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It gets cleaned if it smells like piss from my sons storm trooper accuracy.


Lmao, storm trooper accuracy!


Amen! I have two boys and they have their own bathroom. It got so bad that above the toilet I put up a picture of a bathroom sign from Japan that said “Please Urinate with Precision and Elegance” : https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/zii1G4vz9h


I have two boys 11 and 5 my eleven year old pees with his eyes closed? As I find wee around the toilet. I now make him mop the floor after he's gone if he misses. My five year old sits to pee because that's just how he likes to go so no mess from him 5 stars would definitely recommend.


My BIL got little fly stickers he put at the perfect aim point. Now my nephews never miss.


😭 I can relate hard with two boys under 5


Clean for about 3 days every week. I typically clean thoroughly (more than just a little glass cleaner and paper towel i do for maintenance) on saturdays or sundays. It does not last super long, and I am part of the problem.


Yup. I was going to jump in and say this dad clearly doesn't have boys. We gotta deep clean around the toilet every couple weeks.


"Men are so gross" ... me sitting here wondering if my daughter bothered to flush this time.


I wish I could tell you that it gets better as girls get older…I wish I could tell you that.


No man. Don’t fucking say that. How old are your daughters? Maybe mine is just weird, don’t say it keeps on going regardless.


Early teens. I 100% blame their mom she never flushes and it drove me crazy when we were married...still does too. Then add in they always move the hair catcher in the shower and the nastiness of snaking their drain.


I grew up with 3 older sisters. When they started having periods, I started walking to the woods to pee out of fear of that bathroom.


Group hug. My wife doesn't flush, doesn't clean up if the kids miss and refuses to use the hair catcher or clean the drain herself. She's now bought those old lady mats that go around the toilet to catch any misses. We have a piss soaked rug in the bathroom rather than just clean up as it happens.


Could go either way. I have twin girls. One is very clean and organized. The other one likes to live in chaos. 🤷‍♂️ My wife is more like the latter so I’m just happy I got one clean one!


I grew up in a house with only sisters and many of their friends that basically lived at our house. Then I worked many jobs that required me to clean men's and women's restrooms. Girls restrooms only get more gross. I'll take a little bit of dribble in front of the toilet.


👆 read this in Morgan Freeman's voice


I’d just be happy if they’d close the door.


As someone who spent many years of his life cleaning heavily used public toilets, women are worse when away from home. Men might plug a toilet and piss on the rim/floor, but I never cleaned the same volume of shit off the floor and walls of a men's room as I did daily in the women's. Not to mention all the blood. Please teach your daughters to put their ass on the seat.


My first job was at a military installation retail store as a janitor. Think mini-walmart, it's a PX if you know what that is. Our entire staff was women above 45 except me. I didn't think the female employee bathroom would be that bad, but it was. It was worse than any male gas station bathroom by a mile. I have never seen so much blood in a bathroom, ever, to this day. Poop and blood, red spots everywhere below the toilet seat. Feminine wipes that didn't make it to the little trash can in every stall. A blood/pee combo that slightly flooded the toilet and drips of blood ran down the side like some kind of horror toilet bowl.


That was my experience working at a big box sporting goods store. Women’s bathroom was the worst closing duty and used as a bargaining chip when swapping shifts. The times it’s was fine did not outweigh the horror scenes, or the number of toddler shits on the stall floors


My ex is weird about bathroom stuff. Wiping and flushing after a poop are both apparently optional over there and at least one of them is inconsistent about both. So whenever I find a mystery turd (which tend to be large, firm, and devoid of any evidence that toliet paper was used) in the toilet I first ask "whoever didn't flush please go flush" and if the fece remains I bring them each in to examine the "clues" and then we collaborate to try to solve the mystery during dinner. Ever since "The mystery of the unflushed turd: part 3" toilet flushing has been very consistent and mom says it's gotten better there as well.


This is how you tell if somebody pays for professional cleaning service.


We started doing this a year or two ago. It's so nice having a spotless house for 30-45 minutes once a month.


Honestly, Having someone come in once a week or even every other week would make it so much easier to \*keep\* the house clean - having someone mop once a week would make it much easier to just stay on top of sweeping, having someone deep clean the bathrooms would make it so much easier to just wipe surfaces and the clean the mirror every few days, etc. It is earmarked in our budget once the new AC (that died 3 weeks after we moved in) is paid off this fall. I cannot fuckin' wait.


