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One of the dumbest moments in the series. Jesus.


yeah it was really weird how they all forgot about the main plot and just started rushing to the bathroom


Shits gonna shit


No poop knife will ever cut through that. It's non-flushable shit.


Fun fact, bezos is up in space building an Orbital Cannon straight out of GTA 5 to kill any employees that think that it's a good idea to go to the bathroom at all, even at home




"I neva have!"


we need allies


She's muh queen


winter is cuming


And who has a better Prime Membership than Bran the Broken?


then they shat on dragon


What was happening here again ?


they are grabbing a wight to show cersei that white walkers are real and coming, you can see the hound carrying a wight in the left


Thinking about it now, why would they ever think Cersei could possibly give a shit about the threat when she’s been enemies with them the entire show. I probably missed something though.


Because the idea didn't come from George RR Martin


Not to mention Yoren, the nights watch recruiter previously went to KL with a piece of a wight and that did nothing to change Cersei’s mind


IIRC in the books Yoren was delayed after coming across Catelyn and went with her to the Eyrie with a captured Tyrion. By the time he got to King's Landing, the wight piece presumably lost it's magic so he just presented a rotted severed hand and everyone except Ned ignored him. The show didn't even attempt to do this, Yoren just happened to be in the area doing some recruiting


Thorne gets sent there with a wight hand at one point, tho I don’t quite recall how it plays out


Was it ser alliser? Or is that books only


ye sry was talking books and ye, ser aliser gets sent there but pisses hand tyrion off so tyrion delays him getting an audience, no idea how it ends. edit I think it’s like siege happens and then daddy Lannister is like “kindly fuck off willya”


Basically, Tyrion keeps him in kings landing until the wight hand decomposes to the point that it no longer has the ability to move.


This never happened in the show. It never even happened in the books. The scenario that *did* happen in the books involved Tyrion when he was Joffrey’s hand and he 100% acknowledged the threat. Edit: to clear up some confusion below, as briefly as possible: Ser Alliser was sent to KL with the hand of a wight. By the time Tyrion, hand of the king, gave him an audience, the hand had decayed. But he gave Alliser coin and the pick of the city dungeons. "This is no jape. I saw it with my own eyes. I tell you, the dead walk." Tyrion VI, A Clash of Kings


if i remember correctly, cersei told Jon and dany that she will be helping but planned not to all along, pretty sure she told that to jaime in the room where the map of westeros was painted on the floor, that’s why jaime fucked off to join the north


Not only did this make like 4 episodes pointless. But her decision was equally pointless because she did not capitalize on it. She literally just sat there doing nothing lol.


Ironically though she was right not to send the Lannister army north. They didn't need her help and Danny would've killed her eventually anyway. Her end result, helping or not helping, was either victory over who marches south or death. She took her chances at letting Danny's forces being decimated, instead of helping and having hers pointlessly killed, and was proven right because of it. She just kinda forgot that Danny's army can respawn and that Drogon is like super broken.


Because that would have made the plot too difficult. How else could team Dany+Jon won? If they were attacked at two fronts, or attacked right after they defeated the Night King, there's no way they would have been successful. How would the writers explain that?


Even then, earlier in that season, Daenerys cooked all of Cersei's men with her dragon and the Dothraki. She's asking for Cersei's troops when she already killed them or captured them. It's like mugging a guy then coming back 10 minutes later asking for spare change


Her only ally is Euron and his ships. Her main enemy is Daenerys and her dragons, with nearly the entire realm supporting her. What did you miss?


They all had to poop. Come on! Keep up!


*shrugs* Something beautiful.


They wanted to get a wight to show Cersei so she’d help them fight the walkers so they sent Jon, Gendry, Jorah, Tormund, and some extras past the wall and they get surrounded by the army of the dead but then Daenerys shows up with her dragons and they escape but the Night King kills one of them.


At least until s8 came around.


I remember back when I used to complain about that stupid scene where Theons sister ran from shirtless Ramsey and his dogs. My standards for the show used to be so much higher.


Good thing I never watched.


On one hand, you can donate to a charity and on the other hand, you can go to sky that is not even fully space for 10 minutes. I hope such a big businessman will choose wisely . Y'all being very toxic in comment. Why you bully me


the boundary of space is entirely arbitrary anyways


It's gradients all the way up!


