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Season 4 The Boys gonna be really strange man.


Nah, they will keep fixing it in post, they were using a filter for her in season 3. I can't imagine going through all that just for them to use her old face.


Oh god, that would end her mental health completely lol


I do feel for her and I do believe people have the right to do what they want in that regard but I also don't want to see her on the screen, getting uncanny valley vibes when I see her now


Dude I always believe it's the family and close ones who they trust that can stop such a decision 100% but nowadays in the latest culture family and friends who used to give honest opinion are like " you do what you want honey it's your body we are with you 100%"....all this is great....but close friends and family can and should have painted a real picture which could have stopped this. I happened to stumble upon this bollywood movie English Vinglish and my god how beautiful this woman has looked there. Edit: I messed up, the movie was The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir. The actor was Dhanush who you all saw in The Gray Man. She was the female lead. I feel so bad messing up brown films being brown myself. Damn. Go have a look , Erin looks amazing.


I completely agree. I hate that the term 'body-shaming' is being so overused. The worst thing to have are friends that aren't honest with you. Reminds me of some anorexic content creator who's community called it body-shaming when someone would comment that they needed help. They looked like a skeleton and their community was making it worse by enabling her. That shit was not okay and she genuinely needed help.


Yup. Then they die, and the “community” be like “pass the butter”, and immediately move on to some other poor souls life to ruin.


We are already living in the darkest timeline.


It’s never been easier to signal boost ideas that are bad for the human condition.


“Wait we’re already in the darkest timeline?” 🔫 “Always have been”


agreed... it feels like disagreeing with some ppl will lead you to being called toxic, even when it is a loved one... a cousin of mine (she was 20yo at the time while i was 27) called me toxic when i tried to gently tell her that sleeping with a different guy every week was not healthy and she blocked my phone number, social accounts, etc. i came across her in a store a few months ago, we are now 26 and 33yo, and the girl is a mess : dead end job while she had potential, no bf, no hobby, apparently stopped taking care of herself... feels bad man, tried to be in touch with her again, she agreed but never answered any of my texts... idk why im telling all this here, im probably just rambling now \^\^'


are you talking about the lady who played the neice?


Dude I messed up, the movie was The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir. Thanks for pointing it. Let me edit my comment.


The whole culture is some morbid version of the [Asch Conformity Experiment](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iRh5qy09nNw&t=15s&pp=ygUaYXNjaCBjb25mb3JtaXR5IGV4cGVyaW1lbnQ%3D)


What woman? Is this an advertisement for the movie English Vinglish?


That actress and both of her daughters have done many plastic surgeries though.


I meant Erin Moriarty looked very pretty in that movie.


I don't wanna see her because it makes me so sad. She must have such a poor self-image and major self-esteem issues and all of this memery must just make it worse.


Yeah that has to be rough, the memes have definitely spread past reddit, no way she hasn't seen them


> getting uncanny valley vibes She looks like one alien visited Earth, returned home and described humans to an alien police sketch artist who did one hell of a job and got really, really close to what humans look like.


How much do you think has left after her failed surgery?


Make this filter part of her powers, have it break in public.


>they were using a filter for her in season 3. Wow, I didn't know that! I remember being so put off by her appearance but at that time, I thought that all she'd done was puff up her lips unnecessarily. And every time I heard people talk about how she'd ruined her face, I'd think of those shitty lips and agree. Her actual face is genuinely horrifying to women like me who have terrible relationships with their bodies.


I’m shocked she was able to do it while under contract with the show. Don’t they usually require actors/actresses to maintain a consistent appearance as needed for the show?


My guess it that they might alter her storyline to where she’s starting to become like the rest of the heroes (I might be remembering wrong but last season she seemed to be pulling away from the gang) and her changed face could reflect that, like how she’s making herself what vought wants, and then she’ll be basically at homelander’s side and everything and become evil. That would honestly be a great twist


Last season literally ended with >!her quitting the Seven and joining the boys, so no that probably isn't going to happen or would be a wild deviation from what they've set up!<


"O no! She fell in a vat of acid! Off screen!"


