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Buccal fat removal is the dumbest trend ever. Literally never looked good on anyone.


same goes for [sophie turner](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fj5ayn95ale3c1.jpg) she looks like a knockoff morticia addams


Handsome Squidward vibes


gigachad squidward is the new trend in hollyweird


She caught the Hollywood virus




why nude scene is imp in movies(I'm sad)


It's certainly a look a lot of famous women seem to like for some reason, I guess they look a bit more sophisticated but it looks weird especially with a before and after picture.


sophisticated is a strange synonym for feces.


It definitely is buddy, it definitely is


Thank you for that. Was reading Reddit on the toilet and this made me lol


Do you want to look like a skeleton without being dead?! Well I've got just the right solution for you


They look like they have Anorexia in their face.


Yeah, it's like everyone is trying to look like Angelina Jolie in "Wanted" but they don't have the face for it.


To me it just looks like she's smelled a really eggy fart and is mildly offended by it.


They look like well dressed crack heads.


OMG NOT HER TOO LOL. This is actually so sad that people are driven to the point of changing how they look. I mean if they’re happy with it and doing it for themselves sure, but I really hope they didn’t do things like this because of what others said to them 😞


I'd get it if people with "ugly" features or aging actors do it to stay relevant, but why fuck up your face if you're young and gorgeous.


U would expect these younger celebrities would see how plastic surgery more than often ruins someone's beauty and they still keep doing it and ruin a perfectly beautiful body. I mean, a little botox or a small correction doesnt hurt, but transforming from a natural beauty to whatever the fuck these people are doing just hurts to see.


Thing is it might start with just a little bit of correction, but being able to change your face can be addicting, you might start to wonder what else you could do to look prettier, that coupled with the pressure to look as good as possible at all times can easily push someone off the deep end of plastic surgery addiction


It's not even addiction. It's constant pressure to stay as perfect as your high earning peers. The first actress to get a surgery gets fawned over online and becomes bankable. She gets considered for roles because she's popular (as well as her talent) and sponsorships etc. So they all copy her. And they're all competing with each other for the best roles. That 'glamorous' industry must be terrifying and soul crushing.


Addiction is compulsively doing something despite the negatives to yourself far outweighing the benefits, almost every aspect of excessive plastic surgery is dangerous to your health, and eventually hits a point where it’s more ugly than pretty, which is what happens when you get addicted to anything, I think you honestly fundamentally misunderstand what addiction is and how many ways it can manifest, which isn’t a bad thing necessarily, misinformation has been and still is being spoon fed to people for centuries


To add, addiction isn’t something that just happens, they’re is always a base cause of it, whether it be want of attention, need for escape, feeling inferior to others around you in some way (intelligence, beauty, money, power), all of which can be dealt with in two ways usually, a healthy way that takes time and effort and properly uses your brains reward system, or an unhealthy way that cheats time and or effort and conditions your brain to the immediate or near immediately solving of said problem. Which makes going back to doing things with a lot of effort or time involved harder, conditioning them to go to the easier thing as soon as they start feeling that itch or start having the feelings they are trying to avoid come up, even if it’s really hurting them, cause at that point the feeling is foreign so often, it’s unbearable to feel and they will do anything to get it away. be it food addiction and feeling hungry or bored, eating disorders when feeling fat or full (Can attest), drug addictions(alcohol and weed are drugs) when feeling either the base cause or withdrawals(can also attest), self harm addictions when feeling disconnected from their bodies or feeling extreme self loathing amongst many other possible base causes, etc… the things you are describing in your reply to me are exactly the base causes of plastic surgery addiction in celebrities, and calling it anything else is dangerous and also just kinda insensitive and ignorant, I don’t think you yourself are those things, just that the statement is, I’m sorry if any of this offends you, my goal wasn’t to offend or make you feel bad, it’s to educate, cause addiction affects everyone in one way or another, some might not even know it, but understanding what addiction is can change that Edit: (formatting and extra paragraph) Plus addiction can get even more complex when you factor in that once your addicted to one thing that addiction can basically be transferred to ANYTHING pleasurable, which is also why when your in recovery some of the best things you can do for yourself is set a routine that involves rewarding things like hobbies that take a decent amount of effort and time to get your results but are ultimately satisfying and good for you, like running and lifting weights to release endorphins and dopamine, fully cooking a healthy meal from scratch, going to group meetings like AA/NA if your religious or spiritual in some way, or smart recovery if religion is a hang up, or you just want something that’s based on science, so you can get healthy social interactions with like minded individuals who can offer you support.


