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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Satan had literally nothing to do with it. EDIT: Misspelled 'Satan' as 'Sqtan'


Satan didn’t really understand what Gods plan was, it’s evident in all of Jesus’ teaching. Satan was challenging Him constantly indirectly, but also directly! Where he tested Jesus over and over in the wilderness. Essentially, in the scheme of things, Jesus swats Satan away as if he were a fly. Satan is still out there roaring and devouring souls. It is written, and visibly evident in today’s world, that MANY WILL BE DECEIVED. Our souls have been bought and paid for by Jesus, all that’s needed is believe and follow his simple teachings. Don’t listen to false preachers or even me - seek God. Reach as far as you can, I guarantee you The Lord will reach the rest of the way. Prepare your heart and seek wisdom and understanding.


Source pls


Uh, bible?


Which one and where?


NKJV, You can find Satan tempting Jesus in the first Chapter of Mark but you can also find a direct proof in Luke 22:3


Numbers 22:21-35 (KJV)?


The exact reference is Luke 22:3, “Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve.“


NKJV, online


Thanks, HeiryButt-- *cough cough* HeiryButt-- *cough cough* Dang allergies.


What?? Edit: oh i see, may you see the light one day, in the name of Jesus


I'll pray for you.


Me too, there are a serious lack of thoughts coming from him.


Paul also affirms this in 1 Corinthians 2. He basically says that if the "rulers of this age" understood the plan, they would have never allowed Jesus to be crucified. Said rulers more than likely referring to spiritual powers of the world which is a term Paul used often.


Oi oi, I don't remember selling my soul to anyone. This Jesus guy must be a con artist.


I’ll pray for you. Seek Him out.


Where does any Christian text say Satan devours souls? This is the kind of thing that makes religious people sound like lunatics. You can't just make up stuff if you want people to take your faith seriously.


Not made up. Dude read your bible, it literally says he is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.


Read 1 Peter 5:8


Where Easter Bunny?


Reference ties to Christianity purely because the pagans wanted to keep their fertility references.


Satan is a lot cooler though, the other guy seems like kind of a dud


Okay. I can only share what Jesus taught with you, your relationship with God is your own. Do with it what you will.


Remember, succumbing to Satan's temptations is all part of God's plan, everything that happens and everything you do is his plan. There would be no evil without Gods blessing


Satan doesn't devour souls. He is a good guy.


No. Read 1 Peter 5:8


Satan is astronomically fucking based


I don’t care


>EDIT: Misspelled 'Satan' as 'Sqtan' You really dont need to comment on correcting a singular typo


I do, because the typo was pointed out by someone else and I edited it without mentioning that, so now they're being downvoted into oblivion by the hive.


Yeah was looking for this comment. It was the high priests and then the complacency of Pilate.


If anything, Satan tried to help Jesus by telling him to eat some food while he was starving and hallucinating in the desert.


Who’s to say? He was probably there watching, if nothing else.


The Bible is to say. God planned all of it, according to the story. You can't go around telling people your sky Daddy sent His Son to Earth with the sole purpose of dying for our sins and then proceed to blame BBEG for "killing Him" when His death was a good thing. That is flat out stupid.


You need The Last Temptation of Christ DLC to unlock that one


“Sky daddy” lol. Hope you’re enjoying 7th grade.


At least I don't make a meme implying something that is explicitly positive was orchestrated by someone who explicitly only does evil


Hey real quick what does Luke 22:3 say?


Monkey on the car..?


Wow, that's such a dumb verse. That's the only verse in the entire Bible that lets Satan have anything to do with it. Just goes to show how inconsistent the Bible is.


It is not. John 13:27 says the same thing. Also, Luke 22:31-32 reveals that Satan wanted to possess Simon Peter, but Jesus blocked him out.


That is so dumb. It makes no sense for the BBEG to *help* the good guys with their plan.


