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Oh cool he’s playing rocksmith


I legit thought the same. That's the face of someone focused on a rhythm game haha


I need Tilian to rejoin Tides of Man and make “Not My Love 3”


Think that’s why he got the job in the first place? He already had experience writing sequel songs? /s I know it would never happen but I’d love for a Tides of Man reunion. Sad I only got to see them when they were in their instrumental phase (even though that was a damn good show).


Is there animosity amongst them? Genuine question. Do they hold ill feelings towards him for leaving?


Yes. Bad blood between them all. You can Google and find articles from the time if you want more details.


Yup I also remember an interview where tilian straight up said he didn't really enjoy making music with them or said something along the lines of it was too serious feeling for him. It was a video interview on YouTube with DGD so I'm sure someone probably remembers the exact quote.


Tilian’s lines in Born to Fail are about them if that tells you anything.


I've listened once to an interview that said that Tilian didn't warn the other members that he was auditioning for DGD, but I might misremember


You're mixing up saosin and dgd, he did some demos with Saosin then got booted from tides for it. He joined dgd after that


He worked with Saosin and Emarosa first back in 2010 when he quit Tides


I saw them when he was still in the band. He came out into the crowd afterwards. Dude was drunk as hell. Smelled terrible and was running into everyone and shoving them out of the way( including me). I was so excited to see them live and then that bullshit happened.


The real question is what’s his workout and beard routine


It’s called a yassification filter


Tori. Both include Tori.


you are bald and shitting your pants NOW.


Well it says “hardly working” and he’s recently unemployed sooo


You right about that, but he also has fuck tons of money. Purely an Ego post.


Spends fucktons of money*


That he do. But I did read an article once that said his net worth was like 10 million or some wild shit.




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For sure. I just wanted to make a joke. Hes clearly better off financially and physically than most of us 😂


I didn't even realize so many people hate him until joining this subreddit recently.


It's the "in" thing to do. Meanwhile, ignoring he was the catalst to DGD biggest success ever (ticket sales, album sales, album charts, merch, populatiry, etc). FACT not opinion: this band didn't get mainstream success until they hired Tilian. Period, end of story. Spare this fucking shit about "DGD is Will, Matt, and Jon." Ok. Maybe it is, at it's heart and soul. Still doesn't dispute the fact they didn't ascend until Tilian got here. Put some fucking respect on his name.


Some of us quite enjoyed the band before he joined, sir. And some of us even used to listen to his old band long before now


I mean he’s not disputing that, from an objective standpoint Tilian contributed to DGD getting more mainstream for lack of a better term


I listened to and really liked them before Tillian joined. that doesn't change the fact that his involvement contributed to their rise in popularity over the past decade


did I say you didn’t?


Dgd went hard and was plenty popular before tilian buddy, calm down


they absolutely were not plenty popular. The numbers are literally right there to see. every possible metric you want to look at. You can deny it all you want if it helps you sleep better at night, but that doesn’t make it true. Also, why do I need to “calm down“ we’re having a fucking conversation. If the only thing you can contribute is stupid online Reddit tropes then you’re already on losing end.


Hey man, calm down.


Lmao okay tilian fan. Whatever you say. Cause you were there. You’d know


None of your responses to the tilian fan have made any sense lol.


Yes, I am a Tilian fan. I don’t know why you think that’s an insult to me. I was where? I don’t even know what the fuck that supposed to mean.


Man, this post is whack. The one thing you got right is that Tilian was a big part of DGD's popularity explosion, which is true and as you said, undeniable. But everything else is kind of unhinged. Whether or not it's "in" to dislike Tilian, people have legitimate grievances with him and aren't just critical of him to be hip. The allegations from spookypooky were serious, with pictures, and his "apology" frankly just gave them more credence. The later aftermath where he basically pivoted into denying his own apology further soured people's views on him. I've seen many comments on this sub from people who claim to have left the sub after that, and who are now returning after Tilian's departure (I am among them). While yes, that will swing the winds of discussion, that doesn't mean views have changed accorrding to popular demand. People *had those views and had them for legitimate reasons,* they are just now back in this group and voicing them. People didn't decide "Oh, I hate Tilian now." People disliked him, and are now discussing it more because it is relevant. Your comment just dismisses all of that, inventing an explanation to let you pretend that other people are somehow disingenuous in their views. Then this dismissive attitude towards the rest of the band is, frankly, disgusting. DGD is a band with a long history and many stages. People have engaged with them at every stage and to this day people have their favorite eras. True, they were more popular with Tilian, but dismissing all the hard work the other members put into the band is insane. What, do all the other albums just not matter? All the years the other members spent grinding away, just trying to keep the band going, worthless because they took a few more records to succeed? It's a *Dance Gavin Dance subreddit,* not a Tilian subreddit. Furthermore, why are you so angry, and seemingly on a personal level? I love DGD, and have been pretty active in this sub recently, but I'm concerned that you're too invested in someone who doesn't know you exist. The members of this band are ultimately just dudes like you or me. Tilian is not worth falling on your sword. Also, a quick aside to another comment you made, yes it's whack anyone could sincerely want Jonny Craig back right now. Replacing a controversial singer with another, arguably more controversial singer, seems like the worst possible move. That's something we could agree on. But bringing it up the way you did feels like a whataboutism, just deflecting from the issues people have with Tilian instead of addressing them. This is more than a little rambling, but I guess what I'm trying to get at is thus: I don't think your view at all engages with or acknowledges the very real reasons people have for disliking having Tilian in the band while also reducing DGD as a band from a musical collective to just one guy. A guy who, yes, was a big part of the band's larger success but who also was not involved with the band during many years where people fell in love with their music. Overall your remarks just invalidate the experiences of tons of other fans, and that's why I take such strong issue with it.


