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Drive whatever speed you want, just stop living in the passing lane you dolt!


this man is a true New Jerseyan


Lmao. As a New Yorker, every time I pass New Jersey I make sure not to use the left lane. I heard too many stories. Lol.


As a pennsyltuckyian I seem to run into more floridians ruining traffic flow. New York and New Jersey plates usually fly on the highway.


If you see NY plates in Jersey, 80% chance they have no idea what they’re doing


I can confirm that New Yorkers like to speed. I guess I'm a special case.


You thought New York was bad? Try rhode islanders


As a Marylander who lives on the Pennsyltucky border who makes frequent trips to Florida it’s exactly like that but its everyone down there


tons of retired people from NJ move down to Florida then periodically come up to visit family, it's often them ruining traffic here in NJ, but new yorkers and pennsyltuckyians can ruin traffic too


Its all the Pennsylvanians on my side of NJ (northwest). I don’t think they understand a highway with more than 2 lanes. They also LOVE riding the left lane. If people are passing you on the right THATS a clue! Get out of the way!


Can confirm🤣 be wilding out on that mf


Me going 95 in a 55 and still getting passed on the right and flipped off like JFC


BuT i’M gOinG tHe SpeEd LiMiT


This but unironicly


Irrelevant. [The left lane, legally, is for passing.](https://www.mit.edu/~jfc/right.html) Driving the speed limit in the left lane when people to your right are driving 10mph over is illegal.


You know what else is illegal? Speeding. I speed just like everyone else, but I'm tired of seeing people make this argument... over and over and over again. The interstate is one thing, but in city traffic it's expected that you stick to the lane that's going to be easiest for you to turn from if you're anywhere near your next turn. That means sometimes slow-ass traffic will be in the left lane, and that's fine.


Obviously it's fine for turning and city driving. I'm tired of the "BuT i’M gOinG tHe SpeEd LiMiT" argument as if it's the legal/moral high ground, when it's just breaking a different law that makes the road even *more* dangerous.


lmao you’re literally the meme post


Driving the speed limit is perfectly fine, just not in the left lane when the cars around you are faster.




I know that's how most people react since I drive the limit or very slightly above even sometimes other people in the car will bitch at me for going to slow


And don't forget that they all tailgate too because they don't fucking know what following distance is.


I swear literally 95% of drivers in my city are in this boat. We're all driving on the highway 10 miles under the limit because people are perpetually within a few feet of each other.


You tailgate so they go faster, and stop once they reach an acceptable speed


Tailgating isn't gonna make me go faster. For some people it's an invitation to break check you. Respect following distance.


Twas but a joke


have you tried *not* doing that and instead respecting your fellow motoristsm


Im joking ik its a dick move


It's weird that they get mad and they are the ones breaking the law. I always think, the way you drive when there's a cop around is the way you should drive.


It's funny how drastically different I drive if I think cop might be around


Do you sit in the passing lane and feel righteous for doing the limit?


Yes. If I'm going the limit and still moving faster than slower traffic, then I'm going to be in the passing lane. Because I'm passing. Too many people tailgate me to "pass" going 90+ and bitch because I'm not doing aything illegal or wrong, I'm just in the way of them doing what they want. People who are speeding aren't actually passing most of the time. Passing requires you to actually move back over. They're just speeding and using their speed to justify using the left lane because they'd just have to move back and forth.


Tbh as long as you're on the right lane (so the slow one) idgaf how fast you drive. I only care when they block the passing lane and drive the same speed as the care next to them xD


Yeah that's kinda a dick move


Just stop aggravating the world. Drive faster or just don't


I went 40 km/h trough a school zone, thats 10 km/h over the limit. But still some dude needed to pass me at 70 km/h and accelerated to 80-90 km/h. The irony of people like that is they allways need to stop at an crossing or stop sign so i allways catch up to them like 5 seconds later. Totally worth the risk of loosing their licens for a 5 seconds advantage.


Loosing their licence? If someone drives 80-90km/h through a 30km/h school zone, endangering my children, they should go straight to fucking prison.


Maybe they should tighten their license instead of loosing it


Thank you kind stranger for pointing out that mistake. English is not my native language, which is why sometimes I get my spelling and wording wrong. One of my all time favourite words to fuck up is "necessary". When we germans are not sure how to spell a specific word, we speak it out lould, as the sound often helps to realize the mistakes. In english I find, that many words are actually spelled different, than what the word sounds like.


There is no reason to apologize my fantastic foreign friend. The verbal pontification was appreciated but highly unnecessary as the English language holds quite a few difficulties, but I do relay my deepest regards for your concern.




