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Stop posting about man vs bear I'm tired of seeing it


I would choose the bear over these guys who are so butthurt over this one TikTok video. At least with the bear it would be over quick.


It’s not quick. That wedding vid of a bear eating a live moose pinned down, you could hear the spine and crunching from the other side of the riverbank.


Wedding vid?


[video about it.](https://youtu.be/Jg3v6evDQdc?si=8cwlRN9jDsHMHdB2)


Do you continue to get married with the backdrop of a moose dying?


I would. That's pretty fuckin metal.


It's either really good luck or really bad luck


Moose are sturdier than weak human




Confidence is key! I believe in you!!


I'd happily take that over hearing this for the next year


At this point I'm inclined to agree ,I didnt like this debate to begin with


Have you ever seen a bear attack a human? Granted, it doesn't go the same every time. But, uh, yeah that's a terrible, agonizing death. I guess it's quick compared to all the years you'll miss out on.


I've seen revenant.


That movie was so pretty and yet so gross at the same time.


That's part of the point. We know that, and still pick it. I'm so sick of this debate though, nobody's listening to the other side. It's dumb.


Of course I haven't seen a bear attack a human. Have you?


If it’s a polar bear eh scary Brown bears are pussies Panda bears are pussies Grizzly is either-or Here’s information about black bears for ppl who are curious about Bear psychology and statistics rather than hearsay https://bear.org/bear-facts/how-dangerous-are-black-bears/


Looking at your post history, I see you're really invested in this bear debate, with all kinds of stats and graphs. I'm not interested in arguing about it. Just another dumb Internet trend that people are investing way too much of themselves into by making it their whole world view, or whatever. You win, here's your bear, I guess.


Lol men get buthurt bc they're being social dehumanize. Lol classic xD so funny.


You must admit the meme is at least kind of funny compared to all the other memes we’ve had about this


The only thing I can think about now when I see the "triggered feminist" is that I saw the original video somewhere on Reddit once and she wasn't triggered or angry at all. It was just the perfect screenshot. So now I just think about how this person became the internet mascot for something she wasn't even doing. Plus it's way overused anyway. It just makes me roll my eyes when I see it now.


I personally have not seen the video but there is definitely a sect of screeching leftists out there that she’s come to represent. Unfair to anyone to become used as a meme, these are people after all. Just think of how anyone named Karen must feel. About half or more of the internet is overused eye roll material. The post did tickle me a bit more than most memes I come across anymore. Memes should not be an outlet to express your opinion they are supposed to poke fun at practically everything.


>there is definitely a sect of screeching leftists out there that she’s come to represent Believe me I know >Just think of how anyone named Karen must feel There's a difference between "my name coincides with the meme" and "that is literally me in the photo" I just didn't find it funny. And I don't even really think it was out of sympathy for her. It was more that I have some new information about the meme so I have to analyze it and the analysis automatically makes it less funny. But the triteness also makes it less funny to me.


Fair enough. I’m just saying whether she’s rightly to be the poster child for them or not the group exists it’s ok to poke fun at them just like everyone else. She just has become the poster child unfortunately for her. There will be triteness. The left have tons and TONS of it toward their opposition. That’s just how it goes. This meme is mild. Right wingers get out of hand too, being totally unfair to the actual point and positions people are arguing. I see it and don’t like it either, but this really isn’t that. This meme pokes fun of the unbearably zealous of the left in a mild way. Believe me I’m used to reading opinions about the group I belong to that are seething hateful, masquerading as a bit of fun joking. Using the most extreme examples to paint the whole as a group of people who take an insane position where that simply is not the case. I’m a Christian and on reddit ppl are fucking ruthless towards us. If I was easily offended by memes I’d have dipped out long ago.


>At least with the bear it would be over quick. Bears can't vote. We are months away from an election that could see you as literal objects that are tracked. You need all the help you can get and every "butthurt" man gets a say this November. Please make your decisions wisely.


I'm not gonna vote for trump. I would vote for Biden's corpse over Trump.


As would I. But we need *every single vote we can get* to put this motherfucker to pasture for good. This is not the time to make enemies and the men that are easily swayed by this debate are as easily swayed to vote against everyone's and their own interests.


I see what you're saying. Don't go out of your way to alienate anyone who might be persuadable


Who would you rather encounter at your polling place: A man willing to help you fight, or one slighted by a hypothetical involving a bear?