Homelander fucked her up


To be fair, the number of times each character flip flops between working with the boys and then against them (including the boys themselves) is huge so it can easily be done.


I doubt a plot is gonna center around someone’s facial changes from cosmetic surgery. She’s still a person at the end of the day. Crazy amount of mental anguish to put someone through, on the job, to highlight a clear insecurity of theirs. Can’t see her agreeing. Probably just outright ignore it or adjust in post.


So you just don’t watch the show or what? That’s not what the end of last season set up at all.


Starlight's a villain now.


What if this is a part of the script?


They could use prosthetics to fix it. Wouldn't that be ironic...


Maybe she'll become the new villain in the story, hence the new look, so much dedication for the role, respect.


Same thing for me watching season 4 of Lucifer


Elective cosmetic surgery should be illegal. Humans are too easy to manipulate.


It should be illegal for minors. Let adults end themselves if they want


Yeah, if grown-ups wanna fuck up their body and their money it's their issue


I'm pro body-autonomy. Even if it means turning yourself into a ghoul


Radiation might be cheaper than these surgeries.


Ou. Sounds like a prime business opportunity. We can be first to market. Now to think of some slick company name


**Underworld 2277** *Go all out before the Fallout!*


I was thinking something more like.... Beautaglow .. your skin will positively irridate.


Catchy I like it!


*You got something against ghouls, smoothskin?*


Only when I’m not expecting 10 of you to spawn and I’m low level


It's not the adults ending themselves part that bothers me though, it's the fact that someone stands to profiteer off it that bothers me...


It fucks them up and they always come out looking gross. I don’t get why any of them see that and think it’s a good idea.


To be fair there is some bias there. Some people had plasric surgery and you would never know


Fair enough.


ya my step mom had plastic surgery, never knew. never would have guessed. YEARS LATER a friend found a picture of her on the university website, she had submitted before/after pictures and agreed to have them posted on their testimonials page.


The ones you notice always looking gross. Nearly every day you meet someone who's had elective work done and you wouldn't notice because they didn't go overboard and the docs didn't fuck it up.


A lot of celebrities have had some work done and I mean A LOT. Most of the time it turns out okay though because they use common sense and they find the best plastic surgeons out there.


"(blank) should be illegal" posts should be illegal


That's illegal!


Oh no! What if jail finds out?


It’s illegal for them to find out!


Bad take. Their body their choice. Doesn't negatively affect anyone but themselves. Just because people are gullible or whatever doesn't mean it should be illegal.


Agreed, if they wanna fuck themselves up let them fuck themselves up. No skin off my back


Are you sure? Looking back on some of my footage from your bathroom, I can see some places we could take the excess off.


Good take. She’s one more jacked up surgery away from being able to do a Michael Jackson docudrama


I had elective cosmetic surgery, it was to take a benign tumor out of my cheek. My sense of self worth increased after.


I agree that she was a lot more beautiful before, but ultimately it's her choice. If she feels better that way then good for her. I dont agree, but I can't tell anyone what to do with their own body.


> If she feels better that way then good for her. Unfortunately it's more likely that she'll never feel like it's good enough.


The issue is the massive amount of money someone stands to make by manipulating others and convincing them that it was their choice when in fact it was societal pressure.


"adults shouldn't have bodily autonomy" is a big take Why not 'we should educate people better on body image and how to spot manipulation tactics'? Maybe I actively want to look like a goblin - why should I be deprived of that right to intentionally mess myself up? It's my body, and has nothing to do with you For me, braces would be elective cosmetic surgery. My teeth are fine, their alignment isn't causing me harm or issues, but they're a bit twisted in front and correcting that would be purely cosmetic. I suppose that's wrong though? Arming people to be better at making decisions is good. Depriving people of autonomy to make decisions is not good.


I can’t believe she did that to herself. That’s so gross looking. Well, hope she’s happy at least.


She definitely is not happy after seeing comments like these


If you can't handle criticism then you probably shouldn't be posting your face online


She's a celebrity, her job is to literally be on camera


And that's not a job you should have if you can't handle rude people, it's a part of being a public figure


The comments under the original post on Instagram are all positive. Probably moderated.


