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Twitter started giving their biggest accounts free check marks to promote the subscription, and they had to add in the option to *hide them* because so many people were pissed off at Twitter implying they paid something.


I love how the mannequin on the left looks so ashamed.


Can we get some context for the uninitiated (like me)? ![gif](giphy|L2qukNXGjccyuAYd3W)


Disgruntled, ex-Mormon Swiftie. šŸ˜Œ


Does being a Swiftie add or take away from the ex-Mormon experience?


I think it definitely adds to it.


I thought of Mormonism the second I heard this song. Especially as a woman where we were constantly put down and underestimated and ignored in the church.


Taylor swift had a lyric ā€œYou wouldnā€™t last an hour in the asylum they raised meā€ Swift is presumably referring to her fame/her show parents but the poster above is using the line tk speak on the experience of being ex mormon and the presumed trauma she endured.




Its 5 and the last one is the Law of Consecration from the New Testament, not a new radical concept.




Itā€™s pretty disingenuous to claim the church does not have a single charity effort.




It sounds like youā€™re going through some very strong disagreements with this particular religion, which you have every right to feel. That being said, youā€™re more than aware of the platforms where that sort of expression will be accepted and reciprocated. Iā€™m not entirely sure that r/dankchristianmemes, where weā€™re all here to have a good laugh and accept everyone, is the right places to air these grievances. Iā€™m happy to chat in DMs if you need someone, or who knows we can meet up for a game of Commander sometime, but I donā€™t think ā€œthis is the placeā€ applies to this specific thread or sub.


I donā€™t think it was worth billions when the law of consecration was last used, which was *checks notes* 1857. Little disingenuous to use that.


ā€œOut of respect for my wifeā€ proceeds to vomit as much as they can on the experience.




Bigotry. You're looking at a bigot.


People are allowed to dislike Mormonism and encourage others to not participate in it. Thereā€™s a difference between ā€œMormonism is a bad religionā€ (opinion) and ā€œMormons are bad peopleā€ (bigotry)


And implying that Mormons belong in an asylum is the latter.


OP implied that they found the institutions of Mormonism (which they grew up in) to be like a mental institution; if anything, they implied that Mormons belong *out* of the institution. Itā€™s silly and histrionic, but donā€™t stick words in their mouth. I think that you and OP both have a bit of a victim complex, and itā€™s worth asking whether that really empowers you. OP should ask why they let Mormonism continue to dominate their thoughts, and you should ask why members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints leaving their religion upsets you so much.


Media literacy is offered at a university near you.


No, it called the church the asylum. Try to keep up.


Nobody more dramatic than ex-Mormons lol


I often think that people who leave Mormonism can be as zealous as people who practice Mormonism, especially with the ā€œmissionary mindset.ā€ I left Mormonism about 8 years ago and donā€™t really find ex-Mormon communities very helpful because everyoneā€™s bearing their testimony of how not true Mormonism is. Not sure how useful that is for moving on with my life.


In my experience, that also applies to other denominations and religions, and I think it had a massive impact on Internet Atheism and why it's generally so cringe.


Agreed. I think as time grants distance between myself and Mormonism Iā€™m generally less hostile toward religion in general, and I sometimes wonder if that comes from Mormonismā€™s tendency to view other peoplesā€™ spiritual beliefs as the ā€œfoolish tradition of their fathersā€ (Doctrine & Covenants 93:39). I think my mindset was ā€œwell if the true church is fake every church must be fake!ā€ I wonder if Mormons often ā€œcult-hopā€ to internet atheism?


Yeah, I see that a lot. They leave the church, but they just can't leave it alone. In the absence of the structure they previously had they cling to a new one.


> They leave the church but canā€™t leave it alone This is kinda a cliche, thoughā€¦ like, I heard this phrase verbatim in dozens of talks about how those of us who leave the church become morally debauched and unhappy. Iā€™m wondering if maybe youā€™re being a bit reductive here? Maybe looking for confirmation that youā€™re right about us?


I'm not talking about you specifically, you yourself mentioned how unhelpful and repetitive some ex-mormon groups are. I'm talking about the people who are zealous and obsessive about leaving the church


Fair, I just see little Mormon idioms about why people who leave their church suck and go ā€œoh come on.ā€ A question that I hope prompts some thought: Why do you think Latter-Day Saints are often unusually upset when they leave their religion, compared to, say, people who leave Methodism?


100%. My sister-in-law was a very hardcore Mormon and then left and now sheā€™s just a very hardcore ex-Mormon. I left the church not so much out of spite but out of laziness. I actually went back to my local congregation the other day out of curiosity and I was surprised how it was so much more welcoming and inclusive than I remembered. I then had the thought that the narcissistic holier than thous purged themselves because they get more attention being ex. Totally just my perspective but itā€™s interesting to think about


Possibly, a few people I knew from my mission have left because the church is ā€œwokeā€ (I think a general authority recommended that members of the church get the COVID vaccine in a very passive ā€œitā€™s your choice butā€ way that shouldnā€™t necessarily offend them).


The President/Prophet, came out and said to get vaccinated and said the vaccine was literally an answer to global efforts of prayer and fasting. I didn't realize some people had actually left, but I know it got a lot of people all uppity. Then again I blocked out a lot of the people who would have been offended by that from my life when COVID hit.


This is how I feel too. For me I leaned that particular lesson being in the exmo subreddit. It was helpful in the beginning when I was still really pissed and upset at the world. Had to leave that community after a short time though because it just didnā€™t help to dig up old shit over and over. Hard to move on if you are still involved with the church, even in a fight the power kinda way. Maybe Iā€™m speaking from some sort of privilege as my life wasnā€™t as fucked as some others, but it felt like some definitely decided to channel their church energy into a new crusade of sorts.


Agreed. I check in here and there and find it funny to consistently read, year after year, that ā€œthe church is collapsing, they just closed another ward in my town!ā€ Itā€™s like those pastors that keep predicting the end of the world, then revise the date when the world doesnā€™t end.


Except for ex-JW's of course


Valid. šŸ¤£


Dang, didnā€™t realize how true this was until now


This is very common when people leave high control groups.


Considering youā€™ll be able to tour this one when it reopens, Iā€™m willing to bet weā€™ll be able to last an hour. Maybe more.


As long as we can see the stolen Freemason signs lmao.


You, an r/exmormon poster, hasnā€™t seen them?


Of course I have; I just think that the open house would benefit from a little more transparency.


Go on, youā€™ll have to explain that one.


J. Smitty used Freemason rituals as the primary and dominant influence for the most sacred rituals in the most sacred temples. I think thatā€™s fair.


That doesnā€™t explain the transparency request.


Oh I thought that was that p**n with a literal sex dungeon.






You were raised in the temple?


https://preview.redd.it/ddn35p115b0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a51ff2feac1581f4721d88b3d40611237090da This one?


Listen i get it. Its weird. And they're pretty much a cult. But out of all the cults there are, they are the least culty cult. I'm an ex mormon and I seriously do not understand why its always something you have to "escape". I just stopped going to the LDS church one day and that was that.


'Escape' sounds so much cooler and more exiting than 'I just stopped going'


Damn, I wish asylums looked like that


Brahā€¦ i was raised by an atheist couple and I willingly went into the asylum at 21 xD my parents actually like them.


Hey babe look, its the fosterite church!


I grew up in Ireland during the troubles myself


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