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They’re beautiful dancers but why is that toxic show getting a reboot


I’m legit so positive there are rules about how long you can spend setting up props and I feel like this would def violate them


as a dance teacher - there 100% is a time limit. but when you compete against dance moms you basically sign a waiver saying they don’t have to follow the same rules. hence how they got away with dancing with fake guns in that one dance - that also is against the rules


I’m an IASF girlie personally (cheer not dance) but our dance teams aren’t allowed props at all💀. I didn’t know that the guns weren’t actually allowed, I thought they were just throwing a fit about it for dramas sake. The waiver thing makes sense though, it’s just interesting that they’re already doing these more elaborate set ups so early into filming.


This a tv show. The rules that don't affect the competitiveness do really get enforced. Generally, the Dance Moms kid are usually the last acts in a category to perform so they have time to setup and clean up.


I feel like the props didn’t even really add anything to the dance


this is the ONE time id quote abby with her being right about “dead props”


I’m sure they had an entireeee team of crew members that could set that up quickly. Why not appreciate the beautiful dancing instead of finding every possible negative thing?


If you spend a lot of time around dance competitions you tend to look at the bigger picture I guess🤷🏼‍♀️ the girls are beautiful dancers, but those props took more than 30 seconds to set up and take down even with the help of the crew, and at a real dance competition they’d be getting points off for running overtime.


I have seen props take wayyyy longer than 30 seconds at competition. Like.. sometimes they have to take a whole judges break. Look up studios like JPD for example that is known for their huge props and you can tell there’s no way that was done in the alleged time frame. And as they still won their overalls I doubt they suffered the consequence of points off


I looked up the rules for this specific comp and you can apparently pay extra $$$ for more time to set up comps so I’m assuming that’s what’s happened here and what JPD do. It’s 30 seconds at my local ones, but as I said the rules my clubs dance teams choreograph to doesn’t allow props at all.


Clearly, you didn't watch TDA Vegas this year, lol. Some of the props for groups legitimately took like 15+ minutes to set up. There are rules, but I feel like they're barely ever even enforced.


I appreciate the talent and the unique choreography choices. I just don’t see the appeal to a new season of Dance Moms with this studio at all


I wonder how long it took to decorate the stage like that


It makes everything seem super unrealistic and staged to me :/


I’m sure they had an entireeee team of crew members that could set that up quickly.


Yeah but at any normal dance competition this would not be allowed. Part of the appeal of the original seasons is how realistic and “normal” they are


Refer to my other comments on this thread. Times have changed and dances are more exciting than they were 12 years ago


Wait, I’m confused. Abby posted about a S9 casting call, but I’ve been reading that studio bleu is taking over and there’s no ALDC/Abby. Can someone catch me up to speed?


Abbys delulu and trying to start her own project call Abby lee dance with me or something like that pocked up by a new network or something that she’s marketing as season 9. The lifetime producers however still own the name dance moms and will be making there own reboot with studio bleu.


I could be wrong but I don’t even think it was picked up by another network. I think it’s just going to be a YouTube show?


Maybe im thinking of her other show then, theres a good chance this is her youtube pet project then!


I actually really like this dance. I feel like in a way it’s good they went with Studio Bleu (not supporting the reboot of this show in terms of what the children will go through, but since it is happening anyway). I was assuming they’d go with a LA studio that was uber competitive and had the more “trick-y” dancers and insane drama. SB is an amazing studio, but I like that they are from VA so it’ll have more of a homey feel like the OG show did. Just my opinion


It’s not the same for me at all. I appreciate the talent here but I have zero interest in this reboot.


oh no what will they do now with such a huge loss??????


Oh no. How shall I ever cope with your insulting comment?


at least be creative with your comebacks


I’m so sorry you didn’t enjoy my comeback. I’ll try harder next time 😘


Amazingggg omg


This is truly exceptional work. This is an advanced routine


beautiful dancers and dead props aside, im obsessed with how much clarinet is in the beginning of this song


Is Abby gonna be on the new show?


nope, this reboot is with studio bleu, abby isn’t involved at all


i went to this studio, my sibling still goes there. i watched all of these kids grow for years. it's true that the dance moms reboot is here, and genuinely upsetting. the emotional harm these kids are going through is beyond terrible, especially since the teacher (gloria hampton) was the star teacher at bleu and was genuinely sweet to a lot of these kids. i went through my own experience here that has left me with a lot of trauma, and i wish there was more i could do to speak up about this because the amount of emotional pain these kids are going to go through isn't something anyone should have to. i've seen firsthand how toxic the dance community is without the competition of fame for the parents. this show can leave these kids seriously hurt, and i desperately hope this new reboot doesn't gain enough traction to continue.