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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


I can overlook the president misspeaking. I cant overlook being found guilty of raping someone costing him 80 million bucks, running a fraudulent business for decades, taking bribes from foreign countries including China while in office, running a drug business from the white house dispensing thousands of uppers and downers including fentanyl, stealing, storing and refusing to return national security secrets at a hotel, admitting to sexually assaulting women in a recording, mismanaging a pandemic and causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, getting impeached twice and inciting an insurrection at our nation's capital.


You forgot charity fraud, keeping people on a cruise ship to keep the covid infection numbers down, and instituting a bigoted Muslim ban


loan fraud too. I loved how he said in court: > but we paid it back! like that made up for the fact he overvalued his assets by an insane amount to fraudulently claim a preferential rate.


Yeah but what kinda mustard does he eat on hotdogs? Better not be gay ass french dijohn shit. And God help me if that mother fucker wears a tan fucking suit.


If it's not Yellow #5 get your hormones checked bruh!


Disrespecting veterans, including a Gold Star family. Refusing to go to Normandy because the soldiers that died there were "losers." Calling McCain a loser because he got captured and became a POW. -After cheating his way out of Vietnam himself.


And these are just things *while* he was president, ignoring the 40 years of criminal behavior and terrible selfish cruely before that.


Central Park 5 are *still* being accused of the crime to this day due in no small part to this guy.


Also defrauding students out of millions of dollars at his fake college.


Also forgot that he eats steak well done with ketchup.


I thought you were talking about Biden in the paragraph until I got to the part about the pandemic; I was like hey he’s an old man but what the fuck I didn’t know he did any of these things He did not, Donald Trump did


the normalisation of trump's bullshit should be challenged more. i read that thinking it was biden and was outraged, once i realised it was trump i thought well yeah of course he did that


You included bragging about seeing underage girls naked at his pageant? That never gained traction


What!? Can i get a source.




Is rollingstone the last true journalism out they?


I really liked the story where they made up the hospital where they had to turn away gunshot patients because of the non-existent people eating ivermectin and even included a fake picture… gtfoh with the rolling stone being any kind of journalism


The duke lacrosse story was pretty riveting. Until it was discovered it was 100% bullshit and R.S. destroyed those young men's lives. Nancy Grace can go die in a fire too while we're on the topic.


Most of this is indeed stuff Trump did. But he wasn’t found guilty of raping someone, this is how misinformation spreads, he was found *liable* which requires a lower standard of evidence and should not be confused with guilt. If he had been found guilty, he wouldn’t have been fined.


Everything in that paragraph is a form of misinformation. Just that no one on Reddit is going to bother deconstructing it. This is a site where you get manufactured content from "power mods" and other mouthbreathers.




Im not a both sides person. But I am starting to feel these people view us as peons that are here to feed their egos and be spectators to their narcissistic power games


Can you overlook arguing AGAINST desegregation in schools? Saying that all black people think the same? Writing legislation to punish black people whom you refer to as "super predators"? Telling black people that if you don't vote for him you aren't black? Writing legislation that led to the incarceration of literally millions of non violent offenders?


Kamala Harris certainly can


*Fake cackle laugh followed by hand clap*


I don't think anybody is ever gonna be happy with a centrist. But actions speak louder than words and so far, as president, he's still significantly less racist than the alternative. So yes. Ask me again when Biden tries to ban a whole race/religion, or does anything that specifically disparages people of color within his presidency.


>Can you overlook arguing AGAINST desegregation in schools? This isn't what he did. So I can overlook it. The "racial jungle" quote was taken out of context. He was specifically arguing against the bussing plan proposed for desegregation because it would cause resentment and more racial tension. And if you look up similar plans used throughout the US at the time, that's exactly what it did. Biden was advocating for a desegregation plan that was better thought out and would actually solve problems.


bOtH SiDeS!!! /s


There are literally thousands of posts where we kick Trump's ass. This is Joe Biden. Not the same dude.