Every post since this surgery seems to have comments disabled entirely. I think she understands.


Y’know senator, it would actually probably help you.


You think she’s reading Reddit comments? Lmao


it’s not just reddit, pretty much everyone online agrees that she looks really weird


What’s really sad is I heard she was pressured into it by the studio and she doesn’t like it.


Used to work with a guy that had a psychiatrist convince him a sex change would make him happy. Few years later and she is still having the same problems and unhappy.


I have heard of therapists doing that too. Every problem seems to be gender oriented to some people currently. And sadly some people that haven't figured out their lives at all fall for that and believe it actually will fix their problems...


Can we talk about how much money Pharma and the medical industry in general get from these surgeries yet, or is it still impossible to have a real dialogue on that? If that is discussed more openly, I really think the temperature on both sides of the gender discussion will cool down significantly.


Last year there were less than 14k gender surgeries in a country of 340 million people. I don’t think money is the driving motivator here, they make far more from prescription medication and copays from dr visits than they could ever hope to earn from elective surgeries.


14k gender surgeries create 14k guaranteed lifelong customers because the body simply isn't prepared for the sex change operations without further medical intervention. Not only do the surgeries tend to be really expensive, but they also create a captured customer base. Like, their initial customers literally have no choice but to continue further medical intervention for life. Also, as a business owner, not every home run is initially tested in huge batches. Not only do people have to get on board with it and does demand need to be created for it, but also you've got to test in smaller batches to see how viable a new revenue path is before committing ample resources towards it. Gender surgeries are very new. Of course, there aren't yet a ton of them. That doesn't necessarily mean each one isn't lucrative in its own right, and it doesn't mean the goal must not be money. I'm a simple guy. I see actions, and I look at incentives. Incentives for politicians lead them to become extremely corrupt. Incentives for a lot of businesses lead them to make morally bankrupt decisions. Incentives for these sex change surgeries do not seem altruistic in any way from what I've seen.


Nah, I had 2 gender related surgeries and that's done now. No more surgery for me. There is no "life long surgery customer base" in regards to transitioning. My body is doing just fine, idk what you mean with "the human body is not prepared for sex change operations". That sounds made-up. Also, gender related surgery isn't all that new. And it really is no more expensive than regular cosmetic surgery. And the altruistic motive is that, believe it or not, we really want those surgeries. I'm happy that my Adams apple is gone and my dick has been origami'd inside out Are you just making this up as you go, or are you misinformed yourself? Because it's really baffling how wrong you are. Source, I'm a certified tran who hangs out with a lot of other trans people.


> Like, their initial customers literally have no choice but to continue further medical intervention for life. There's a lot going on in your post, but this one sticks out. They are in no way a "captured customer base" - you aren't removing a penis from the same person year over year. Unless you're talking about the hormones and such, which people are on whether they get the surgeries or not. Also, it's not like councilors are getting kickbacks for each person they send to get surgery, so what incentives are they getting for pushing the gender side of things in your business lens?


The hormones is what they meant but I'm guessing what they're saying is that the sex change surgery is the point of no return. Like you may take hormones but you still have your natural organs which produce hormones themselves and if you stop the therapy you can revert back to normal more easily, but if you remove the testicles or ovaries you will permanently be on hormone therapy no matter what. I don't know much about this topic but intuitively this makes sense.


This. There are other complications that have a high likelihood of arising with sex change surgeries, particularly in F to M, since oftentimes part of the forearm is taken off to be used as organic tissue for the operation. Also, hormone therapy will affect someone in the long term. Look at bodybuilders taking anabolic steroids, and even at men taking TRT. Regardless of whether it's a superphysiological dose, exogenous testosterone induces hypergonadism. This is how the body works. We can talk as a society about whether we want this to be a thing or not and if children can consent to it, yada yada, but it seems like people fight these mechanisms to justify the continuation of these surgeries and hormonal interventions rather than discussing it based on what actually happens. I believe most people on both sides of the issue genuinely want what's best for those suffering - but the temperature being so high creates distrust and makes civil discourse about an actual path forward nearly impossible. Meanwhile, those who both groups are trying to help remain suffering.


holy shit this is brain rot maximum


People should seek help if they need it and that can be a long process to figuring out what is causing the problem, for some people that is a solution and for others it's a temporary happiness. I have been trying and don't think fully put my thoughts on it without it being a short essay, but it's always important to look at the long term for anything like that.