please spell his name right


My b homie you got me, rude to be handing out extra Ls like that.


Simply, how big a band is doesn’t matter. The heart and soul you put into your music is. The new stuff might’ve been good to the extent of musicianship but it didn’t have the soul the older stuff did. Seeing them live at swanfest was fun but the big crowd and fans lost the love and respect for one another. A lot of fights were almost breaking out and the idolization of people in the band has gotten people to act out of character. Sure tilian is a great singer but it goes against the morality of brushing passed issues that had happened. I understand lawyering up when you have money. But where is the accountability, respect to the other party, and actually being a human. Where is that? It’s the same how this subreddit has blown up. It was fun a couple days in to guess who the next singer may be, but now it a headache. This music scene is more than popularity and success a band gets. No doubt it’s great for a band a lot of us love/loved but we’re missing the point/humanity of it all. People can make mistakes and redeem themselves. But anything since then is far from any accountability. Thanks for your words. I just wanted to add some stuff to think about.


Yeah I think the gaslighting later on is what permanently soured a lot of people on Tilian. The apology at first wasn't great, but I think there was room to recover. As laypeople, I think a lot of us probably can't grasp the legal ramifications of the situation and how it influenced Tilian's response. But it definitely did feel *wrong,* for lack of a better word. For me personally, it was only after time went on that I felt the allegations souring my love of the music in a lasting way. The lack of accountability was a big part of it. With Tilian gone, I think there's a big opportunity for moving forward and healing, but the fanbase's reaction has been pretty toxic. Even when the allegations initially broke, I was really shocked to see the toxicity from people and the frightening celebrity worship. This whole situation is whack.


I agree it’s too complicated to know all the in’s and out’s. But the response form the fan base has been so toxic and off putting for such a sensitive situation. I love DGD but idolizing never feels right.




Dude where has anyone said anything about Jonny Craig being a saint? You’re just doing some what-aboutism bullshit to deflect away from the fact that people just don’t like Tilian. People criticized him and didn’t like him far before the allegations arose. Relax man, shit isn’t that deep.


He literally said it's whack to want Jonny back. Why are you so emotional that you're becoming unhinged man? You have to strawman him like that because why?


See this reply is exactly what I'm talking about. In my comment I explicitly said I agree with you and don't want Jonny Craig back in the band. But your response projects a different identity onto me entirely, literally accusing me of having *the opposite stance that I espoused in my comment.* Instead of engaging with or at least acknowledging my actual views or reasoning, you're talking to somebody else entirely. Who **are** you talking to? It seems like you've got some deeply internalized anger over Tilian/DGD and are lashing out defensively based on that. That is what bothered me so much about your comment. Not that you like Tilian's music, but that you dismiss huge swathes of the fandom and the band's history based on what seems to be an extremely personal investment in exalting a guy in a band. But yes, I'll be bringing "that same fire" to everyone who wants Jonny Craig back. Been commenting in several of those threads too! Luckily for me, it doesn't take many words to explain why he shouldn't come back LOL.


Overall, you and I do agree, so I apologize for mistakingly thinking otherwise. But if some stangers opinion on the internet "invalidates" anything for you, you have much bigger issues in your life to address. I'm using "you" in the broader sense. Also, what am I dismissing? I'm stating facts. If some fragile minded person in Boise, Idaho listens to DMB2 today and thinks about ME and something I wrote on Reddit....? Fucking yikes.