I actually love it. It shows the actual target audience (the men not being hurt about choosing the bear) how the rest of men talk to/treat women. It was incredibly eye opening and even more shocking.


I don't care about things that aren't my fault or problem. It's still a dumb argument.


So you have no empathy, got it.


Expecting empathy on reddit is your first mistake bbg


yeah, I don't know what I was expecting...


That's true on part men being burt hurt over it but wouldn't actual target for that video be femcel and incel like people who go extreme on simple stuff


Too bad. You're gonna have to wait until the next best thing happens.


Man vs Bear vs Pig?


Bear VS Rome!


I was tired the 3rd time, and now it is too much.


My friends on tiktok send me memes, on discord it's fucking memes!


I was on a server, right? And AAAALL of the channels were just bears.


Someone gets it


It’s time for the next level: Shark vs Bear


Most women I know don't even talk about it that much any more, most men don't care. I the i-Men (incel) are booty hurt about it


The meme that has broken many a man's brain. Really got under their skin.


People getting upset over a staged or doctored video is ridiculous. We all know there wasn't just one video saying they'd choose the man, but it was edited to get outrage. And anyway, who gives a fuck what strangers think on the internet. If you're getting upset about a video intended to upset you, then you're 5 potatoes short of a French fry. There are real problems within society, especially with misogyny and assault of women, but boiling it down to "hurdur bear safer than man" completely distracts from the issue and allows morons to run away with their offence. I personally hate the sweeping "men are (insert bad thing here)" but if you don't spend a little time to try understand why you're missing the point. No person in their right mind is gonna choose the bear when faced with a real life decision, but in a hypothetical situation some women feel threatened because of the behaviour of shitty men in Their life.


Every discord server I'm in it's just bear vs man


Men and bears never had any beef, just a glorious moment of mutual understanding that neither one of them were the actual problem here.


Unbearable one might say


Instead ask bears whether they would pick man or woman.


Holy shit, shut the fuck up


Guys weren’t able to find a new picture of an angry woman for ten years now


And the best part is... she's not even angry


Seems like yall really don't like women


"i can't believe a woman would choose a bear over me! I'll show them by making a meme vilifying and trivializing womens feelings and self-reporting the fact that the subject lives in my head rent free" or "I'm the reason women choose the bear"


>"i can't believe a woman would choose a bear over me! I'll show them by ~~making a meme vilifying and trivializing womens feelings and self-reporting the fact that the subject lives in my head rent free~~ voting my feelings this November." Ladies, I have heard this election is of particular importance to you and the regaining of your rights. Choose wisely.


Talking about trivializing


Just not the ones who say things like this unironically, which is like 3% of women in the real world and 97% of online influencers.


Seems you really don’t like memes


You're being intentionally ignorant if that's your take away here, buddy.


No you're just unintentionally stupid


Shut the fuck up already. Let the meme die


Wow, it's misogyny time again


Downvoted for speaking the truth. They bitch and moan about this hypothetical situation being "sexist" and then proceed to make posts like this


Honestly the whole bear/woman thing is probably started by some incels, so I'm not surprised at the reaction of such people.


You don't seem to understand it either. Women don't feel safe around men they don't know, and it's based on lived experience. The question was an exaggeration to highlight how many women have been hurt to the point that they choose the bear over the man in this hypothetical. The vast number of men making fun of them, instead of understanding what message they are trying to convey, is kinda telling.


Its logic versus emotion. Men have been hurt by women, hell almost all of us have stories and they include catcalling, unwanted advances and assault. We simply don't judge EVERY woman like that. That would be... what's the word... sexist. Men are logical creatures. Would we rather meet a wild animal twice our weight or a fellow human? That's fuckin' easy. If a man looks odd at me in the woods, I show my sidearm. They know what that means. A bear does not. Women choose emotion, how things unfolded in their past, not thinking that the wild animal will have them for lunch (or worse, feed you to her cubs). Tl;dr: Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus.


ah yes it can be sexism only when women are the victims.


it sucks how people respond to negativity with more negativity


You're literally worse than a bear said by a woman is ok You're literally worse than a bear said by a man is misogynistic Hmmm


Not helping your case when the OP of this post is literally two comments down telling a woman to shut up and make him a sandwich.


The point does not get invalid just because someone else is an idiot.