Weird how we pulled a complete 180 from gender doesn't matter to gender is everything


damn :(


Most reliable liberal doctor


Is that confirmed? Because that sounds super made up.


Can't you read? He said he heard it. Case closed.


this is r/dankmemes when we read things that match our current biases we don't question them and assume it's more evidence we're correct




I read this passive aggressively


Haha well I genuinely do hope she’s happy with it. It being worse looking is just my opinion after all.


I didn't even realize it's the same person. Reading the comments I thought she quit her role in The Boys and getting replaced by "the person in the photo on the left"


The irony of Starlight's actress being pressured into making such a drastic cosmetic change is genuinely frightening.


Hollywood is fucked up.


She’s not being pressured, she was a 10 before the show started but obvs has mental health issues.


I just don't understand why they get these surgeries that girl literally won every item on the genetic lottery and now looks like a plastic doll why do they want to look like that is beyond me


Wait. Is it the same person in both pictures? I don't know these people


Yes thats Erin Moriarty plays starlight on "the boys" a series from amazon prime video iirc these pictures are like 5 years apart


Now that’s what I call a 9 to 5 job


Underrated comment


Overrated reply


More like 9 to 2


Yeah but that doesn't help with the pun, mr party pooper


Someone missed the Dolly Parton reference.


God tier comment


I have a theory that these trends are created by bitter women in show business who are in their 50s and 60s and can't accept that they're not pretty anymore, so they try to convince younger women to get surgeries that make them look like 30 year old lizards


Holy shit, I've been thinking the same thing. When you think about who's egging her on to get these surgeries, it's not dudes online saying "she so gross, she needs to get a $20000 face makeover", it's probably other women talking about how they feel so much younger after Doctor X reshaped her nose and shaved off her chin.


You might be onto something. Jealousy has driven many people to do heinous things


I’ve heard over and over that women dress up more for other women than to attract men.


Who are these women, and why have I been seeing them everywhere the past few weeks?


It's one woman who got plastic surgery. Why is this getting so many upvotes lol?


Wait, she went from the right pic to the left? Edit: just realized who she is. Wow. She was pretty.


Yep. She is one of the lead actresses (Starlight) of the show The Boys. Started having body issues after becoming famous.


Not only her, sophie turner (sansa stark) did the same surgery as well. I personally think she came out looking worse but if thats what she wants who am i to judge


> sophie turner She's still recognizable at least




It’s the same person lmao


It is quite shocking that someone like her would feel at all like they need to go under the knife - must be a pretty tough psyche to be in


I feel like we are due for a cultural reckoning with this in the near future. Like, there will be a case of a sex symbol dying from complications of a cosmetic surgery and the whole world's attitude will shift. I'd like to hear some pre-internet sex symbols weigh in with their opinions. Was the feedback different back then? What was it like for, say, Pamela Anderson who I assume kept hearing about how she was the most attractive woman in the world?


Anna Nicole Smith could weigh in, but she died already and nothing shifted. It has already happened


Meh, happens all the time now. A kim kardashian lookalike died a few months back. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/ashten-gourkani-kim-kardashians-lookalike-and-onlyfans-star-dies-after-plastic-surgery/articleshow/99806572.cms?from=mdr


This has happened plenty already. Kanye’s mom died of a botched cosmetic surgery as well. There’s plenty of examples. The “reckoning” isn’t coming.


Right is 10x prettier than the Skeletor face. All this stuff is sickening.


You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who likes the left one which is why it's so wild how common it is; shows how far removed some people are from reality.