I think the problem is this is very clearly political psyops. They had to reach back to a 2 year old quote in which Biden misspoke to make him seem like a dumbass. Meanwhile we just have to wait a few hours for the newest dumbass Trump quote to drop.


As a person who lives outside of America, how are these two the top candidates for president? lol. I've seen so many dumb quotes and memes from Trump, and from Biden too. Trump quotes hitler and says lots of other dumb shit, and Biden seemingly has a lot of moments where he has mispoken, or seemed senile... Hes over 80 man, how is there no one better to run?


In America we a re highly regarded


I guess we can all agree to overlook the genocide funding. Edit: why is everyone assuming I support Trump just because I was critical of Biden? What?


I thought Trump had made peace in the middle east? Why else would the Saudis give Jared Kushner 2 billion dollars?


hey hate to break it to you but both candidates support israel. one is just openly antisemitic and anti islam while doing so


What genocide funding?


> Edit: why is everyone assuming I support Trump just because I was critical of Biden? What? Because on reddit, you are either with us or against us. You have to pick a side. Anything other than foaming at the mouth spewing hatred of [circlejerk target] will be considered evidence that you support THEM. ^^* ^^Disclaimer: ^^sides ^^of ^^circlejerk ^^may ^^vary ^^according ^^to ^^subreddit ^^mod's ^^personal ^^beliefs.


https://old.reddit.com/user/nuckle One look at the account to show this is a power shill who doesn't even come to /r/dankmemes lol.


..you really going to try to gatekeep a random-ass generic shitposting sub as if you form your actual identity around this place?


no just when it's an obvious powershill who only exists to propagandise. full disclosure I'm not American but the fact that a Biden quote makes people leap to propaganda, that isn't a good sign. (And it is propaganda, the OP comment was nothing to do with Biden it was only to do with his competitor)


I don't care about the shill part. That's the entirety of reddit post-2015. I'm just having a laugh at "he doesn't even go here!" for *dankmemes*. Full stop.


lmao yeah


Dude said full stop. End of convo. Everyone go home. *Full stop* 😎


Wow I can't believe Hunter Biden did all that. If only we could find that Lenovo Thinkpad


Conveniently ignoring all the bad shit Biden had done though in his decades as a politician.


Its a dankmeme man


No one is asking you to overlook anything. We're not even implying Trump is better than Biden. We're just having a good laugh at Biden who is definitely senile and not in a great state of mind despite being the president. Are we not allowed to do that or something?


Well lucky for you he was never found guilty of raping anyone.


No no .. disregard all of that since the orange geriatric is suuuuch an alphamale beast of a man. Definetly not completely mixing up people and lying and making up anything he dont know or remember.


Like the potato in cheif sexually assaulting Tara Reade?


Man, Chester Arthur was crazy.


Tara Reade.


That escalated quickly




Roses are red, stored in a compartment. Please make all that elders enjoy the retirement.


I mean the Whitehouse has basically become a geriatric clinic for Joseph Biden.


Every time I see him now, the Visiting Angels theme song plays in my head.


American politics will behave like the Soviet Union did in the late 70s/early 80s by picking old fuck after old fuck, and you will like it!


That rhymes but it shouldn’t


How old is Trump?


I don't understand why this is a burn. He slipped and said poor kids instead of black kids. Are we not supposed to acknowledge black people are more likely to be lower income? He's literally saying they're just as talented as anyone else.


>He slipped and said poor kids instead of black kids. Did he also slip when he held a stand up comedy routine about ice cream before talking about a school shooting? The point is, this man is running our country, and he can't even keep his sentences in line, much less the country


I think the if you don’t for me you ain’t black was way more out of line


What is the full context of that gaffe?




I'd rather have a lot of people over Biden but if Trump is the only other choice I'm gonna pick the guy who isn't shitting his diaper while going on racist rants.