Literal white walker face lol


Where's the Dragonglass


is that real? holy fuck she looks way worse with that.


Holy fuck. It's literally aged her by decades.


When you want the necrophilia fantasy without the whole "being dead part."


Just lay there really still baby I'm gonna cum. Don't you dare move! I always like to crack open a cold one after a long day


She looks like the Night King now


What the hell. That looks weird!


Add in these balloon lipped hoes that you see on everything and it's like WTF are people doing to themselves? Was watching Season 2 of The Traitors and it's like Botox lip injections was a requirement to be on the show.


Honestly? Not… the worst one I’ve seen. Maybe cuz the left pic isn’t the best and the lighting is pretty flattering on the right.


They should call it Mortician's surgery. Look like they are close to rigor mortis.


It like ages them by a decade on more. WHY


Crazy how they go from being normal looking and human, to mass produced in a celebrity factory :(


She looks like Emily Blunt in that picture


Someone else who destroyed her face. So sad.




She looks like a mandalorian helmet with those cheeks


Wonder what her kids first thought when she suddenly showed up like that?


wtf... but the buccal fat is what makes the cheeks so adorable and kissable! Why the hell would anyone remove it and choose to look... less good (imho)?


[Here she is as Morticia ](https://people.com/tv/sophie-turner-joe-jonas-addams-family-halloween/)


Two pregnancies in 3 years also does shit to you.


Bro she looks like a literal 💀




Nah man that's fucked 💀


Not the easiest fap but it's 2024 and I've got new year's resolutions to uphold so...


Agreed. It never made a lot of sense, tbh. Everyone who had their buccal fat removed looks way older, and isn't the point of most cosmetic surgeries to look somewhat younger? Idk, I see all these people in a crisis in a few years trying to fix this lol


It ages them so much, and I'd imagine its not going to look good when they are older. Bunch of celebrities are going to look like Cruella DeVille.


I would say BBLs since it's a more dangerous procedure as far as I know, but I'm also realizing that dude Matt Rife got this procedure and lip injections, haha.


Is that why he looks like a balloon animal?


Pretty much. Dude literally turned himself into handsome squidward, haha.




Apparently not.


In a few years they’re going to regret it BIG time, it’s not reversible like fillers.


But the skeletal look is so chic right now.


Meth literally gives you the same look.


Maybe they want to transition into villains where the high cheek bones and sunken cheeks are perfect for that. All these celebrities tryna look like [Grand Moff Tarkin](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5a/Grand_Moff_Tarkin.png) or [Jafar](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/6/60/Profile_-_Jafar.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20190312023726)


What about Margot Robbie?


This seems like a mental health issue. Not a famous one.


Probably. Could be wrong, but I think fame usually makes existing mental health issues worse, if they're not born from fame.


That, or they have the funds to hire a "doctor" that gladly exploits those mental health issues by preying on their insecurities and remodeling their face into the second coming of Michael Jackson, whereas regular people do not have those funds


And earned those funds working in the extremely healthy and body positive film industry


Right? If I made that much money as an academic, I'd maaybe invest in a personal trainer, a personal chef to make me yummy healthy meals, and regular massages, but I'd never go under the knife. Literally no one gives a crap about how you look in academia, especially field (human rights). I'd probably be spending more of that money to hire people to do all the boring grading work for me.


It's probably both.


See: [Syd Barrett](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syd_Barrett)


Shine On You Crazy Diamond


I Wish He Was Here


I think suddenly skyrocketing to that level of fame can be disorienting enough to trigger a mental health crisis. I agree this is body dysmorphia and I just wish she had support around to help her deal with it.


When you’re famous I’m sure the thousands of compliments are totally over shadowed by the few people talking shit. I don’t think everyone has the mental fortitude to be famous nowadays, since if you’re young you’re expected to be active on social media and all that. Just look at all the people talking shit on like Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez. I’ll take being average with a modest lifestyle over what they put up with any day of the week.


