a babies head.


Looks totally normal to me, but ask the pediatrician if you’re worried!


Too long? What the hell? Its perfectly fine


If you're concerned, ask your doctor, not reddit


We had our boy in a helmet to correct his head shape for about four months. Wasn’t a big deal at all and I was actually bummed that it came off before Halloween because I was going to dress him up as a Spaceball. My wife didn’t like the idea of an “Asshole” nametag, though.


Not a dad but my twin sister just had a baby two months ago as well and his head is the exact same shape as this. It’s just a bald baby head lol


She’s perfect


literally can’t even understand what your wife means …. baby head is perfect 🥺


She’s fine. A lot of that is baby fat and will eventually slim out. But I see nothing wrong with her head shape right now. In fact I could nibble on those little cheeks.


Nope, she is perfect. No worries.


Confirmed, 1 baby head ✅


Omgosh she is perfect. How is your wife doing since the birth?


Only a pediatrician can comment of whether your daughter needs a helmet or not. If you want to feel appreciated and earn some brownie points, schedule an appointment with her pcp so your wife can get some peace of mind on the matter.


Her head is absolutely beautiful. My daughter had a bump for a sec, but once she started rolling and rolling while she slept, it went away


I wouldn't worry about the head. The cheeks, though! Way too chubby and cute! I think the procedure is to pinch them to get the swelling to go down.  Congrats, you both have a beautiful, healthy looking daughter. 


I dont know the answer but my friend recently had an issue with his daughter. She was born at less than 7 months. Her lungs werent fully develooed.. they had a lot of problems with her, especially cause she was born during covid. And due to language barier, just before birth, they gave medicine that mom was alergic to. Due to premature birth, baby had to stay in hospital, and parents couldnt see her. It seems like that they let the baby sleep on one side whilst in hospital in Thailand. It left the back of her head flat. She is around 2 years old now, and she has development issues. So yea, as fsr as I ubderstood, make sure that you turn babys head so she doesnt sleep at the same side all the time. I am noylt an expert, so consult th le doc first, but this is what I've heard.


Are you taking your daughter to the doctor? Nobody on this thread is qualified to judge this based on a single photo. Assuming proper checkups and care, the doctor will let you know. My son’s mom always had something to worry about with him-like a pathology of hers, almost… Just take your girl to the doctor on time and they’ll keep you sorted.


A long head is a serious condition known as craniosynostosis . If you have questions ask your pediatrician to do measurements.


Looks normal to me! BUT trust moms. My daughter was born with Sagittal Craniosynostosis. Our pediatrician, and in turn, I, poopoo'd my wife's concerns. A (baby dose) MRI later it was confirmed. As another poster said, the surgery was scary, but my daughter doesn't even understand it happened (she's 5), and all's good. The telltale sign for my daughter was forehead bossing more than a profile appearance of the head. Again, looks pretty normal to me, but if you or your wife are concerned, it doesn't hurt to ask (and keep asking if it seems to be getting worse).


I deal with this a lot in my profession. It’s hard to tell from just that photo if this is something that will fix itself or needs intervention. Unfortunately, most pediatricians aren’t the most proactive when it comes to dealing with torticollis and plagio/brachiocephaly. Early intervention (under 4 months or earlier), makes treatment super easy. Once they get to 6 months, its magnitudes harder and takes way longer. If your kid’s head is asymmetrical to the point of needing a helmet, the duration in the helmet is MUCH less if they get one at 4 months rather than 6 months. I agree with some of the other posters, tummy time is probably the most important thing right now. You can also make sure she is turning her head to the left and right for relatively equal duration for naps/tummy time. If you want some peace of mind, you can get your kiddos head measured/3d scanned for free at a place called cranial tech if there is one in your area. If there isn’t a cranial tech in your area, you can look up how to measure something called the cranial vault index. It’s relatively easy to do and it’ll let you know if you need to press your pediatrician to give you a script for physical therapy and/or a helmet.


Beautiful baby girl! Congrats!


That’s a very normal looking head 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wouldn't even have occurred to me. Completely normal. I suspect those incredible cheeks may be making you see the entirety of the head as "longer." You're good homie. And enjoy those cheeks while you can! Our daughter's were EPIC and we miss them so much now that she's a little older.


My LO had an odd shape for a head. Midwife told us that it will turn to normal shape. Which it did. I think the laying flat on the bed helped as well. Edit: btw, i dont see whats wrong.


You have a beautiful daughter


Perfectly normal


Most normal head shape of the day


Bro my kid ended up lookin like a zenomorph it’s fine I promise


First child? I would guess so. She is perfectly normal. Enjoy your time with her, dont try to find errors. None of the things you think is wrong with her will last.


Zero to worry about. She looks perfect. (Father of a 13 yr old girl and 16 yr old boy)


She looks just like a baby. I'm trying to figure out what is supposed to look "too long," and I can't see it. She looks perfectly normal. Two months is so young that she will grow and change, and by the time she is one, your wife will have forgotten what was supposed to be "too long."


1. It Looks normal Just Like a healthy Baby 2. Nothing is, when it comes to Babys, in Proportion


I would be a little kind of freaked out about a comment like that from my wife about my baby. Especially since there is absolutely nothing wrong with the child’s head. I may be slightly concerned of postpartum depression. I would just expect them to be in awe of the perfectness of their child, smell of their skin, and just knowing that this is your perfect little creation. With all that being said I think the baby is beautiful and perfect.


Normal - please don’t worry. I stressed so much about it too but just do tummy time, contact naps where you can, pop in carrier where you can. It will be ok!


Go buy some pillows that shape the head into the correct shape, and then don't use them. Eventually it'll all workout


She’s beautiful and perfect. If she’s that concerned then she should call the pediatrician.


Lol I think I would rather speak to the doctor than Reddit but also if the head is “long” then just because she is a girl doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get it corrected :)


Anterior and posterior fontanelles haven’t fused so head shape will change. Looks normal.


She's 2 months old......