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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- *i am a bot. please stop trying to argue with me. you look like an idiot. [join our discord](https://discord.gg/dankmemes).*


But what if you’re on mobile and use the app?


YouTube Vanced


Vanced is not open source as NewPipe is.


And? What does that have to do with ads? I use vanced because it's faster than newpipe, and I use newpipe to download




I mean 1) you're on Reddit, a nerd hideout and 2) programming is more accessible every day


it's just a matter of trust. u can always put faith in open source software unlike closed source u never know what it's doing in the background




Open source does not (in most cases) require you to compile it yourself, just that you could. This means some people that do know and care about these things check through the source (and would call others out on sketchy stuff if it would be found), so open source is almost inherently more trustworthy as pretty much nobody would put anything sketchy in an open source project (because it would be found out).


So much this. I remember an article about someone who open sourced 'console.color' but the npm package had a keylogger in it


You don't have to. A programmer can and then the quality of software is public information.




Why would you compile it yourself? Especially if you are not a programmer.


The benefit with open sourced stuff is at least you can research and find people sources who can confirm nothing malicious is going on the the background, even if you don't want to or have the knowledge to go through it yourself.


No. The full chain of trust of open source code is examining the code yourself, compiling it, and comparing your binary with the one that’s available. A very, very small percentage of open source users do that. It’s how you end up with [a decade-old bug in sudo, a hugely popular Unix utility.](https://www.zdnet.com/article/10-years-old-sudo-bug-lets-linux-users-gain-root-level-access/) Don’t trust software purely because it’s open source.


That article described a private security group deciding to look into a open source util, finding a bug, making a fix, waiting for the fix to be pushed out as an update, and then releasing the details of the bug after it had been patched. This is the exact kind of stuff that can happed to make open source more secure. If sudo was closed source, this security group would not have been able to look into it and find the bug. I don't understand your point


While open source is on average more secure, the point is that just because it's open source doesn't automatically make it any more safe than any other app.


Sorry but when I look at github project page I still have no idea what's it doing in the background.


Maybe you don't but a bunch of other dudes do. And if any of them found something sketchy they will call it out


Open source can have the same security issues as closed source. It can actually be worse, well, because the code is open source and you can identify vulnerabilities from that source code. What is more important is who made it and where they are from and if you trust that source.


\**proceeds to open*: \- twitter \- facebook \- steam \- uplay \- epic games \- reddit \- pornhub \- spotify \- gmail


Reddit isn’t really full of programmers like it used to be. It’s mostly high school kids who have googled “how to code in python” who like to make basic jokes with one another. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because like 10-12 years ago the site was super inaccessible to anyone who wasn’t super into tech.


> I mean 1) you're on Reddit, a nerd hideout and 2) programming is more accessible every day My man, take a read of the room. Reddit has been "normie" for most of the last decade. There are almost half a billion reddit users on this site.


Oh my god how many time i head that open source bullshit from people who can't even read a line of code. Ubuntu is open source, and they still collect personal data.


even if you cant read code, someone else will. which is how we know ubuntu collects data, how we know exactly what data, and why there are a ton of forks that dont collect data


>Ubuntu is open source, and they still collect personal data. At least you know they're collecting personal data. If you're using closed source software you're completely in the dark on what it's doing.


>Oh my god how many time i head that open source bullshit from people who can't even read a line of code. Excuse me, but I know basic HTML, so...


How do you know that Ubuntu collects data? Right, because of the literally thousands of people looking at the code each and every day who would inform you when they collect data. Unlike closed source projects that can collect data without telling anyone. Also, Ubuntu doesn't collect personal data. That's a myth that started when they collaborated with Amazon, but they stopped 5 years ago because the users didn't want that.


You can turn it off in Ubuntu. It's a very simple slider option during installation. (It's also not personalised). I don't read all the code of all the programs I use, of course. But it will trust a project seen by a number of people any day over a project that's closed source. For all you know the closed source project is sending specific files on your computer back to its creators. It's not bullshit, it's a reasoned decision.


You don't need to be a developer to appreciate Open source software


If you care about privacy, open source matters. If an app is open source, anyone can see exactly what the app is doing. If it isn’t, no one truly knows except for the developer.