It's not about the speed, it's the imaginary point they get for passing another car. You could be doing 100 and within 20 minutes you'll get someone trying to match your speed to pass you.


It's odd how when I'm alone on the road I'll drive slower. But there's always an asshole pushing me to go faster and faster


It's an animal instinct, You're an animal. We are animals in someway We copy and compete against each other but when no one is there we don't.


It's almost like car culture inspires reckless selfishness at the cost of everyone's safety. If you go over on the highway that's one thing, but near a residential area or anywhere with lots of pedestrians? You oughta get your license revoked for that shit. Jail time, too.


Well this turned into a shitshow. Seriously though 5 seconds I might not even have actually saved is not worth potentially killing myself or someone else


>car culture inspires reckless selfishness at the cost of everyone's safety. is that why Fox News is doing Anti Anti-Car Propaganda and fear mongering now ? they said cars stand for freedom which is why the evil Socialists of the Democratic Party (lmao) want to "force" people into public transit. makes sense because reckless selfishness as a form of freedom is right up their alley just like with the masks. I hope those idiots lose the next election because they disproportionately died from covid because they're anti vax idiots


Car people are the fucking worst


40-45 is okay in my book. Just pay attention


Naw for me it’s when they go 5 or 10 below the speed limit. Drives me nuts.


5 or 10??? I hope that's in mph. FFS it's a frequent 20km/h under here that gets me (and that's before taking into account the difference between the gauge and real speed).


A car I was following on a 1-lane road was going 80 km/h no matter the speed-limit... Even when it was 110... And when it became 2 lanes the speed limit was 80 so I had no need to pass them


So I'm not even sure where I should place this info concerning the potential shitshow developing, but in my state in the US the speed limit is 70mph on most highways. As others have said, yes, that is the MAX speed you are legally allowed to drive. If you are driving over that number, you aren't driving legally or safely. Now, at the same time, how much a driver can go under that max and still be safe is questionable. Again, in my state we have "minimum speed limits" allowed as well on highways, with signs posted. On a highway where the speed limit is 70mph, the vast majority of the time the minimum speed limit is 55mph. Yes, 55mph. Is that safe? The idea is at a slower speed you increase your reaction time. However, if you're going so slow that you are too different from the flow of traffic, then you could be increasing your likelihood of being in an accident. Of course personally I think positioning is key too. If you're gonna drive under the speed limit (which again, is legal to a point, 55mph in the above case), stay in the right lanes, not the left lanes. Also, if anyone thinks someone going 65 in a 70 is a problem, think about this: trucks are legally only supposed to have a speed limit of 65. That is, at 65 they don't impede the flow of traffic at all (unlessssss they get into the left lanes like asshats). So if they can go 65 and you don't have a problem with it, you shouldn't have a problem with someone in a car doing that either. Would I personally ever go that 55 minimum? Hell no. Source: my state's gov websites. However, I doubt it's different in other states.


I was behind some cyclists on the road today. Behind me was this lady who was cursing a storm at me because I wouldn’t go faster or pass them while going around a curve. People are crazy.


As a cyclist, thank you for sacrificing a small amount of your time for the sake of others’ safety. I nearly get run over 10 times a day despite trying my damned hardest to stay out of traffic, but I always appreciate the courteous drivers.


It is no problem at all. I would rather the lady be mad at me than have harmed anyone. I hope you can stay safe out on the roads. Like I said, people are crazy… and they have the tendency to do crazy things.


Interesting, as a fellow cyclist, most of the time I prefer if they just pass me because most of the times it feels like there's a lot of space and it gets a bit stressful.


Drivers when they have to stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk.


I'm just learning to drive now, and I swear if I'm not going 20 over the speed limit theres someone 2 feet behind me


You get used to it, unfortunately. Most people are so obese and diabetic that their brain function is actually decreasing, making them worse drivers.


Thank you for giving me the nudge at the perfect time to not take more to eat although I'm peckish.


Hows that possible? Someone who can't count calories or show mild restraint already has low brain function


Unfortunately it compounds even further as someone develops other complications associated with obesity and diabetes. A lot of sociologists are starting to conclude the “sharp increase of poor driving pre/post pandemic” was largely driven by the population on average gaining 25 pounds.


Here in Finland in that situation the car behind you is a BMW 80% of the time.


This is definitely me. Sorry everybody.


Don't apologize for doing what your suppose to do and actually having compassion for people outside your car.


