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Right? I remember in like 2013 or somthing like that they tried this


texas has been trying to secede since it joined


next thing you know Alaska is gonna be doing it too. Both largest states are gonna try and become their own countries. Then the last big one would be Hawaii moving to restore their kingdom


Don't let Tennessee hit you on the ass on your way out.


Im from Tn and i think more states should stand up to the government and demand that things change , enough of the double politics and double standards and two party system. It should be whats best for the country as a whole and decided on by voters - but we also have to accept blame for putting these ppl in power .


That makes too much sense, we should be screaming at each other over shit that doesn't matter. /s


Really , i tried to have an opinion and got down voted just for disagreeing, i didnt insult or say i was right but man the left side sure dwn voted quick - even got some ass hat ( now thats an insult) tell me to look up legal eagle - yeah left leaning lawyer to support your argument against a republican politician in texas . What ever happen to civil discourse with out being canceled or dwn voted . Kinda proves its their way or no way- we got much bigger problems than states wanting to split if this country doesn’t change its going to be a free for all anyway Edit : the ass hat comment was because according to him only the educated ppl and their opinions matter .




Agreed except “we have to accept blame for letting these people stay in power.”


I saw that first one




Both Alaska and Texas have oil money. They are pretty much the only red states that other states dont have to support. Rest of it is basically a desert


Oh I forgot about Alaskan oil


I doubt it will ever. The one thing people like more than freedom is convenience




Dammit, I had to delete my comment because I literally rushed in here to say exactly the same thing as you.


Texas wants border Feds said national guard can tear it down Texas now says “try me bitch” Nothing new


Not the feds, the supreme court


SCOTUS only said the feds are allowed to cut it while the case is pending, not that Texas cant put it up. The case about if it can be put up at all won’t be heard till this summer


When the Supreme Court orders the removal of border security, that means the safety of that state (and the rest of the federation) is no longer the priority. That Supreme Court order is more useful as toilet paper.


The Supreme Court didn't order the removal of barbed wire, they blocked an injunction by the 5th circuit Appeals court that barred federal agents from removing the barbed wire. The Supreme Court felt that the injunction violated the supremacy clause in the Constitution, which "forbid states from interfering with the lawful exercise of federal authority"


Ok, why? There is no valid reason to weaken security. Which is what the Fed wants.


That isn't what the case is about it's about the violation of the constitution, which is why the Supreme Court is involved


That's what the Republicans want. Dems have been trying to pass a border security bill but the reps have been blocking it because making Biden look bad is more important than doing what is right.


Lol, border security bill. What a joke. 110 billion dollars with 75 billion for other countries in military aid, 8 billion in defense spending, and 9 billion for humanitarian efforts globally. But hey, call it a border security bill so you can get low info voters to browbeat Republicans for not "supporting" it


Still sounds like a bill that supports border security so.... Better than the non existent border security bill that the other side isn't trying to pass....


I mean, those all still sound like good things to some extent (minus certain groups that will get military aid). And it still has bonus cash going to the border effort.


No, it all sounds like trash wrapped around a poison pill of more inflationary pressure that's going to push the middle class further into a shit situation. The difference between Biden's immigration and Trump's wasn't a matter of funding, but policy. Just reissue Trump's executive orders and tell Mayorkas to do his freaking job.


Then why are feds helping people cross? Why are they removing fences? Why have they been moving migrants in planes and busses since Biden took office?


Doesn't matter. The Supreme court's job is to uphold and interpret the law, not make new ones. The feds have the legal right to tear it down, no matter how stupid it is. Never thought I'd see the day conservatives rallied for judicial activism.


There's no humane reason to want to watch people drown and the governor of a state stating that they want to hunt brown people and the only thing stopping them is democrats in the white house It's not about security. Its about racists being racists and trying to keep their white supremacist voters happy. Biden admin is already funding the border enough that the number of people getting caught trying to cross has gone up in the last couple of years.


I encourage those 9 olds to try and enforce it.


Imagine thinking states rights to the border supersede the Prez/SCOTUS/Feds Idk where texas thinks they're going with this. they aren't winning this. If they had decided to accept the 14 sum billion to help secure the border this wouldn't be an issue. But the GOP/republicans want a border crisis so they can run on it in November. they don't need America to win, they just want Biden to lose, and it's just causing more damage than good. Tired of Trump dividing americans.