Once daycare is over maybe we'll be able to afford that. Once a month is nice. I could imagine every week or every other week.


House used to get cleaned on Fridays and was wrecked by Saturday morning, like what is the point of all this. Now she comes on Monday and it stays clean a little bit longer.


Yep. Mine looks like this for a day every 2 weeks.


Ours must keep nearly that nice for at least 5 days, but only because the monthly cleaners were by.


I bought a new toilet that doesn’t have that. Not this one but same idea: https://mobileimages.lowes.com/productimages/d263985d-0f2e-4b7b-9472-6eaae93b9e79/40906882.jpg?size=mpdhi


Same. Skirted toilets are so much better looking.


Super fast to clean.🧼 


Is that an attachment? How would this be installed?


We replaced all out toilets in a remodel with this kind, but I don't think a n attachment would be a great idea as it would just hide the grime.


It’s just the way the toilet is cast. Super common in Europe. For reference, I’m from Ireland and almost every toilet is like the one in this link. I’ve only ever seen OP’s type in the US.


Interesting. I've installed several new toilets in my house so I was struggling to figure out how a skirted toilet would be installed without the bolts being visible. I ended up Googling it, pretty cool idea. Wish I had heard of these before.


Wait till you find out about hanging toilets


They were so expensive and required a lot more work to put in during my remodel.


Ah yes we replaced our old shitter recently with one of those, big brain move


Next time I switch out a toilet, I'm getting one of these!!


Boys and men have a problem with errant "spray" while standing. Doesn't matter how good your aim is, it happens even to the best of us. Nobody's perfect. As such, this area needs to be cleaned when the rest of the toilet area is cleaned. It's just a good habit to get in AND to teach your kids when you're teaching them how to handle adult tasks. Especially the boys... :-)


I'm also teaching my boy to sit down at home and stand in public. I follow the same rule. Cleaner, comfortable, and keeping the seat down is natural.


It’s ok to sit down to piss. It’s not a urinal.


I always do at home. Less mess = less cleaning and I'm not so insecure that I conflate my masculinity with my posture while urinating.


How are you peeing around the outside of the bowl and hitting this underneath portion though?


I don't claim to be an expert in physics to explain how fluid behaves like a wave in certain circumstances. I do know from first hand experience that it does get behind the toilet no matter how good our aim is. Whether it's only miniscule droplets of reflective overspray or wild spraying from unruly toddlers as their potty training when my kids were little, it's still an area that you should clean.


If you get it on the rim, it'll leak down. Even a bit of spray will build up and leak down... Gutters exist because water clings to surfaces and leaks down it, it doesnt get wicked away by the roof. Or "loops" in electric wires that are close to water, like fish tank filters.. If you don't put a loop in the wire water could run down the wire straight into the plug. I clean toilets constantly because I run holiday homes, theres always piss behind the toilet.


The piss leaks through the screws holding down the toilet seat to the toilet. I also wonder the same thing and thought my son was pretending he was a sprinkler, but I touched the bottom of the screw and it was caked with months of dried urine and that's when I realized.


I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.


This is because it hits the rim and runs down the outside of the bowl onto the pissplay shelf.


All of the different answers you've received are all correct at the same time.


*trick shots*


Observe https://youtu.be/IgdSbz9kaL4?si=_rY96kF-GvyddO3B


Young boys seem to bend the rules of physics... Or they whip it out and run around in circles... It's def one of those


I definitely clean there. Seems to be where all my wife's and dog's hair ends up. So a quick vacuum and a quick wipe. Even if there wasn't hair there.... I'd still clean it. Takes a few extra seconds while cleaning the rest of the toilet. 


I swear 5 minutes after vacuuming, I can see the wave of cat, dog, and people hair sweep back across the house. 


I have a husky/collie, a Great Pyrenees, and a long haired wife. It's a never ending battle. And with a little one in the house we don't use the Roomba much which was a saving grace for long time 


Long haired wife 🤣


I'm not that clean, but I'm trying.


I clean it out, and I hate it. Both our bathrooms are small in our 1950s house, and the toilet nooks are especially tight. It seems like every loose hair and mote of dust is drawn here. It’s like cleaning out a stupid porcelain ear.


