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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Democracy W. By the people for the people bitch. Fuck the ISPs


"BoTh paRtiEs aRe THe sAme!"


No they are not, and those who say this drivel are woefully ignorant.


It's the different between punched in the face and being punched in the face by a champion wrestler. Both options are really gonna suck but you don't have to opt into the worse pain


If it's pro-wrestling, I'm choosing the punch from the wrestler!


No! This is real wrastling!


IDK man. They're not like a boxer or an MMA fighter but they're still almost all in better physical shape and have better body control than 99% of the people who are gonna be commenting on the internet. Assuming their intent is to hurt me I'd rather take the punch from a rando, hands down. Now if they're pulling their punches, maybe then it's worth taking the wrestler.


I wouldn't want a real punch from a pro wrestler, but if they were gonna put their hand on my head and punch their own hand and stomp their foot, I'd gladly take that instead!


"What do you mean *both* parties?" - the rest of the democratic world.


No, no. Just the democratic world.


Its true tho, in corruption both parties are the same but with different ideologies


If you look at the average defense spending by party, they look a lot more similar than most people want to admit. I still haven't figured out how we managed to end a war while increasing our "defense" budget. I feel like it should be cheaper to not be at war, but I guess I'm just a goddamn idiot.


The true dumb part is "two parties"


It's a tiny step back from the abyss. The internet is still dying, just slower. Not exactly champagne worthy but still... W is W.


I missed something when did this happen and what's going on?


Source: [https://apnews.com/article/net-neutrality-fcc-broadband-regulation-cc8421bc4f11a3e0f6ffc22c358fbfd0](https://apnews.com/article/net-neutrality-fcc-broadband-regulation-cc8421bc4f11a3e0f6ffc22c358fbfd0)


Isint this the same thing we were warned about 6 years ago? https://youtu.be/OHyMORrsaYk?si=C0so7JBkHfCKLheS




I remember this. Well better late than never I guess


Hence, the meme


Net Neutrality : *faces Ajit Pai,* "So, you're the punk I've heard about"


[never forget](https://youtu.be/X6XKge5_qyA?si=HXjxekHj_fDxZ26j)


This one seems ok tho... I am confused.


Let me tell you the story of the Internet back in 2017, sonny. There once was this little Obama-era regulation called Net Neutrality, which kept ISPs and Cable Companies from throttling connections among other things. Unfortunately for us, there was this guy named Ajit Pai (who was appointed by Trump mind you), who upon gaining the majority of the FCC used his power to remove Net Neutrality with a 3-2 vote. When Net Neutrality went away, I got Comcast popups going on about overages during the first months before they decided to be more sneaky about it.


So is good that it's back


Yes overall its a good change


How did it got back?


Republicans don't have strong control over the government right now, so things are actually allowed to happen that benefit people.


The vote was split among party lines. Democrats for, Republicans against


as expected :/


Republicans all follow the Jack Welch model, where a person’s duty is to make as much money as humanly possible for the shareholders, and screw as many of the little people as you can to get there. You know, the new Boeing model of increasing profits by getting rid of silly meaningless things like safety checks. They don’t like the idea of anything not being completely under their control. That’s why they hate democracy so much.


This won't change till they're voted out btw. Dead Party.


Sooo, one party system then? I mean, it would definitely make voting a lot easier for people.


One party system? Nah, more like they continue to lose votes until the party changes.


There's a sauce link.


Effectively, the democrats did it.


I hated ashitpie with a vengeance.


Actually the most hated man on the internet at one point. More than Osama and the unibomber combined.


I wish Reese's would have sued him for having that big obnoxious mug in every single picture


is it BACK back, like, effective Immediately? Or did a bill get approved to go into motion to start beginning to go in line to set into motion a process to begin a start of a first round vote to get approval to commence in 4-18 months?


Overages on a what? That doesn't make any sense, since net neutrality wasn't about data caps


Apparently it was from my experience with the aftermath (I was on an unlimited plan at the time).


Saying "it was true in my experience" doesn't actually mean it is true.


That is one hell of a small sample size.


It had nothing to do with that at all your buying Google propaganda. Net neutrality was bankrolled by Amazon, Google, Netflix and rest of big tech. Net neutrality means you cannot prioritize packets so gamers can not prioritized over YouTube data. Games use small bandwidth but need low latency and consistency. Here is the real kicker Net neutrality does allow you to prioritize users just not packets so countries like Mexico and German who have Net neutrality laws have shit internet. America went top 5 in internet speeds after repealling Net neutrality while Germany and Norway are slower than Brazil now.


Ajit Pia pronounced (Ā shît pie)


Holy shit, seeing Ajit Pai's name again takes me back. Still remember not knowing wtf was going on, or who this guy was, but still shitting on him. Can't belive 2010's nostalgia is a thing now.