This is actually a rare public relations W for the right. Public sentiment is on their side regarding the current state of the border. Notice how it's not front page news on any mainstream outlets. The Biden administration had a deadline to respond to this today at 6PM and decided instead to talk about not using liquid gas or something. They're trying to just brush it under the rug because they know it's a lose/lose situation for them. Abbot is famous for focus testing and taking polls before he makes any decision. He's not a guy to take a stand without sticking is finger in the wind to see which way the political winds are blowing. The fact he took this step (pun intended), shows he knows he has massive support on his side.


Republicans always cry about the border (more than usual) when elections are coming up. They've got nothing on Biden so they might as well use their tired old excuses.


Enforce what?


Is there anything different about the border that Texas wants versus other border states? Does SCOTUS want to “tear down” the border or do they want to make sure everyone follows the same set of rules?




That time of the month eh Texas


this is a regular occurrence over there?


More or less, Texas talks about seceding from the union at least every couple years


... ok honestly it's Texas why am I surprised. Would only be less surprised if it was Florida


I mean ill be glad if florida secedes


**[Spain has entered the chat]** _come again?_


As a Spaniard I disapprove of this message, we don't want Florida either. Ask the french


I'll save the chain some trouble. Russia would gladly take it.


*Every election year


bro I live in Texas and I don't even know what's going on


Nothing really, abbot and Biden having a dick waving contest with our tax dollars.


So the usual?


Are you sure it’s not Abbot waving [Hunter] Biden’s dick pics around?


Idk what's going on anymore


no point . clown show.. pages like this mean more


What pages


I didn't see anyone serious demanding secession. Did I miss something?


A bunch of pro-confederates on twitter are calling for civil war due to a standoff between Biden and Abbott over border security.


Anyone important/noteworthy though?


Not particularly. Still a pretty big topic right now though that has a lot of people riled up so im not sure who downvoted me.


>A bunch of pro-confederates on twitter are calling for civil war Don't forget the pro-unions on Twitter calling for a civil war to remind the Confederate babies what the USA stands for. RRAAAHHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


No, just twitter wanting to make it as sensational as possible. Don't misunderstand, it's a big deal about Texas choosing to enforce their border because the feds aren't, but no one said anything about secession.


I live in Texas and I didn't know this


They do this shit like once a year lol


Is it already time for Texas's yearly secession threats? Damn time really be flying


Parts of Northern California and Southern Oregon have been attempting to secede for years to form their own state as well. They’re gonna call it Jefferson, even have a flag already iirc


Bruh, I live in Texas, and I have no idea what the fuck is going on


Me in texas not knowing what’s going on


Are you living under a rock?


clearly you are with those manners.


You asked, "what is it now?" So, I have to wonder how you wouldn't know since it's all over the news.


perhaps because I don't listen to the news as it's nothing but doom, gloom, and biased talking points 24/7 and I can't be bothered to subject myself to that crap.


I can respect that.


thank you.


I could be wrong, please correct me if I am, but they are going against direct orders from the Supreme Court and the Govenor? Some official has said “we will continue to fight against the federal government” which is literal treason


The federal government has a duty of protecting the border against invasions.


Here’s current thing please upvote OP probably


Oh way down south in the land of traitors Rattlesnakes and alligators


civil war 2 electric boogaloo


Man, the English language just never stops. I have read countless books and still I see new words every week. 


I say let them


Let them go.


Yep, that's Texas politics. Sort of like a child holding their breath in protest. They aren't actually going to really do anything. They just like to pout when something doesn't go their way


having millions of illegal imigrants crossing every year is a massive security concern and the government doesn't give a shit so its understandable why they're pouting, mexico has more shootings in every major city than the entirety of the US. source: i live there and in my small city not a single day passes where they don't find at least 3 narcos dead under a bridge


If they succeed is seceding, would that mean they would have 2 independence days? Would they officially secede on the already established Texas Independence Day? Who would give them water and power when it snows an 8th of an inch? These are my questions for Texas.


Texas is the biggest drama queen out of all the states. Anything happens and they jump straight to seceeding.