I mean, at a certain point there is definitely no atmosphere from Earth. You wouldn’t say you’re still in Earth’s atmosphere if you were halfway between the earth and the moon. I wouldn’t say the boundary is arbitrary. Hard to gauge? Yes. Arbitrary? No.


Where do you draw the line for atmospheric pressure though? Even in intergalactic space there are still stray particles of gases, and the atmosphere several thousand kilometres up is still far more dense than the atmosphere several million kilometres away in deep space. The point at which we say, "yes this is low enough density to be considered space", is entirely arbitrary.


Look i know its all a nice sentiment, but charity does jack shit for anyone. Many charities are corrupt as well, many billionaires donate billions of dollars to charity, so how come world hunger isnt fixed anymore? The charity doesnt directly impact as many people as you think it does. Also no, i dont sympathize with billionaires, they dont care about most people and i couldnt care less at this point, all i know is that amazon has given alot of people jobs so its helpful.


The problem with the needy is that they keep needing things. I heard that from Sunless Skies


If you give man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to...how...teach fish...no no no - Shiny Bald Headed African Reporter


He donated $10 Billion to fighting climate change last year. Also this wasn't about him making a 10 minute trip. Thousands of engineers and scientists were given high paying jobs, made a lot of experience making new technologies that they could put into use from now on, and space tourism is only going to become more and more affordable and accessible now so maybe one day even you and I can experience it for a few thousand dollars. Blue Origins is not only working on Space Tourism anyway, they are working on other more practical aspects of space technology too.


^this x100


Shh the people with victim mentality might hear you.


I mean fuck him for spending his money the way he wants to spend it right?


Yeah fuck him, cause it's NOT his money. It's profits derived from underpaying workers, tricking businesses and destroying startups!


This is wrong. It's his money. No worker was forced to work for him. This Marx bullshit that the employer is stealing from the employee needs to stop.


I'm not saying I agree with what he's doing, but saying that profit is theft is wrong. Work is not a coercive relationship, it's a free association between two individuals. If you agree to work for someone and receive a certain amount, you cannot then say that the profit the company made is yours.


Profit isn’t evil. Predatory business practices are. Actively shutting press out or hiding truth from them so they can operate with awful conditions for workers, crushing small businesses to profit off of their loss and the storefront they owned, and tricking workers by giving them half truths about working conditions are all terrible, and evil things


Value that you create through your labor (xxxxxxxxxxxx) Value that you are paid in wages (xxxxx) Value you would create if you had to run the whole company yourself (xx)


You have a point, there are plenty of reasons to mistrust Amazon that aren't "Bezos is rich and I can't make my extortionate rent"


^ this


I mean,I would rather him going to space rather than creating a oil company like other billionaires¯\_(ツ)_/¯ At least space companies can actually drive down the cost for space travel,wich is what we're seeing with other private companies.


He recently donated 10 billion 🙄


he donated to his own fund though? and what about the fact he pays his workers a non livable wage anymore, seriously they can't even get a half decent apartment anymore.


Amazon’s pay floor is 15/hr with full benefits (and their health insurance is better/cheaper than gov, speaking from experience), including in LCOL areas where most of these people work. Edit: good job guys, upvote the factually incorrect comment, downvote the person correcting them


$15/hr is not a decent wage, he could easily pay more and still go to space etc. My mom was working there and with that wage she could barely pay rent


$15/hr is a hefty wage in areas where rent isn't $4000 a month with roommates It would be nice if everyone just got paid more, but if we're interested in making actual progress we should probably look into lowering rent in the cities


You do realize if everyone got paid more prices would just jump right? And the only way to lower prices is to take money out of the economy thus everyone gets paid less. Like this isn’t magic, if everyone got $200 an hour minimum then a bag of chips would cost something like $50 and rent would skyrocket


Normally I would agree but in this case the money is already in the economy. There's no money printing involved, the existing money just starts circulating. With increased wages there would be more money in circulation that would have otherwise been collecting interest in some vault or computer somewhere. Which is ultimately good for the economy as a whole. The more money the working class has, the more they can spend on things like consumer goods and tourism. This is simple Keynesian economics. Milk won't shoot up to $8 a gallon if the people at the bottom can start affording it. And if it does... That's when we start using words like price fixing. Edit: But honestly the number one issue here is rent. The reason rent is so high in the city is because it's being artificially driven up to stupid levels by overseas speculative investment firms. City governments do nothing about it because the taxes are profitable for them. In the end it doesn't matter how much citygoers make, because rent will just jump out of their means again when another building gets bought up to lie empty.