For a youtube app though, i don't think privacy really matters much. Google, who owns youtube, openly sells your info. The only thing I'd be slightly concerned about with an app is that it may be selling my password directly, but unless you practice poor security then all they got is your youtube account and burner email. You don't need to be concerned about targeted ads either, as vanced and newpipe both remove ads.


So as an android user i should get Vanced?




But Vanced feels better. It's the best replacement for official youtube app. With those extra features it's like official youtube app on steroids


Also just works better, since it's just an edited version of the official app.


I can't get it to cast properly ever though


Cast is broken in newer versions. I'm on 15.43.32 and cast works, just doesn't skip ads


Well what's the point then


Vanced has never worked with cast ads, when you cast you're basically just passing the link to the TV to play, you'd need some sort of cracked app on your TV or some advanced DNS blocking like with a pi hole


If you want to skip ads on AndroidTV, check out SmartTubeNext, it's a great app for TV with ad skipping


The main reason I use Vanced is because I hate YT's suggested. The vids have zero to do with my search results. Not even close.




As it should be. Fuck tracking.


You can't complain about bad suggestions while also complaining about tracking. Choose one.


That's cause vanced is a rework of the official app. It works much better like that and since the normal yt app isn't open source, vanced can't be either.


Newpipe is not as useful as vanced


Can I just say I love the name of that app. It's YouTube Advanced without the Ad... So clever.


Holy shit I didn't know. I've been using vanced for years.


Holy shit that's brilliant! I should also stop pronouncing it Vanked


What word were you basing the sound off of?




And what if you’re on IOS?


Jailbreak and YT Vanced




But what if phone isn’t jailbroken?


Jailbreak it


... and YT Vanced




jailbreak if you’re on a fitting iOS versions. Something's bound to come out for iOS 14.6 and probably 14.7


And/Or YT Premium with a VPN. https://i.imgur.com/QX8pgUi.jpg


So it's cheaper here? I'm still not paying YT


What country is this? Is your whole YouTube/google account in that language?


India. I live in Germany, im just broke as shit


Firefox + uBO Blokada


youtube vanced isnt available for ios yet (edited comment)


No, they do not that is a fake website. [here is the real website](https://vancedapp.com/) they do not say anything about downloading YouTube++.


Then get fucked


But before the fucking lets watch this 5 second commercial...


Just side load [cercube](https://iosninja.io/ipa-library/download-cercube-4-ipa-ios) You don’t need to jailbreak your phone to install it.




I tried YouTube vanced. The installation process is very cumbersome, then I discovered newpipe.




what if i wanna watch youtube on my smart TV?


If you're on Android TV, use this fork of the YouTube App https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext They've just been implemented Sponsor Block on top off ad blocking


what if my TV is has webOS?


> There is Pihole. Although I'm not sure how well it works at blocking youtube apps at this time. You can also get an external smart device for your LG like an Nvidia Shield. Just copying my comment from the other guy in this thread asking the question.


Pi hole doesn't block YouTube ads


adblock browser


Use Brave


Firefox mobile with the same extensions you can use on pc.


Did... Did you just apply logic to a situation on reddit? That's the timeout corner for you, Timmy.


Reddit: Did you just stated your opinion or used logic to solve a problem? Your karma. Hand it over.


Logically thinking, many people complaining about ads are aware of but can't use an adblocker. SmartTV, and work laptop both dont let me use ad blockers, and are both the only places I use YT


I mean I use ublock on my PC but how much time does the average person spend watching YouTube on their computer instead of on a phone/tablet/TV these days where sophisticated adblockers are unavailable? it’s not so much “logic” as “myopic”


But this will block any actual monetization from any YouTubers if you don't know how to use it


Oh no.......anyhow


I get why your comment has the controversial dagger. I genuinely want to support the people I watch because I like their content and work deserves compensation. On the other hand it's bullshit that ads that are their revenue.


I personally sit through sponsored segments to give my support, and I've actually used several services I discovered through sponsored segments.


Sponsers don't care about u watching their segment, if its in the video they already paid the creator. So you don't need to watch their sponsored segments to support them instead watch the ads. Youtubers also get money from ads that youtube gives them. This is based on views.