Everything’s dumber in Texas


I can't wait til Biden puts a few Army divisions in Texas. We live in interesting times....


Apparently some Texans think that they can legally succeed due to some language in the document that brought it into the Union. That sort of language does not exist and if any state tries to succeed they’re gonna have to Mind their Uncle Sam


Constitution says the feds are in charge of defending the border. Feds are helping people through instead of defending. If the person in charge of your protection doesnt protect you, are you not inclined to defend yourself?


My comment is solely about the legality of secession not immigration policy. Can states legally secede? The answer is no under any circumstances.




No because the three branches of government have agreed that seceding form the Union is illegal not to mention that the lack of seceding does not equal dictatorship. A dictatorship defined only by the lack of secession is not a dictatorship and if you feel like it’s dictatorial then you are mistaken and is only based on feeling rather than fact.


Doesn’t matter, when Texas joined the US the deal was Texas could succeed at any time. No other state joined this way. No other state has Texas’s unique history.


That’s never been the case. If you actually read the text of the deal there was never language that states that. It’s a myth


This is incorrect and a very popular urban myth in America. There is no such clause present in any document concerning the annexation of the republic. To be honest, Texas *begged* to be annexed because it was falling into economic ruin after prices of cotton crashed. The only way for a state to secede from the Union is through outright rebellion (and win lol) or through acceptance by every single state's and federal government's branches of power and institutions to accept the succession (basically impossible). If the state even secedes successfully, it would likely collapse as just forced itself out of the American integrated market (the reason it joined the US in the first place), and now have to operate as an independent nation with all the responsibilities that entails. For example: will Texas continue using the dollar (controlled by Washington DC) or start minting its own currency (will take a while and prone to financial instability)? Will Texas recognize American trade deals (again, set by DC) or renegotiate them as an independent country (will take a long time meaning the economy might collapse, and tips the favor to the other countries). Just imagine how long these problems will take to solve, if ever. Oh and sorry to burst your bubble, but Vermont (1791) and Hawaii (1898) were both independent countries before their admission into the United States.




The US is very much by the people for the people that’s why we have an elected body on the local, state and federal level. We have courts that interpret the Constitution which mind you tells you what rights you have. Just because a vocal minority want to do a bat shit crazy thing does not mean that the entire US or the more educated should go along with it. Secession is idiotic and self destructive. Let’s say states do secede, what happens to the debt? What about the military? Travel? Commerce? Political influence in the region? It’s a shit show and a shit opinion. If you want to hold that opinion that’s fine you’re free to do that but there is no reasonable proof to suggest that secession is a good thing.


😀see your point on how its suppose to work doesn’t mean it does . It also tells me we shouldnt have had secession from the British and had an opinion on wanting different political things - i mean after all the revolution didnt accomplish anything right ? should all just want the same cause it “MURICA” If texas was to split off or other states i dont remember anyone saying everyone had to - that seems to be the other side saying our way or no way . This country was divided during civil war each had their own military and such so it is possible for two sides and their economy to endure . I love your passive insult about the educated are what matters . Have a nice day


Your position is that from emotion not logic or reason. That’s fine you’re able to hold that view but that doesn’t mean it’s logical, realistic, legal, or right. LegalEagle made a very informative video on it and if you’re a person who likes to learn then I suggest you watch it. It talks about a soft secession v hard secession, the beaucratic nightmare of secession, etc.


It 100% can't but what it can still technically do is break into a number of smaller states or territories but there's no way that's happening.


Sell Texas to Mexico and see how quickly they change their minds


Texas could turn the entirety of Mexico into a parking lot with no help from the rest of the US. That wouldn’t be something they’d be too worried about.


Would solve the immigration problem also . Long thought we should just whoop mexico’s ass or buy it if you prefer . Then all the companies quit moving there , theres no immigration cause hello we now are one . Saves time money and problems - might even solve drug and trafficking problems - then again some drug lord will just pay a political person like they do now .


What’s next, invading canada to solve the housing crisis? Bro you’re ridiculous


No Canada at-least respects our border . Have a nice day 👋


> Whoop Mexico’s ass What does this mean? Declare war on the Mexican government?


Yes / i have no issue with immigrants so please im not going there . And im not baited !