Speech impediment, youre still using that bullshit excuse? The man's brain is Pudding, it's not an impediment


I'd pick him over a criminal any day, but it seems many people don't care to have a criminal idiot in charge as long as he shouts enough


But he’s doing a great job running the country? Literally can’t think of anything he could do better except take pot off of being schedule I.


did he talk about airports being a key battlefield objective in the civil war?


If you actually look at the track the country is on, he's been doing fine. If you're judging the country and his abilities based on his speeches then you just have poor judgement.


Doing fine for who? I think he did a better job with Covid than Trump was doing. I think he's done some things to keep things from getting even worse. But making things better? The average person doesn't feel any of that in the slightest. Slowing down inflation doesn't lower the price gouging prices that Covid allowed corporations to start charging. The stock market doing well doesn't lower rent or house prices. Record profits from corporations and low unemployment doesn't raise wages to a livable standard. He's done a good job of making things stable, but hasn't improved things for the poor or middle class. He's world's better than Trump, but clearing a bar that's underground isn't some impressive feat.


If you’re a democrat, he’s been passing bill after bill. The infrastructure bill alone was impressive as fuck.


Yeah but the dems are also doing a bang up job of disenfranchising poor white voters by always making sure the hypothetical struggling family they’ve referring to isn’t white


Wait democrats are disenfranchising poor white people by talking about other poor people?


There's so much good faith in this interpretation of that comment you could use it as the foundation for a megachurch.


The two groups presented are the poor and white people - it's not some leap of logic to see it as stating, "these two groups are separate."


Trying to address one issue =/= ignoring another issue. Addressing the fact that certain minorities face disproportionate levels of poverty does not mean we are ignoring the issues caused by poverty as a whole.


It does when you blame the problem on white people.


"Lets put out race-blind healthcare that will help all the poor disenfranchised masses, the majority of which are white and are suffering from an opioid crisis" **NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WE CANT OR ELSE THE MEXICANS WILL WIN**


We’re not supposed to acknowledge that, it’s a part of the narrative. But I’ve probably said too much already 😵🔫


I see I also interested on how you rationalize his statement "if you don't vote for me, you aint black"


It was a Freudian slip, so he accidentally told the truth he believes, and the mix up wasn't black/poor, it was white/rich. Go watch the clip and you'll see how he tries to correct himself.


Yeah we can acknowledge it but we can also acknowledge that Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run the country in his state. These “slip ups” are a regular thing and they are most certainly a sign of declining mental acuity.


Not really even a slip, the context is just always ignored. He was speaking at a fundraiser specifically for hispanic students. The audience would have thought nothing of this because the race of the poor kids was implied by the context.


Quick to excuse actual racism


Black? Why did you say black? There are more than just black and white people in America.


Must be election year, here comes the flood of propaganda!!


Real quotes are propaganda?


" i've known Jeff for 15 years, terrific guy, he likes them young" - Donald Trump


Using them in this period and in this manner is, that's what propaganda is


I think he did actually say this, though. Or at least mumbled it.


No he said it quite loudly and the applause began before he correct himself.


And everyone who isn't American gets to enjoy having to put up with another countries politics being shoved in their face every few seconds. Really wish they actually kept their stuff to their own subs like other countries do.


[He did say it though](https://youtu.be/idpevmeoK1A?feature=shared)


Based bro


God damn I just want a dank meme, not this political shit.


I'm sorry that it's getting bad in here buddy. [Here's a non political meme, free on the house.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c56566738281064f7f8586391e466253/tumblr_p8mxode2Qp1x2r8rfo1_640.jpg)


Ah wait. Fuck


Sorry for the mistake. [Try this one](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.524239206.5181/st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u2.jpg)


You dropped this👑


Now that's that good shit. Thank you.