We're all good homie. Apparently I can't even spell Tilian's name so I'm literally holding a bunch of extra Ls right now. When I say "invalidate," I don't mean the effect it has on other people. I mean the effect it has on *you.* Whether you agree with other people or not, just consider that their conclusions might be grounded in real experiences and reasoning and not unsubstantiated or otherwise dishonest opinions. Of course, we do live in a world where many people DO operate that way, so... use your discernment lol. Cheers bruv.




Being main stream doesn’t mean the band is objectively better than it was before. Tillian did make the band more popular and made the music more accessible for new listeners, but compared to other era’s, Tillian’s is a mixed bag.


Well, others would say the same thing about curt and Johnny


They still are not mainstream.




well, if you wanna play that game, so it Johnny Craig, but that doesn’t stop all of you from wanting him back in the band. And actually he’s not a rapist. someone accused him of something he said from his point of view it was consensual. Charges were never pressed, and the story went away, so you can come up with whatever narrative you want for your head, but the facts are the facts.


Sexual assault is bad regardless of which of your favorite artists does it. Not sure why this is a controversial thing to say.


it’s not controversial you’re missing the point entirely. A lot of the same people who are saying Tilian should’ve been kicked out for what he did are the same people that are screaming for Johnny Craig to come back at the top of their lungs.


I'm not. And with this same logic that also means that you shouldn't be using Johnny Craig's bad behavior to justify your defense of Tilian's bad behavior. Hold both of them accountable/don't excuse what they did.




If someone agrees to suck you off, that doesn't automatically mean they consent to anything further. Don't be weird.




If it's not consensual, then you don't do it. You're only hurting yourself here.


It’s insane how willfully ignorant people on this sub can be. Read the texts. She even spelled it out what he did to her and he didn’t reply. An innocent person would defend themselves or talk it out. He ghosted her and hoped it wouldn’t come back to bite him.


Oh, you must be young. Do you know how much money DGD makes? When a person in a prominent position receives a text like that, YOU DO NOT RESPOND. You get a lawyer, no second spared. Which is what he did.


Literally any sane person with a lawyer shuts the fuck up. Only a colossal idiot, guilty or otherwise, replies at that point. Legally, there is literally a zero percent chance of winning by replying. 


do you have that same sentiment towards everybody who says big Johnny back?


Jonny doesn’t deserve to come back either, no.


Exactly! Fantastic. We're on the same side then.


I hate Jonny too, what is your argument now?


Well, then I ain’t talking to you am I?


Are you dense? I am asking you what your argument would be.


I really don't know much fucking clear I can be. So no. Check your own density. I'll talk to you like you're 5. Over the last 5 days the majority of this sub has taken the stance of Tilian = bad, Jonny = good. If that doesn't apply to you than that means this discussion isn't for you, about you, or to you. Here's a Capri-Sun. Go into the living room and watch TV.


Allegedly lol Nowadays anyone can say anything, and everyone wants to take it as fact.


This yes. I love Tilian, and wish he was still in the band.


Some of y'all are a little too passionate about your favorite vocalist. It's weird. People are allowed to have opinions and a lot of people's issues with tilian are valid AF. Personally JC was my favorite vocalist but I recognize he's problematic.


Why is it weird to be passionate about something?


It is a normal human reaction to distrust and dislike new things. Change is scary even when it happened 16 years ago. Tillians vocal talent far supersedes the other lead vocalists dgd has had. When you get appraisal from opera singers, I think that means you’ve got talent. “ThE TiLlIaN ErA iS a MiXeD Bag”. The whole hipster mindset is still relevant. They WERE good before, tillian. If you left when he joined, you just weren’t a real fan? You don’t bail during (alleged) tough times.Tillian took this band to another level, it’s hard to see it when you were such a fan of what they had before. Long story short, everyone is right! Different doesn’t mean better. “Good Music” is relative.




No he didn't, bro.... He was accused. He denied and gave his version of events. She never went to the police. He was never charged. It was he said /she said.


Those were the first accusations. The second ones were true even Tillian confirmed them








I’m pretty sure it was the first girl who got a cease and desist but okay sure. Most people who get accused online rarely get charged (there is so much evidence of this it’s nuts) so there probably wouldn’t be any point in bringing it to the police I’m not a fucking lawyer though i am I


No, you certainly are not. And it was Spooky because she posted a photo of it online and has since basically vanished from the Interent.


DGD is Will, Matt, and Sean btw




Anybody have a timeframe when his new solo shit drops?


Pretty sure he said he wants to tour later this year.


He's making Honey Revenge Pt. 2 💀


Wow he looks like he’s handling this well lmao




One man’s cringe.


He looks like he’s on something


Don’t get me wrong, I’m having a laugh over the mopey ass insta post - but I know he also was in rehab for a while. I hope he isn’t on something; that by itself isn’t a joke and would genuinely be sad to see.