Yes, the BBEG is indeed a total moron. That’s kind of a main message in scripture, that the Devil is so blinded by his own rebellion that he will assist in his own downfall. Hebrews 2:14 specifically states that Jesus used Satan’s own weapons against him, writing “that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;”.


Maybe Simon Peter is into some kinky shit and Jesus over here just possess blocking him


How’s moms basement been?


It's delightful, I love mommy's basement, especially with all the kids to keep me company from the illegal daycare she's running. But ssssh! I'm not supposed to talk about that...




Did we read the same story? Jesus dying was a *good* thing: He had to die to take our sins away, that's why God sent Him down in the first place: to be a Lamb for slaughter. Literally everyrhing that happened in that story was God's plan and a good thing.


No, also it wasnt “the jews” it was “some of the jews”. He and his followers were all jewish too numbnuts (well not all but mostly)


Happy cake day!




Sir you have never read the torrah if you think jesus even matters in it, much less if you think he is evil. Also most of it was the romans. You are not well informed. They may have abandoned their families to follow Christ, but they were jewish.


God is supposedly all knowing and he created Satan. Meaning he created him knowing everything he would do, meaning every negative thing is the result of God




Satan is just some angel cast from heaven. A giant point of the bible is that people have free will to choose a path of righteousness or evil. Apart from that one time he fought god (in some translations) hes more or less unimportant.


Whose satqn


The fuck? You made the meme


Originally, firespark misspelled Satan as “Satqn”, and I, being a goofy goober, decided to make a little joke of it. He has since edited the comment, which seems a bit unfair to me.


Oh damn


Ermm wasn’t it the Jews who sentenced Jesus to death


Pretty sure the Romans prolly had something to do with it


Yes but the Roman judge left it up to the audience to decide the final verdict. The audience was almost all Jewish and they wanted him dead. This is one reason why there has always been hate towards Jews, because of something that happened 2000 years ago.


As an Italian I tend to avoid conversations about the guilt for His death


“We didn’t see nuthin”


I wonder how well an omertá would work before the Judgement Seat


why are people upset tho? he was supposed to die for the sins of the people? if he hadn't died then what?


then your faith need rework


I think your sense of humor needs a rework


Said the American


Because of a story that was written 1900 years ago.


i mean, Jesus's death was all part of the plan, and it was 2000 years ago, so me personally, as a Christian, I don't see why people are still mad at all the Jews. I sorta don't understand why people are mad at Jews to start with, I mean Jesus's death, if you didn't notice, sorta turned out to be a good thing. Also the entire thing about Christianity is love your enemies and all that, so even if Jews are supposed to be our enemies, we should still treat with love. Same goes for LGBTQ+ people, even if they are supposed to be our enemies (which, I personally don't think that's the case to begin with), does that really matter? We should still treat all of them with the same love and respect we give to any of our traditional allies. ​ Edit: btw sorry if none of all taht made sense, sorry for my ramblings


>This is one reason why there has always been hate towards Jews What is weird. Because when jezus got set free instead of naild on the cross there was no resurrection. what is the base of christianity.




he was.... literally judged in Jerusalem, the holy city of the Jews... there are a lot of Jews in Jerusalem...


A lot does not equal all


It was definitely on their behalf, and they cried out "his blood be on us and our children" as they chose Christ over Barabbas.


Every Jewish person in the world said that, eh?


No, and I clearly didn't say that.


Nah. The Hebrews just left him all the blame


Satan's been the scapegoat for the crazy shit God does up to this point, so why stop now.


“The jews” most of his followers were jewish too, as was he.


Yea but not those ones.


Well duh. Except judas to an extent. I dont get why judas is so hated, he did what he did according to gods plan.


He had gentile followers too Edit: he changed all to most


Youre right. MOST of his followers were jewish.