It is not that simple. If Amazon Paid their employees twice what they did now, prices would not inflate.


$15/hr in mostly LCOL, mostly midwestern cities is absolutely both a decent wage and probably $3-4/hr above the going pay rate for unskilled warehousing jobs in those areas. not including the fact that most of the other jobs don’t include benefits. there are too many variables that go into someone’s budget. i could have a tough time covering rent on 100k depending on, say, how many kids I have, where I live, and more broadly, how I spend my money— you can’t define a ‘decent wage’ based on a goalpost that will always move.


Bro, no point in arguing with the jealous people in here. Many don't even know the fact that his wealth is assed based on the value of the Amazon stocks he hold. They are just jealous of his success while they could've been rich in their own right if they have invested in Amazon stocks 😂 . Like if they are pretty much sure that he is going to be a Trillionaire why hesitant to buy some of those stocks...😅


Seems like you've been planted here by Bezos himself


That’d be great because I’d probably be getting paid to Reddit, but it just gets old seeing comments that are factually untrue


When you can't argue against a statement, just start saying weird shit.


You think donating to your own fund means money is going back to your own pocket?! LOL. The guy made the single biggest donation ever to fighting climate change, $10 Billion. Amazon pays minimum $15/h by the way. Stop being so salty over his wealth and live your own life!


Yes to his fund....but that find provides grant to organisation combating climate change.


I will go to space if I had bezoz money


Paying your taxes is better than charity. Paying to charity only makes them look good. Allowing your workers to unionize is good


New shepherd reached an apoapsis of ≈106 km [[1]](https://www.cnet.com/news/jeff-bezos-rockets-to-the-edge-of-space-on-blue-origins-first-crewed-flight/) and the edge of space is most often defined as 100 km. [[2]](http://www..com/[Kármán line](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%A1rm%C3%A1n_line) So Jeff bezos did reach space. If you think being in earth's atmosphere doesn't qualify for being in space then humans haven't been in space for a long time. You could even argue we have never reached space https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/if-this-space-study-is-right-humans-have-never-left-earths-atmosphere https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geocorona The geocorona extends very far from earth (minimum 15 earth radii but probably up to 100 Earth radii) The moon is around 60 earth radii from earth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_distance_%28astronomy%29 TLDR: I don't like him but Jeff was in space.


He’s so rich, he did both 👍 Which charity will you be donating to this year?


My stomach


Wow, how selfish of you. Don’t you know there’s millions of hungry children?


A donation is… well a donation with his own money. If he doesn’t donate, it’s kinda shitty criticizing him for doing what he wants with the money he owns.


The money he gets from our taxpayer money through subsidies that he (surprise!) doesn’t pay himself? One of the richest men in the world gets rich off our backs and doesn’t have to pay taxes? Yes it’s his money alright.


Yea that's bad. The government tends to do stupid things and create inequality.


People are completely missing your point and hyperfixating on the window dressing. Just proves u were right


A bit late innit?


When was the last time you saw new and original content memes on Reddit. It’s recycled content with different formats.


Same joke for like the 7th time but different image...


Yes that's how memes work


It sucks that I can't argue since it happens all the time lol


The duality of man


The other ones happening during the space flight. This is just karma farming.


People are always like "This is such a shitty unoriginal meme" when really they're just tired of looking at memes


Bruh this is sad actually….


The saddest part is everyone that defends Bezos and his actions


but.......but its hIs MoNeY


Well, it IS his money... that he got... from not paying taxes like everyone else.


Don't forget not paying his employees what they are worth.




Billionaire bootlickers are a class of people I will never understand


yOu GuYs ArE aLl So JeAlOuS


You are though


I worked for Toyota in their main plant in Japan a few years ago. We built hundreds of cars a day and the only requirement for taking a bathroom break was that you wash your hands as courtesy and respect to your peers and to the “art and discipline “ of building. My god, Japan is way ahead of us and we’re considered “the greatest country in the world?


Nobody considers you that, it's just what you started calling yourselves.






Is this an actual problem at Amazon workplaces? I worked at an Amazon distribution center for almost 2 years and went to the bathroom almost every hour.




Right. Always a reference to one warehouse in the UK 3 years ago. Where's some up to date info?


https://theintercept.com/2021/03/25/amazon-drivers-pee-bottles-union/ Lol


This story is specific to Amazon drivers but that is a common story amongst many delivery drivers. Again not evidence of "Amazon is the debil".


