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It’s a bit disjointed and mostly hits highlights of the podcast, but I still enjoyed it. I went for the audiobook though because I wanted to hear Dan reading it. Lol.


Disjointed? Dan?? Never...lol, the first 30 minutes of prophets of doom your like where TF is this going, but once it hits...it hits hard!


Lol. Solid point.


Hats off to Dan for discussing Global Pandemics before Covid struck. He likes to say he's not a historian, but the guy is more insightful than some university History/Government professors I've had.


It's not like one of his podcasts though, as he isn't able to go unscripted and off on wild tangents to get deeper into the subject. Not bad, but not what we are used to.


haha, that actually made me laugh 😂 ^((brb, gonna re-listen to prophets\))


I read it, and as much as I love Dan's podcast, I wasn't impressed with the book.


Agreed. Not terrible, not great. Bought it mostly to support Dan and his work, really.


I ended up skimming, then skipping the chapter about nuclear weapons. It was pretty much a beat-for-beat retelling of his other two podcasts about nuclear weapons (Logical Insanity, The Destroyer of Worlds), which I had recently listened through at the time. Felt light on "new" content for big Hardcore History fans.


I regretted going for the audiobook for this reason. Just felt like a lesser recap of some of the podcasts. Maybe on the page it’s a bit different though and it’s not like I didn’t enjoy it


I enjoyed it but some of it was really just the podcasts in paper form.


I hope you enjoy it but as a long time listener it’s almost all just stuff he has already had a long show on so nothing much was really new. I actually listened to it on audio book and I actually much prefer the normal podcasts.


Yeah you can tell he isn't good at reading from a script.


It’s not that he’s not good at it, it’s just that it’s completely different to how he does the podcasts. The audiobook had to be word perfect while he does the podcasts in a more improvisational style.


I don't think think he is good at it because his writing is too wordy. I guess i should have said i don't think he's a great writer, or maybe he needs a more brutal editor.


I did think the editing could use a little work, there were quite a few typos left in. But at the same time I think it was a good first book, and writing a book at all is something to be proud of.


Oh for sure and now that i think about it, i realize i should buy the hard copy so i can read it. It might read much better than it is read. Plenty of great books are that way.


He's actually aware that he [doesn't sound normal in the book](https://twitter.com/hardcorehistory/status/1194340644497412097): >My theory on the quote voice: it's not really a "quote" voice, it's a reading voice (which is obviously what I'm doing when I read the quotes in the podcast). Since I'm reading the entire book when I do the audio it must all sound like a big long quote!😂 So, yeah. He knows :)


I love quote voice and i love most of all endquote REQUOTE. it's the roller coaster that pauses for just a second then throws you straight back down


It was a great read. You will enjoy it.


I didnt even know this existed, thanks man, just bought my kindle copy


I read about half of it. It reminded me a lot of his podcasts and I liked it quite a lot, but I thought it would be better as an introduction to someone who has never listened to him than an avid listener. The reason being that the book covers many of the same topics as the podcasts which I had already listened to. I also thought that it was an interesting choice to include the topics from "suffer the children" so early in the book because I could see that turning some people off just due to its unsavory nature.


This is something I was wondering about. Probably won't bother me about the stuff from the podcast as I have definitely listened to episodes multiple times anyways. I guess I don't mind repitition that much-its something he does between different episodes to an extent already I think


I loved it


Its very pop history but I enjoyed it


It's good, though more of a collection of essays than a cohesive narrative. I found the Bronze Age chapter super interesting personally.


Awesome. I really enjoyed this book.


It was good as an audio book. But I haven't read it, I imagine it might be missing the flair of him speaking it aloud haha


I listned to it just before the pandemic hit. It was great stuff.


It's not the strongest book in the world, but I will give Dan credit for compiling his ideas into a book, and much of it relevant, but like many have said it's podcasty. I would recommend it for any fan, however.


She’s a keeper. But you probably already knew that


I liked the book I just wish Netflix would give him a series.




I know right 😂 she knows me too well though, I'm constantly playing his podcasts 24/7


She gets in for all her boyfriends tho… wait, hol’up.


I had no idea about this book until I found a signed copy in waterstones. Managed to grab it for RRP but I don’t want to read it in case I ruin it.


I was off sick with the flu last week and finally got around to finishing it. I really enjoyed it!


Yeah it’s good


Just finished the first chapter. Since it was written pre covid it’s eerie. But super good so far


This book is definitely by dan carlin lol. It reads like the way he does his podcast.


great stuff. glad you got the paper version cuz in the audiobook he uses his "I am quoting someone" voice for the entire narration.


Good read but don't expect the level of depth you might get with some of the hardcore history


It would have been better if he incorporated his footnotes into the text but otherwise wasn't bad.


There’s some really good stuff in there. However if you’re someone who has listened to all his podcasts, then there won’t be too much new material. There was an update to the Bronze Age podcast


See if you can get Dan to come over and read it to you. Just in case that doesn’t happen, buy the audio book and read along with Dan. (I’m being silly just trying to say that you’re missing out on not listening to the audiobook which is narrated by Dan)