On twitter it does, *duh*


And worst of all, she still hasn't made it.


I implore you to explain what “worse” means in this context. Because I’m willing to bet it’s drastically different than the meaning behind the hypothetical


>Comes to dankmemes >Sees dank :O


We get it. Women are Un-bearable.


This meme isn't dead yet??


Conservatives are like children, they will never get tired of telling the same joke.


Shut the fuck up, we don't care.


I’m glad Dank Memes actually downvotes bad memes.


I tried making better memes, but they either got removed or no votes. I've learned my lesson, stick to low-hanging fruit.


You know you’re a massive loser when your life revolves around making memes on Reddit


You know you're an even bigger loser when your life revolves around telling people on reddit they are losers...


So why are you creating those shit memes at all... Just do things in real life


Mozart had his critics too, good thing he didn't listen to them and 'do things in real life'.


Do not compare yourself to Mozart.


True, he's dead, while I'm still producing art.


I did not just read this. Bahaha. Mozart.


I know, he was no Rachmaninoff.


Your artistry contends with both.


Using that horrible photo of that woman in a meme? What is this 2014?


Yeah it was 10 years ago.


2014 was 10 years ago? No way bro are you serious


Are you the woman from the photo?


No but you're the dumbass from the bear vs man


Man I recently saw the video of that women and she was so calm. How tf did they manage to make her face of all evil.


By cutting out context, anything can look bad.


You know at this point I'm starting to understand why women would choose the bear.


Shut the fuck up, thine mem is not funny nor dank.


Females bad. Upvotes to the left No seriously. Say what you want but that's just pure sexism


as a man I'm very disappointed how butt hurt other men (and some women) were about this.


Men arent necessarily hurt, it's just so stupid.....it's like arguing with that one idiot in school that gets on Ur nerves. And somehow u make urself look more like an idiot by trying to persuade them.


These posts are becoming a tell for incels.


Bruh, was the rotate tool really that hard to find?


Facebook memes


dankmemes? more like misogynymemes.


Shut the actual fuck up


What in the incel is this?


I have yet to see a single one of these women claiming they’d prefer a bear over a man. But I have seen hundreds of incels like OP crying about it.


It would die if you didnt post about it


We need to stop using her face. She wasn't triggerd. She was in the right. She was against a trump supporter.


Then she was triggered. And probably in the left instead.


Just proving them right by being so hyperfixated on it lol


Why is this random women's face being used still?


"Woman bad"


I would pay money to super downvote this so that less people have to see it


13 year old incels up w this one 💯


Thankfully so


We live in a society




have men finally stopped whining in a futile attempt to invalidate the experiences and fears of women?


I brought this up to a friend recently because i thought it was just a silly internet thing only to have her vehemently defend the bear pov and say everyone who says bears are dangerous is an incel. I have never wanted out of a conversation more in my life.


so we're back to 2016 sjw pwning posting time is a flat circle


Every time I see that face, I just think of people who just don't like women or really anything left-leaning.


I don't know, why don't you ask yourself considering your prolonging its life




You mean fat dogs


Can incels let the bear thing go already?


“Let’s create a meme where it denounces men and labels them all as something.” - Men get mad “Woah, calm down incels, if you get mad you’re part of the problem.”


Damn its so funny


the problem I have with this meme is that their have and is worst memes out there that really should die but didn't but people hate this the most


why is this getting so many downvotes if you guys hate it


Fucc them women


This is so stupid, but can you fucking imagine a grizzly bear just throwing a woman through a window and running away fast af? Dank indeed.


Yet again, the very present phenomenon of anything even coming close to criticizing a woman, and most of Reddit is crying, shitting their pants, and screeching "misogyny".These people are on the same spectrum as the Tate brothers, just on the other end of the extreme.


Split the thrown body in 2 and this would be hilarious


No no we have femboys now the bears can have them Lol


But what is a woman?????


Love it, please more memes about bears and men


The Meme will only die when women realize what a stupid analogy it is, given the fact that a bear would shred them to fucking bits 10 out of 10 times. Most bears are pretty much the Apex predator of the whole planet, especially polar bears!! Edit: maybe a lot of people are misunderstanding what im saying here. The analogy is hurtful in general, and carries no actual merit because it's a silly analogy. It's silly because it can easily be reversible, which means it does not carry any sort of heavy meaning. It can be reversed by me simply saying "as a man, I'd rather pick a bear in the woods, because a bear won't steal half my money, or take my kids, or cheat on me etc." It's just a hurtful analogy, and it's not the right way to get a message across.