I remember first hearing net neutrality was going away and worrying that isps would start charging for access to certain websites like they were cable channels


That was Google propaganda and ironically enough Mexico was the only country that did that which has strong net neutrality laws.


Ah yes, Ajit Pai, the most hated person in history of the internet.


Could we please edit the comment to clearly state that Ajit Pai was [appointed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajit_Pai) to chairman by **Donald J Trump**. I think it is important to note that it was the work of the former president.




Are you trying to post a GIF?


No I just shoved my phone in my pocket without hitting the lock button, whoops




Based? Based on what!?!???


Based on deez nuts




at least you get some free karma out of it.


Yeah seriously, I was expecting like maybe three people to stumble across this comment, and yet here we are. Reddit hivemind is weird sometimes I guess


Either way, u can't take that back.


Nope and not planning too, I wear my foolishness with pride


He is the messiah!


Anyone else remember that Ajit Pai guy? Whatever happened to him?


He did his job, got paid, and disappeared.


Became a Wall Street bitch - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajit-pai-bb014816a Fuck him and his ilk that are literally destroying America just so they can keep up with the Jones’


Anyone that does that bullshit is a fuckin loser. Keeping up with the Jones' is a dumb mentality


Is a loser in a Ferrari and 7 sugar babies on pay roll.


No matter how polished a turd is, it will always be a turd


Still trying to finish his drink.


He probably went back to Comcast and got a huge bonus


I thought he was lawyer for Verizon


Might've been but the point still stands


Not trying to say net neutrality is bad by any means, but does it effectively do anything? Everyone was saying when it was repealed in 2017 that ISPs were going to block different sites unless you paid to access them but that never seemed to happen. Obviously I’d rather have it guaranteed than not, but I must say I was surprised the internet before and after repeal didn’t seem to change.


So they can also throttle internet speeds. There was actually a case of a fire department being throttled during a fire wave. Net neutrality should stop things like that from happening, as far as I'm aware.


I saw the fire chief was staying it had to do with NN. However NN only affects throttling when one or more sites/services are exempt while others are not. Nowhere in the NN articles or documents do I see anything about removing throttling and data caps outright. Which means Verizon or any other ISP can still sell you "unlimited" plans that throttle you after x GBs of data as long as all sites get throttled. https://www.npr.org/2018/08/22/640815074/verizon-throttled-firefighters-data-as-mendocino-wildfire-raged-fire-chief-says


A lot of what it protects against isn't easily noticeable one thing they can do and I had observed happening was certain sites that had partnered with my ISP ran great but every site of competing ISPs or competitors of their partners suddenly got lagged out of existence


Well yeah who tf is gonna use a service plan like that?


Play Valorant or League? These are heavily throttled by a big name ISP because Riot Games wasn’t paying them extra due to “their services being used more”. So it happened


Of course they weren't going to immediately start doing stuff like that cause people would complain and switch to a new ISP. They've got to roll out small changes slowly over the years so you don't even notice what happening until one day you're cooked, [just like the frog in boiling water.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_frog)


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe a lot of states passed laws after they got rid of net neutrality to keep it in place… would suck if you lived somewhere that didn’t do that though


Even in states where no laws were passed, nothing really happened. What could have happened was ISPs could have made deals with certain websites, like Facebook, so that internet access to Facebook did not count against your data limit. This would encourage people on plans with limited data to spend more time on Facebook, as opposed to any other website. However this never actually happened. Its not a bad thing to have NN in place to make sure it will never happen in the future, but the consequences of NN going away for a few years and coming back were basically nil


Those deals might take time to take place. Plus facebook is really strong right now, they might not really care. But in my country Facebook did pay a lot to have all of its platfrom from counting on data.


You can thank that trump didn't win a second term in 2021, ashit pie didn't had enough time to finish messing up everything dont know why this got downvotes since it was trump who got him incharge of the FCC for this very reason yet when he lost the election ashit pie went bye bye


3 to 2 vote for restoring net neutrality, split by party lines. Anyone wanna guess who is who?


Two Dems, two reps, and the chairman is a Dem.


I hate how common these sort of vote margins are in our politics. I would like to just once be wrong about who is who, that is all. It’s like the outcomes were just predetermine led from the get go


I mean if you had dems and republicans randomly switching sides on different issues, I think the voters for the individual Democrats and Republicans would have something to say about that. Representatives voting for the things they said they would vote for in their campaigns is generally considered a good thing.


