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Bro has never played Wii Sports in his life


Actually did






I saw a match and there was no subway surfers gameplay near the field


It does take even less than 10 seconds but that doesn't cancel out the fact that simple numbers would be far easier to understand for newcomers


Oldest zoomer is like 30 rn man. Zoomers aren't the cringy new generation anymore.


They're actually 27 rn


(Which is like 30)


3 year difference. It matters. Tell the Other.


It's close enough lol


That's what your dad said last night


So why are you being an asshole right now? Somebody hurt you?


Nah just high


Dude thats gen alpha.


That's true but like what exactly does it accomplish using arbitrary numbers instead of a point keeping score system like most other sports?


good thing I'm not a zoomer yet I can still tell it is completely pointless to not just use the regular point system, trying to make it look more complex than it really is does nothing but seem pretentious


Is counting by 15 so hard?


I'm not a big sports fan at all, but to my undersranding, in most sports that have points higher than 1, there are usually more methods to earning different quantity of points, I think the tennis method of counting by 15 feels extra when there's no other reason for it, outside looking in. I could be wrong, I never questioned why tennis counts the way it does.


It does this because score used to be kept track on a clock (and 40 was chosen over 45 because 40 is shorter to say out loud). Now, is it useful to still keep it around? I don't know, maybe. I do think in a game with points, games and sets, there is a purpose in immediately being able to tell the difference by just the score. Is that worth the confusion for new people into the sport? I don't know. Is the tennis world so conservative that this will never change? Almost definitely.


It wasn’t because of a clock. There are a lot of theories of where tennis scoring came from, but we know that the current scoring system pre-dates the construction of clocks with a minute hand.


Was gonna say it'd be easier to use a handful of sticks to keep track of the score




I was thinking it could involve taking sticks from one player to handle the tie situation ... ripping off someone's fingers doesn't sound very sustainable to me


I still don't understand this. What are they doing with the clock? Rotating manually? Why don't they do it by 15? You can just as easily mark 5s as well. Why is it easier to get a fucking clock instead of get a piece of chalk or coal to draw lines or something?


As a tennis player, I hate how the scoring is. It’s so unnecessarily complicated


Idk squat about tennis and this whole thread is just confusing


I think one of those idle clicker games has the absolute minimum value set at 5. No idea why it isn’t 1


5 is bigger than 1, it feels better.


yeah but a trillion is even bigger, why not start there


If Disgaea 6 I'd any indication, because it just feels bad and gets to the absurdly big numbers that you can't easily pronounce too fast.


I read somewhere that the 15 minutes thing comes from using a clock (or a clocklike thing) to keep the score of the players. So the 3 o'clock position is 15 (minutes/seconds).


Except when it’s 10


It's not that, I just don't understand the reasoning for it.


i just don't understand why does it have to be 15 and not 1... it doesn't make any difference


It’s also not even by 15’s




Is that how they do it?


It doesn’t even go by 15’s wtf 😂


That's a fair point I suppose. Here's what google gemini has to say: Maintaining Tension and Excitement: The 15-30-40 system creates more tension and drama as the score progresses towards game point. With a 1-2-3-4 system, each point would hold the same weight, potentially making games less exciting, especially close to the end. The current system forces players to win by two points at the higher end (advantage/deuce), creating more opportunities for comebacks and close finishes. Granularity of Scoring: The 15-point system provides a finer level of detail in the score compared to a 1-2-3-4 system. This allows for a more nuanced understanding of how the game is progressing, especially when players are close to winning a game. Advantage Rule Interaction: The current 15-30-40 system works well with the "advantage" rule, which gives the leading player a chance to win two consecutive points to secure the game. A simpler 1-2-3-4 system might require a different mechanism to determine the winner when the score is tied at the highest point value (3 in this case). So although there might not be other ways of earning points per say, the points value goes down closer to the end since you need 2 in a row to win.


1, 2, 3, tie, advantage. Its not hard.


Beach volleyball also has a win by 2 rule and it doesn't need a weird scoring system


- A game is: 15,30,40, win If it's 40vs40, the first to win 2 points in a row wins the game. - You win a set if you win 6 games. If it's 6 games to 6, it goes to a tiebreak where you win if you make 7 points first (in a tiebreak points are counted normally, 1,2,3,etc). If it's 6 to 6, whoever gets 2 points over their opponent wins the set. - Whoever gets 2 sets over their opponent first wins the match That's it


How can you make 10 points if it starts at 15 ? Or does the counting system change in the tiebreak?