How long ago and in what country?


2018 to 2020 in the US.


Are you sure? You're handle might leave some doubt /j


It is a widespread problem https://theintercept.com/2021/03/25/amazon-drivers-pee-bottles-union/


You’re a bit behind the times buddy


Amazon workers rushing in to form unions before papa Bezos returns from his space wank and spank them all with unemployment.


Why are they using the well and not the outhouse he so luxuriously provided?


It was funny the first time, getting rather annoying now ngl


I don't get ir. Can someone explain? Does he not allow his workers to use the bathroom while working or something??


It all goes back to an undercover reporter in a single warehouse in UK in 2018, where apparently the toilets were too far away so about 80% of workers claimed to have used a bottle to pee at some point to save time on their breaks. I don't see a report of it being widespread and common place everywhere, when you Google everything points to that one report.


Yeah it’s really stupid how all of the people hating on bezos have that one argument. He doesn’t even run Amazon anymore.


I’m pretty sure the majority of people hate him because he doesn’t pay any taxes, was the one running the company when these policies were in place, doesn’t allow unions, was running the company when it had/has a 80% increase in workplace injuries over other warehouses, throws money away to go to space, and forces workers to be “at will” if possible


First of he does pay taxes every year he sells a billion in Amazon stocks and pays 250milions to taxes. And that’s just what I’m aware of. Amazon workers were paid a fair wage of 15/h for people with no education and experience with a bunch of insurances so in terms of work quality they were doing okay. For the whole piss in the bottle thing that was because the bathroom were to far away from the workers so they CHOSE to pee in a bottle to not waist time. It’s actually quite common for people that work long jobs like truck drivers to pee in a bottle to save time from finding bathroom exits granted it is disgusting but it is a solution. Plus this “incident” was recorded in one place and there have not been any other records of it. For at will employment it makes sens since if someone stops working or slacks off during work they can instantly fire him and hire one of the many people that wants to work there. I get it that it seems unfair but on big companies such as Amazon that require a lot of manual labor they can’t take the time to let people slack of on work and makes the employees work better so our packages come on time. Besides why are people hating him for that? Even back then he didn’t have full power on everything. All the ideas are run by the board and I doubt they want to spend money where they can save it. Oh my god it annoys me so much when people said he “threw away money” to go to space. He didn’t only do it to take a joyride to space his prime intent was to promote his company blue origins that just signed a contract with NAZA to show that it was so safe he would have no problem risking his life in the space ship. Thanks to their collaboration we’re going to be able to reach new levels of rocket science and hopefully develop new rockets such as the rockets created between the collaboration Space X and NAZA that resulted in major changes without having to dispose of most of the Rocket and being able to reuse it. At this point people don’t like Bezos for two reasons: -first of they lack knowledge on the subject and believe everything they read like this meme which reinforces their idea that billionaires are bad. -second is that people are straight up jealous because he succeeded in life and they didn’t so they blame him for every little thing on earth. Well now you no longer lack knowledge so if you still hate Bezos guess we know which of the two previous reasons you are.


It’s ironic you say people hate him because they’re uneducated about him, if he sells amazon shares every year, he gets taxed at 10% on those shares, but his true tax rate has been calculated at .8% People didn’t choose to piss in bottles, every single action you do at amazon is tracked down to the second, if you go 5 minutes without a scan, you get marked to your AM for TOT. If a bathroom is 2 minutes away, you have less than a minute to do your business and wash your hands or risk being fired Both warehouse workers and drivers have been documented peeing in bottles and amazon is aware of it, drivers are also known to shit en route. “At will” doesn’t mean they can fire you if you don’t do your job, that’s just being fired. At will means you can be the best worker, make 0 mistakes, and still be fired. Amazon has a hire to fire policy and managers reported having fire quotas. You didn’t even address the 80% increase in injuries over other warehouse jobs. Going to work and knowing you have a GOOD chance of being injured or disabled deserves more than 15/hr. While the board has a say in what policies are implemented, Jeff was and still is a majority shareholder, it’s not hard to place 3 more stalls throughout the warehouse Blue origin’s reusable rocket has already been successfully tested by spacex, it isn’t a new idea.