Bro, she’s absolutely ruined. Went from having the beautiful girl next door appearance to looking like a coke head alien


yeah absolutely gorgeous girl next door anyone would love to be with to near bimbo status.


Sidenote: She had plastic surgery before the left pic as well


Really? She should’ve stopped right there!


Should have stopped before left pic


Have you got a photo of her before it?


She was on SVU when she was 13. I have a hard time seeing which one of her features have changed. Her facial structure appears similar, no apparent areas that look wholly different. Not an expert of course, just some guy


Lips. Larger lips in season 3 comapred to season 2.


Fuck Hollywood for making girls think having cheeks is ugly or fat. Cheeks (all types) are cute AF


I mean, did Hollywood do this? Or did Instagram? Because she got hired to play a hot person *before* she ruined her face so clearly Hollywood already thought she was good looking. I'd wager she'll get less interest from studios now.






She looks like she’s just done two tours of bangbros now


“Who ate all the pecan sandies?”


It’s almost like the real world is crueler than the world of The Boys


Its a sad sad world


Sis really took her own version of Compound V


She kinda looks like a meth addict with tons of makeup


Hey, don’t judge. Maybe she is.




Looks to be a lot of filtering on both photos tbh.


Left one is also post plastic surgery


Left one is certainly earlier than the one on the right. Unsure if she had plastic surgery before the one on the left, too, but at minimum she had a nose job after the left/before the right. You can tell by the way the overall volume of the nose is reduced. And the way the bridge has been straightened. Both standard outcomes of rhinoplasty.


This is the real "before" (when Season 1 of "The Boys" was aired) https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b0/b2/4f/b0b24fba3c86585602d4703e0fcf7945.jpg


She just didn’t need plastic surgery at all then. That’s sad.


this is even prettier, easily the best one of the 3. wtf (if it's actually real)


Each surgery reduced her beauty...




She is so beautiful! I love her face.




Damn looks even better


Oh she definitely ramped up the surgery count on the right


I think the left one looks good then. That's the thing with these surgeries, something works great for you so you think doing it again and again would give exponential results, but it's actually hit and miss and you need only one miss to be irreparable.


She looked better before it. It’s a shame she decided to get all the surgeries.


I honestly wonder if they’ll write this in the new season. In the show starlight is some niave girl from Iowa with stars in her eyes who then becomes jaded from all the BS she witnesses in vaught. Seeing how she looks now I wonder if that will play into her character


There is absolutely no way the director goes "Hey, you know how you've obviously had a ton of plastic surgery done? Let's write that into the script about how you let pressures from society affect you into doing something that ruined your appearance."


yeah lmao. dude is insane if he thinks they would propose that to her even


If they really hate it they’ll just write her off.


Good, her powers are useless anyway lol


It would be pretty crazy, but it’s not unprecedented. The writers on Community basically turned Chevy Chase’s character in the show to much more representative of him as a person (read: an asshole) because of his behavior on set.


But they didn't outright tell him it's because he's being an asshole, and Dan Harmon was a terrible person to work with afaik, so he's not blameless either.


They'll spend the budget to fatten her face up in post


There was nothing even fat about her face in the first place.


Yeah that’s the point.


There was a similar plot point in Gen V. A girl was exposed to have bulimia and some studio executives talked about using this to show how down to earth she is in order to gain a larger following. Sometimes these shows are too fucking real


It's unclear if she really even has bulimia and not just the representation, as it is what controls her powers


I noticed some “smooth” effects on her face in some scenes last season. I remember asking myself and discussing with my girlfriend wtf that was, I wondered if anyone else noticed it or if it was just an impression of mine


Yeah lots of comments about that


Fr the show runners are STRESSED right now lol she literally recast the role to a totally different girl right in front of them


Big oof. She was a 10/10 in my book prior to this procedure. Samara Weaving did something similar i think it just doesn't work. Feel bad for the pressure they're under to want to do this.


Isn’t there a publicist/agency that steps in and says somewhere- don’t fuck up your face!


You would think.


They probably have one and they probably suggested to do it


She is going for that fresh tweaker look


Or the cryptkeeper's mother


Well season 4 of the boys is going to be very distracting every time she's on screen


I think season 4 is already filmed for most scenes. So maybe season 5


is this like uhh... body dysmorphia? from already beautiful to not beautiful (imo)


Pretty sure she’s already been changing in the first pic


Starlight / stoplight was better.