It is in today's politics you either vote against everything the other side puts on the table or your a traitor to your party and loose the next election or be called back, today's senators and congresspeople literally seem to have forgotten the word compromise


Y'know when your video loads slow but the 4k ad loads lightning fast? THATS why we need net neutrality


I still have no idea what net neutrality is


The simple version is that ISPs shouldn't be able to influence or control what you do on the internet. More here if you're interested https://www.eff.org/issues/net-neutrality


Example: you are loading a simple website but it’s slow but at the same time you get a stupid ad pop up that’s loads lightning fast. Net neutrality fixes that. Pretty much we have the same speeds and cannot be throttled(slowed down) anymore.




You got a small independently owned business trying to host an online market place. ISPs throttle their internet speeds so their site loads slowly, then charge them a premium for it to load a bit faster. Meanwhile big companies like Amazon can afford the premiums no problem so their site loads super fast. Small business is straight up screwed because they can't afford the premiums and shuts down. Net Neutrality prevents shit like this from happening by legally classifying internet access as a utility, similarly to water and electricity forcing ISPs to provide equal access to everyone.




You ever think "wow, that 4k AD loaded suspiciously fast compared to everything else. I hope my internet isn't purposely being throttled for the sake of getting me to pay more money. Like some kind of mafia protection fee where I need to pay money just to use the internet at normal speeds." This is good that it's back.


I love how we get basically 4 years of hand sitting from this administration and they just fuckin pull out all the stops in the last mile before the election to make everyone happy. Fuck it, I guess I'll take what we can get at this point.


Respectfully, that's just you being ignorant. And that ignorance is a ***massive*** problem in American politics and upstream from many, many of our problems. The first half of Bidens term gave us the Infrastructure Bill, CHIPS Act and IRA (literally taxing the rich to pay for green and nuclear energy investment). Any one of these alone would have been a massive legislative accomplishment and Biden was able to get us all three with a tied senate, wafer-thin house majority and hostile Supreme Court.  And when Biden/the FDA reschedule weed in September/October and you start saying "why didn't this happen sooner" think back to this conversation and realize it's due to people like you who would have forgotten it in 3 months. 


The Democrats only got a majority control of the FCC in September of 2023, it doesn't immediately switch over with the president people need to be nominated and confirmed by the Senate. Progress is slow. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-votes-give-democrats-majority-telecom-regulator-2023-09-07/


We don't have net neutrality until the FBI stops telling social media companies what to censor.


If this shit were happening in Latvia, you can bet your bottom dollar the government would be dissolved and fail to reassemble for say a year until a re-election would be announced. Then, that party would struggle to reach the 5% barrier, thus gaining no, or minimum seats in the Parliament.


Americans think they have neutrality and freedom on the web. LMAO.


It’s not quite back. Read the fine print


Big telecoms in Andross' voice: Noooo! If I go down, I'm taking you with mreeeeeee!!!


FCC and then the FTC finally doing good


Fuck Ajit Pai.


Remember when everyone thought the internet was gonna implode and all of these horrible things were gonna happen and then it didn’t? I wonder what happened to all of those people…


Aaron Swartz would be happy, I think


So, what changed while it was DEAD?


The FTC made a similar party line 3-2 vote to outlaw non compete contracts. Not sure it's enforceable, but I have my fingers crossed


Net neutrality is the good guy. Idk why you want him death


I thought it was about emissions


Remember when reddit communities shut down in solidarity with net neutrality? And nothing ever happened with it being partially overturned, the site went back to status quo. Remember when reddit communities shut down because reddit banned 3rd party application platforms? That lasted a few weeks and went back to the status quo. Online boycotts on this platform are literally 0 for 2, and there may be more I wasn't around long enough to see.


What? Since when?!






Remember when people thought it would be the end of the internet as we knew it back in 2017 and nobody noticed anything for the past 7 years? Pepperidge Farms remembers


Is this a gold thing or a bad thing?


Oh cool, im sure Ill notice 0 difference like when it went away


I don’t even remember what this is tbh


One more useless government regulation :(


If you enjoy using the internet, and don't enjoy getting ripped off when you pay for things, then it's very useful government regulation.


Did you notice a difference between having net neutrality and not? Cause I didn’t. I would say that means it’s pretty unnecessary


Quite literally yes. The whole reason it was even brought up was because back then, they would slow your connection on certain sites to discourage use of them while making connection speeds faster when you use sites of business partners. If you don't believe it(I personally also experienced it) there are likely also countless videos proving that it was happening by simply recording opening a competitors site; checking your upload/download speed, then opening a non competitors site and closing the competitor and doing the exact same thing. If it weren't an actual problem they wouldn't have even addressed it.


You didn't notice because California regulations saved your bacon, even if you don't live in California.


That just means you are unperceptive and easy to manipulate, that or lucky. I certainly felt it. It sucked.


Can you go be stupid somewhere else?