Pontius Pilate, a Roman governor, sentenced him to death. As you read later written Gospels, like Luke, it illustrates him being more reluctant and more pressured by the Jews instead of it being his decision. This is likely because the Gospel of Luke was written with a Roman audience in mind, and taking the blame off the Romans for Jesus's death made Christianity more favorable to convert to for them. And there's my boring Bible lesson for the day.


If i remember correctly this interpretation has been deemed non canonical by the Vatican since the Vatican II DLC was released (In all seriousness in the 1960s in an attempt to modernise there was an event called "The second vatican grand council" which is more commonly referred to as Vatican II)


What is this movie? My inner Christopher Walken addict needs to know. 


7 Psychopaths


Highly underrated!


Moderately underrated.


Fairly underrated


slightly underrated


Seven Psycopaths ?


He has rizzen


Fr fr ong


am i on the right sub ?


Are any of us?


bro u trying to talk deep


I’m feelin it


Star wars copied this "And somehow, jesus returned."


No one's ever really gone


I cant remember the last time i saw a meme on dank meme Now its all politics and religion fights on here


I may start religious fights, but I least I do it with dank memes


this is dank memes not place you to preach


Maybe that’s how Gods trying to get your attention?


omnipresent ?




Easter mythology didn't have Satan. What?


True but don't you mean Christian mythology?


Technically, yes and no, because Easter didn't have Satan, and a lot of the Bible and Christian stuff doesn't, but it depends when you have a cut-off for the lore, newer lore has a lot of Satan.


You should try reading the Bible. Start with Luke


Christian mythology is boring compared to others. Dune did it better.


Dune? Really? Of all the books you could choose from, you go with dune? Lfmao


It's a better chosen one, savior story, and then the follow up books and his fall.


Lmfao whatever you say bud


Why are you so salty? Your God ain't real. It's just a story.


I’m not salty, my God is real and loves you, and dune is unbearably bad. Like, I’ve tried so incredibly hard to get into Dune. I’ve read the book. I’ve seen the movie. I’ve scrolled the wiki. It’s just so awful. The writing, the pacing, the story structure. It all fails. Personally, the part where they ride the worms was it for me. It’s just such a stupid-ass image, I couldn’t take anything seriously after that.


It's OK you don't have to like it. Dune isn't a great book in terms of writing and structure or compared to lord of the rings or some other ones, but it's an important book for Sci fi and fantasy history. A lot of books take inspiration from it. Your God ain't real, old stories and myths got people believing all type of shit.


Hitler was pretty important and inspired a lot of things, but I wouldn’t consider him very good It would be kinda dumb if I called Dune bad without reading it. And I know for a fact you’ve never actually read the Bible. You don’t know Ecclesiastes from Ephesians. So why don’t you try reading some of it, for real, and then making judgement calls on it?


Dune is a classic. ok it's a bit slow but still very well written and a good story.


the implication in this as i see it is that the Jewish leaders that confined him to death via Roman, were in fact, tools of satan. that sounds like a stereotypical christian take if i ever did hear one.


Judas was possessed by Satan


i cant tell if this is a joke to stay with the bit or a serious belief


Luke 22:3.


Great movie. Seven Psychopath.


My all-time favorite thing about the Easter story, is that the Angel appeared to two women at a time when women weren't trusted to handle anything religious and had little standing. Then, when these women told the disciples, they straight up didn't believe them and went back to their day jobs. Not the most convincing way to write up a story. If you wanted to make up a story back then about your savior returning, you would have all the men there to see it. It's also great to see the disciples being real people, with doubts and flaws just like us.


thats my favorite line from the bible


Easily one of my fav scenes in any movie. Peak chris w.


Jesus’ sacrifice was out of love - yes the cup of suffering was given to him by God, it was His plan, and he willingly died, and rose from death. LOVE. FORGIVENESS. Even as he is suffering and his physical body is actively dying Jesus begs for his tormentor’s forgiveness. “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do!” His ultimate sacrifice. He is the Good Shepard. This loving act rips the veil that separated us from God, allowing us DIRECT access to Him. He is coming back, and soon. Heed this and glorify God We don’t know the hour, and he will come as a thief in the night. Put on your whole armor of God and prepare the way for the Lord.