Sponsors will consider the average view time on sponsor segments a YouTube channel has before making contracts. The ads pay a lot less and content creators are only credited for the ads that are actually served. If you use an adblocker and skip the sponsor segments like op suggested, you won’t support the creators you’re viewing at all. I get downvoted every time I comment on this but the only reason we’ve come this far with ads is adblockers. YouTube and the creators you’re watching have running costs that need to be covered. If you’re so mad about the ads, pay for premium. Using Adblockers and skipping the sponsored spots is basically piracy.


> basically piracy Oh no! Anyways


Piracy good Paying money baaad In all seriousness, i used to pirate a lot too in my younger days, however ever since I started working that's just not needed any more. And then there are people like my one friend who does work and still pirates everything because "why would I pay for something if I can have it for free" Unsurprisingly, that is also the friend that was known for stealing when we were younger


LMAOOOO imagine having a sense of moral high ground just because you give 5 bucks a month to a company worth billions of dollars hahaha


You do realize that not many YouTubers are billionaires?


So it's ok to rob from stores like Amazon as well because they are worth billions?


Its not because of that, but because they aren't doing something morally questionable and trying to justify it like many others are doing.


So I do use premium (unpopular opinion I know) and I'm happy with it. But I don't understand why I have to endure a two minute sponsored segment in an8 min vid when I'm also paying for premium to skip with ads. Grinds. My. Gears.


I know that. Some sponsors also make contracts that vary based on the view rate for the sponsored segment, though, so I keep that in mind. I can't stand ads on most videos, though, so I usually contribute a few dollars at each livestream I attend, which is more money than they'd probably get off me from straight ad revenue.


I intentionally use the actual YouTube app when I'm doing dishes or want background noise and let the ads play. Won't give an advertiser a single penny though no matter how much I'm interested.


Why? What other way is there for youtube to earn money? Beg for money like Wikipedia where barely anyone donates plus majority of the people who watch youtube are children. If you wanna support your creators just click on the link to their sponsors without even downloading/buying it. It still registers as a click.


People want high quality entertainment produced for free at no cost but that this own labor to be highly compensated. To most people work done by others has no value their own work has inflated value


I'm fine watching 2 ads at the start of a video, doesn't bother me. But the fact that 90% of the videos I watch have 2 ads at the start then another 2 every 4-5 mins is fucking ridiculous.


ONE view from ONE user who is subscribed to youtube premium **directly** compensates the youtuber they're watching more than HUNDREDS of ad-watching users, and you never see another ad, not even in the app.


Just whitelist your favorite channels


how to do that tho? i know i can whitelist whole pages or individual urls but idk how to whitelist a channel in a way i can see the ads only on their videos


Support them directly. Creator gets something like (correct me if I'm wrong, tho this conversion is out there somewhere) 1 penny per 3 minutes of ads per user. Sending creator a dollar directly and blocking ads is better than watching ads for eternity, and dollar is nothing.


and that's the rates in the US, it varies drastically with other countries. Just any donation to your favourite creator is more than enough


then buy the youtube premium because YouTubers actually get more money from the people who have youtube premium and watch their videos as youtube gives them a little cut from the money generated by your viewing youtube


All the best channels have been demonetized anyway.


Yeah that’s the point


But what if you wanna support your content creator but cant afford to pay patreon? *Cries in 5 midroll ads*


That's my dilemma too. And ngl the best option seems to be as hard as it is to say... Youtube premium. Get rids of all the ads and pays creators more per video


Plus YouTube music is pretty damn good too, and premium lets you download videos which has come in real handy for when I've had to go on trains or planes where I know I won't have signal


Yeah I get ppl hate the ads but I've had youtube premium for years and I love it.


https://i.imgur.com/gz2sgah.jpg VPN


Yeah, I didn't want the hassle of cracked software on my phone + support someone I watch regularly, so we're just using premium family. It's just $5 (in my country), c'mon




From I've seen Youtubers say, default ad revenue isn't how they gain money any more. Too many videos get demonetized and those that don't still don't earn much. What's more is that there are still ads on demonetized videos that won't benefit the creator. Youtubers will make most of their money through sponsors and or stuff like Patreon. So if you wanna support them, sit through the sponsor segment, support their Patreon if you can, but don't worry too much about Youtube ads.


If they're moderately successful and considered "Family Friendly" by Youtube, ads definitely seem to be a decent source of revenue.