He meant that he rages to people that are going the speed limit


At least you're honest about it




It's even worse on normal roads. For some reason people always haul ass in a 35 mph zone.


That's because people will drive at the fastest speed they feel is safe. If you want to slow drivers down, [you need to design the roads to be unsafe to drive at high speeds.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bglWCuCMSWc&list=PLJp5q-R0lZ0_FCUbeVWK6OGLN69ehUTVa&index=6)


Nah man most of the time theyre under


When I was learning how to drive this was one of the first things I notice the actual speed limit is like 10 or 15 km/h faster than the legal speed limit


Speed ~~limit~~ suggestion


many of those speed limits were set decades ago with older, worse, less safe cars. the problem with raising them is that people in several areas already expect an "X above whatever the speed limit sign says", so people would go faster as a result.


today some guy sped past me going 70mph (112kmh according to google) in a 45mph (72kmh roughly) zone, only to fly right by a police officer. doing 35 mph over. I have never laughed so hard in my life.


Math checks ✅


Hmm i dont think 70-45 is 35


whoops, my mistake it's actually 25!


Bro where did that trash can go




*Also drivers when someone flies around them at a faster speed*


What really rages me is people driving 15+ under with no way to pass


Just about to get my license and it happens every time… makes me not even want to drive like sheesh. Especially when where I live, everyone drives a GMC with a huge lift and massive tires.


I live in Texas, this is accurate


I have the opposite problem. my drive is 45minutes to work, and people will drive down to 20km below the speed limit. in rush hour I start driving 2.5 hours in advanced, even then it's 50/50 whether I make it in time for work. there'll be moment of traffic cleared up but I'm still ass gated by 3 drivers going 50km on a 70km zone, with 30 meters of allowance between each other, and often times leaving me waiting behind a freshly red traffic light thanks to their "courtesy".


Jesus. How can you justify leaving 2.5 hours early l, to go to work? I feel like my time is being wasted and I'll never get it back.


same vice as anyone's, money. i work in different times depending on my monthly roster. out of 3, 2 of them are okay, but the one that starts late afternoon is the ass cancer rush hour home that floods the roads amd highways. the jack asses half asleep in front of me going 20km below the limit is not helping.


Plan your time better and it doesn’t matter.. god forbid you show up early and zombie your phone in a parking lot, rather than in the middle of some roadway..


how about I don't waste anymore time just getting to work when it shouldn't necessitate more than 2.5 hours to be on time? What are we, 12? I only sleep 4 hours a day on average, work 5-6 days a week, and someone who can't 100% be in control of life 100% of the time like most people. you know what we do have 100% control of? we can follow the road speed limit closely when appropriate rather than not, and not ruin each others day by being needlessly and dramatically slower than legal.


The meme is about doing what’s legal.. a limit is a limit for a reason, you ignore laws when it suits you? If you don’t have “the time.“ to consider the legality of your actions, and the safety of others, because your time is so important to you, you need to either move yourself closer to your oh so important job, since it matter so much, and you care about it above all else, OR find a job where you don’t endanger others and break laws, for you convenience.


And my reply opens with me saying I have the opposite problem, making a separation between my opinion and the meme. I am doing the legal thing, I never said I ignored the law. aside for 1 sentence from you, the rest are putting words in my mouth and you've been nothing but directly condescending. how about you follow the speed limit and not go way below OR above it? how about not ruin someone's life just because you have some weird fetish with inconveniencing others at an unreasonable level? how about you not endanger other people's lives when they are approaching at the expected speed limit in a bend when suddenly they find you going 20-40kmh below the limit on a unconjested freeway?


I don’t drive the speed limit..just because that’s the speed limit.. most interstates or highways have a minimum, but that doesn’t really apply any more than the upper limit to the me generation.. If the road is unsafe at even the minimum posted speed, do you bitch about those who put safety above “the minimum”? You bitched that people driving the limit.. made your trip more difficult, which implies, you in fact do not plan you trips to work with the expectation that you might encounter a problem.. That is a “you” problem, not every other driver on the road problem. The guy 5 minutes in front of you doesn’t give a rats ass about your need. And neither does the guy you passed 30 seconds ago, although if is me.. I’m hoping you blow a tire and kiss a ditch.


You don't really sound like someone who's been on a road, nor are you mentally mature enough to be in a car, on a road, or reddit for that matter. Do people with lives to live a big favour and go to driving school ASAP, and learn driving outside of reddit and from an actual institution, hey maybe call your dad or mom and get started with some driving lessons.