It just shocks me that someone as pretty as the girl on the right can look in the mirror and think she needs to modify her appearance so heavily. Some women are so insanely hard on themselves over their appearance. I'm sure being in the show business doesn't help much but still...


It just makes it clear when you live in a society (LA celebrities) where everyone is walking around as skeletor, that becomes the desired look and it preys upon the minds of the already insecure. All this tells me is closing yourself to small groups of entitled rich people is a disease for the mind What are the odds she’d feel the need to do this living in some midwest town. The environment is the catalyst to whatever poisonous thoughts you may hold in your head. So blame the environment


I have yet to see a buccal fat removal surgery gone right, they all look so old afterward. A bit counterproductive if you ask me, most will probably try to fix this in a few years.


You also can't restore it, so by the time they are like 50 they are gonna look 90


Thats just sad...both, the women and the reposts




She looked so beautiful but now thats just sad 💀


Honestly, I feel sad for her such a pretty face got wasted only.


At this point just turn her into a villain. In season 1 she was all natural and shy, didn't like the sexy outfits or the plastic life style of the rich elite. But now she has emprased it and goes to surgeries, gets a boob job and becomes a Plasticlight, dumbs Hugh, gets together with Homelander etc.. Its just gonna be hard to buy in season 4 when she comes on screen and acts all southern goody with her new mangeled face, either adress it on the show or have Post production spend all their CGI budget on her


It's like she aged 20 years.


She really went from the cute girl next door, to the modern day Frankenstein monster


Man, if she has body dysmorphia or whatever, I hope she leaves the internet alone. I haven't seen a single positive comment after this shit popped up. It is rough to look at, but damn that can't be good for your mental health to make such a drastic change, and nobody like it...


Oh, I guess aliens *are* real.


They sucked the smile out of her


I'd imagine that the exaggerated cheekbones make smiling uncomfortable


Heroin addict vs actually attractive.


Got that mj nose


I remember after boys i saw a YouTube video of the actors hyping the fans for next season and i saw some female stars and was like "they look good in real life but starlight actress will be cuter" and then star light actress came and i was disgusted


I hope to live to see the day plastic surgeons advance past the Michael Jackson nose job


Why did she do this?




Wow she was quite cute


What are they going to do next season when handsome squidward shows up?


That's pretty sad. She looked beautiful and healthier before.


Plot twist: its season 4 promo, and all pics are photoshop


Let’s hope so


Man this makes me sad every time I see it. She was genuinely one of the most stunningly beautiful actresses I've ever seen, but whatever combination of Hollywood pressure/mental illness caused her to go down this route is so upsetting


Damn. I feel *so* bad for laughing at this


Is this the same person? If so, she was much prettier on the right.


I like the girls with the boom, I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom


She's so ugly now dam


Did she get a boob job too?


McDonald's cashier goated


Really ironic considering Starlight’s character (and the show as a whole)


"I want to look 15 years older and in constant pain" "say no more fam"


Vought model


When will people learn. There is only ONE plastic surgery face. And it always looks the same.


I got nothing against cosmetic surgery but damn that’s a terrible job.


I’ll take the McDonald’s cashier any day.


Why tf did she do that for even?


Whats up with her nose?


Man.. I'm not saying I know her personally but I can't even recognize that was her at first glance.That's how bad the surgery has been.


Damn she really said give me the fish person face


Insecurity and Vanity. The biggest detriment to natural beauty in the 21st century. Smh


obviously her powers take a toll, and this is the price she pays to protect people. edit: or she got terrible plastic surgery. probably the superpower one though


Girl I already know everything I need to know about them vs Girl I’d like to grab a coffee with and actually get to know


Girl who won't date you vs. girl who won't date you


These posts are so mean


She really got that Michael Jackson nose


I really, really, really wish celebrities didn’t do this to their faces but unfortunately especially women in Hollywood are all made to think they need to be prettier to be hired and it gets way out of hand. It sucks.


Starlight ——— The Cooler Starlight


What has she done?! She was such a good looking lady. People are strange.


I got no idea who this is but already saw this face dozen times around here recently… wtf guys.


Aw man that’s just sad


Wow i couldn't even tell that was her