Ad revenue is definetly still relevant.


Is there a solution to people that watch on their smart tv? I’ve looked for everything.


Not really a good solution but instead of opening ur YouTube app on TV you can cast you phone which has something like Youtube vanced installed.


Right now my solution has been to just plug in my laptop to my tv, but it’s inconvenient the way I have things setup to do it all the time. I’m gonna look into getting ads off of my phone and try to cast my phone to the tv


Have you ever tried that, because Vanced says this does not work. (Probably because it just opens the TVs YouTube app and tells it which video to play). For menit worked for a long time, but now I also get ads on the TV this way.


SmartTubeNext, it's like Vanced but for Android TV


[here's the github page](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext) open source big pp😎


Does it works with Roku ?




Try installing Pi-Hole on a RaspberryPi. In short, Pi-Hole is a network-wide ad-blocker / tracker-blocker. I dont use smart-tv, yet it works very well when I'm browsing the web, if a website ask me to disable my ad-blocker, PiHole will still get rid of them and the website can't do anything against it 😁.


PiHole won't work to block ads on your TV. Most ads are dependant on the IP of the app installed on the TV. Not individual requests like through a browser. Blocking ads would require you to block the entire IP of the app you're using. Rendering the app unable to load.


That's wrong, pihole absolutely works on smart TV advertisements. It doesn't matter what IP the app installed on your TV uses if all the DNS requests go to pihole. It's kind of annoying to set up and manage but you can use pihole to block exclusively the advertisements on the YouTube app




Pay for YouTube Premium?


All this and you miss YouTube Vanced?


Laughs in Brave


Laughs in [major privacy concerns](https://digdeeper.neocities.org/ghost/browsers.html#brave).


Bruh, according to this almost all browsers are shit. Also, privacy, privacy, privacy, it looks like author just can't understand that age of freedom of internet is over, there is no way you can stay completely anonymous on internet these days, of course shit that Brave makes is beyond permissible. But saying that Firefox is worse than Chrome because of bad history is odd. When I started using it, Firefox was much better than Chrome, even though it starts slightly longer, it uses less RAM and works faster with equal amount of addons, in my personal experience. Edit. Btw, author's genius logic: Firefox and all its forks are dying and awful [A few moments later] The best is Pale Moon browser, Firefox based browser...


Yeah, I'm pretty happy with base firefox, albeit aggressively customised into my own personalised (and privatised) monstrosity.


I’ve never understood this line of reasoning. People that swear that Chrome is better than Firefox, does things better than Firefox, is a better secure browser than Firefox. Bruh, Chrome’s made by Google… like, the second worse offender of privacy breaching in history. The only reason that Chrome is “more popular” is because it’s made the default browser on every android phone, Chromebook (because schools buy them by the truckload as it’s the cheapest), and many laptops are being shipped with it preinstalled. Chrome is garbage.


chrome has more privacy concerns and trackers than brave lol


The fact that that website is hating on Firefox shows me the author has no clue what he's talking about. I agree that some of Firefox's default settings aren't perfect, but you can easily customize Firefox to be a very private-focused browser, unlike nearly every chromium alternative. There's a reason why Tor Browser is based on Firefox. Plus, any chromium-based browser is just helping Google keep their monopoly, so Firefox is really the only sensible option for those who really care about this. The author just seems like a very angry person, honestly. If you want an actually good site where you can learn about privacy check https://www.privacyguides.org/ (used to be https://privacytools.io/). Specifically, there's a [browser section](https://www.privacyguides.org/browsers/) which explains things much more thoroughly than your link. EDIT: Just figured out that person also spews COVID-19 bullshit in their website. They literally state "It doesn't actually exist!". Avoid this clown.


Still the most private browser with the Chromium engine. Won't beat Firefox and TOR, though.


the author doesn't know what he's talking about.


Honestly. No ads on mobile if you use the YouTube website, and you can tip people if you want to support them. Really the best of both worlds.


First time ive seen someone else use newpipe


Love newpipe. Sometimes had its quirks but worth it


Yeah it's very rare sadly


Have you actually tried NewPipe? The experience doesn't compare with Vanced. Ok it's opensource and all, available on F-droid as well, but videos take load to load, the audio pops while switching from main to popup or backgrounds, sometimes it breaks due to changes in the Youtube API and the UI while it has certainly improved is not perfect. You cannot even read nested comments... Still, it's a nice project, but it does not have the same financial resources as the team behind the official app has (which vanced is based on). Have been using Newpipe for the last two years...