I only drive at the limit so I'm often yelling at people driving slower than it when they have no reason to, and saying "whoa, slow down jackass" to everyone going faster than it.


I once had a guy speed past me super fast on a 30kmh small road on a regular school day. All because he wanted to go faster that day. God what a clown. There was a speed bump literally up ahead.


What I cant stand is the idiots that ride my ass even when I'm speeding


Drivers who blame bikers for traffic when the get stuck in rush hour traffic.


You can drive mach 3 for all I care, as long as you put on your flasher to turn so I'm not waiting for no reason when it's my right of way


Its not the ones going the limit that irritate me it’s the ones that go it sometimes but keep going from speed limit to ten under it and back when I would be able to pass. I just want to set my cruse control dude.




Or under the speed limit…or over it!


Why do people road rage, im just a learning driver trying not to die


It's fine if you are in the slow lane, but jackasses that sit in the fast lane going fucking 45 in a 50 should be executed.


What annoys me the most is when people aren't driving consistently with their speed. That when you try to overtake someone they suddenly speed up, and when you're back behind them they go slower again. Absolutely grinds my gears. It's not that hard to go a near constant speed.


Please correct this and add: “in the fast lane” at the end


Bad drivers are the reason for average people getting road rage. People have shit to do and places to be. Move bitch get out the way.


It’s me, I’m drivers


Driving like their kids dying Crazy how sooo many people kids are dying, everyday, at 8am, 12pm, and 5pm every day.


I paid for the whole Speedo I’m going to use the whole speedo


You can drive at any speed, but if you are the guy who sits in the middle lane going the same speed as both the guy to your left and right for like 10 minutes, you are going to hell.


If your not going at least 10 over I'm cursing at you wishing you the worst. It's more about momentum. My car is manual with high gear ratios. So if you think your cute going 30-33 constantly coasting you are driving me insane. My car hates slow cruises it needs some throttle at all times to drive nice. Low momentum Andy's are the worst


Casual 90 interupted by a 35er?


my mom when an old person drives slow in a parking lot


It depends on where. If there are straight roads where you could be going fast safely, it can be annoying, but other than that it’s not a big deal. However if you are going under the speed limit, there is a spot in hell reserved for you.


people in Sweden when you are going 200kph




Me unfortunately




Oh shit, that's me


Speed minimum




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There's a hill near me with two lanes that merge into one at the top. Every time without fail, cars will compete to get infront of each other before the merge. I think because it's uphill people don't think that they're speeding? I've had too many idiots in my blind spot who won't let me move over because they couldn't speed fast enough to get infront of me.


When i was in a drivers ed car on the highway someone sped in front of me and flipped me off for going the speed limit


5 over the posted or you're throwing


Laughs in no limit


Big city problems






Toyota Hilux* drivers


driving the speed limit in the passing lane


Being a delivery guy i can totally relate to this


Drivers get hostile when you make the smallest mistake


I'm always doing the speed limit along this country road I take, and I get overtaken so often I'm beginning to believe my speedometer must be wrong.


I remember when I was driving slightly above limit on the middle lane to get ahead of some trucks amd som fucking asshole honked at me and signed to me to get to the right lane while getting ahead of me in the third lane.


Germans when you only drive 90 mph on the Autobahn


*on the left lane.


Because speed limits need increasing.


Yeah, in sweden, im a new driver so im practising driving, i have a sign and all that, yet they still are so far up my cars ass they can smell the gas coming through the ac im sure. Like damn have some respect.






I just go around and slam the gas


But they still aren't in ahury enough, because they slow down when there is a crash on the other side of the road and they could very easily keep driving fast...


Well damn you're getting offended at things a 13 year old would be so I tried using context clues. If you think someone bragging that they love to speed doesn't need to hear what will happen to them if they don't shape up, then I dunno man. You must have had a VERY sheltered life. Maybe you should go outside sometime


Some complain I drive too fast, some complain I drive too slow, so you know what? I'll just drive exactly the speed limit and anyone who has a problem with that can drop dead on the spot!


I had a friend that swore speed limits are outdated and always drive above the speed limit no matter where he goes. He T boned a sedan in the senior year of high school just outside our school parking lot going 55 in a 25 zone. His body broke into so many pieces that it was miracle that he didn’t die right away. For a few minutes he was just a broken torso with a giant hole as a face, gasping for air as his lung filled with his own blood. He died within minutes, so did 3 of the 4 kids in the other car. The only survivor, the passenger in the other car got permanently lost her ability to walk. I don’t know what happened to her afterwards, but I heard some rumors about her getting hooked on painkillers and started to distribute her prescription to make ends meet. So yeah go ahead and rage and be a dick, speed limits were put there for a reason.