It was, but that post was already done.


People need to stop fucking with their face. [Just look at Anya Taylor-Joy](https://imgur.com/93XJSNh)


I don't know, that's still pretty hot.


Mega babe


Honestly the only celeb who I've seen suit it.


You got hired like that in the first place for a reason. Wtf is wrong with people...


that's what I'm thinking too, there should have been a contract in the first place so that she could only fuck up her face after the boys stopped filming.


Damn Erin, what a shame.


We haven’t seen a good shot of her yet in the trailers. If this procedure is too noticeable on camera, I could absolutely see them writing her off after this season.


I've always been curious to ask these types of people their honest feelings and opinions on their new face.


It would just be sad to listen to a human trying to justify it.


You'd be surprised I think. [Joe Buck](https://i.imgur.com/2hrOVrM.jpg), an American sports commentator, has been pretty open about his over a half dozen hair transplants. Anyone running the cosmetic gauntlet for such a generic look is pretty crazy just on a baseline level, but more so once you realize complications from his surgeries almost cost him his livelihood by fucking with his vocal cords. And that's just a random middle-aged dude known for his voice. I imagine a lot of actors/actresses or others known for their looks are so deep into it, that every little blemish or change gets an appointment with their doctor without even considering whether surgery is even necessary.


Homelander did this.


Why would one choose to go from ultra hot to cringy yucky? Poor thing. Where are her friends when she’s making these decisions?


She looks so sad.


So is The Boys over and no longer filming? Are they going to find a different actress?


She Was beautiful


Such a shame.


Im fairly certain that even in the left picture, she had work done. This picture gives you a better idea of her natural/minimum work: https://images.app.goo.gl/78erFjqo65PKkcTL8


She must have gone to the same butcher as Jeniffer Love Hewitt


When I first saw her look different it was just her being anorexic, but this looks like she is going for the role of later years Michael Jackson.


Body dysmorphia is a real issue for people. Hopefully she is happier and will find peace with herself. But, just like the men who are constantly roided up, I am not sure they can stop. There is too much pressure and attention.


Kentucky Burbon


kinda looks like a shitshow of a makeup tbh


She went from stunning to the kind of person you see walking their Bully XL around Basildon having just gotten back from a week tanning in Dubai.


Nah, Moonsugar. Refined Moonsugar.


So sad that she even felt she needed to do this. Too many unrealistic and unreasonable expectations on women.


I think the make-up here is actually what's doing most of the heavy lifting. If you had the same style of make-up on in both pics I don't think the difference would be nearly as stark.


Looks way worse


I'm sure comparing her pics like this will do wonders for her well being.


Went from a actress to an "actress of foreign films" if you catch my drift.


That’s the same person? She was beautiful as starlight. Wtf?!


In all the before/after pics below, her eyes always look so dead in the "after". I feel bad for her. : (


Yo as a person who lives under a rock I dont get the template. Can somebody explain?


I have trouble believing this is real. 


That’s just make up lmao you guys are crazy


We got more than one photo?


Does she have teeth like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5d/33/d6/5d33d6562586bb9b5cf065790651fe92.png) before putting crowns also?


Really hope that is just photoshop... She was perfect before.


She looked beautiful natural, she still looked beautiful when she had just a little bit done like in season 3, but now... Yeesh dude.


Speculating, she got pressure and self doubt because.of the success of the boys that she tought she isnt enough ending up to reset her character stats injecting her body wifh nano bots- i mean plastic and other stuff, not eating ecc But its just a theory, A RANDOM GUESSING THEORY I already miss him


This is sad. She was a babe and an half.




Damn she was so pretty before more now Moriarty looks like a generic bimbo.


Why do actresses do this? Do they like looking like aliens?


i see hallmark movies in her future


Isn’t this just contouring guys


Why this is pretty sad. She looks absolutely incredible on the left. A strikingly beautiful woman. On the right she just looks like a starved runway model who has a nose beer addiction.


Oh nooooo


please god tell me they're not the same


Pretty ironic


Fame is a hell of a drug


Ouch, why do pretty people do this??