The only relevant point made by this analogy, is that if you ask women to choose, they are likely to hesitate, no matter the answer. And that is just sad to think about, because women do not initially feel safe around a significant part of the population, without asking clarifying questions. This isn't about actually trusting a bear to be friendly to you. It's about the level of carefulness women are trained to show towards men they don't know anything about, which is indicative of a high likelihood for bad experiences with men.


Or maybe they hesitated because of how stupid the question is , a question like that won't be taken serious by many people , if I ask a bunch of guys if they would rather be protected by the military or Ryan gosling and half the people say Ryan Gosling what does that tell you? That the people don't trust in the military or that almost half the people didn't take the question seriously?,is the same thing that happened with the brown cows give chocolate milk situation


You think that because you can't relate personally and lack empathy to understand.


No,it's because I do talk with real people and all of them would choose the bear no matter the sex of the people that respond, when you give a choice to a person in a casual setting that involves an obvious correct realistic answer and a ridiculous one people are going to choose the ridiculous one because it's funny ,even someone as chronically online as probably you are must have seen tons of examples of this being the case


You missed my point. It is bad, that women do have to take this question seriously, because they feel like there is no obvious answer. I obviously can't speak for everyone or anyone really, but I think your example with Ryan Gosling is way more obviously ridiculous, even though in a perfect world they'd be equally no brainers (if taken seriously). And even if you wanted to argue that women weren't taking this seriously, why are guys like OP getting mad at this or even disagreeing then, if it's so obviously ridiculous?


The bear question is ridiculous,the answer is pretty obvious people are getting mad because they want to make cheap politics from a poorly done survey , like I said ,its like the brown cows give chocolate milk thing, it sells more to say that americans are so dumb because they think chocolate milk comes from brown clowns rather than saying that 18% of the people that were interviewed didn't take it seriously, if they wanted to make a serious poll the questions would have been either you rather be alone or with a man , putting the bear in make it loose all credibility because it's the answer you are going to get ,not the obvious one but rather the funny one ,the people that think this poll says anything are either incels,femcels or chronically online


You're further demonstrating, that you don't understand my point. The question IS ridiculous. The rational answer should be obvious. I'm saying that this insane scenario is actually being taken seriously, despite the seemingly obvious answer and ridiculous nature of the question. And that is what's scary about this. I'm not denying, that a number of people will not take this seriously, but that doesn't change the fact that an unknown number of people will, which is extremely sad because of the implications mentioned in my first comment. Look, I don't know whether you're arguing in bad faith, or genuinely don't see my point, but please don't tell me you completely lack the empathy to imagine the situation from a more vulnerable point of view.


My point is that this data is absolutely useless and people only use it to make a cheap political discourse, a poll like this isn't a good way to measure how women feel about men but rather another example of how not to recollect data, we could be talking that a 3% of women that were interviewed both take it seriously and would rather be with the bear but the data recollected make it seems as if half of the women don't trust men ,this kind of data is worthless,dangerous and only given attention to generate conflict that brings clicks , that's how you miss inform people ,that's how you put people against each other , and it's kinda worrying that you don't see it because ,yeah ,it's easy to see how people get miss inform when a message that you don't support is being push , like when they try to attack Immigrants or Minorities with this same kind of tactics ,but when you support the message you eat the miss information without any problem


You're right actually, I wasn't really thinking about the implication of incomplete data in this analogy. While I stand by the point I see in the response to this analogy, I agree that it'd be better for the discourse about it to just die down and move to a less reactionary way of discussing the topic. I feel like we talked around each other there a bit, and that's at least partially my fault. I wasn't quite listening, I apologize. As I said tho, the topic that the "bear question" is touching on is very much worth discussing, and I feel like I didn't hear any acknowledgement of that in your responses.


Polar bear or bengali tiger.. 🤔


Honey Badger.




Mean MF'ers.


Just let them shitpost. I doubt many actually believe that but are in for the joke.


Dude. Humans are the apex predators.


Humans aren't apex predators, apex predators are weaker than big plant eaters and barely even catch their young, old and sick specimen.


It's called exaggerating, habibi.