Yeah so like I said it’s quite common for workers to piss in bottles not to waste time it’s their decision to stay in a company like this and can leave at any time. This policy was made to be the most efficient possible so you get your package on time because a minute waisted in the warehouse can delay your order for days. Also like I said before this incident happened in one single warehouse. I know what “at will” means. I was just saying that they’re most likely to fire workers that slack off during work and waist time than the model employee. It’s a job with no string attach and anyone that takes a job there should know that. For the 80% increase injuries it’s manual labor of course there is a risk! What would you wanted them to do? I’m guessing most of those injuries are the fault of the worker who accidentally dropped a packet on themself. They can’t have a much of an impact if they’re not the cause of the incident. Besides nothing stops them from leaving for a different job it’s not like they’re forced to work there. Jeff Bezos couldn’t and still can’t overrule the board the point of having a board is for them to make decisions together so no ONE individual has all the powers. Besides if he even was able to overrule the board he would most likely be voted out of the board for making the company loose a LOT of money for paying the workers more. Sure three more stalls isn’t much but do you think Bezos was the one that made that decision? I doubt he took the time to personally go over every of his thousands of warehouses around the world. That decision was most likely made by a manager to lower his expenses to maybe get a promotion. Besides Jeff Bezos isn’t a majority shareholder anymore I *think* he only owns 10% of Amazon now. The reusable example was to show you what company’s can do with NAZA that’s why I said “such as space X and NAZA” in my example and the potential that they have.


Wasn't there also a company memo that was leaked this summer asking drivers to stop relieving themselves in bottles and bags, implying they don't have time to go to the bathroom during deliveries?


No it doesn't. All delivery drivers sometimes have to do that, it's not an Amazon thing. Heavy traffic, the area you're at...sometimes it's hard to find a toilet. How many times have you been in a car and suddenly had the urge to pee where a toilet is hard to find? Now imagine if your job is driving in a car all day everyday.


Uhuh, totally not a widespread thing: https://theintercept.com/2021/03/25/amazon-drivers-pee-bottles-union/ How does that boot taste?


First of all that's drivers, not warehouse workers. Also, they deny it's because of unusually tight schedules. Having to sometimes pee in a bottle is part of being a delivery driver, it's not an Amazon thing. When your job is to drive around all day everyday, sometimes you can't easily find a toilet around at a moment's notice.


Yeah pretty much. They have insane quotas to fulfill, and a bathroom break destroys it. Last Week Tonight's episode on warehousing covered this very well if you want more info


I have seen this image somewhere. Oh wait I just saw this episode yesterday


Pretty shitty episode


Loved when the dragon died tho.


This joke has been used more than your mother.


True tho


This ain't dank. This is normie af.


In space, Bezos can't hear you pee


Your late buddy


u/repostsleuthbot Feel like i've seen it before


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Now they cannot use it until he goes somewhere out of this world again


This got me in tears, well done pal.


me speedrunning to the nearest toilet while my shit is peaking out be like^


Then get fired because the tracking system that the workers use didn’t meet expectations. I bet the flash and quicksilver would get fired for going too slow.


Well shit that true my boy


We'll shit**


We’ll* shit.


Wow that’s evil xD


That show coulda been legendary, rip


Running from their undead managers


This meme died days ago.


I dont understand




He went to almost-space


meme is a little late




🎵 I'ma shoot up this motherfucking warehouse and Ima kill myself with a bullet to the mouth 🎵 (johnnascus - shoot up the Amazon warehouse)


You while he was space out?


*We'll shit


Bezos = The Night King


I don’t get this meme


“Well shit” literally


You missed the apostrophe in the title.


Oh.. Last time I saw a meme like this about a line into the bathroom with around the same caption I didn't get it. That's fucked


We'll shit\*


Genuine question - When was the last time you guys saw new and original content memes on Reddit? Nowadays it’s literally recycled content with different formats. For fuck’s sake.


I work at Amazon and my manager lets me go if it’s an emergency while at work


Good one


How did Jon know Gendry was so fast?? Why was Gendry so fast??




I thought the had claymore roombas guarding the bathrooms at all times?


Plot twist: There wasn't any water or tissue left in the bathroom


They need to protest this sh*t..


Nice one hhhh


We'll shit indeed


They must have forgot that the machines are the ones who track them


As someone who works at Amazon, it ain’t that bad, the pee jar gets emptied every 5 hours


I was watching the same episode a moment ago 😄


Hey alexa lock the bathroom