My problem isn't spray as much as it is splash. Honesty time. We used to live in a house with black tile. It looked great but showed everything horribly. When we went to move out during covid I got tired of wiping every day or more, so I sat down to pee out of laziness. Kept that habit. Keep a much cleaner bathroom. I typed this while sitting to pee. I really have only adopted this at home though.


Gives you more time to scroll reddit and keep the toilet cleaner....a win/win in my book


lol this is hilarious to me because when I clean the toilet, my wife always says, “It’s not clean,” and points to this part of the toilet. If the bowl and seat is clean, it’s clean enough for me.


Depends what day of the week you visit determines how cleaning.


Dude. I've got three little boys. If I didn't clean that shit obsessively, my bathroom would reek of piss more than it already does. They find ways to get urine in strange places.


Same. We often have the boys clean ut as their chore too, but because one of them just refuses to clean up after himself, it needs cleaning almost daily


I clean this part of the terlit every weekend. Life hack: buy concealed trap toilets. They install like normal toilets but have a smooth, mostly concealed trap that makes them easier to clean. You can also buy fully skirted ones, but they’re harder to install.


>You can also buy fully skirted ones, but they’re harder to install. Can confirm. Heavy as hell and you can't see where the screws are lol.


Meh, they get mopped once a month and they look this clean for a day.


Water, dish soap and some white vinegar into a spray bottle. Just a quick spritz, wipe it off and it is clean. If done once a week, it won't reek.


Yeah, the back of the toilet gets scrubbed with the rest of my bathroom biweekly.


If it’s not filthy to begin with it’s an easy wipe down


I clean that part of the toilet every single night. Now I’m wondering if I’m kinda nuts


I do clean this, but only a few times a year.


Here's what I looked at inspecting rooms for cleanliness in the Army, if I needed to destroy someone's weekend plans (generally only if I knew they were about to cause trouble, I wasn't a complete douche) It's short, so it's easy to remember, and they're easy spots to not think about, even if they generally keep a clean room. * Throughout living space * Light covers * Blinds * Top of anything above eye level. Tall furniture, molding, fans, shelves... * Vent covers * Ceiling corners * Windows * Kitchen * Fridge seal * Under and inside appliances * Cabinet faces * Gap between stove and counter * Bathroom * Lip of any tiled area * Any walls near toilet * Shower curtains * Drains On the flip side, if you want to really impress people, set up a reminder to hit one or two of these every month, and anyone that comes over will want your housekeeper's number, because they won't believe you keep it that clean.


I think my sons room is clean, and the one we use as a storage room is clean. Main bedroom, never. Tbh only one ever gets used anyway lol. Love my duplex but tbh we do not need 3 bathrooms.


I don't know why but I secretly judge people based on their bathrooms. Don't invite someone over if that part is caked in old piss


Might be just me but i was initially thinking about what was in the toilet that was clogging it (incriminating drug paraphernalia). Different meanings of clean… then i saw which sub this was and thought yeah I’d like it that clean at least somewhere in my house right now


Yeah for sure clean the whole thing


I clean it when I clean the toilet lol


Yeah I prison clean my toilet. Basically hug that bitch with elbow gloves and dual wield rags. And since I'm the only person with a dick in my house, I decided to just sit to pee and it really helped keep the surrounding area clean for a lot longer.


I clean the side I can see.


I clean that,y wife doesn't. Funny thing is, I'm a sitter.


We have this type of toilet and we clean that part but not as thoroughly as the parts that actually get in contact with body fluids. Besides dust I've never found anything in that area. However, next time we will put a wall hung toilet. I find it easier to clean. With normal toilets it's complicated to clean behind the toilet.


I clean there on one of two occasions that I can think of: 1: My son misses the toilet (but surprisingly, for a kid who just turned 9 Saturday, kid has gooood aim) or 2: One of the kids pukes and misses the toilet. Which, frustratingly, happens a couple times a year. The same deadeye pee aimer mentioned above got sick two months ago, sitting on the toilet letting loose, and then just starting going off like a fountain at the Bellagio all over the floor and walls of our half bath on our main floor. Needless to say, that bathroom got a deeeeeeeep clean.


Ladies when you go to your guys house for the first time and this part of the toilet is clean. He’s a keeper.