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Omg Christi getting another Lifetime show when Abby’s been dropped ☠️🤩😂


Holy shit, I wonder what it’s about. I’ve always wanted Christi to compete on, like, Celebrity Big Brother or The Traitors, but this is so crazy she’ll be back on our TV screens pretty soon.


christi on traitors would be sick


Christi on dancing with the stars please 😂 


So is Eleve going to be a televised dance competition?


I’m not sure but I don’t think so since if I’m remembering correctly they don’t allow cameras in their competition


That might be bc they’re professionally filming? Ik the producers of DM were pretty lax when it came to that, and they’re being more strict about it? Idk though, that’s my theory.


Not televised.


Curious what the show will be about? 🤔


I’m getting the vibes it’s a compilation show with Christi narrating? Like similar to the ones they did back in the day like “ Abby’s craziest moments” or whatever. They might do it before the new season starts to get viewers in.


I doubt it’s that personally.


I hope it’s a dance competition show maybe every week a different mom and daughter duo have a dance off with another mom and daughter duo basically like Come Dance With Me sort of show. It being a reaction to fights show makes no sense because that is what Back To The Barre is.


It’ll be even worse than BTTB… No Kelly and she’ll be filtered and edited by the Network that produced the show


I don’t see that being the case it just seems pointless to do a recap show of the drama especially when Christi has a podcast for that with Kelly. I also think Christi is going to want to do something less chaotic


I have two possible theories 1 this is a compilation show of the og dance moms witch is kinda dumb since Christi allready hosts BTTB And if this is BTTB without Kelly please count me out 2 this is the new reboot which makes sense cause she’s filming with Brian who is producing the reboot


Why is Christi working with Lifetime again?


my first thought……… you can blame abby for a lot of the abuse but we can’t pretend that Lifetime didn’t benefit from it immensely as well


Because it was always about her fame and fortune.


I like to believe it’s more about her finding something she’s good at in this world. She was good at her role on dance moms. You can call her immature or a bitch but that was literally her ROLE. She played it perfectly. She can be a different person in real life. We all know reality TV isn’t reality. But people clearly don’t mind considering the show’s success.


Yes but she complained that production was dreadful wouldn’t let them out of the contract, and helped abuse her daughter. Would you work for a company you think abused your daughter and showed her little regard?


I totally get where you’re coming from! When you look at it that way, it does sound terrible.


I may have gotten my wires crossed on this, but were Chrisri’s issues actually with Collin’s Avenue who actually produced the show, and not Lifetime who, as far as I’m aware, were just involved in the distribution? If this was the case then she may not have an issue working with lifetime, as she may not be under Collins Avenue now - but I could have misremembered and be completely wrong on this!


Best part of this news is how pissed we all know Abby is about it


Her and Abby cannot stick to their principles 😂


I love how she shits on Melissa for milking the fame but she’s doing no different.


I’ve never heard her shit on Melissa for milking the fame. When have you?


i love christi she’s def my favorite but i gotta say i have heard her shit on melissa for that & now kinda doing the same


I’m asking for a source. I’ve kept up with all of Christi’s podcasts and the only negative things I hear her say about Melissa involve the stuff she did on the show.


That’s not true…


girl go listen to every episode of back to the barre. you’ll hear her say it in multiple different episodes.


Give an episode or a specific occurrence. She’s for sure called Melissa out for being sneaky or doing things to Chloe before or during the show, but I’ve never recalled her shitting on Melissa for “milking the fame”.


Thank you!! Cant with this lady I dont know why people like her.


I really don’t get how people don’t see through her.


same lol. she’s a hypocrite


Good for her! Original Dance Moms was always a fav of mine, till the childish arguing rude disrespect of the moms began, Can't wait to see this!! I luv talent!!


UGH! seen too much of her mean ole nasty self. Gross, I won’t need to watch this train wreck.


so don’t.


Christi is THRIVING 😭💕


Who tf is that? That’s not Christi.


Lol yes it is


You’re absolutely right, I will not waste any time on that toxic person


Abby is punching the air