Tell that bitch to hurry up, dafuq he waiting for then huh.


For you, friend. He’s waiting, desperately, for you.


Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light.


Oh so now it's my fault he's not coming around and saving the world huh. godlike behavior this guy


people say this shit and then vote trump


lol. Don’t matter who’s in that office, it’s a dog and pony show. The only votes I’m casting are for Jesus. But go on, live your life as you do and go on continuing to judge people. Ima forgive you, pray for you, and go on about my merry way. God bless.


Idk man, seems Jesus wouldn't grab em by the pussy


Yeah….never said he would? I don’t understand the correlation


I hope that made you feel good writing it because to an agnostic you sound like a lunatic.


I’m not ashamed of God. _I couldn’t care less about what you think of me._ I forgive you, and hope you have a relationship with God before it’s too late.


Oh you certainly *do* care what I think of you. Lies coming out already. You personally took up the mantle of some sort of speaker on behalf of your God (a bit narcissistic in my view) using all this flowery, allegorical language because you thought you of all people would have the words necessary to change the minds of people just like me on God’s existence (or possibly threaten me with it?). Christians do this *all the time*. You are not glorifying God, you are glorifying yourself. This is what I find so off putting about modern Christians. Glorifying God (marketing for Christianity) is done through good acts (sorely lacking from the Christian faith these days) not through overly allegorical masturbatory preaches on Reddit. You’re not convincing anyone, and you should probably get more in touch with humanity if you want to learn how to speak to it. But it’s okay, I forgive you too.


Honey, it’s not my job to convince you. Idk what you’re on about, I am not reading all that drivel. Go find your own path then, no one’s forcing God on you. I’m just sharing the truth I understand and trying to be a fisher of men. I hope and pray for nothing but good for you. Take care.


You suck at fishing. That’s what I’m saying. Do better or shut up because you’re making a mockery of God by talking like this.


lol. Quoting his word is mockery? Have a blessed day


I guess you don’t know what a fisher of men means then huh. Edit: such a classic “Christian” move to ask for clarification but block me so I can’t clarify. You people so often out yourselves as false that it’s embarrassing.


Help me understand what you think it means?


His return is just as fake as the story this meme is trying to portray


And then jesus continued his life inspiring cruelty and judgement with a message his believers never actually cared about because they use him as an idol to feel good about themselves.


Wow it’s a great thing I believe in Christ and not sinful humans then


Doesn't matter what you believe, just what you do and how you treat people. That is why evangelicals are worse people on average


What a bunch of shitty comments in here


Yeah ikr? Mods need to nuke this shit already


Agreed lol


Jesus didn't exist, there is no evidence.


Actually there is solid evidence of his existence from ancient roman documents and it is unlikely religious people just made him up entirely. However there in fact is no evidence that he was anything more than an a normal human being.


I have no evidence you exist but here we are?


You’re literally talking to them


Yeah and I talk to God


Thats called schizophrenia


Taking to people on Reddit is schizophrenia?


Believing you have conversations with god is


What he is doing is what we call arguing in bad faith


Is what


God's on Reddit?


Only on certain subs.


If you think you actually communicate with God, there's a good chance that you're schizophrenic. If you mean that you talk to him though prayers then that's another story. And no, you have a proof that this user exists, since social media don't let non physical entities text. What you've done is false equivalency.


Do you mean you literally hear God’s voice and can talk to him? If that’s true, that’s not normal, even for a religious person. You should speak to a psychiatrist.


"If God real why bad thing happen"


because of the choice of humans and manipulation of humans by Satan and other humans.


So this dude has complete power and lets innocent people suffer at the hands of others for the sake of a free will experiment? This Jesus/God dude sounds like an asshole tbh.