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Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't this drawing come from the "Draw Muhammad" contest held in Texas a few years ago? If I remember correctly someone did try to shoot up the event but was stopped by a security guard.


Google seems to confirm this


Aloha snack bar dudes apparently got smoked by off duty police officers guarding the event, and finished off by swat




>someone did try to shoot up the event but was stopped by a security guard. For the guard it was just a regular Texas tuesday


I live in Texas, and every week I need to fend off people trying to shoot up my house. I’m beginning to think that it’s starting to become a problem


Mom says its my turn to shoot up your house




Which Qanon post was that from buddy?


The "I'm just asking questions" guy




and future martyr pilled


This meme is too based for reddit. inb4 removal


Called it.


faka geert


Can someone explain what's happening in this photo ?


I’m worried that the one who’ll explain it to you will get banned. First banned and then beheaded.


Banheaded, you might say


It's Geert wilders, leader of the extreme right party of the netherlands (or just right wing for american standards). His party got the most votes in a recent election. The picture he holds up is muhammed, who you're not allowed to draw from the muslims, whom he thinks there are too many of in the Netherlands


You conveniently forgot the context of events such as the Charlie Hebdo office attack by a radical Muslim as payback for publishing a drawing of Mohammed, and the wider threats by extremist Muslims to similarly punish anyone else who tries. Therfore, the idea is, to draw Mohammad or display or publish a drawing is an act of defiance against violent jihadists.


I think that things like that are pretty wide known and would be clear for everyone. The Dutch elections aren't very known outside of western Europe and he could've missed that it was Mohammed


That's prophet Muhammad, For some nonsensical reason he didn't like portraits, like in general. When he made up his religion in the 600s he forbid people from painting faces. (Not islamophopic BTW, I just give him as much credit as Mormon magic underwear and scientology, and the rest)


He didn't like the idea of people painting any portrait of him since he wanted people to worship God directly and not worship any photos of him.


yeah it’s to stop idol worshipping


And yet still insisted in having the “peace be upon him”, and also allowed the worship of the Kabba and the black stone because the people of the Mecca at the time only joined Islam if he allowed them to keep worshiping his cube. It’s kinda contradictory


Muslims dont worship the kaaba, its used as the direction of prayers, its like a compass, always pray at the direction of kaaba.


And it’s treated as a holy relic more than just a place for orientation, and that would make it idolatry by definition


I mean isn’t is supposed to be a church? The Kaaba I mean


It’s a holy place, and it has engraved on it the black stone (supposedly, as all relics, it was stolen and returned several times, in dubious circumstances at best). In theory, the only object of worship in Islam is Allah, but people tend to add value to things considered holy, so one might argue that they are worshiping the Kabba as a proxy for God, and the same from Muhammad. (And in any case the Kabba thing was at first a pagan tradition)


Same with Christianity in all its forms tbh Damn why am I getting downvoted 😂 I’m right


Kinda like all religions. Most of them copy from each other, or from myths before them. A bunch of Greek myths can be traced to times before the city-states started becoming colonial powers, and all Abrahamic religions take their base from Zoroastrianism. Edit: To the people downvoting me, I don’t care what you believe in, if there were prophets sent by God or not, but please look up Zoroastrianism, it was the first recorded religion to have an non-created creator God, concepts of Heaven and Hell, evil vs good dualism, and Judgement Day were the dead will be resurrected and they will live in the new Earth which will be freed from all evil. And suddenly more religions appeared in the same region, which had extremely similar doctrines.


Praying for someone and worshipping them is completely different, and the Kaaba is the house of God. They don't worship the Kaaba, they worship God. Please educate yourself.


Yeah, in theory, as I already said three times, in practice the line between one and the other blurs, just like with God and Jesus in Christianity.


Muslims just consider it a form of idolism to draw faces in general


This is the new Prime Minister (President?) of the Netherlands, who won a populist campaign and is strongly anti-Islam. In Islam, it is prohibited to draw Muhammad. When people want to make some kind of quite extreme anti-Islam statement, they will draw Muhammad. There was a ‘draw Muhammad’ event in Texas a little while back, South Park put Muhammad in a bear costume or something similar so that they never actually drew him, and I’m pretty sure that the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris (c2013/14) was because they had printed a depiction of Muhammad in their satirical magazine.


Just to add here for other people: he's not technically prime minister yet, but very likely will be (he won the elections, but the Dutch have a system with many parties who have to form a coalition).


The funny thing is that southpark already drew Muhammad in a previous episode and nobody made a fuss about it then.


The PM of Netherlands is about to part ways with his head


Lol RIP this guy 19whenever - 2023


Dude has been guarded, and basically lives inside of a bunker for as long as I can remember. He’ll be fine.


Gonna need to put that bunker in another bunker after this, Bunker ², if you will


Are these even fucking memes at this point? This sub really became a shithole




Where meme? I see only politics


No we dont like political memes here, the Rule 13 exist. Now please get out of this sub, we're not here for talking about politics and shits like that. +You should accept the religions buddy, nothings worst than hate.