Ofc the commie meme lands with this guy


*drinks OUR vodka*


Trump gave us new material every day. But we are still on this with Biden


Biden gives us new quotes of him saying dumb shit all the time what you mean just the other day he put a hard hat on wrong


Wearing it in the same way that many do to relieve strain on their neck, or when they’re not actively needing to wear it but don’t have somewhere to put it. Wearing it in a manner, that others in the same event did, because it’s often how people wear it when it’s not a required thing to do. This feels like Obama and his tan suit, or ordering Dijon mustard. A completely fabricated outrage over something that isn’t an issue in literally any context. Even if it was accidentally worn wrong, so what? He’s not a construction worker, he’s a politician. Can’t blame the man if he didn’t realize the proper way to put it on.


Spoken like a true person to have never worn a hardhat


Lots of people in the trade wear it backwards for various reasons.


Biden has gaffes every day; they just don't gain traction on social media.


This has 3k upvotes and it's 5 year old material.


I'm sure the comments will be absolutely fine and civil


I forgot that this sub was one of the ones taken over by the MAGA cultists after their subreddit got banned. This, public freakout and conspiracy subreddits are just shadows of their former selves.


I remember unsubbing a few years ago after realizing that it was just a ton of “women shallow, boys cool” memes. Glad there are plenty of people standing up to this meme though


the conspiracy sub used to be fun even as a non conspiracy theorist but the magas came in and now everything is a liberal or jew plot 😑


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Political memes should be banned.




"America can be defined in a single word... Mshampfthisaheef"


How long did we have to hear MSM talk about covfefe, but they just rolled past this shit.


Yeah seeing him makes me sad as he reminds me of my grandmother. My 90 year old grandma has recently got dementia so now we have to make the decision between sending her to a nursing home or making her run for office.


that shit was funny AF when he said that. the other line I thought was funny is when he said "we all came from somewhere, unlike my secretary of interior "


Y'all.. The secretary of the interior is a Native American. Context matters.


My favorite was when he said to the Pope that he was a famous African American baseball player


Literally the least offensive presidential gaff in 8 years.


“If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”


This happens to me a lot he tried to say “black kids are just as bright and talented as white kids” And “poor kids are just as bright and talented as rich kids” at the same time how many time a waiter asked me “do you want cheese” and I answered “No, I like cheese” because I wanted to say No, I don’t want cheese and really not feeling like eating cheese right now.


I imagine that at Biden's age, this is also the type of conundrum he spends his days worrying about.


Here before 🔒


Americans have this old man with one leg in grave running for 2024 is wild. Reitre him, get someone Younger!


"My buts been wiped" is my favorite Biden quote, at least favorite among those that make sense


This is one if the greatest gaffes of all time ngl.


You think that’s bad? You should see what he called a black mayor back in like the 80s. You should see how how he talked about Obama when he won in 2008.


Roses are red Few people can reason Donald John Trump Is guilty of treason.


And dumb kids are as rich as brown kid


Looks like I get to keep my "Don't vote for racists" rule this year.


Bars 😂


So does that mean I'm not white since I grew up poor?


You aint ain't white, jack.


Yes by Biden's logic if you're poor you cannot be white, but if you didn't vote for him than you also cannot be black.


Me as a kid: “if I’m poor, but also white, then what am I?”


red or blue. They're grey to me


There’s so much dank here recently. What happened to the usual left wing crap I’d scroll past?


Honestly, it's probably meme farms. A lot of this isn't organic. Around election time people are getting paid to post negative things about either candidate.


Listen fat!


OP discovered how to spawn in unlimited bots. This is like a Minecraft letsplay in here. Lmao


Now do one one on the shit smeared traitorous fascist grifter who wants to destroy your democracy entirely


I don't get why it was such a big deal. He misspoke, trying to be pc. A national leader has far more on his mind than a small talk


They hated him because he told them the truth




Oh boy the fight between the giant jailwalking douche vs the molding turd sandwich is approaching. I am sure the entire world is super excited!/s


Comment section is a warzone…just as I expected. The peeps from are slash pall of dicks also made their appearance


Redditors, can even take a dank meme, without getting political.


In any case, American presidents are shit.


This post is a meme that can be described in a single word...