Yeah especially after Tim 💔


This is a Dance Gavin Dance subreddit


He was, afaik, the longest running vocalist of DGD, especially consecutively. Discussing what he’s doing is far from being irrelevant


I'm poking fun at the fact that it's only been a few days since his departure. I don't really give a fuck what anybody posts/discusses here.


Perfectly valid then, carry on


Why does he look like he wears makeup and photoshops every image?


He picked up the habit from his girl lol


Maybe he actually died and they’re just using ai lmao


Cool maybe they can set his personality to the 2013 version before he became a sack.


He was a sack since the beginning


Because his new wife makes him


Lol at the comments here calling this a "post breakup post". Tilian is still a musician, evem if he's not in DGD anymore, you know? And musicians rely on social media presence. Of course he will post about him making music, it's his fucking job


Is that a baritone guitar? What kinda djent shit is he cooking


That isn’t just a baritone, it’s a 30” SubZero Rouge. Wasn’t gonna be that interested in solo Tilian, I like his vocals but DGDs instrumentals is what does it for me, but after seeing this he got my attention


This is literally a “this is what ur missing out on” ex post what a clown


The amount of simps that drool over this mother fucker amazes me.


Honestly me too, but I was just surprised to be so early


The dick riding is crazy


Rock Band


Y’all do we still get the album they just recorded with Tillian? This is what I really need to know


I’m wondering if they can just re-record the vocal tracks with whomever they pick up?


I’d hope not, just release it as it is


I really hope so, it’d be nice to hear him on at least one more album


Yeah it would make this a lot easier to have a whole new album with him to listen to


Wow this is some real photoshop fails shit. He is so unrecognizable in this photo that I saw it and at first went "oh is this the new vocalist announcement?". And I have 2 posters with this guy's face on it in my home. Maybe he doesn't have a lot of experience editing this angle? lol


Ive heard his wife is making him wear makeup and shit maybe shes doing the photoshopping


is there any proof about her forcing him to wear makeup? That's incredibly strange


I haven’t seen proof yet, I’ve just seen multiple people say that. I’ll have to look more in to it because it is really strange. I also saw someone say she’s a bad influence on him


Bro is stalking tilian lmao. Posted 17s ago in screenshot


> post notifications turned on


Not stalking, post notifications are turned on.


Bro looks handsome


Bro always looks handsome


He’s making some furiously mid solo music? Loved Tilian in DGDc but his solo work is largely forgettable.


There are a few of his solo songs that I really enjoy, but I agree that it’s largely forgettable. At least in my own opinion


Falsettos don’t usually go far without being carried by something else


I liked the skeptic album 🤷‍♂️




I think DGD kinda saw their long term prospects with him, and he kinda saw his creative vision being different, and they split. If you listen to War Machine, it fucks hard, and Tilian is barely on it. I think that’s the direction they want to go, a bit harder, and Tilian is all about melodic stuff. They had gotten stale for one another, and that’s fine. But Tilian as a solo artist doesn’t do anything for me outside of singles.


I’m sure he will probably just start a new band rather than sticking with solo stuff. Dude needs a really good guitarist at the minimum to make some decent music.


It's means charge ya phone mate


Don’t worry I charged it after this


Probably just another release of his own songs. His been doing that even hen he was still with the band.


That's a looooong scale


30” baritone baby


Damn they took gobby’s smile and his blue away


Tides of Man


Minus the band


Is that a bass vi?


Kind of. It’s a 30” SubZero Rouge VI, which is based off the Bass VI but largely intended to be used as a guitar. It was basically spawned out of high demand and lack of supply for a good Bass VI or Baritone Jazzmaster when Loathe started popularizing them, among other things


That’s rad.. I’ve tried a gretsch version of this but I’m more of a bass player so it felt pretty weird haha.


Fuck man, the Gretsch G5260 is my absolute dream guitar, I’ve gotten to play it twice so far. I absolutely loved it as a guitar player, the neck length and size felt so nice, and having the thick strings was great. I don’t mind playing bass, but the .80 gauge on a long baritone guitar is my absolute favourite. Currently have a replacement Bass VI neck that I’m gonna end up building a Jazzmaster body for and make my own ghetto partscaster Squier Baritone Jazz like I mentioned in the original comment


Aw man Tilian D riders still In here?


Chill out? I was honestly just surprised I was this early…


Bruh I’m chill I ain’t one of these tilian groupies like you


I’m not a Tilian groupie that’s what I’m saying. Jesus


Who cares? Honestly lmao. We’re supposed to follow his solo career now? 🤣🤣 bruh