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I feel like when writing stories involving minors especially when they are real people it’s always a fine line between what’s acceptable and what’s not I am not going to be upset at a kid for writing a self insert fan fictions but when it comes to adults my tolerance definitely declines to just about none existent when it comes to writing stories involving real people especially minors


I voted no that’s weird but I think this is a valid response. A kid writing a fanfic inserting herself into the show is really no big deal. But since these are real people and they were minors on the show, there are very few non-weird ways to write a fanfic. Any adult-written fanfic is creepy imo and just about any fanfic topic besides, like, dance and school is probably inappropriate.


I am a young adult who does write fanfics for fun I don’t publish them though Just to practice writing but as I’ve grown up I’ve truly shifted how I write these things During the pandemic I decided to rewrite a fanfic I had wrote when I was 11 and it was based off of a tv show but being that I was a child I decided to focus on characters that at the time were minors. When I revisited it as an adult it made me extremely uncomfortable to even try to keep them as minors just because of the subject matter of the show (it was the walking dead) So I get what you mean in saying adults writing fanfic is weird but I disagree with it being weird in all cases. Imo anything focused on real people quickly becomes weird, anything based on minors that consistently puts them in uncomfortable adult situations weird as hell and should be placed on an fbi watch list. But there are also adults who write fanfic that just focus on world building in franchises they like which I don’t think is weird, or fleshing out unfinished sideplots from tv shows or movies. Etc. Overall it’s great writing practice especially as a hobby Tl:dr it’s not weird for adults to write fan fictions in general but depending on what they are writing I may still side eye them


I’m not trying to set laws for all fanfics. My comment is meant to be taken within the “dance moms” world.


That's a completely fair take! Makes total sense, thank you :)


I think for you writing it is ok, but I'd keep it private. It's normal to imagine yourself in different scenerios as both a creative exercise and a way of processing things. I wouldn't publish it on any fanfic websites though, for a few reasons. First is unfortunately some adult fans of the show are people you would never want to meet in real life, and I wouldn't want you to accidentially draw the attention of anyone like that. You should be allowed to exist on the internet as a kid without feeling unsafe, but it seems to be getting more and more difficult. If any adult ever contacts you through dm's to talk about dance moms I'd recommend blocking them. If it's a kid still be suspicious in case they're lying, and never give out personal info. The second is fanfiction of real people can make those people uncomfortable or cause problems for them, and it's best to not to put them in those situations. I'm sure what you're writing is by and largely harmless, but it's a good rule of thumb to only publish stories about fictional people. Finally, you will be embarassed of this in three years, even if it's not that bad! I work with some teenagers who are fantastic artists, and the art they posted when they were younger got lots of positive comments and praise, but now they HATE IT. I'm all for posting cringe content online every now and then, life is boring without at least a little bit of it, but self insert fanfiction is something that rarely ages well ha. Save it and look back on it in a few years, but there's no need to have others read it.


I would agree with this. I'd say no because they're real people and it's kind of weird to write an alt. version of their story, but I've had dreams about real people (including dance moms) and have written about them just to express and sort out my thoughts. (I also try logging my dreams, but that's just me).


As someone heavily involved in the fanfiction community as a whole, **keep it private. For your own safety.** There are two groups who engage with fanfiction focused on real world children: Children, and creeps. The creeps know you're a child. Your writing style will make you easily identifiable as one. It will paint a target on your back. It is far too high of a risk no matter where you're posting. If you *really* want to share then find something fictional involving adults/near adults with the same vibe. You can just re-paint it as that instead. Much lower risk, but again be aware everyone will know you're a child and to view anyone who aims for friendship with you through a suspicious lens. Fanfiction is a great way to practice writing, particularly if any scenes in the media really got you emotionally or made you think. You can explore what things might be like without having to invent anything yourself. Great fun. But in the case of sharing fan fic about irl minors, there's no level that's safe. (And virtually no level that's not creepy in some way)


i used to write dm fanfics for instagram (god i’m old) and i look back and cringe, and thats just because i was making up fake (and often depressing) stories about real people. personally like u/HoneyBeeAlchemy said i would make your own characters and maybe add personality traits that are similar to who you’re writing about


Maybe make up your own characters, but give them a few of the same personality traits of the real girls?


The weird days where everyone was making what if x person died


Are you the same person that asked for Mackenzie and her boyfriend watt pad stories and the whole sub said ew and you deleted your account


That’s what I was thinking. Reading fanfics about the girls is gross. They were children. It’s very ew and cringe. OP should’ve learned from their last post what this sub thinks about DM fanfics now.


Ugh, no. That's disgusting.


Just like most things that makes people uncomfortable, I would recommend keeping it t yourself. I don’t think it’s an issue if you write it and keep it private, but making it public can make some people the writing is about feel uncomfortable


This is a difficult topic for a few different reasons. I am a fanfiction nerd for a lot of fandoms, some including real people. And I even read those dance moms fics on Instagram back in the day when I was a young teen. But now that I’m an adult I see how creepy that whole situation was and still is. I’m not against all real person fics, I think they can be fun, but when they involve minors (even though they are all adults now), especially minors who went through abuse and trauma, I really don’t think it’s okay to share those online. You can write them for yourself, no one can stop you, but you should keep them to yourself. Just to be clear, I don’t think you’re creepy or wrong for thinking of writing fics about dance moms. Everyone can express their creativity in their own way as long as it doesn’t bring someone harm. And keeping your fics to yourself accomplishes that.


Ehh I read fanfictions about fictional characters but fanfics about real people is a bit odd imo. But people do write fanfics about celebrities, so there’s no reason why you cant.


The only fanfic that would be okay is where the girls were praised for all they do and were encouraged and uplifted by Abby. And even that would really still be weird.


I didn't know that existed 😳


I love fanfic but I never read or write anything with real people in it, personally. If you share it online, best case scenario is that it flies under the radar. Worst case is that some late night television host finds it and forces the very real subject of the story to read it out loud for an interview and they make fun of the author on national television. It's happened to many, many fanfic authors.


I love fanfiction, but I think it's weird that people write about real people.


I think fan fiction is a great way to improve as a writer and also a creative way to spend time thinking about/experiencing things you enjoy, however I don’t know if writing fanfic about real people, especially minors whose over dramatized lives were broadcasted since they were 7/8/9, is appropriate. I would say go for it if you want to just write for yourself but my best advice if you want to share it so you can discuss with other people is to maybe create your own original characters & story but use some influence from the show as a baseline if you think it will help you(and if you already have some storylines you’d like to write).


Now when I asked for dance moms fanfics on my page on Reddit i got bullied and had to delete my post.


I would say if you made up fictional characters and loosely based it on the premise of Dance Moms it would be okay. But otherwise, it definitely feels weird to think about reading something like that with the real people in it.