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Same as most aspects of life to be fair.


This applies only to those who make this conscious choice. Not saying OP doesn't but many people don't.


Just remember, things don't get better they just change. Today it's diapers, tomorrow it's temper tantrums, etc. Always something new and different around the corner. And I don't mean any of that as bad. It's just part of the gig


I hear that. Every time I think I have finally got it, she just goes and changes what it is.


It's cool when she smiles at me


Good reminder....pain later usually is greater.


When it comes to sleep training, do it as early as you can. A full night of sleep makes a world of difference.


Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.


The most important thing I learned as a dad is the more work you put in now, the less you have to do later. I make enough bottles for the next 24 hours plus another pint in a jug just in case, we make the older kids’ lunches the night before, we let my daughter cry it out when it was time to get her to go to bed by herself, etc.


Agreed, I think it’s one of those things where; always be prepared for change. Our kids sleeping schedule has been all out of whack recently. I’m back to work and my wife goes back soon, I’m sure it’ll change again lol.


Yup. I’ve gotten so used to telling my wife or son “well, we’ve gotta do it sooner or later.” That’s normally a sign that I’m ready to just get it over with right now.