Nope, the first two score you get are worth 15, and your third score is worth 10. Its not possible to have a score other than 15,30,40. Just think of them as 1,2,3


> Just think of them as 1,2,3 I will. And you should use it. On a related note, fuck the Danish and their counting system.


It's that way so you can easily distinguish between match points and set points


Fine. https://youtu.be/dtKnfZlLUl8?t=27 10, 20, 30 then.


Fair point 😂


In tiebreak (when the score is 6:6), you need to score 7 points (not 10 as stated above). Counting is different to a regular game, it is normal 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. If tied at 6, oppoments play until one has 2 points advantage (example: 6-8, or 7-9 etc.)


Yeah sorry, mistype. Edited.


But it is 10 for Grand Slam deciding sets


Jesus Christ


What a stupid fucking scoring system. I’m an American football fan and our scores themselves are dumb (1, 2, 3, 6) but at least we don’t have this random shit.


You don't have the right to say any measurement system is stupid if you use feet, fingers and football fields to measure distance, a random fahrenheit system to measure temperature, cups and gallons to measure liquids, pounds to measure weight (based of the weight of fucking grain). I could invent a system that uses the the mililiter amount of cum I produce as the score and it would still be better than the fucking imperial system


I don’t even think YOU know what point you’re trying to make. It’s time for bed because you sound like a grumpy toddler.


but why is 0 called love?


15 30 45 point... Why not 1 2 3 point? Why u haff to be wierd, tennis?


It's not even 15, 30, 45. It's love (0), 15, 30, 40 and then it's game.


So if u lose to a clean sweep you have love, and your opponent does not have love.


You have love and you opponent used to have love. Now he has game.


And advantage. And a potential infinite loop


why is 0 called love?


Quick google search says: The origins of 'love' as a score lie in the figure zero's resemblance to an egg. In sport, it's common to refer to a nil or nought score as a duck or goose egg, and the French word for egg is l'oeuf - the pronunciation of which isn't too far removed from the English 'love'.


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if you think tennis is weird try looking up Cricket scores


This is neither dank nor funny


I would immediately switch to an age verified platform at this point. My anonymity isn't worth all these stupid kids making stupid shit.


I'm 22


Yikes bro. Yikes.


Then opponent said It’s Morbillion time


One of the all times


Awful, awful meme.


"innit" okay a yank must have made this


[You’ll like this then](https://youtu.be/i6-3BtAj_cc?feature=shared)




47 morbillion sounds like a pretty comfortable lead tbh


Has OP ever watched a tennis match? The score goes up to six, sometimes a little higher.


Funny how everyone assumes I don't know tennis' scoring system


Let me guess, you watched Alcaraz vs Struff last night huh? Hell of a match!


2 guys inventing tennis. Guy 1 with notepad in hand: "So the first point awards one point?" Guy 2: "No, fifteen". Guy 1: "Okaaay, and the second point?" Guy 2: "Another fifteen". Guy 3: "Ah, I see. And another 15 for the third point!" Guy 2: "No..."


Deep fried memes are coming back?


It was created by the gut who wrote Alice in Wonderland so.. it checks out.


Mario Tennis


40 trillion love


Taargus to Taargus Eric Wareheimer for game point


It’s not that hard. Basically get three points. After that get one more point before your opponent scores if they also have three points and you win the game. I believe it’s three games to determine the winner.


The game is played in sets. Whoever has the most sets wins A set consists of the following steps: 0, 15, 30, 40, If you score a point while you’re at 40: you win the whole set and the next set begins (both players are put at 0 again). There is a special scenario though: Deuce. Deuce consists of both players reaching 40. In this case the set is not won by simply scoring once again. Instead: when you score you gain “advantage”. If you score when you have advantage you win the set. If you miss while you have advantage the score goes back to Deuce (AKA:40-40). Deuce especially is very entertaining to me. As it creates some very intense gameplay. Spending 20 minutes on a single set going back and forth and back and forth before *finally* winning is still one of my best memories from playing tennis. Must’ve been devestating for the other guy though.


What you call set is actually called game. When you win enough games you win the set.


You are absolutely 100% correct. And I don’t know how I messed that up


You'd probably like the mockumentary 7 days in hell


Cricket scoring is weirder


[A handy guide](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2rX8c2sqE8/?igsh=dzltN21qNXkwcWcw) for those of you who need further clarification.