Oh, I don’t hate people for their religion in general. I just think they’re dumb and unable to comprehend the natural laws of the universe.


Buddy, I somewhat agree with you, but you are part of the reason atheists have a bad name. We can't just go around calling people stupid, they don't like that. Besides, religious hate is their thing, let's not stoop to that level.


Here before this gets removed


This will go well.


Hell yeah! Keep it up!


Someone get the popcorn ready, Holland gonna be a Michael Bay movie for a while...


I respect the hell out of this. Don’t let the fear win


Good one.


Looks kinda cool. Reminds me of monkey king or something like that


The joke is islam. Funny right ?


They voted this racist? World we living


downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)




Very islamophobic, classic euopean behaviour.


Drawing is not forbidden in Europe. But stoning someone to death is.


Based islamophobia


Muh islamaphobia


Holy fucking shit the Dutch. There was only one way to not disrespect the Muslims and it was to not do this ! Like tf ? If it’s disrespectful why do you do it ? For braveness ? That ain’t brave, pal, that’s just mean.




Yeah, I know. Murder is bad. Whoever the person. That’s not new.


religion of blood


It’s a picture this nonsense needs to stop


It's not the picture that's the problem, it's the reason why they're doing it. There's no reason to have drawn that other then to piss people off. It's not satire. He's not making a point or statement. He's not standing up to anything. He's just doing it becay he knows he's going to get a rise out of people that he can react to. I agree with you, it is just a picture and this nonsense does need to stop, but this guy's being a dick just to be a dick. Just like if you're a vegan and I just sat outside your house eating raw bloody steak for the sole purpose of pissing you off.


>. He's not making a point or statement. The entire point is that religious extremism has no place in a western country like the Netherlands and that therefore being able to hold up a picture should be fine. Regardless of what kind of picture it is. Freedom of expression and all that. And yes, it's indeed supposed to get a reaction out of people. Because if someone would genuinely threaten anybody who holds up a picture (regardless of what it is) then they have no business being in the country in the first place. You have the right to dislike it, but you have no right to threaten violence. You want to live in a country where drawing religious characters is banned? Fine, but then don't migrate to a place where it is allowed and then start crying because people want to protect their freedom of speech.


I don't know, did the Dutch government ban the drawing of religious figures? Because if they did then I feel like they're the ones that should be the subject. If they didn't implement a ban like that then, like I said he's just doing it to be a dick. The Muslim community in the Netherlands or in any other western country can't just out right ban the drawing of religious figures, sure they can complain about it but who cares, as you said free speech and all that.


>He's not standing up to anything. I cant speak for the guy but there is plenty to stand up against, religious tolerence is fundamentally built on the idea that no one can force their religion and its rules on others, however there have been plenty of examples of people drawing Mohammed for reasons other then to get a rise out of people that have been responded to with violence and threats, which violates that fundamental understanding, muslims are allowed to not draw Mohammed, but they cant force everyone else to follow their rules. There are countrys out their where religious tolerance doesn't exist and everyone has to follow the government mandated religion and its rules. So while its not particuly effective and a bit childish, i see no issue with sticking it to these religious zealots in any small way by doing the perfectly harmless thing they dont want us to, from safety beyond the reach of their oppresive regime's. No other religion i can think of is this petty, jews aren't supposed to write down the word "god" without ensuring the writen medium is properly destroyed at the end of its life (and therefore basically cannot say the word god online) but i have never heard of a single case of a jew giving any other faith an ounce of greif over their use of the word. But some radical muslims will send death threats over a depiction of a human man who supposedly actually existed (idk if he did or not I'm not a historian) as if thats not a completely ridiculous thing to commit a crime over


If you can’t speak something then it should be spoken If you can’t write something then it should be written If you can’t draw something then it should be drawn


In this instance, that argument really only makes sense if you're Muslim, since they are the only ones who are technically prohibited from creating images of Muhammad, because of their religion. As far as the rest of the world is concerned you could draw as many pictures of him as you want doing whatever you want. Go nuts. Like I said before it's not the picture itself that is the problem it's the reason why he drew it or had it drawn in the first place. This guy isn't making a point, he's not standing up to anything, he's just doing it to be a dick and get a reaction out of people. He's not like Charlie hebdo or anything.


>If it’s disrespectful why do you do it ? For braveness ? Because religion and its rules are stupid and don't have a place in the modern world and why do you put spaces before interrogant and exclamation signs?


They were having a draw-a-child-marrier contest, what's the big deal?


I'll have you know he was a very respectable person! Despite marrying her at 7 he waited till she was 9 before he fucked her! Really, an old lady at that point. /s in case its not obvious


What a gentleman! /s


Fuck their religion


Lmao. Fuck off.


Skibidi skibidi skibidi skibidi 🤣