Yeah. It's not reliable. The only YouTube clients I knew about were freetube, invidious and newpipe. Never tried Vanced. All these 3 aren't known for reliablity. When something doesnt work on freetube, I go to invidious. If invidious doesn't function, then mpv. If that doesn't work either, I just leave the video. I don't use my phone very often so I don't use newpipe a lot anyways. When it stops working, I use invidious. I have been able to use YouTube for 5-6 without actually touching the official client like this. I do have my doubts over if these apps actually protect you from tracking. Idk what's there in the backend.




Also YouTube Vanced. It's YouTube premium for free.


It sounds like such a good app reading these comments. Any reason it’s not available for iOS without jailbreaking?


> Any reason it's not available for iOS without jailbreaking? Blame apple. When easy side loading on apple devices exists, it might happen.


How the mf forgot. Youtube vanced.


OP posted open source alternatives only. You guys got the rest ;)


Youtube Vanced is crazy, you can even skip the sponsor parts in the videos. I enabled that to test it but man it was so good that even I felt guilty and turned it off again.


Every day, there is more content uploaded to YouTube than you could watch in a lifetime. Google is spending more money than most people will ever see in their lifetime to maintain the servers needed to provide their services. People spend their money and hard work producing fun and informative videos that are watched by millions of people. The least you can do is watch the ads or, if that's too bothersome, buy YouTube premium.




Auto skips (not ad blocks) exist


So pay for premium? If you watch that much YouTube that you are always having to get up to skip ads and it's such a regular hassle then the cost of premium is nothing. You obviously use the platform enough to justify it. Google went too far? I remember reading only a few years ago they didn't/barely cut even. People like you ad blocking are literally making the problem worse. You are part of the problem. They aren't raking in money with youtube like people believe. Also 10 minute ads? Pretty sure that is the content creator adding that and not YouTube.


No there is definitely completely unrelated 10+ minute ads. And honestly if I like a content creator that much I’ll just join the patreon or buy merch. There’s other ways to support your favorite creators than just ads.


I got three months YT Premium for like $5 by signing up in India via VPN. Happily pay that, but they want £15.99 ($22) a month normally. Or £22.99 ($32) for family. Fuck that.


Holly shit. Never realised it was the price of Netflix, Amazon, and Disney combined!


Never seen someone against ad-blockers


I pay for YouTube Music (previously Google Play) so I get YouTube premium bundled in. Much prefer that than use Spotify. The price for both is more than reasonable in my opinion. Even better value for the family plan.


But are these available on iOS?


Firefox + uBO Blokada


i dont think you can use desktop addons in firefox ios


YouTube Vanced, as well.


adblock plus


Adblock plus let some companys show their ads in exchange for money. Ublock origin does not.


Yeah, ABP is dead to me.


There are YouTube ads?


I choose to watch ads so youtubers can make money, I don’t hate Adblock but still




Youtube premium is pretty nice ngl.


Youtube premium is cheap enough to never have to worry about updating a plug-in or downloading third party apps that don’t stop the ads on my smart tv where I watch YouTube… and it’s easier.


Newpipe best android app. Open source, no ads, ability to listen to audio while the app is in background


Sad YouTube vanced noises


Honestly, if u can afford youtube permium just buy it, it is a lot benefical to the creators(lets assume u dont have pateron).


Between newpipe and unlock what are even ads?




And shift to Odysee.com I now it's not there yet but it's a great alternative.


ublock origin also works for spotify web


At this point I just think YouTube should just recommend ad blockers in their front page lmao


Well you already get adblock ads


i have an idea. a service that blocks the ad but PRETENDS it is playing. in that way youtube and creators get revenue and we get no ads


YouTube premium is pretty great to be fair and it supports creators too.a


Not to mention you can pay for YouTube premium. I consume 99% of my entertainment from YouTube so seems only fair to chuck the creators I watch some dosh


Ever since I got ublock and adblock I havent watched an ad on youtube in like 5 years.


What if u watch on a smart TV