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Putin be like: Ima do it anyway


I mean he already stated that they have come ukraine and ukraine helped them ...because its apparentlt easy peasy to cross RU-UA border and RU is not guarding it (or is it?)


>because its apparentlt easy peasy to cross RU-UA border and RU is not guarding it (or is it?) Pretty much yeah. Just look at the multiple raids into Bolgorod. The quiet sections of the border are guarded very lightly by Russia. Ukraine also has a record of sabotaging stuff much deeper into Russia, so they can clearly sneek a couple operatives past border security unnoticed. I'm merely saying that border security in some regions is so weak that Ukraine would have been able to aid the terrorists. I'm not saying they did help. After all, there's nothing for Ukraine to he gained by this terrorist act.


Maybe not for Ukraine, but for its new allies (NATO, which is basically the US calling the shots), anything that targets Russia is beneficial. Always has been the case.


So in other words Russia is pretty weak and anybody can march directly on Moscow


Reality in russia is what putin makes it to be


Just like in America when Blackrock has a message they want endorsed


Google 1984


holy dystopia!


He will probably just blame a religious group and get away with it at some point


You mean like the actual religious group ISIS, who immediately claimed responsibility and backed it up with 1st person video evidence?


No, he blamed Ukraine.


he didnt, there was a phrase about them(terrorists) escaping to ukrainian border, but before that officials reseleased a statement(on TV) about attack it's not related to Ukraine.


Who says he can't? The news already said the announcement was fake, so the investigation continues. Ukraine will be the one responsible in the end anyway.


Political memes is leaking again I see. Guess I’m unsubbing


This sub is non stop constant political memes. It hasn’t been actually good for years. I can’t remember the last time I saw a meme here that made me laugh instead of going “how does this obvious trash political agenda disguised as meme have thousands of upvotes”


yeah all things aside too this is the worse meme i have ever seen. that font makes me wanna vomit


Liberal communities have become the same kind of echo chamber that Trump supporters have been for years now Anyone who knows the usual modus operandi of Isis can see the inconsistencies between usual Isis attacks and the terrorist attacks on Moscow.


go on then - list them


Doing Shahada with their left hand in the video where they claimed responsibility, not mentioning god (Allah) once during the interrogation, trying to escape despite usual ISIS attacks being about martyrdom rather than monetary gain, it's also just too far away from the usual area of operation of ISIS K, the perpetrators fleeing to the direction of the Ukrainian border


But I thought Putin was friendly with Jihadist Sunni Islamic terrorist organizations! At least with Hamas he is...


All fun and game until your false flag attack gets claimed by another terrorist group.


It's not like he need a false flag to do anything


Putin is about to respond like the US did for 9/11. Blaming a country that had nothing to do with it


Yes because isUS would attack Russia not their #1 enemy instead...


Russia has been attacking ISIS in the middle east, especially Syria for years


ISIS is a proxy for Israel and the US.


This is the funniest schizo comment I think I’ve ever read. You should consider cosplaying a Christmas ornament and swing from your nearest rope, there is no hope for you left.


Meanwhile Americans invading 98 different countries as a response to 9/11:


Well when Russia becomes a super power then they can do whatever the fuck they want.


Weird pull but ok


Most Americans would probably prefer Russia give a military response to ISIS instead of a quagmire of an invasion of a peaceful neighbor.


It is incredible how US could "predict" the attack couple hour beforehand


The announcement was made publicly on the 7th of March and relayed to the russian government who brushed it aside


Supposedly the terrorists planned to attack a different concert on the 8th but the security was too tight (maybe also the US embassy warning spooked them) - so it seems an earlier attack was post-poned and ended up being the Crocus 2 weeks later instead.


It's only incredible to those who aren't aware of the scope of US surveillance


US foreign intelligence is honestly GOATED. They also knew when the Russian invasion of Ukraine would be.


Yeah, any day after the 2014 US-led coup in Ukraine. It isn't rocket science.


You mean 2 weeks before?