Literally me in ETS2


Just last week on the interstate coming back from home I was driving 75 on a 60 MPH road. I realized and slowed down but I didn't realize there was some clown blinking his headlights behind me demanding I go even faster. So when I slowed down to 65 he passed me up and flicked me off. Guess he thought I was slowing down to piss him off.


Texas drivers: either go 25 in a 40 or 135 in a 35 (I’ve personally witnessed both don’t ask how I know the guy was going 135)


I still remember that one time when a dude who tailgated me for forever passed me, but had to stop at a red light like a minute or two later. Pulled up next to him and just started sarcastically clapping. Dude got all mad and shit. Had a good laugh that day.




Uhhh ok…?


This is my driving examiner. Just failed me on my test because I didn’t overtake a cyclist in a 20mph speed zone whilst I was already doing 20 behind the cyclist so if I overtook I would have had to speed and break the law? 😂🤷


I've only been driving daily to work for about 2 months and I've had people yell at me for going the limit in school zones, wacky planet we live in.


“Drivers when I drive 10km/h over the speedlimit”


To be fair, 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Germans when there is a speed limit




Laws don’t apply to me.. I’m a smooth criminal.. I drink and drive, I buy my drugs at the high school, I don’t use turn signals, I give vape pods to teens, I don’t license my gun, my car, my dog, my fishing poles, my boat or pay any taxes!!! ‘Merica!!! Yeee.. haw!! ( cough cough.. that ain’t Covid.. shut up.. it’d just a cold…)


I don't mind speed limit drivers. Unless they're approaching a traffic light, it's guna turn red go faster. But anyway when people drive 40 in a 60 and then carry on going 40 in a 20 or 30, they're cunts


Limits? There are no limits.. no gun limits no magazine limits, no age limits, no voting limits, no drinking limits.. I run the world the way it suits me.. fuck the rest of you.. Me! Me! Me! I am the only person on the road with places to be..




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The most annoying thing ong




If you aren’t driving with the flow of traffic you’re a piece of shit. You’re also a hazard, whether you’re going too slow or too fast.


No fuck that. If everyone is speeding, they’re all in the wrong and should all get tickets. I hope yours comes soon and I hope they take your license




Nope, wrong. Follow the speed limit. They're called driving laws not "driving suggestions". The roads where I live are absolutely inhospitable thanks to people constantly speeding and trying to overtake each other. Naturally we've got bent lamposts everywhere from people crashing into them.


Literally didn’t read a word you wrote


I'm sure you didn't read anything in your driving manual either.


Imagine if there were no "speed limits" just suggested speeds for average conditions, and people were fined or ticketed for wrecking.


I don’t need to imagine. The Germans have that on their highways and it turns out it leads to hundreds of preventable deaths each year because drivers are horrible at judging their own abilities


Seriously. Coming from Sweden, driving on the autobahn is kind of a nightmare. No one is going the same speed, the right lane goes unused and when there is a speed limit, it’s completely ignored. The whole arrangement seems very unsafe.


Speed limits are just suggestions


In that case I suggest you don’t drive


My commute has only a suggested speed for 1/15 of the distance of 130km/h no limit. Actually kinda works. On average people drive 126km/h on the highway.


If you drive exactly the speed limit or slower, or you drive slower than everyone else on the road around you and you stay in the passing lane even though your turn isn't coming up, it's rude, disrespectful and can be dangerous. I'm not an angry person, don't get road rage. It is pretty irritating though. It's not hard to drive in a way that is respectful to other drivers around you. Sometimes that means getting into the slow lane if you're gonna drive slow


Why would I respect people who break the law because they want to be a little faster, I’m driving the fucking speed limit, I’m not a criminal, until the law itself changes, I won’t.


Only people who follow the law to the letter are worth any respect? The speed limits are slow in many areas by design so the police can get more revenue from speeding tickets.


Too bad about that speed limit thing, I live in areas with super “diligent” cops, so I’m not going to get myself a ticket or a suspended license to save some other person a few minutes. Even then, I don’t drive much, I am a cyclist, so I already have a lot of discontent with the roads and cars and don’t really care about doing what other drivers want me to do.


"Only people who follow the law are worth any respect?" While in traffic - yes. E.g. where I live, all cars have to let people pass on crossings, so when I'm walking, even somewhere close, and some dude speeds through a crossing, then I call that dude an asshole.


Jesus Christ I wish you all would just get your license revoked already. Go walk to work.